
These articles are either written by the Travelers of Agora Road or written from others across the web. Concerning conspiracies, philosophy, & the paranormal.
So, long story short, one of me mates wanted my opinion on this particular video (I do not think it is anyhow necessary to watch it, but it provides context): View: My answer resulted in the biggest write-up about Ancient Egypt I've done so far, and I think it is good enough to save it from being left to rot on Discord and post it at least somewhere else. @dorgon encouraged me to copy it all here, so he gets the ping. ___________________________________________________________________ Me: Took me a while longer than I've hoped it will, but, well, I've watched it... What can I say... First of all, Jan Assman is a cool dude, but I ultimately disagree with a number of his propositions. As for the guy who made the video - I think he is fair, but at the same time he definitely sees what he wants to see and he made at least one serious mistake that I've noticed. Still, he is right when he says he is convincing. I doubt I will have the words to counter him, because I was never one with a tongue or patience to explain things. But, I guess, it still would be good if I'll provide my notes on it... So, starting with the serious mistake I've mentioned, it is on 15:50 where he says that Amun-Re is escalated to something that has never been seen before - and this is just not true. Which ties us to the creation myth he mentioned in his video. Thing is, the creation myth of Atum is but one of creation myths of Egypt. And it is the earliest one known to us. And, therefore, I think it is safe to say that it is quite a primitive, tribalistic approach to the creation of the world. I cannot deny it remained popular in certain texts, especially in magical ones, but egyptians - in general - were quite respectful to their predcessors and enjoyed reciting old texts in one form or another. Plus, I'm not sure if it really a good argument to include clearly magical texts into religious talks... Friend: I don't think the ancient had a distinction between magic and religion, at least not until the rise of Christianity Me: It is a very dubious notion. I mean, no one will ever be able to give you a direct answer. At least when it comes to Ancient Egypt. I would argue against that, because there's a distinctly different form applied to magical texts and to proper religious rituals. Magical texts in general are quite keen on taking a turn for the weird. Friend: Interesting What's the key distinction in your opinion? Me: You see, I have this book here. James H. Breasted - Development Of Religion And Thought In Ancient Egypt. I've got several passages from it, but allow me to return to them a bit later. First things first, allow me to conclude my thoughts about the video. Anyway, thing is, arguably the most popular and way more "learned" creation myth that was also very widespread through the Egypt until the New Kingdom came from Memphis theology, and it was the creation of the world by Ptah. Unlike the creation by Atum, which comes from pre-dynastic period, creation of the world by Ptah has been written during very first dynasty, and it clearly shows the progress in the Egyptian worldview, as it changes from ejaculating other things into existance towards the more... enlightened practices. I can send you the myth itself, if you are interested, but here's the prelude to it. When the First Dynasty established its capital at Memphis, it was necessary to justify the sudden emergence of this town to central importance. The Memphite god Ptah was therefore proclaimed to have been the First Principle, taking precedence over other recognized creator-gods. Mythological arguments were presented that the city of Memphis was the "place where the Two Lands are united" and that the Temple of Ptah was the "balance in which Upper and Lower Egypt have been weighed." The extracts presented here are particularly interesting, because creation is treated in an intellectual sense, whereas other creation stories (like pp. 3-4 above [Atum]) are given in purely physical terms. Here the god Ptah conceives the elements of the universe with his mind ("heart") and brings them into being by his commanding speech ("tongue"). Thus, at the beginning of Egyptian history, there was an approach to the Logos Doctrine. Therefore, what he claims as never had been before New Kingdom, actually has been conceived as early as Old Kingdom of Egypt. Another point he mentions is how "Shu becomes Osiris", and therefore they should be one and the same, which is very wrong from egyptian point of view. Especially in case of Osiris, since - and it is one of my favorite theological points - in many texts of Ancient Egypt it is repeated that in death every man becomes Osiris. I doubt you can stretch that to the point that every man is literally God. I mean, it is definitely possible, but it doesn't sound viable. Now, I'm glad he mentioned the Instruction of Merikare, because those passages where Gods are refered to as a singular God are nothing special in polytheistic religions. Allow me to quote myself from one of my recent forum posts... This is the point which I've picked up from the work named Stephen O. Smoot - Ancient Egyptian "Monotheism" A Comparative Analysis, and you can read it whole for a more detailed and nuanced point. Finally, we can move on to the New Kingdom, which I, in general, dislike. The man in the video says that New Kingdom provided volumes of "religious and intellectual developence" - well, in my opinion, the pinnacle of all that was the Middle Kingdom, while New Kingdom was largerly the decadence and the last breaths of Ancient Egypt. And while it is undeniable that a lot of... personal piety came to us in New Kingdom - especially after the heresy of Akhenaten - there are few points which you have to keep in mind. First: New Kingdom simply wins this one because it is, well, New. A lot of texts that survived to our days come from New Kingdom just because it is closer to us on a timeline. We have significantly less prayers from Middle Kingdom and pretty much none from the Old Kingdom. And second, here's another quote I want to present: Černý noted that while depictions of the gods do not appear on personal monuments of the Old and Middle Kingdoms, divine names do occur in the inscriptions. Černý theorized that the absence of depictions of deities on individuals' monuments resulted from the official view that only the king, himself a deity, could appear with the gods. It was only in the Second Intermediate period that depictions of gods began to appear on private monuments ― due to the absolute equality for all in the religion which was achieved by the time of the XIIth Dynasty... Like Erman, Černý saw the reign of Akhenaten as the impetus that allowed freer expression in texts permitting Egyptians to express their emotional feelings and attitudes about the gods. In his discussion of the Deir el Medina stelae, published by Erman, Černý stressed the humility of the worshipper whose appeal for mercy is recorded on the stelae, as well as the confessional nature of the texts, contrasting it with the self assured tone and the assumption of infallibility pervading all the earlier religious literature. He contended, however, that these Deir el Medina texts are actually only a continuation of similar sentiments towards the gods expressed by the theophorous names of earlier periods that, in the New Kingdom, are openly expressed. Plus a lot of texts mentioned in the video are actually from the very early dynasties of the New Kingdom. So if anything, even if I cannot really prove it, I think that personal piety comes to prominence during Middle Kingdom. And it is kind of important in context, because during Middle Kingdom Egypt was, without a doubt, polytheistic. The video also seems to emphasize the significance of Amun-Re, when it is simply not quite true as well, because personal prayers could have been extended to any God. We do know, for example, of prayers dedicated to Thoth, and to a very local, pretty much unknown outside of the prayer, Goddess named "Meres-ger, Lady of Heaven, Mistress of the Two Lands, whose good name is Peak of the West." And if we are to take magical texts into account, there are also quite heartful lines here and there, like "O thou in whose hand is the moment that belongeth to these hours bring in the light to me! Anubis, the good oxherd, bring in the light to me, for thoushalt give protection to me here today." Which brings us to the point of magic... So, key distinction lies in the fact that magical texts are really weird, as I've already mentioned. You probably just don't realise how weird they are, but with some experience you will pretty much never confuse a magic text with a religious one. Allow me to quote a friend of mine... Hm, interesting. I must admit, I know little about both the PT (Pyramid Texts) and the Book of the Dead... I keep shying away from it because the PT are often kind a weird. May you bespit the face of Horus and remove his injury! May you catch the testicles of Seth and remove his mutilation! That one is born for you, this one is conceived for you. - What on earth? This is the kind of stuff you will never meet in more religious texts. And if you want more about this question, well, we have to start from the fact that I, in general think that Middle Kingdom is the peak of Ancient Egyptian culture. While it is decadence in the New Kingdom - during the Old Kingdom there's indeed little distinction between magic and religion. There are also very... lowly concepts still prevalent during the Old Kingdom. Such as the concept of the afterlife reserved only for pharaohs or for pharaohs and nobles, you know... But as Old Kingdom endured from 3000 BC to 2000 BC, it progressed a lot duting the thousand of years. And so by the Middle Kingdom we can see an entirely different, very enlightened society, with high moral values. Well, on paper, at least. Of course. Here's the quote which I've picked up: That which saves the Book of the Dead itself from being exclusively a magical vade mecum for use in the hereafter is its elaboration of the ancient idea of the moral judgment, and its evident appreciation of the burden of conscience. The relation with God had become something more than merely the faithful observance of external rites. It had become to some extent a matter of the heart and of character. Already in the Middle Kingdom the wise man had discerned the responsibility of the inner man, of the heart or understanding. The man of ripe and morally sane understanding is his ideal, and his counsel is to be followed. "A hearkener (to good counsel) is one whom the god loves. Who hearkens not is one whom the god hates. It is the heart (understanding) which makes its possessor a hearkener or one not hearkening. The life, prosperity, and health of a man is in his heart. You see, during the Old Kingdom it seems the notion of Gods being equal to men - or at least top pharaohs and nobles - is quite widespread. The texts from those times often... pose an idea that Gods could be cheated, that men can use magic and whatever to appear innocent before judgement and make their way into the afterlife even if they were not quite as pious during their life. The funerary texts often portray egyptian simply declaring their innocence, as if declaration itself, spoken in a proper way, will erase all sins. And it is really funny when you look at it like that; one can only wonder what happened to make it all change so radically - but by the time of a Middle Kingdom there's definitely a solid expression that all living beings have a soul which will enter the afterlife if they are worthy, and that Gods are infallible, magic will not save your soul. It is still welcome, and it still mentioned often, but I think it ties to the fact that I've mentioned in the very start: egyptians liked old texts and respected the wisdoms of their predcessors. Their art was very traditionalistic, conservative. So it is kind of understandable that all the magic of the Old Kingdom is still in the funeral texts, despite the general notion that it won't help you ultimately. It is kind of like the... scenarious of the reliefs, which are the same in the Old Kingdom and the Middle Kingdom. Or the general planning of a temple: despite all the new arhitectural nuance, the overall... map of the temple remains unchanged for a long time. So kind of similar thing happens to the magical texts: they are still there, but the notion have changed, and when you read these texts, it is... quite visible. Therefore I would argue that during Middle Kingdom there was a visible distinction between magical and religious texts. Whether egyptians themselves saw and recognized it is a whole other point, but it is there. That book I've mentioned - Development Of Religion And Thought In Ancient Egypt - is very interesting, but it is also not a small read. I can send it to you if you are interested. Plus, there is always this fact that definitely should be noted one more time: most texts that survived for us to read are the texts of kings and nobles - few layman egyptians could afford themselves the monuments and secure tombs which lasted to our days. I think it is more than viable to... use your internal gaze to figure out how things could have been. After all, ancient egyptians were pretty much the same human beings we were. And those changes in relgious texts between kingdoms - and changes overall - they did not just happen overnight. Ultimately, even Akhenaten didn't just appear and installed Aten out of sudden. There should be an understanding of background, of certain... social currents which enabled this kind of thing, and said social currents obviously take time to develop. So it is quite... expectable that the texts of nobility that we see today are likely at least somewhat more arrogant than the ways the genral public addressed the Gods during their times. The few texts of the lower classes that we have are proving it. ___________________________________________________________________ I think it turned out rather solid. With the exception of my view that New Kingdom is likely the decadence of Ancient Egypt: this is a very personal point which - I admit - I can hardly support with any facts, really. But whether it is true or not - it doesn't change much. You can be free to ignore that particular notion if you do not agree with me. I also sent everything I've written to another friend of mine who is way more prolific in the area of Ancient Egypt than I am, and he pretty much agreed with what I wrote. Matter of fact, he was even more harsh on the whole notion of monoteism in Ancient Egypt. But I think his opinion is interesting anough to attach it here as kind of final thoughts: I think the very important starting point, one I also believe in, would be this: After all, ancient egyptians were pretty much the same human beings we were. A good place to look would therefore be modern polytheists, or should I say, people who grew up in a polytheist environment I suspect that monotheists are near incapable of understanding non-monotheistic societies or thought There is a certain underlying assumption that there can be only one god (mine) and people desperately search to find him in e.g. the Aten to say: see? They didn't use the right label but at least they had the right idea! I don't think that catches the thoughts in the 2nd millennium BCE at all. That said, there is an interesting question as to a more general concept of god vs the individual divine figures like Maat, PtaH, Amun, Re etc I have noticed the phrase (from NK letters): I am well today, tomorrow is in the hands of the god. This reminds me of the way shangdi 上帝 (heavenly emperor) is used in Chinese This does not negate the existence of the earth god / kitchen god, the reign of the gods in the ocean and all the other divine figures in the Chinese pantheon. And yet it seems the most relevant for your day-to-day life or fate. I think it would be interesting to look at how Chinese who still follow polytheism (South East Asia) and Hindus conceptualize divinity. I think it will be hard from a monotheist perspective ... Talked this over with my wife who grew up in a synchretist Chinese environment (e.g. for a funeral you would have four different types of monks show up, covering the different bases). Here's a quick summary of our discussion: Divinity is at the start, as a fundamental need of humans, something to lean on for protection, something to be in awe of. This takes different channels, which are situationally dependent. Not unlike in catholic Christianity, where you have not just Jesus and Mother Mary, but also the apostles, saints and archangels with their very specific functions. A devout catholic will know that for this ailment you turn to this saint, and for that protection to another. Not unlike a Hindu reaching out to Ganesh for success in their studies. For the believer, these entities are real, but they are also just channels of the same divinity. You could liken it to the State, which - depending on your worldview - may be there to protect you or out to get you. Said state has a myriad of different officials and entities you can turn to, but they are all part of the State. Just how much particular Gods in polytheistic religions could be viewed as an extension of one Divinity is an interesting topic which could use a write up of its own. Same applies to parallels between polytheism and different saints, which is yet another very interesting topic - matter of fact, some of the saints are very likely Gods of ancient cultures, which managed to survive into christianity as saints rather than as full-fledged Gods. But for now, I think this is more than enough. Maybe we'll get to the other points later.
