Recent content by Tevada

  1. Tevada

    Agora Road Writing general

    You simply write until you're pleased with what you put out. As unrecognized authors, we have the advantage of being able to keep our productions in "it's just a draft" Hell. Authors, especially those of serial series don't have this same blessing, and because of it their work tends to degrade...
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  3. Tevada

    Agora Road Writing general

    I keep much of my writing on my personal website, "The Lesser Word: A Shelf of Sanity Restoring Works." You can find some cozy short stories, worrisome essays, and Biblical poetry centered around lament there. Still, for this thread I'll offer an excerpt from a draft a collection of verse I'm...
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  5. Tevada

    Best Bible?

    Probably King James Bible, with deuterocanonicals or what Protestants call "Apocrypha." This kind of Bible's difficult to find in your average bookstore though, so I'll say for your specifications an NIV Catholic Bible. It's readable, and relatively in line with what you would find in KJV. Yeah...
  6. Tevada

    Bible/Theology Club Suggestion and Meta.

    Well if you lot want a book rec, St. Teresa of Avila's autobiography is pretty good. In chapter 11, she makes recommendations on how to pray, and how to avoid the devil's temptations.
  7. Tevada

    Share your OC poetry

    In respect to WW1 and WW2, there was a great deal of government commissioned poetry like "Storm of the..." I forget it's name, something to do with a Light Brigade. Then there are the Volsung Sagas for Germany, the Arthurian Romances for Britain, and Metamorphosis for Rome. It's just that, more...
  8. Tevada

    Share your OC poetry

    No problem. I can still link it for anyone else that's interested -- It's impressive, but honestly, A.I. produced songs get boring after a while. Most I can say about this is that Wall-E just decided to wake up one day and kill the entire modern-day Pop genre. Either way...
  9. Tevada

    Share your OC poetry

    Cool thread! Guess I'll share one I recently wrote. Ekeldema 32 - A Song of Lament Oh God, if I be your enemy, Could you still love me? Oh God, if your Word be true, Could you still love me too? Even if I'm no friend of yours Could you still help me Lord? Doesn't your sun shine On both evil...
  10. Tevada

    I don't believe in mental health

    Yeah, mental health is kind of a racket nowadays. Granted, psychiatry has always been around in some form or another, but the way it's presented today in popular culture has had some far-reaching effects. I'll preface by saying that doctors probably don't prescribe their solutions out of any...
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