Recent content by pickleman

  1. pickleman

    There are no basements where I am and the poles are dead. Try again

    There are no basements where I am and the poles are dead. Try again
  2. pickleman

    Lets have an honest civil disscution.

    The heirarchy of western society is highly segregated and unequal in distrubution. The "people" who /really/ run things are the ones are that are able to influence a large group of people and once observed in totality represents a decentralized control structure. There are two main types...
  3. pickleman

    Why is Microsoft trying to shoehorn us into Windows 11?

    I am dissapointed about your off topic comment. :c How do you not see that your comment is a shit post. Not even addressing the topic, just talking about me. If you only cared about me, why comment where the topic is about microsoft and windows 11? You seem to only care about defending...
  4. pickleman

    Why is Microsoft trying to shoehorn us into Windows 11?

    The topic was why is that microsoft is trying to shoehorn windows 11. My answer is because microsoft is a beurocratic managerial international "communist party" member. They force crapware onto you because you quite literally do not have the choice by virtue of being a worker, also by virtue...
  5. pickleman

    Why is Microsoft trying to shoehorn us into Windows 11?

    Another ad hominem. When a communist is triggered their typical goto is ad hominem. I think I was quite successful in this thread for revealing who is a communist on this board. Merely find who is gaslighting, and moralizing based on supposed intellectual capacity. The communist has a false...
  6. pickleman

    Why is Microsoft trying to shoehorn us into Windows 11?

    Man you sound like Thomas Hobbes trying to declare what the perfect commie state should look like lmao. You're just spewing Communist mumbo jumbo trying to enforce their will of what communism should be. A large totalitarianism government by definition would control the capital of society...
  7. pickleman

    Why is Microsoft trying to shoehorn us into Windows 11?

    If you can only rent and never own you're in a communist system not a capitalist one. This is literally how it works in communist countries. Just because this is achieved because the government captured the markets for its oligarchical party members doesn't change the effective reality. What...
  8. pickleman

    Why is Microsoft trying to shoehorn us into Windows 11?

    WEAK. FYI Proton can play most windows games on linux.
  9. pickleman

    VR hellscape

    I think the handheld touch screen, and the mouse+keyboard has been the most optimal interface man has been able to cyborg with. The coupling with mouse keyboard monitor is pretty good, and the handheld touch screen is slightly worse but with the advantage of being able to take anywhere and use...
  10. pickleman

    Why is Microsoft trying to shoehorn us into Windows 11?

    >no state >no class >no hierarchy This doesn't exist, and is completely a religious fiction; but that doesn't stop the fact that some make the attempts to approach this fiction. However I would like you to consider that this definition indeed contains elements of anarchist capitalism. In fact...
  11. pickleman

    Why is Microsoft trying to shoehorn us into Windows 11?

    The closer you get to the truth the larger the attempts are made to gaslight you. its all semantics. What you are observing is the means without observing the ends. The ends is that you own nothing. It is just you and the state which you work for and provide rents (taxes) to. The only things...
  12. pickleman

    Why is Microsoft trying to shoehorn us into Windows 11?

    If you find yourself owning less and less you're in a communist system not a capitalist one. Megacorporations couldnt exist without the state and public money. By virtue of working in the USA you probably own microsoft shares somewhere down the line via retirement funds wither you want them or...
  13. pickleman

    Why is Microsoft trying to shoehorn us into Windows 11?

    A lot of these companies are basically whales in the ocean. The people working them work only on small components on any of the small selection of products. They get high salaries as well. The high level VPs are big chilling, and I highly doubt they actually care about their users. Ultimately...
  14. pickleman

    Silver Linings in America's Institutional Collapse

    I disagree, Canadians have Stockholm syndrome. They are a conquered people.