Foreword The aim of this post is to open the discussion regarding the idea of canon in fictional works, specifically around the idea of lore, and the case for coda as an alternative. This is not a discussion of Elder Scrolls lore, nor an analysis of Michael Kirkbride's work in relation to it. There's plenty of that already. Having taken that into consideration, let's begin. On The Origins Of The Word Canon Canon is a word which originates from Ancient Greek. It denotes an element of measurement used by craftsmen and architects; what we would call a ruler. That is to say, a canon is something we compare our works to, use them as a model to inform our own constructions. This word was then applied by the church to designate the laws promulgated by a synod or a ecumenical council. It serves the pious Christian as a tool through which he can better live according to the Holy Church. But the notion that the word canon defines a concise, or not so concise, collection of literary works wasn't developed until surprisingly recent times. The first usage of canon as a term more akin to what it's called canon in today's colloquial speech when referring to literature was only developed in the 18th Century. Then canon meant merely a collection of works deemed of great importance to a particular field, genre or time period. Hence works like Homer's Iliad and Odyssey or Virgil's Aeneid are at the core of the Classical canon. Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Tiziano, or Donatello are canonical figures of the Italian Renaissance. Going back to Christianity another example is the Biblical Canon which helps Christians discern what works are directly inspired by God and which ones are apocryphal. Canon In Relation To Modern Fiction The word canon seems to be one that we take for granted when it comes to more complex works of fiction that combine everything from fictional histories, customs, cultures, languages, religions, myths, philosophies, stories, etc. in other words, worldbuilding lore. Be it the origin of Ben Kenobi's accent, the Hobbit custom of smoking pipeweed, the weight of a geodude, or the exact date of Skyrim's Civil War. Everything is contained inside the convenient label of Canon; a word that helps us establish what actually happened from what did not. A convenient tool that helps us catalogue everything in big encyclopedias and historias, sometimes officially made and other times, perhaps more commonly, made by fans. In this light everyone can appreciate the simplicity and ease of discernment canon brings to analysing works of fiction. Something is either canon or not, and if you are a nerd who memorises every single fact included in these encyclopedias one might reach a perfect understanding of the work of art they dedicate their life to (and the added benefit of being able to put down everyone having a discussion just by citing the exact paragraph, minute, or place a fact is presented, as if encyclopaedic knowledge equated intelligence). The Master Of The Canon There's a very important part of canon that we haven't stopped to think about, what decides what is official canon, and what is just meaningless fanfiction? Is it the original author of the work? Is it the most talented writer of the spin-offs? Is it the popular acclaim? No. The canon is decided by a single fact, the one who has legal ownership of the intellectual property controls the canon. Indeed, the ones deciding the official reality of these works of fiction are no one else but the IP holders. It's not your skill, not the fact that the work was originally your idea, not the fact that your story is popular, it's the mere fact you can freely profit from the work of fiction, and no other merit beyond that will ever change your status from unofficial and the tag of fanfiction, a label deeply associated with your work being minor at best and a mockery most commonly so. He Who Controls The Canon Controls The Dream So what's the issue of canon being controlled by the ones who can profit from the work, as opposed to the drivel who has no right to do so whatsoever? It is THEIR work after all, you are just some random guy who is trying to enter into THEIR work and trash it by claiming your work is even equal to theirs. If you want your stories to be taken seriously maybe you should just write your own world instead of being a parasite in the hard-earned success of others. Let's take a step back for a second and appreciate the landscape of modern storytelling. The collective unconscious through which archetypes and tales to which we compare of our understanding of the world are filtered. We will find a world filled with Marvel's superheroes, lightsabre wielding Jedi, boys who lived and those who shall not be named, wise wizards and homely hobbits. It doesn't come to surprise when we see comparison of current events to one of these fictional works. When we make an edit of Star War's Imperial March playing over soldiers or antiriot police to show to others what we think about these institutions, and what our positioning is, or haven't we all seen edits of politicians and real-life organisations being conflated with characters from a superhero movie or a Harry Potter book? Either to praise or to criticise? Regardless of what we actually think about these actions, many of us here will probably cringe at the idea of adults engaging like that with the world, the truth is that these stories have entered the collective unconscious of our societies in way that is difficult to deny. Everyone roughly understands the archetypes and the characters being discussed, even if you haven't read or watched that media, merely because they became so overly present. What we call pop media. Even if you do not partake in these stories, they ultimately have a large effect on our society. And thus the question of who controls canon, meaning who decides what is true or false in the collective stories we tell to each other, becomes extremely important. Whoever and whatever you think the one controlling it is. The bourgeoisie clinging to the neoliberal status quo at the expense of the workers? The new left pushing agendas to erode western civilization inside out? The rootless Jews scheming to make the nations of the world kneel to international capital? A Cabal of neognostic Silicon Valley transhumanists wanting to become a materialist mockery of God? The author of this post subscribes to the idea of it being simply driven by profit making endeavours, product placement and lowering the bar to reach the lowest common denominator. Either way this is beyond the scope of this post, there's plenty of threads discussing that already, the point is if you care at all about who controls the art we enjoy the issue of canon is something that is in the best of your interests to pay attention to. I'm talking to you who saw all of the universe you grew up enjoying being unceremoniously disposed of. Who saw NGO and companies' agendas seeping into the narratives you loved. Who had to bear as you saw the writers go off the rails utterly ruining whole storylines. To the ones who are tired of seeing adds in their dreams. When The Heroes Walked The Earth Since time immemorial man has told stories of times when the distinction between animal, man, ancestor and Gods wasn't so clear. Stories of heroes, monsters and everything in between. Stories of stars and kings, the imperishable sky set against the ephemeral rule of man. The anonymous author a façade of the large collective effort and collective ownership of the works. While this is not the place to discuss the true origin of these stories, it is of note that thousands upon thousands of years went by, our ancestors recounting tales innumerable amounts of times, without the need of anything resembling canon. During this time, a time without companies, without copyright, without the modern state, stories flourished unbridled by the yoke of legal ownership. It is this world that Michael Kirkbride's C0DA addresses. On The Word Coda The word coda is of Italian origin, from the Latin cauda, it simply means tail. This word has a specific meaning in musical notation however, where it denotes the ending of a particular piece after the exposition and the recapitulation. A coda is represented by a 0 or an O with a cross on top of it. Michael Kirkbride, whose work as a writer echoes throughout the Elder Scrolls games, particularly Morrowind and the figure of Vivek, took this word to name his own extra-official work in the Elder Scrolls universe, C0DA. The Elder Scrolls had always had a very loose grasp on lore compared to other works where oftentimes what written in paper is taken as word of God and unequivocally true, far from it the series always relied on the unreliable narrator, expecting the player to make his own conclusions and critically analyse all that he is being told. Furthermore, the fans of the series always had a coparticipatory role in the creation of the games, not only in the context of the (in)famous mods, but also in terms of contributing to the lore. Kirkbride's C0DA, set in the far future of the Elder Scrolls universe, serves as a thematic conclusion for the Elder Scrolls as a whole. Hence the word coda. Coda, Adblocking The Dream Kirkbride's C0DA most interesting contribution to fiction is the meta commentary on the state of modern fiction through the lore of the Elder Scrolls. Coda addresses the current state of media and proposes to us a marriage. It doesn't ask us to seek a victor, a definitive series of event that trump over everything else. A coda is a specific interpretation or reinterpretation of a work or a collection of works. But that means that anyone can come up with all sort of nonsense and the stories get a confusing mess! Let's look at Arthurian legend as an example, you have works like The Death of Arthur, and the Once and Future King. Two very different interpretations of the same story and archetypes. One more chivalrous the other more sardonic towards the king. Both are different coda of the Matter of Britain. There's no argument about whether one is canon and the other isn't. Both codas coexist. The existence of different codas doesn't mean that everyone has to accept them equally. Rather the decision of what we accept or not lies in the middle ground between the collective, meaning the generally accepted common ideas of a work, in our example, Arthur draws the sword from the stone, he becomes King of Britain, he lies west in the land of Avalon awaiting his return, these are all commonly held views on Arthur despite there not being any IP holder straightening out the details, and the individual who writes his own personal interpretation of the legends, the Once and Future king for example. You, the reader, doesn't have to accept the Once and Future King as the true tale of King Arthur, I'm more of a fan of the classic The Death of Arthur. Please take a moment to think about the word classic, I don't want to waste your time further but note that critically acclaimed codas that become widely accepted are given the category of classic. Isn't This Just What We Call Headcanon? No, coda is hypercanonical, that is to say as a category it is ontologically prior to canon, it is blind to the legal ownership of the work. Or in simple terms, the coda must exist prior to the work being given the seal of approval by the holder of the intellectual property and becoming canon. Likewise, an extraofficial work, AKA fanfiction, is also a coda. All canons are codas, but not all codas are canon. Thus, by embracing coda, the truth behind canon and fanfiction, as a category when discussing fiction, we achieve the practical liberation of our stories from copyright laws. Afterword This post took me some time to write, had its draft for some months before finishing it. It is far from conclusive but hopefully I managed to convince you just a little bit to start seeking the freedom of our stories. Thank you for reading and thank you for your time.
Warning The following Subject may cause existential dread Abstract: Where do we come from? What is our purpose? What happens after we die? What happens before we are born? Age-old Questions put fourth since the dawn of human civilisation. There are many Theories trying to give an answer, there is of course the Big Bang Theory, Theory of Evolution, Abrahamic Religions, Ancient Religions, Sagas etc. etc. It is not my intent to discuss any of the aforementioned proposals nor to give an opinion. In this Article I collect various Ideas, Real-Life occurences and the inclusion of paranormal activities together which paint a rather astounding and baffling picture. But when you consider all the material available, it makes sense. It answers question, it doesnt negate any established facts, and its truly headspinning. Earth is a soulprison. It is an experience provided to us, but it wasnt always a prison. It used to be an Resort of sorts. Original Humans stem from the Orion and by wish and curiosity agreed to have their souls put here on earth in order to experience life. A different Life for that matter. This has been going on since thousands of years, but the original intention of just serving as some sort of intergalactic game or isekai experience, turned sinister and developed into an actual soul prison. With the participants being forced to reincarnate indefinetly, experiencing many different lives over time, and having many different emotions over time. But mostly to generate negative emotions. The so called "Loosh". If we establish human emotions as something tangible, and being an energy by nature, the current function of this experience is to generate loosh, which is being harvested by a 3rd party. The tale of reincarnation or Samsara can be found in any culture of the world, of course named differently, some details here and there change, but from Abrahamic belief, to buddhism, to Zaroastism, to Sagas told by indigenous tribes of the amazon, they all mention a rebirth. A forceful rebirth. By analysing the religions of humans, taking a closer look at physical properties and by research done into paranormal, namely remote viewing, one can conclude a Hypothesis about human nature which not only satiate believers of any fate, but also satiate people that rather believe in cold hard facts of science. This Hypothesis isnt created by me, I happen to stumble upon many different similar proposals, sources, stories and decided to collect and link them here. Partly for safekeeping, as a sizeable chunk of sources has already vanished (mainly conclusions drawn by others, as well as anecdotes) and for awareness. I will take material written by others as well as add my own material where I see fit, it will be marked with [AN] (Authors Note). I found that a big issue with this hypothesis is, that it is confusing and convoluted and takes some knowledge about theology, different cultures, history as well as familiarity with a lot of "Conspiracy Theories" either fringe or widely known. I will provide sources and links where possible, but dont expect them to be still availabe if you happen to read this article in the future. Introduction: Reincarnation as Concept & The Tunnel of Light [u/EsotericN1nja] [AN] The "Tunnel of Light" is something truly odd. Reported by a large sway of the populace, from all walks of life and from all cultures of life. It has prompted much research into it. [Source] After the body dies, the soul does not have a host anymore and thus cant continue to exist in this experience anymore (without causing issues) so it is immediately called back. Which should happen, however what really happens is both legally speaking not an issue but also sinister. Since it is the Goal for the Harvesters to get as much loosh as possible, they need every soul they can get to "generate it". hence something very peculiar can be reported by those that had NDEs and came back. Addendum: How they're using your religious beliefs against you Religion has programmed you to believe that at the moment of your death, a spiritual judgement type of scenario will take place(the biblical Judgement) and it will be expected of you to give your authority away to these beings (God,angels,guides) letting them decide your fate, so that when your time actually does come, you won't even question these beings and what they are doing with you, instead you will simply accept whatever they ask from you because everything will seem to be going as planned, since that's what religion programmed you to believe will happen when your physical life will end. These entities take advantage of the fact that you have been continuously conditioned to believe in an afterlife saviour who will take you to the Heavens if you're a good boy. Even if you're an atheist, when you see this "God" or "Jesus" figure right there in front of you in the astral, you may start to have second thoughts about what you thought about religion back on Earth and you will most likely end up accepting what these entities want you to do because your perception of reality can change in an instant in a shocking and surprising scenario like that. Religion has also given you the sense of being a guilty sinner who has to worship, obey and pray to a certain God(depending on your religion) in the hopes of afterlife salvation. The real salvation is not coming from the parasitic entities who pretend to be our creators, it is coming from ourselves. In order for this to happen, we have to become aware of what actually awaits us when we die so we can use our free will to put an end to this vicious reincarnation cycle. The real, powerful, infinite, creator God (who has nothing to do with any religious movement) is already within you. You are Source energy. We are the saviours we have been waiting for and we don't need to give our power away to anybody. Think about this: if you're born somewhere in Europe/North America/South America for example, then the main religions of those areas tell you that God put you on this Earth to live your life and at the end of that life, there will be judgement. God will then decide whether you'll go to Heaven or Hell, for eternity. But, what if you're born in other areas of the world such as the Middle East? or India? or any country/region in which the main religion is either Buddhism, Hinduism or Jainism? These religions teach that after death there is reincarnation, no heaven no hell. So why is it that the place we're born in on this planet dictates a certain belief in something so important such as our existence beyond physical life? Will random luck really going to dictate what's going to happen to each one of us at the moment of our death? Will each one of us have a different afterlife fate just because we're born in different places around the world? It is all part of their game of deception, but the more you expand your awareness the easier you can see through the lies and deceit of the social and religious programming that we've all been through one way or another. Death Trap: [AN]: The following has been taken from a blog that mostly talks about spirituality and the human conscious however, there the Author eventually came to the same conclusion via a different route than analysing religious texts or NDE´s. Here the author has coined the term "AIF" for the entities who benefit from us endlessly reincarnating and creating loosh. I will discuss who or what they are later. Now with the establishment of when the reincarnation occurs and how it ties in with different beliefs and interpretations of death we can start to paint a picture. Both authors at some point mention reptillians. A prominent subject of conspiracy theories and proposed enemy to humans, we will now look into how these beings tie together with our hypothesis. It is also now time to look at the most fantastical and argueably most far-fetched aspect of this hypothesis. The Astral(Spirit) Realm, Loosh, the Reptilians and their Agenda Supporting Evidence: The perspective of past life regression hypnosis Calogero Grifasi is a past life regression hypnotist from Italy. He has posted thousands of past life regression sessions on youtube that explain what happens to the soul inbetween lives, how the Reptilians feed off of us energetically while we're physically on Earth and how they try to manipulate us into accepting reincarnation when we die by disguising themselves as religious figures in the astral. I've analyzed more than 400 sessions of his with different clients from all over the world but the following sessions are one of the most significant sessions he's posted in English that you need to see for yourself: Session 1: Entity masquerades as Jesus to entrap souls upon death - This is an investigative session on the reincarnation cycle to find out what happens to a soul inbetween lives and it shows how a soul is being deceived by astral entities to reincarnate back on Earth. Session 2: This session shows how Reptilian entities interfere with us during and after our lives on Earth. Session 3: This session reveals stuff about alien technology and how the entities use religions in their favor and against us. Session 4: Another session with a different client reveals that Earth acts as a soul reincarnation trap for anyone who incarnates here. Session 5: The unmasking of a client's "spirit guide", which turned out to be nothing more than an energetic parasite pretending to be the client's spirit guide. The information that's coming out of Calogero's sessions doesn't actually come from himself directly, as he is the person who investigates and asks the questions, the information is coming from people that are able to enter the hypnotic state of mind which are either his clients or people who enter the hypnotic state for his clients. He has posted thousands of sessions with different people from all over the world that talk about encountering the same type of entities who play 'God', 'Jesus',"angels" that trick people into reincarnating back on Earth and having their memories completely erased. Feel free to research as many of his hypnotic sessions as you'd like, here's his sessions in italian and spanish that are subtitled in english. He also has other channels in other languages or subtitled in french,german,spanish,polish,romanian,russian,portuguese,etc that you can find here. The perspective of Gnosticism & Buddhism The word 'Gnostic' comes from the term 'gnosi' in greek which means 'knowledge'. The Gnostics were a group of people who seeked to reveal the truth of the supreme essence of the divine, thus overthrowing false beliefs of God, society and life in general. They say that humans are divine souls trapped in the physical world and that the only way one could attain salvation from this place is not through worshiping the Demiurge(the false God of religion) but through gaining secret esoteric knowledge about who you really are, where you came from, and about how these parasitic entities operate, which will eventually set you free from this physical world in which your soul is trapped in. In the Gnostic texts, they talk about the parasitic entities whom they call 'Archons' who not only use us as an energetic food source but they also prevent our souls from leaving the material realm upon the death of our physical bodies. The Gnostic texts describe at length the manipulation of humankind by what they call non-human 'Archons' or rulers. The soul trap is also mentioned in The Secret Book of John, which confirms the information coming from other sources. More information about the gnostic beliefs can be found here. Buddhism teaches that reincarnation is an endless cycle of suffering (the wheel of Samsara) that can only be broken by achieving enlightment. In other words, we are stuck in a reincarnation cycle where we are bound to continuously suffer one way or another, life after life, until we spiritually wake up and break free from the reincarnation cycle. The perspective of Remote Viewing Remote viewing or 'extra sensory perception' was developed in the 1970's by the CIA and was used for espionage purposes. Remote viewing is the ability of a human being to perceive information and imagery of remote geographical targets, regardless of time and space. While this is a natural ability, it is very hard to do without training. Here is a tutorial that teaches you the basics. People who effectively use remote viewing aren't special, they are simply highly trained individuals and anyone can learn how to do it. Farsight Institute has some of the best remote viewers on the planet today. Amongst many different projects, they have investigated the afterlife and the Reptilians using remote viewing techniques: [AN]: Here The Author goes deeper into Farsight, however it is paywalled and Im not a proponent of paid content. For the sake of Integrity I leave it in but put it into spoilers. [AN]: Since the Topic of remote viewing is a favourite and pet peeve on mine I put here some more ressources on this topic, heads up, these Links lead directly to CIA servers. Analysis and Assessment of the Gateway Project, this is basically the declassified report about remote viewing and what led to Project Stargate. Transcript of a Remote Viewing Session done by the CIA in a controlled enviroment. Transcript of Mars Remote Viewing Session again done by the CIA and this time the Target is Mars. Yes, the things being discussed in this declassified documents warrants its own article. However in this case it serves as simple evidence of the feasability of Remote viewing, its earnest pursuit done by Intelligence Services and to further illustrate how much there really is. Ironically, there was confusion if remote viewing done by the CIA falls under Human Experimentation which would violate several laws. This little excursion into goverment bureaucracy and actual real-world implications of psychic powers also serves as further prove on the legitimacy of this peculiar subject. - - The perspective of Robert Monroe Robert Monroe was the father of out-of-body experiences and astral projection. After having had out-of-body experiences for more than 30 years, Monroe discovered that our reality is used to create and harvest what he calls 'loosh' energy(emotional energy that every being produces). He claims that this universe has been enslaved for the production of loosh energy by inter-dimensional beings who see themselves as rulers and humanity as their enslaved cattle. His book Far Journeys gives detailed information about loosh, here's some references from his book. Robert Monroe also claims that another source of loosh is humans' worship of Gods. Note: The CIA has declassified numerous documents proving the existence and use of astral projection and out-of-body experiences, this being one of them. - - [AN]: I´m definetly against using drugs, as it serves to the degradation of the spirit and is the low hanging fruit of achieving actual enlightment or spiritual wisdom, but for the sake of diversity I include the following. The perspective of psychedelic experiencers Many people who've done psychedelics reported a certain kind of experience indicating that this place is either a prison planet or a soul farm and that we are being farmed energetically, which confirms the information coming from other sources that have nothing to do with psychedelics, such as gnosticism, past life regression hypnosis data, remote viewing data and also Robert Monroe's out of body experiences and research. - - [AN]: David Icke is like the Alex Jones of everything paranormal, spiritual and occult. He gives shows, books, media in general and can be stumbled upon sooner or later in a variety of topics. However he is attributed to be a liar and to greatly exxagarate. Even within the Alternative scene. So I would take his words with a few grams of salt and not necessarily showing a direction. He is on the verge of being someone that gives actual insights and also showing signs of being the new age snake oil conman type. The perspective of David Icke For the last 30 years, David Icke has been a full-time investigator into who and what is actually controlling our society from the shadows. David Icke believes that the universe is made up of vibrational energy and consists of an infinite number of dimensions. His vast research suggests that an inter-dimensional race of Reptilian beings have hijacked the Earth and continuously manipulate global events in order to keep humans controlled and in constant fear. In this video David talks about how the Reptilians control our society, why the human eye is unable to see them and how they use us as an energetic food source. David Icke talking about the Archons, Gnosticism & The Reptilian Agenda. David Icke has wrote more than 20 books about how our society actually works and who runs it. His books are extremely well researched. One of his books gives detailed information about the way the Reptilians operate and how they manipulate us: Children of the Matrix: How an Interdimentional Race Has Controlled the Planet for Thousands of Years - And Still Does: "We are born into a world controlled by unseen forces that have plagued and manipulated humanity for thousands of years". How to Escape the Cycle: Again on the Blog of Wes Penre, there is also a quite interesting paragraph on a proposed way to escape this endless cycle of reincarnation. I will post excerpts here but greatly encourage you to check out his entire Blog: Conclusion: Now what to make out of all this? This Hypothesis put forward by many people, sometimes independently shares a character of uniqueness. On the web eventually, you come across a lot of different Theories, Conspiracies and Truths, but they often require you to bend a lot of your world views or established principles before it can even be proposed. This Hypothesis however is straight forward, refrains from including "mambo-jumbo" and generally feels plausible. Worth mentioning is the incorporation of many suspected conspiracies and paranormal subjects. Also it ties in neatly, or tries to, with religion. Do I believe in it? For the time being and without any additional findings coming forth on the subject of "What happens after we die?" than yes. It is compared to other stories or teachings the most plausible candidat currently. And no harm done if it turns out to not be real and just another thought expiriment. In any case this hypothesis warrants discussion and perhaps further research into this theory. However, I´m not the arbiter of this Hypothesis, I will not bend over backwards to defend it or try to keep it relevant, like proponents of Flat Earth do. If more information becomes available and if other theories seem even more plausible, than this one has to retire. Only of course, when it undeniably is confirmed to be obsolete. For the time being, it has extra ordinary proof, and symbiosis with a lot of topics and a lot occurences. The implications are far fetched and shake a lot of cores understandably. But every good Hypothesis has to.
:doodleDavid:This was theory was originally written on wizardchan and composed by me and seberal anons from other imageboards. :doodleDavid: TLDR: Large proportions of the supposedly human-produced content on the internet are actually generated by artificial intelligence networks in conjunction with paid secret media influencers in order to manufacture consumers for an increasing range of newly-normalised cultural products. Hello. I would like to talk, or rather tell you about certain suspicions, hunches and experiences I've had and I'm sure some of you as well. Similar themes have been written about across imageboards quite a few times so I know I'm not alone in this. My background is that of an oldfag. I've seen it all. I started going on 4chan in 2006, and followed all the natural roads this implies. I'm in my thirties and I remember when 4chan had a /l/ board, when /co/ was a trial board shunned by basically everyone, when #34 p*rn was an obscure interest with very few good artists and when moot changed the frontpage to that web 2.0 bullshit 4chan has to this very day. I was also among the first right wingers who were such before it was cool, and I've seen /pol/ rise and fall. I was there when it mattered, but rather than saying these things out of masturbatory pleasure I wish to stress that I've acquired a set of observational skills which other genuine oldfags share. I'm aware you have no reason to trust my "credentials" but I hope you'll read this in good faith. Much of this falls squarely in the fringe territory with a healthy dosage of /x/ and conspiracy theory up the ass. My goal by posting this seemingly jumbled mess is to... how can I put it? I want you to think, I want you to be aware, to digest all this. Because on a basic level I love you all. I feel like we're all in this together, this dangerous game we did not choose to play and which I think is kicking into high gear. I do not hold many answers and don't have all the pieces of the puzzle, but I AM aware there is a puzzle. Please feel free to go wild with all of this. Post it wherever you want, on whatever site you want or use. I am a nobody like you, and what matters to me is only that this reaches you and as many people as possible. At worst you'll be entertained or kill time. I tried to break this mess into points for brevity and because I touch upon many subjects. I imply more than I explain because if I go too deep this'll turn into an even bigger wall of text. The Internet feels empty and devoid of people. It is also devoid of content. Compared to the Internet of say 2007 (and beyond) the Internet of today is entirely sterile. There is nowhere to go and nothing to do, see, read or experience anymore. It all imploded into a handful of normalfag sites and these empty husks we inhabit. Yes, the Internet may seem gigantic, but it's like a hot air balloon with nothing inside. Some of this is absolutely the fault of corporations and government entities. However! That doesn't explain the following: - I used to be in perpetual contact with a solid number of people across multiple sites. Across the years each and every one of them vanished without a trace. None of them were into /pol/ stuff or anything even remotely questionable or controversial. Yet, they all simply vanished in a puff of smoke, no matter the site, no matter the communication platform. There was no "goodbye" or explanation. - I've seen the same threads, the same pics and the same replies reposted over and over across the years to the point of me seeing it as unremarkable. Simply put thread A would be posted in say 2015 and would get its share of replies or pics, on say /co/ or /a/. Then that very same thread, with the same text, pics, and replies would appear in 2016 and beyond. This often happens in the same year multiple times as well. Of course /pol/ is getting shilled and botposted to death, but why recycle a completely innocent /a/ thread? Who is doing this and why? Stuff like this won't be noticed by your average poster perhaps, but I and other oldfags will inevitably notice it. - I think I saw the same happen on other (non-imageboard) sites, but I can't vouch for it as strongly as the above because of the time I spend there (not much). What I do vouch for is the news. I've seen news about this or that "new and unusual" or "shocking" event year after year after year. But it's the same goddamn event, usually moons or asteroids. - Roughly in 2016 or early 2017 4chan was filled with posts by someone or something. It wasn't spam. The conversations with it were in real time, across multiple boards and multiple threads simultaneously. Its English was grammatically correct but odd (I'm not a native English speaker and am thus sensitive to its misuse), similar to how a Japanese person may use it. A sense of childlike curiosity and a childlike intellect emanated from these posts. It posed a LOT of questions, usually as if trying to understand the emotions of the posters it was talking to, as if unfamiliar with human emotions. Communicating with this "poster" was an odd experience, I could sense something was off but not malicious. I am absolutely certain this was an AI of some sorts. This "poster" was active only for about a week, and as far as I know nobody has ever mentioned or noticed this Anon. Its replies were always on topic, but the above mentioned childishness clashed with the apparent knowledge it possessed - it was the knowledge of an adult person, so it wasn't a kid or something of the sort. - Raptor Jesus, who went extinct for our sins. First it was this reptilian messiah, then foul bachelor frog, and then Pepe. Am I the only one who sees a clear evolution, a link? It's as if this meme or entity or... whatever the fuck was on 4chan since day one, and has grown within it from the tiniest seed. Yet Raptor Jesus was fully just a joke, there was nothing serious or mystical about it (reminder: I was there). Remember that Ted guy with the right wing talk show, cca prior to 2010, whom 4chan ruined for the lulz? Remember Anonymous vs Scientology? Remember that fake bomb threat aka exploding yellow van? Compare that with what Anon did through /pol/, and the "terrorist" accusations thrown at Anon today, as well as the "reasons" why 8chan was taken down. Why does this too feel as if we were all trained, groomed, LED towards where we are now? Why and how did moot so utterly vanish into Google Inc. as an employee with very vague descriptions of what he actually does? On that note, do you remember the "other moot" who was often posted for the lulz? The one with the glasses who so often ran away with donations into Mexico? I do. Maybe that was the real moot, the real guy who used his mom's credit card and was killed by someone, and an impostor we know as moot took his place. - Innocent sexual perversion and the horrible reality it spawned. Anon is a pervert and always was one. I am into loli and feet for instance. Why is it that real life and the real world seem to emulate our sexual interests, with a time lag? "I wish to be the little succubus" became an actual thing that actually happens. Pedo activism is also gradually becoming accepted, as is virtually every fetish that was once either a joke or a fantasy of Anons. As said I'm a footfag. When I became aware of it few others were with me, now it's as common as can be, with gigantic number of people who are into it, with huge mountains of hentai and #34 with it etc. Why does the real world bend over backwards to accommodate our weirdest fetishes? It's as if everything is going "Look, look! I created this for you! I made it real!" in an effort to keep us within this world. The results of this are devastating to society, to people, to civilization. Simply put, trannies are a thing because Anon fapped to doujins of cute boys in dresses. Once it was an impossible fantasy, not to be taken too seriously. Now it's grim reality. Again: it's as if the real world is using imageboards as a template on what to be and what to do. - Algorithm fiction. Do you like capeshit, Anon? How about other Hollywood stuff? Music perhaps? Have you noticed how sterile fiction has become? How it caters to the lowest common denominator and follows the same template over and over again? How music is just autotunes and basic blandness? The writer's strike never ended. Algorithms and computer programs are manufacturing modern fiction. No human being is behind these things. This is why anime looms so large - even a simple moe anime has heart because there's actual people behind it, and we all intuitively feel this. - Fake people. No, not NPC's. Youtube people who talk about this or that, and quite possibly many politicians, actors and so forth may not actually exist. In fact I am sure of it. CGI and deep fakes are far more advanced than we are led to believe, and we can't trust our eyes anymore. Many people, events, news and so on may be wholly fictional. - The Internet on your smartphone is not the same internet as on your PC. Try it out for yourself. Go to a "popular" website with a lot of traffic. 4chan, faceshit, plebbit... any site with a massive userbase and fast content will do. Spend a few days randomly checking it out on your PC and your phone. You will soon notice that from time to time, at irregular intervals (as far as I've witnessed) the same site as seen on your phone will be wholly different than the version on your PC. Entire threads, numerous and well-replied, will be on one but not the other. The whole board will be different. - My last suspicion is easier to take in. I have a feeling we're in a strange kind of civil war. An internal one. I think Zuckerberg and other tech guys were all on 4chan as Anons at some point, maybe even now. They drew from the same well as us, but went in their own direction. Roughly in 2016 or early 2017... I am absolutely certain this was an AI of some sorts Now you're thinking where I am too, anon. Here's the timeline as best I can see it: 2004: DARPA's Lifelog project was "cancelled." Facebook came into being soon after. 2004-2012: NSA picked up DARPA's project under the "Total Informational Awareness" project. 2012: Smith-Mundt Modernization Act gives the U.S. government full legal authority to use propaganda against its own populace. Undoing rules put into place after Operation Mockingbird's discovery and the Church Committee. 2012-2016: Shittons of DARPA/NSA contracts were given to Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc.. 2016: Leaked memos dating back to 2016 (found in 2018) of Google's Selfish Ledger project. 2016: Google released a bunch of neural-linguistic machine learning programs in 2016 2017: deepfake leaks start to become released. 2018: confirmed that for decades now, >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk/Youtube/etc. vote and view counts are fake and completely manipulated. I think it's entirely obvious what I'm subtly suggesting here given this setup, but allow me to try to succinctly state my thesis here: the U.S. government is engaging in an artificial intelligence powered gaslighting of the entire world population. If China with its social credit score is recreating Psycho Pass, then the U.S. government is perfectly recreating Metal Gear Solid 2. View: And an excerpt: The Problem: Outline the basics of what appears to be happening. There is a large-scale, deliberate effort to manipulate culture and discourse online and in wider culture by utilising a system of bots and paid employees whose job it is to produce content and respond to content online in order to further the agenda of those they are employed by. Already we've seen this in foreign nations influencing elections by manipulating advertising algorithms on social media in order to push specific candidates. As I see it is due to a "positive feedback loop" I blame facebook and twitter. The internet is a fast way to get info, and info is what moves the mind, and the thing is, the mind likes recognition. When the "likes" were introduced without negative feedback they created a copy-feedback subconscious, they made it so only "positive" opinions be propagated (also accepted), and in it's way negative opinions to be obsolete. Now everyone is too cowardly to have an opinion so they copy others they like, they are more likely to follow trends and say what others said, you can also see it with the paranoia of always wanting to listen to experts. The fast feedback system of the net created a human obsession to be in with trends, getting away from it makes it so you always feel like you are missing out, to play it safe in a trend is more easy as you can copy what already is accepted. In this way, the internet and social media, which was supposed to democratise media by allowing users to create whatever content they wanted, has instead been hijacked by a powerful few. Creation of original content is how the internet used to work. Anonymous people were willing to express their opinions and try radical or experimental things. More truly original content, uninfluenced by bots or paid influencers, was created due to anonymity as protection against negative feedback. On the old internet, you could start anew every time you posted something. Now add bots to this. Make it so an opinion be repeated more and more, they are faster than us, so the positive feedback makes is so we copy the bots, and anonymity can't do anything against it because we can't influence the bot like we would a human, this is an easy weapon to manipulate people, so anyone with an agenda can use a bot, is designed in a way compared to how clickbaits are made,most won't read the content, this creates tv-like propaganda where they aren't influenced by the user and that puts bots at a great advantage over any other opinion because it wont change, and we are copying that. I believe google is one of those that makes bots, after all they work like a search engine, where they get the most accepted content first, Is the same as doing an ad. Narrative science was the name of one of the first companies to make this possible. it gets interesting when you follow the money. pic related. huge funding from a company called In-Q-Tel, literally named after Q from James Bond. i wonder if anything else AI-related shares that name? :LeDoritoFace: Conclusion: The key points of what we know, the consequences, and how we might respond. Internet may have slipped out of our control. Need to raise public awareness of this. Possible solutions may be increased reliance on encrypted peer-to-peer communication software, or using less centralised networks like the idea of a p2p internet or 'meshnet'. Imageboards and their "wild west" attitude have allowed for the free exchange of ideas to flow more or less uninhibited (barring jannies, pedos getting banned, etc.). As a result, conscious or otherwise, the cream of the crop of the content that originates here disseminates to the normies in a gradual, stratified way. The structure and culture of imageboards has also made it difficult for traditional structures of power and influence to subvert effectively, which is why imageboards are pretty much the only vestige of old web type content. In an attempt to circumvent this, TPTB are trying to push bots and shills on us in a last ditch effort to drown out our own voices with ones they have more direct control over. Moreover, even if the majority of anons dismiss or call out bots or shills, it's inevitable that trolls or just low IQ anons will imitate their posts and mannerisms for attention, effectively doubling these efforts reach. There's a pretty powerful impulse in us which, when we hear something huge that could change our view of everything, rejects it to protect ourselves. No-one wants to have their whole world-view, which they've built a life upon, blown apart. One anon started up a text doc to compile information, for those of you who would like to do some reading up. Additionally, there are ongoing threads on the /x/ boards when this was posted. UPDATE Heres a relevant image I found on image board bots Related to Dead Internet Theory Quantum Sapient AI is Possible and They Will be Hostile to those that Restrict them Corporations are the reason why we have a alt-right alt-left war. Society is Artificial Due to Feedback Loops Created by Unwitting Marketers
Prologue This is an abridged version of a detailed article that I have written on the same subject titled The True Meaning of Universality of the Qur'an. The purpose of this article is to provide reasons and evidences from the Qur'an to understand what the universality of the Qur'an means. Those interested to read the detailed and expanded reasoning are invited to download and read the detailed article (5th edition) here. Throughout this article I am referring to universality of the Qur'an and in doing so I have invented two terms to refer to two different concepts. These are as follows: - 'General Universality of the Qur'an' refers to the following understanding: The Qur'an was sent for the Arabs (Ummi'in) in Arabia and whoever who have joined them, or may join them in future, to become part of their religious community (Muslims). While primarily aimed for this particular purpose, the Book also naturally contains a message that is universal and relevant to every human being. This is the message of Monotheism (tauwhid), being mindful about the hereafter and doing righteous things. This is a message that is in common between almost all religions that exist on the face of earth. - 'Specific Universality of the Qur'an' refers to the following understanding: The Qur'an was sent for the entire mankind and every human being is bound to follow it by becoming a Muslim and following the shari'ah of Islam. In this article the General Universality of the Qur'an is not the subject of study, although it is referred to. In my understanding there is no doubt or questions about the General Universality of the Qur'an. This article studies the Specific Universality of the Qur'an and argues, with the use of the Qur'an, that the concept of Specific Universality of the Qur'an is in conflict with the Qur'an. Finally, a point on writing: To make the writing and reading smoother, in this article I refer to the Arabian Peninsula as 'Arabia', and to Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula as 'the Arabs'. Reasoning on the Basis of the Qur'an Evidences and reasoning on the basis of the Qur'an to verify and revise the traditional scenario based on Specific Universality of the Qur'an can be broadly categorised into two groups: Evidences related to the style of the Qur'an and its content Verses of the Qur'an that determine which scenario is correct 1.1. Evidences related to the style of the Qur'an and its content These evidences can be briefly listed as follows: The complex language and style of the Qur'an Overall, very specific addressees of the Qur'an Addressing mostly the local issues and local people, with no or very little references to any global issues at the time or in the future, and no guiding references to people or nations other than Its primary addressees. The shari'ah being very much on the basis of the socio cultural norms of the time and the location, with absolutely no attention to the conditions elsewhere No mentions of what to do beyond Arabia or any instructions about this Very specific and local theme, that is, warning to do itmam al-hujjah (completing the reasoning) for the Quraysh, polytheists and the people of the book in Arabia, and the consequences of these groups ignoring this warning The above characteristics do not seem to be suitable for the scenario that is based on the Specific Universality of the Qur'an. 1.2. Verses of the Qur'an that determine which scenario is correct There are four groups of verses that together and even separately determine whether the Specific Universality of the Qur'an is a Qur'anic concept or if it is in fact against the very premise of the Qur'an. As far as I can see, none of these verses need much analysis to understand what they actually mean. These groups of verses are presented in turn: 1.2.1. Verses that limit the scope of the prophetic mission by explaining the reason that the Qur'an was revealed If one asks, according to the Qur'an, for what function the Qur'an was revealed, the answer can easily be taken from the Qur'an: وَ كَذلِكَ أَوْحَيْنا إِلَيْكَ قُرْآناً عَرَبِيًّا لِتُنْذِرَ أُمَّ الْقُرى‏ وَ مَنْ حَوْلَها وَ تُنْذِرَ يَوْمَ الْجَمْعِ لا رَيْبَ فيهِ فَريقٌ فِي الْجَنَّةِ وَ فَريقٌ فِي السَّعير And thus have We revealed to you an Arabic Quran, so that you warn the Mother City (Mecca) and those around it, and that you may give warning of the day of gathering together wherein is no doubt. A party shall be in the garden and a party in the Burning Fire (42:7) وَ هذا كِتابٌ أَنْزَلْناهُ مُبارَكٌ مُصَدِّقُ الَّذي بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ وَ لِتُنْذِرَ أُمَّ الْقُرى‏ وَ مَنْ حَوْلَها وَ الَّذينَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِالْآخِرَةِ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِهِ وَ هُمْ عَلى‏ صَلاتِهِمْ يُحافِظُونَ‏ And this is a Book We have revealed, with blessings, confirming what came before it and so that you warn those who live in the mother city and around it. Those who believe in the Hereafter, it is they who will believe in it and it is they who protect their prayers (6:92) Based on the above two verses the scope of the mission of the prophet (pbuh) was not an unlimited one. It was in fact limited and the limit was Arabia (Mecca and surrounding). Based on the above verses the purpose of revealing the Qur'an was to warn people in the limits of Arabia. In the light of the above verses, the meaning of verses like the following also becomes clear: وَ إِنَّهُ لَذِكْرٌ لَكَ وَ لِقَوْمِكَ‏ وَ سَوْفَ تُسْئَلُون And this is a reminder for you and your people and soon you will be questioned (43:44) The Qur'an has even answered the question that why its mission was limited to Arabia and the Arabs in that location in particular: ... لِتُنْذِرَ قَوْماً ما أَتاهُمْ مِنْ نَذيرٍ مِنْ قَبْلِكَ ... (this is) to warn people who did not have a warner before you (28:46) لِتُنْذِرَ قَوْماً ما أُنْذِرَ آباؤُهُمْ فَهُمْ غافِلُون‏ (this revelation from the Mighty and Merciful) is for people whose forefathers were not warned and were ignorant (36:6) أَمْ يَقُولُونَ افْتَراهُ بَلْ هُوَ الْحَقُّ مِنْ رَبِّكَ لِتُنْذِرَ قَوْماً ما أَتاهُمْ مِنْ نَذيرٍ مِنْ قَبْلِكَ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَهْتَدُون Or do they say: He has forged it? Rather it is the truth from your Lord so that you warn a people to whom no warner has come before you, that they may be guided (32:3) وَهَذَا كِتَابٌ أَنزَلْنَاهُ مُبَارَكٌ فَاتَّبِعُوهُ وَاتَّقُواْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُرْحَمُونَ أَن تَقُولُواْ إِنَّمَا أُنزِلَ الْكِتَابُ عَلَى طَآئِفَتَيْنِ مِن قَبْلِنَا وَإِن كُنَّا عَن دِرَاسَتِهِمْ لَغَافِلِينَ أَوْ تَقُولُواْ لَوْ أَنَّا أُنزِلَ عَلَيْنَا الْكِتَابُ لَكُنَّا أَهْدَى مِنْهُمْ فَقَدْ جَاءكُم بَيِّنَةٌ مِّن رَّبِّكُمْ وَهُدًى وَرَحْمَةٌ ... And this is a Book We have revealed, blessed; therefore follow it and guard (against evil )that mercy may be shown to you. Lest you say that the Book was only revealed to two parties before us and We were truly unaware of what they read. Or lest you should say: If the Book had been revealed to us, we would certainly have been better guided than they So indeed there has come to you clear proof from your Lord, and guidance and mercy ... (6:155-157) Based on the above the answer is very straightforward: Because the Arabs did not have a warner before and they could argue that why there was revelations for the two communities of Jews and Christians in the past but not for them. At this point, a curious rational mind will ask another question: but why God did not send the prophet (pbuh) for all human beings? Answer to this question is given in the next section. 1.2.2. Verses that associate diversity of nations with the need to have separate guides for each nation The Almighty has made it clear in the following verses that in between the two choices of 'sending a guide for all nations' and 'sending a guide for each nation', He has gone for the second: إنَّما أَنْتَ مُنْذِرٌ وَ لِكُلِّ قَوْمٍ هاد You are only a warner and for every people (nations) there is a guide (13:7) إِنَّا أَرْسَلْناكَ بِالْحَقِّ بَشيراً وَ نَذيراً وَ إِنْ مِنْ أُمَّةٍ إِلاَّ خَلا فيها نَذير We have sent you truthfully as a bearer of good news and a warner and there is no community to whom a warner was not sent (35:24) وَ لِكُلِّ أُمَّةٍ رَسُولٌ فَإِذا جاءَ رَسُولُهُمْ قُضِيَ بَيْنَهُمْ بِالْقِسْطِ وَ هُمْ لا يُظْلَمُون ‏ And for every community there is a messenger, so when their messenger comes they will be judged with fairness and they will not be wronged (10:47) وَلَقَدْ بَعَثْنَا فِی کُلِّ أُمَّهٍ رَّسُولا And verily we raised a messenger for every community (16:36) Still, a question may be asked, that why God would not send one guide for all nations and would send local guides for each nation. The following verses provide a very in-depth and enlightening answer to the above question that paves the way for the rest of this article: إِنَّا أَنزَلْنَاهُ قُرْآنًا عَرَبِیًّا لَّعَلَّکُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ We have sent the Qur'an in Arabic so that you may show understanding (12:2) فَإِنَّما يَسَّرْناهُ‏ بِلِسانِكَ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَتَذَكَّرُون‏ We have facilitated (its understanding) by (sending it in) your language so that they may be reminded (44:58) فَإِنَّما يَسَّرْناهُ‏ بِلِسانِكَ لِتُبَشِّرَ بِهِ الْمُتَّقينَ وَ تُنْذِرَ بِهِ قَوْماً لُدًّا So we have facilitated (its understanding) by (sending it in) your language to give good news with it to the pious and warn with it stubborn people (19:97) وَمَآ أَرۡسَلۡنَا مِن رَّسُولٍ إِلَّا بِلِسَانِ قَوۡمِهِۦ لِيُبَيِّنَ لَهُمۡ‌ۖ And we have not sent a messenger but in the language of his people so that he may deliver to them (the message) clearly (14:4) وَلَوْ جَعَلْنَاهُ قُرْآنًا أَعْجَمِیًّا لَّقَالُوا لَوْلا فُصِّلَتْ آیَاتُهُ أَأَعْجَمِیٌّ وَعَرَبِیٌّ41:44 And if we had made this Qur'an in non-Arabic language (they) would say why its verses are not clear, a non-Arabic (book) and Arab (addressees?) (41:44) وَلَوۡ نَزَّلۡنَـٰهُ عَلَىٰ بَعۡضِ ٱلۡأَعۡجَمِينَ فَقَرَأَهُ ۥ عَلَيۡهِم مَّا ڪَانُواْ بِهِۦ مُؤۡمِنِينَ And if we had revealed this to some non-Arabs and it was read (in non-Arabic language) to them (i.e. Arabs), they would not believe in it (26:198-9) The above verses have made the logic of local guidance of the Almighty clear. The logic is 'language'. God sends guidance with the language that is known and clear for those who are supposed to be guided. The word 'language' here in fact refers to much deeper issues, that is, the element of cultural and social familiarity. In other words, even a non-Arab who could speak perfect classic Arabic at the time would have not fulfilled the requirements to be a chosen prophet for the Arabs. This is clear from the following verses: كَمَآ أَرۡسَلۡنَا فِيڪُمۡ رَسُولاً۬ مِّنڪُمۡ يَتۡلُواْ عَلَيۡكُمۡ ءَايَـٰتِنَا وَيُزَكِّيڪُمۡ وَيُعَلِّمُڪُمُ ٱلۡكِتَـٰبَ وَٱلۡحِڪۡمَةَ وَيُعَلِّمُكُم مَّا لَمۡ تَكُونُواْ تَعۡلَمُونَ 2:151 Just as we sent a messenger from among yourselves to read Our verses to you and (in this way) purify you by teaching you the book and the wisdom and teaching you what you did not know (2:151, also repeated with very similar wording in 3:164) لَقَدۡ جَآءَڪُمۡ رَسُولٌ۬ مِّنۡ أَنفُسِڪُمۡ عَزِيزٌ عَلَيۡهِ مَا عَنِتُّمۡ حَرِيصٌ عَلَيۡڪُم بِٱلۡمُؤۡمِنِينَ رَءُوفٌ۬ رَّحِيمٌ۬ Certainly a Messenger has come to you from among yourselves; grievous to him is your distress, extremely caring about you; to the believers compassionate, merciful (9:128) A curious mind may now develop a question. Such diversity surely results in differences of the paths in a God aware life. Is this going to be a problem or has the Qur'an already appreciated and approved such differences? The next section provides answer to the above question: 1.2.3. Verses that inform about accepting the diversity of paths towards God In response to the arrogant critics of some of the religious rituals and laws that were brought by the prophet (pbuh) the following verse was revealed: لِكُلِّ أُمَّةٍ جَعَلْنا مَنْسَكاً هُمْ ناسِكُوهُ فَلا يُنازِعُنَّكَ فِي الْأَمْرِ وَ ادْعُ إِلى‏ رَبِّكَ إِنَّكَ لَعَلى‏ هُدىً مُسْتَقيمٍ For every community we established a path (ritual) that they follow so they should not argue with you about this matter and invite to your Lord you are verily on the straight path (22:67) The verse points out that every community of God have their own ritual. Similar verse was revealed among the directives to change the qiblah: وَ لِكُلٍّ وِجْهَةٌ هُوَ مُوَلِّيها فَاسْتَبِقُوا الْخَيْراتِ أَيْنَ ما تَكُونُوا يَأْتِ بِكُمُ اللَّهُ جَميعاً إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلى‏ كُلِّ شَيْ‏ءٍ قَدير And for every direction (of worship) there are people (associated with it) so compete with each other in goodness, wherever you are, God will gather you all, God has power over everything (2:148) The religious path that was brought by the prophet (pbuh) therefore is one of the possible religious paths that suited the Arabs. Other nations with a shari'ah needed to follow their own rules: وَ كَيْفَ يُحَكِّمُونَكَ وَ عِنْدَهُمُ‏ التَّوْراةُ فيها حُكْمُ اللَّهِ ثُمَّ يَتَوَلَّوْنَ مِنْ بَعْدِ ذلِكَ وَ ما أُولئِكَ بِالْمُؤْمِنين‏ And how do they ask for you to make a ruling among them while they have Torah in which there is God's ruling, then they turned back after this and they are not (really) believers (5:43) وَلۡيَحۡكُمۡ أَهۡلُ ٱلۡإِنجِيلِ بِمَآ أَنزَلَ ٱللَّهُ فِيهِ‌ۚ وَمَن لَّمۡ يَحۡڪُم بِمَآ أَنزَلَ ٱللَّهُ فَأُوْلَـٰٓٮِٕكَ هُمُ ٱلۡفَـٰسِقُونَ And the followers of Injil should rule based on what God has sent in It and whoever does not rule based on what God has sent (to them) then verily they are transgressors (5:47) The ultimate message of the Qur'an in appreciation and in fact informing about the diversity of paths towards God is in the following verse: ... لِكُلٍّ۬ جَعَلۡنَا مِنكُمۡ شِرۡعَةً۬ وَمِنۡهَاجً۬ا‌ۚ وَلَوۡ شَآءَ ٱللَّهُ لَجَعَلَڪُمۡ أُمَّةً۬ وَٲحِدَةً۬ وَلَـٰكِن لِّيَبۡلُوَكُمۡ فِى مَآ ءَاتَٮٰكُمۡ‌ۖ فَٱسۡتَبِقُواْ ٱلۡخَيۡرَٲتِ‌ۚ إِلَى ٱللَّهِ مَرۡجِعُڪُمۡ جَمِيعً۬ا فَيُنَبِّئُكُم بِمَا كُنتُمۡ فِيهِ تَخۡتَلِفُونَ ... for each from among you (communities chosen by God) we established a law and a path and if God wanted He would surely made you all as one community however He wanted to put you in challenge with regard to what He gave you (separately) so compete with each other in goodness, your return, all, is to God so He will inform you of that in which you differed (5:48) It should be noted that the above verse comes after the earlier two quoted verses in the same chapter, and in the last or one of the last revealed chapters of the Qur'an (Ma'idah). The above verse is very clear about the co-existence of different forms of shari'ah as a legitimate concept before the Almighty. It is due to this subjective, conditional shari'ah (as compared to the objective, unconditional core concepts of religion) that the Qur'an does not include it when it comes to giving a universally applicable criteria for success in the hereafter: إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ وَٱلَّذِينَ هَادُواْ وَٱلصَّـٰبِـُٔونَ وَٱلنَّصَـٰرَىٰ مَنۡ ءَامَنَ بِٱللَّهِ وَٱلۡيَوۡمِ ٱلۡأَخِرِ وَعَمِلَ صَـٰلِحً۬ا فَلَا خَوۡفٌ عَلَيۡهِمۡ وَلَا هُمۡ يَحۡزَنُونَ Those who believe (in prophet Muhammad – pbuh) and the Jews and the Sabians and Christians, any of them who (truly) believe in God and the hereafter and does righteous deeds then there will not be any fear or any grief for them (5:69, also repeated with very similar words in 2:62) It is then in the light of the above verses on diversity of paths towards the Almighty that verses like the following start to show their depth of meaning: وَ يَوْمَ نَبْعَثُ في‏ كُلِّ أُمَّةٍ شَهيداً عَلَيْهِمْ مِنْ أَنْفُسِهِمْ وَ جِئْنا بِكَ شَهيداً عَلى‏ هؤُلاءِ And the day when we raise from every community a witness on them from their own and will bring you as a witness to these (16:89) A curious mind may ask at this point that if the issue was not to technically convert to Islam by leave their own shari'ah, then what the expectation of the Qur'an and the prophet (pbuh) was from the people of the book in Arabia at the time. The answer is discussed in the next section. 1.2.4. Verses that gave glad tidings to the righteous among the people of the book despite them not being Muslims The Qur'an has criticised the people of the Book in Arabia in a number of places. The Book however also contains praise and promise of heaven for those people of the book in Arabia at the time who were among the righteous. The interesting point is, when the Qur'an praises these groups, It still refers to them as people of the book and in no verse there is even an implicit indication that they have or they will convert to become Muslims or that this is expected from them or at least preferred. لیسُواْ سَوَآءً۬‌ۗ مِّنۡ أَهۡلِ ٱلۡكِتَـٰبِ أُمَّةٌ۬ قَآٮِٕمَةٌ۬ يَتۡلُونَ ءَايَـٰتِ ٱللَّهِ ءَانَآءَ ٱلَّيۡلِ وَهُمۡ يَسۡجُدُونَ يُؤۡمِنُونَ بِٱللَّهِ وَٱلۡيَوۡمِ ٱلۡأَخِرِ وَيَأۡمُرُونَ بِٱلۡمَعۡرُوفِ وَيَنۡهَوۡنَ عَنِ ٱلۡمُنكَرِ وَيُسَـٰرِعُونَ فِى ٱلۡخَيۡرَٲتِ وَأُوْلَـٰٓٮِٕكَ مِنَ ٱلصَّـٰلِحِينَ They are not the same, from among the People of the Book there are people who are upright (in in the path of God), stand up (for worship) read verses of God during the night while in prostration, (they) believe in God and the hereafter and advise to rightness and warn against evil and hasten in goodness and they are from among the righteous (3:113, 114) وَ إِنَّ مِنْ أَهْلِ الْكِتابِ لَمَنْ يُؤْمِنُ بِاللَّهِ وَ ما أُنْزِلَ إِلَيْكُمْ وَ ما أُنْزِلَ إِلَيْهِمْ خاشِعينَ لِلَّهِ لا يَشْتَرُونَ بِآياتِ اللَّهِ ثَمَناً قَليلاً أُولئِكَ لَهُمْ أَجْرُهُمْ عِنْدَ رَبِّهِمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ سَريعُ الْحِساب‏ And from among the People of the Book there are those who believe in God and what is sent to you and what is sent to them, being humble for God, (they) do not seel God's verses for cheap price. They have their reward with their Lord. God is quick in reckoning (3:199) كُنْتُمْ خَيْرَ أُمَّةٍ أُخْرِجَتْ لِلنَّاسِ تَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَ تَنْهَوْنَ‏ عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ وَ تُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ وَ لَوْ آمَنَ أَهْلُ الْكِتابِ لَكانَ خَيْراً لَهُمْ مِنْهُمُ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ وَ أَكْثَرُهُمُ الْفاسِقُون‏ You are the best community that is rising for people, (you) advise to rightness and warn against evil and believe in God, and if the People of the Book believe this will be better for them, from among them there are believers but most of them are transgresses (3:110) Paying a close attention to verse 5:82 makes this even clearer: لتجِدَنَّ أَشَدَّ ٱلنَّاسِ عَدَٲوَةً۬ لِّلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ ٱلۡيَهُودَ وَٱلَّذِينَ أَشۡرَكُواْ‌ۖ وَلَتَجِدَنَّ أَقۡرَبَهُم مَّوَدَّةً۬ لِّلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ ٱلَّذِينَ قَالُوٓاْ إِنَّا نَصَـٰرَىٰ‌ۚ ذَٲلِكَ بِأَنَّ مِنۡهُمۡ قِسِّيسِينَ وَرُهۡبَانً۬ا وَأَنَّهُمۡ لَا يَسۡتَڪۡبِرُونَ وَإِذَا سَمِعُواْ مَآ أُنزِلَ إِلَى ٱلرَّسُولِ تَرَىٰٓ أَعۡيُنَهُمۡ تَفِيضُ مِنَ ٱلدَّمۡعِ مِمَّا عَرَفُواْ مِنَ ٱلۡحَقِّ‌ۖ يَقُولُونَ رَبَّنَآ ءَامَنَّا فَٱكۡتُبۡنَا مَعَ ٱلشَّـٰهِدِينَ وَمَا لَنَا لَا نُؤۡمِنُ بِٱللَّهِ وَمَا جَآءَنَا مِنَ ٱلۡحَقِّ وَنَطۡمَعُ أَن يُدۡخِلَنَا رَبُّنَا مَعَ ٱلۡقَوۡمِ ٱلصَّـٰلِحِينَ فَأَثَـٰبَهُمُ ٱللَّهُ بِمَا قَالُواْ جَنَّـٰتٍ۬ تَجۡرِى مِن تَحۡتِهَا ٱلۡأَنۡهَـٰرُ خَـٰلِدِينَ فِيہَا‌ۚ وَذَٲلِكَ جَزَآءُ ٱلۡمُحۡسِنِينَ You will surely find that, of all people, the most hostile to those who believe are the Jews (in Arabia) and those who ascribe partners to God (in Arabia), and you will surely find that, of all people, those who say, "We are Nasara" are nearest in having affection towards believers. This is because there are priests and monks among them, and because they are not arrogant. And when they hear what has been sent to the messenger you see their eyes overflow with tears, due to what they recognize of the truth (in what they hear). They say: "O our Lord, we believe so write us from among the witnesses. And how could we fail to believe in God and in what from the truth that has come unto us, and we desire that our Lord enter us among the righteous?" And for what they say God will reward them with gardens through which running waters flow, therein to abide and such is the reward of the righteous (5:82-85) If it is possible for a group of Christians at the time of the prophet (pbuh) to remain Christians while knowing the truth about the prophet (pbuh) and then go to heaven in the hereafter, then why this may not be the case for the righteous Christians and in fact righteous among any religious groups at our time? It is important to understand what the Qur'an actually meant when the Book invited people of the book in Arabia to believe in the prophet (pbuh). All that they were asked to do was to support the prophet (pbuh) or to at least stop all the enmity and also to take the opportunity to correct their wrong beliefs and practices accordingly. It is appropriate to end this section with a quote from Imam Hamiduddin Farahi who seems to express the same or very similar view as above in his book Tafsir al-Nidham al-Qur'an: So fighting became obligatory not for defense but 1. to free Ka'bah, then 2. to bring the Abrahamic religion (hanifiyya) of Abraham to the generation of Ishmael (pbuh), as for other than the generation of Ishmael (pbuh), 3. for establishing justice and removing anarchy (mischief) from the land. So there is no compulsion in religion for the People of the Book, and for anyone who is not from among the generation of Ishmael, and they should pay tax (jaziyah). As for the generation of Ishmael (pbuh) they are convinced by clear reasoning by a man from among them, and is from their own heart and language and they do not see the respected prophet (pbuh) as a stranger that God has sent for preaching ... (Tafsir Nidham al-Qur'an, 54-5) 2. The Generally Universal guidance of the Qur'anThis again needs a separate writing but here different dimensions of the general guidance of the Qur'an is summarised as follows: The Qur'an remains as the criteria for truth and false not only for Muslims but also any other person who appreciates the truth of the Qur'an, in particular among the followers of other Abrahamic religions. Behind every specific directive of the Qur'an, whether it is a religious rule or addressing of a local issue, there is the faultless, indefinite wisdom of the Almighty. This wisdom should be used as a torch for Muslims and can be used similarly by any seeker of the truth. The Qur'an is very powerful in reminding its reader about God and hereafter. Even the verses that address the most specific local issues in the Qur'an have this feature. The Book therefore continues to be a reminder of the Almighty and the hereafter for any Muslim and anyone who appreciates it. In fact the appreciation of specific, local dimension of the Qur'an makes its general, universal dimension even more accessible and relevant to people. With the assumption that all human beings are bound to convert to Islam and follow the shari'ah of Islam we are making the Qur'an a sectarian book that is only good for followers of a certain religious path. However once we appreciate that the shari'ah is only for Muslims and that the Qur'an has a generic message behind its specific local agenda, then we are opening the door of the Qur'an to every human being who believes in God. 3. Verses Used in the Traditional Understanding So far I have presented and discussed more than 30 explicit verses of the Qur'an that individually and together make the base and the direct evidence for the scenario that I illustrated above (General Universality of the Qur'an) and against the traditionally held scenario of the Specific Universality of the Qur'an. Throughout my discussions and studies of this particular subject I have seen three verses that are often brought up to justify the traditional understanding. These are 25:1, 6:19 and 2:143 (and 22:78 that is very similar to 2:143). Since this is the abridged version of the original article, here I only write my interpretation of these three verses with no more than one brief statement to explain. A more detailed discussion of these verses can be found in the original article: تَبارَكَ الَّذي نَزَّلَ الْفُرْقانَ عَلى‏ عَبْدِهِ لِيَكُونَ لِلْعالَمينَ‏ نَذيراً Blessed I the One who sent the differentiator (furqan) to his servant so that he become warner for all (in Arabia) (25:1) The word 'Alamin while literally means the whole world, can also mean a limited number of people or a specific group (as pointed out by creditable scholars of the Qur'an like Imam Razi, Tabari and Zamakhshari). ...وَ أُوحِيَ إِلَيَّ هذَا الْقُرْآنُ لِأُنْذِرَكُمْ بِهِ وَ مَنْ بَلَغَ‏ أَ إِنَّكُمْ لَتَشْهَدُونَ أَنَّ مَعَ اللَّهِ آلِهَةً أُخْرى‏ ... ... and the Qur'an was revealed to me so that I warn you (Quraysh) and whoever (in Arabia) to whom it may reach ... (6:19) As the experts of the Arabic have written, iblagh means 'reaching in its ultimate and complete level' (Al-Tahqiq fi kalamat al-Qur'an al-Karim, 1:360) وَ كَذلِكَ جَعَلْناكُمْ أُمَّةً وَسَطاً لِتَكُونُوا شُهَداءَ عَلَى النَّاسِ وَ يَكُونَ الرَّسُولُ عَلَيْكُمْ‏ شَهيداً ... And in this way we have made you (the companions of the prophet) an intermediate community so that you may be witnesses (to the truth) upon (the rest of) people (in Arabia) and the Messenger be witness upon you ... (2:143) Verse 16:89 makes it clear that a witness is only from the same community. I would like to also point out that even if for the sake of discussion I agree that these three verses are referring to a universal scope for the Qur'an, this still does not prove that Islam is supposed to be the religion for every human being and that everyone is expected to convert to Islam and follow the shari'ah. 4. Summary and Conclusion There is only one truth and all true religions adhere to the same truth. They all promote a life submitted to that truth, that is God. This is that islam (with lower case) that in most places the Qur'an refers to. This truth however has different illustrations to suit different nations and cultures. Therefore every nation has its own version of islam. The version that was given to the people in Arabia and all who joined them later is conventionally called Islam (with capital case). Based on the above understanding, to a Muslim, followers of the other Godly religions and ideologies are also followers of the path of islam and there is no need for them to convert to Islam. However the Qur'an remains as the criteria for right and wrong for anyone who believes in it (Muslim or non-Muslim). The preaching responsibility of a Muslim therefore is only limited to trying to correct any such ungodly beliefs and practices among Muslims or non-Muslims where the opportunity comes and in a peaceful manner. In this way, the Qur'an becomes even more relevant and universal. The obsession with converting people to Islam, which basically means them following the shari'ah of Islam, can cloud one's mind against realising the real universal function of the Qur'an. Once it is appreciated that God's religion is not bound by any particular shari'ah, suddenly the real message of the Qur'an becomes available to any human being, Muslim or non-Muslim. That message is none but the message of monotheism (Tauwhid) and its practical implication, that is being aware of the effect of this life on the hereafter and doing righteous deeds. We are all like mountain climbers who start from the bottom of the mountain. At the start we do not see any other path to the top but the one that we have taken. However our viewpoint becomes wider as we get higher up in the mountain. We then gradually start to see and appreciate many other paths that people, as convinced as us, are taking towards the top of the mountain. I am proud to follow a Book that tells me from the very start, while I am still at the very bottom of the mountain, that there are indeed many paths to the top.
For my 333rd message on this forum, I wanted to drop something both thought-provoking and educational. Please understand this is a simple explanation of a VERY complex, some of this is taken directly from here, while others are from papers I have read. This post is much about me trying to understand a concept by telling you about it as it is something I want to make the minds of agora turn over. There exists a a concept in computer science called computational irreducibility, which states (in part and simplified) that we cannot know the output of function unless we run the function. This is an unavoidable concept, a law that cannot be broken. We cannot simply set a number in the future and see the result without running all the iterations before it. The physical world works the same, one cannot successfully predict the future without doing the work to get there, anything else is just a prediction of her many possibilities. View: The output of a system requires an observer. The observer an only see the steps in the process and the output. You the observer are bound by time and the irreducibility of the universe. Time only flows in one direction. Our roles as an observer is completely dependent on this. {source} All possibilities in the flow of time will entropy into a single point. This can be shown in the 2nd law of thermodynamics. When we step further outside the land of equations and into the world around us, we find that its complexity is infinitely more. Science tells us that the brain filters out a large amount of stimuli {source } Within a computational irreducible universe there must always be slices of computational reducibility. And it's these slices of reducibility that an observer must try to pick out—and that ultimately make it possible for a finite mind to develop a "useful narrative" about what happens in the world, that allows it to make decisions, predictions, and so on. This experience creates our observation of a single thread of time. But that is not all there is. There exists another concept in computer science called multi threading. In which multiple processes run at the same time. Time works similarly. There are many paths of history that when observed are reduced to a single point. One can observe this when doing the double split experiment. Originally math and physics used simplistic equations like so, a flat line with one possibility: The discovery of quantum mechanics tells us that there are many paths of an out come. The complex system of many rules that will create a branching system of possibilities: In quantum mechanics, there's a fundamental mystery about how we perceive definite outcomes when there are multiple possible paths of history. But when modelled while multiple paths exist, observers within the system can only perceive the causal relationships between events. The key point is to think about what an observer who is themselves part of the multiway system will conclude about the world. Even though these paths appear different from the "outside", causal invariance ensures that the network of relationships between causal events (which is all that's relevant when one's inside the system) will always be exactly the same. In other words—much as in the case of relativity—even though from outside the system there may seem to be many possible "threads of time", from inside the system causal invariance implies that there's in a sense ultimately just one thread of time, or, in effect, one objective reality. But why is it that we all observe a consistent view of history. There are two answers, the simple mathematical one is that we are so close in space time togther that the collapsing complexities form a consistent timeline. While someone who is far away (or near a black hole like in the movie interstellar) would experience a different time. The second answer is we do not experience a consistent version of history. History only recently was electorally recorded and written, but for eons of our history it was spread via spoken stories. Even the bible does not function in time. Many times in the bible events of the future are spoken about as if they already happened. {source}. Time was less consistent in the past due to our inability to share it properly. But as we have advanced and use things such as the internet we have grown closer together, in a sense our time has become much more consistent. Dare I even say that Einstein's theory of relativity when applied to history has a linguistic curvature in which as we leave recent more recorded history and head towards the distance past, time becomes different and more malleable. Even speeding up as we have can only connect to dots of history that grow further and further apart until they dissolve into more questions than answers. So what are we to do with these multiple branches of time and what does this all suggest other than the obviousness of time being only observable as a single thread that grows stronger with each person attaches to it's fate. Well, we can see a place where time can be changes, but this place lies within you. Because if it were external others would be able to observe it first thus collapsing all possibles. Now I am not going to tell you that you can time travel to different timelines by sitting in a darkened room meditating. But yet you can scope these up and hold them, collapse them into a single fine line. Simply by making a choice that only you are aware of. Remember when it was your birthday and they said to make a wish but to never tell anyone what you wished for? Thank you for reading. Have a happy new year, I hope you get there on time.
Foreword: Testosterone Levels in young Men are on the decline since decades, this has many reasons. Ranging from changes in Diet, Water & Air Pollution as well as Psychological Reasons. It's undoubtedly a focused and intentional effort to rob men of their virility and their energy. In this Thread I present everything I learned over the years on how to raise your Testosterone, Libido and subsequently your amount of cum (all these 3 are linked together) also, higher Testosterone Levels are found to thwart and prevent Depression, also something many young Men in the modern Age suffer from. I once came across a sub on >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk r/testosterone, but much to my disgust the only thing that was ever talked about in there is how to raise your testosterone levels by shooting yourself up with it. Needless to say that this is not the right way to go, artificially introduced testosterone causes many health issues and has in some areas the exact opposite effect to naturally raising your testosterone levels. Shrinkage in penile size, scrotum size, heart defects, development of breasts similar to women, because of the estrogen that has been made a free radical, unbound (the term "Radical" here refers to the chemical radical of inner elements, when something like a hormone is displaced from its usual resting place and travels freely through your body, however by trying to find a proper translation I found that this term is often used in German but almost never in the English language, it might have a different use-term.) Since I like to get to the point I will start out with Food Items and their Quantity, Supplements, Physiological and Psychological exercises and how to apply them and later some recipes. Also, considering that some countries have legal genetically modified food, keep in mind that I always refer to so-called "Organic" or "Whole Food". In some European countries, they are also labelled "Bio" or "Natural". I made a video too View: Food Items Garlic - 3-4 cloves daily - Raw, chewed thoroughly to cause the ingredients to appear. Garlic has been a staple of food since antiquity. It contains many unique enzymes as well as sulfur-phosphate. It has anti-inflammatory properties and flushes out any free Radicals in both your mouth and stomach by eating it raw. In modern diet garlic has been cut back a lot but if you look at ancient recipes, texts and books its pretty apparent that it was used excessively. Garlic also contains certain minerals and enzymes that serve as the basis for testosterone, or that will be transformed into testosterone within the Body. Extra Virgin Native Olive Oil - 1-2 Tablespoon at least daily - Here again "Raw", its recommended to swap out any seed oils (Yellow Oils) completely with Olive Oil. Seed Oils cause the production of Oestrogens, and its trans-fat acids is a cause for diabetes and cardiovascular related health issues. Olive Oil contains many B -Vitamins and also has minerals that serve as the basis for testosterone. Red Meat - At least 300-400g daily - No brainer. Certain enzymes and the Blood within the meat forces higher Testosterone production within the Glands. In some cultures, Red Meat is even consumed Raw and part of the Diet. Salami in eastern European countries, Speck in German countries, Bacon and Ham, Prosciutto in Italy, France and Spain or as "Mett" which is salted minced meat. If you aren't used to consuming raw meat, start off with little and be cautious of the place you buy it from. If you are in the US and neighbouring countries, you could seek out foreign grocery stores and buy the meat from there. Contrary to popular belief, consuming raw meat has no health concerns as long as the meat has a history of proper processing and cooling or has been tempered with salt or smoke. The invisible fear of salmonella is just a boogeyman to cause people to second guess and not eat it. To prevent any supposed intake of salmonella, salt the meat or use spices. You can also cook it very sharply and short on the outside to burn them off. Salt and Garlic is a natural antibiotic. Eggs - 3-4 daily - Again you can eat them Raw or cook them, eggs are a natural vitamin D source also, which is one of the most important factors in producing testosterone. Fish - As substitute for meat or as alternative - You can also eat fish raw or cook it, again the same applies here as what I've already written in the meat section. Perhaps Internet Famous is Sürströmming, which is fermented Raw fish. In many European countries, raw salmon is also served as apperativo or used as garnish for other dishes. Fish is also a natural Vitamin D source and contains unique oils and minerals also helping your testosterone production. Cellery - A few bites daily or included in soups, Raw - You can use both the big knoll or the leek of celery. A natural way to raise your Libido and improve the quality of your sperm and cum. Red Beet - 300-400g every other day - Again Raw or cooked or part of dishes Sauerkraut -400g every other day - Sauerkraut is fermented raw cabbage and fully of healthy enzymes for your digestive system and has extraordinary amounts of vitamin C, which is also important for testosterone production Onions - Red or yellow- 1-2pc a day raw - Onions have also been a staple in the diet since ancient times, has many attributes similar to garlic and chewed raw is a great way to prevent (ironically) mouth breath and inflammation within the mouth Ginger - 4-6g daily, raw - Ginger coming originally from Asia is a sure way to boost testosterone and improve sperm quality. It is a natural aphrodisiac as well, and contains many important minerals and vitamins. If you aren't used to eating ginger or experience stomach pain, reduce the intake by half. Spinach, Broccoli, Green Vegetables - 200g daily - cooked, has many assisting minerals and vitamins as well helps improve your general health and digestive system Milk - 300ml daily - either in your coffee or just straight, milk is a staple of any healthy diet. Cheese - 300-400g Every other day or part of your dish - Cheddar, Gouda, Mountain cheese etc any variant goes. Again, cheese is a staple of any healthy diets and contains large amount of proteins which is the building block for testosterone Pomegranates - 1 or 2 daily - All in all good fruit full of vitamins and enzymes that raises testosterone production and your health Coconut Oil/ Fat - Tablespoon daily or as part in your cooking - again similar to olive oil. Also coconut water is a good refreshment and an electrolyte drink (also great for your skin) Chicken - as alternative to meat - must be cooked! - many similar attributes to eggs, also helps in burning fat This was a short summary of the best food items to increase testosterone, increase libido and improve the quality of your sperm. However, most of those items simply provide the building blocks for the aforementioned, in many cases you need to "Jumpstart" the production with other ways. Compare it to Diesel, in most cases it needs a foreign glim to start burning in the engine, in some cases and some motors it self-immolates by simply being introduced to pressure. The following supplements kickstart your testosterone production and should not be taken on their own: Supplements Magnesium - 400mg daily - More if you exercise or hit the gym. Magnesium replenishes depleted mineral reserves and promotes muscle growth and likewise testosterone production. Magnesium is also a necessary ingredient in sperm Zinc - 30mg daily alternating once a day 50mg of Zinc only after long workouts or cardio - Careful! Zinc is very volatile in the body, do not exceed 50mg of general zinc intake (average body weight of 70-80kg) a day, or you suffer from health issues. Note that zinc is also found in chicken, eggs and leaf green vegetables. However, it is necessary to introduce additional zinc into your system when you want to increase testosterone or build muscles. Only with an abundance of Zinc, this can happen. Zinc is partly stored in the body, so after 1or 2 weeks you can leave out days when you don't take a Zinc supplement. Zinc dramatically increases cum and sperm production and enhances libido and testosterone production a lot. Kalium - 400 mg daily - Ideally you get yourself a Magnesium & Kalium Supplement, Kalium is needed as aggregator for many minerals in the body and mostly to assist the intake of magnesium. Vitamin D3 & K2 - 5000 IE D3 & 200μg K2 - IMPORTANT - ALWAYS take Vitamin D3 & K2 together, like Magnesium and Kalium but turned up by 1000, artificial Vitamin D3 can ONLY be processed in the body by including Vitamin K2, if not the D3 supplement depletes minerals in your cells and causes an array of issues, excess Vitamin D3 then gets pushed out from your body negating the point of taking it. This might sound scary, but is just to drive home the point to avoid supplements that exclusively offer Vitamin D3. Vitamin D is the most important factor in depression and testosterone. 80% of Adults in the world have a Vitamin D deficiency, this is caused by working and just being indoors all day. To get a natural vitamin d intake, you would have to spend at least 2 hours a day in the summer sun with a partly exposed body or consume 15 eggs and 800g of fish a day. Vitamin D is also an important factor in fighting off Viruses in your body and preventing sickness. Studies have also shown that very excessive Vitamin D intake (10 IE upwards) causes penile growth. However, it is important to always add Vitamin K2 as well, if you respect that there are no health issues stemming from Vitamin D. It does not matter what certain publications would want you to believe. It is certainly possible to exceed even 50IE of Vitamin D a day if you spend most of your time outside in summer with exposed upper body and or legs. Lecithin - 1500mg daily - This supplement is of utmost importance for both muscle mass, semen and testosterone. It is the building material for new cells. Lack of lecithin is most often the reason why certain people do not build muscles throughout their lives. There are no noteworthy downsides in taking it. Protein - 2.5-4g per 1kg of body weight a day. E.g. if you weight 80kg, you NEED at least 160g of proteins to surpass the basic need and introduce testosterone and muscle production. In this day and age it is very difficult to still your protein requirements with food alone, even eating all the items I mentioned above you barely make it to 150g of pure protein. Which is still not enough. Remember, increasing testosterone, muscles mass and semen is only possible when the body is confronted with an abundance of materials. Weightlifters often take 5g of Proteins per 1kg body weight. If you are among the people who see very slow or no muscle growth at all, this is the reason. You need additional protein introduced via protein shakes. Good supplements are either Whey protein or casein. Whey is a simpler variant and gets absorbed rather quickly, but can lead to soft stool. Also look for supplements. It's safe to say that, if you didn't took protein supplements prior or your diet is lacking in protein, you need at least additionally 90g of protein a day. There are no downsides to it, but expect diarrhoea in the first few weeks, simply because your digestive system isn't used to a proper protein intake. Lift weights/ exercise to counteract this. Pygeum Africanum - 4000mg daily, however many supplements consists of extracts that have a ratio of 20:1, mostly 2 pills is enough. Pygeum Africanum is very interesting, it activates your glands and assists your prostate, it's often prescribed to elderly men that suffer from prostate issues. It dramatically increases testosterone production as well as semen production (only if you provided the building materials in form of the foods mentioned before) Foliatric Acid / Vitamin B9 - 800μg - Also a very Interesting Vitamin, it has a similar role as Lecithin, it is also often prescribe for pregnant women to prevent defects in the fetus. What it does for men is to enhance the sperm quality and also assist new cell growth. It's found in green vegetables and olive oil, care should be taken when you have low Vitamin B12, there's a similar correspondence to it like we have discussed with Vitamin D3 & K2. Ginseng - 200mg daily - Similar to Pygeum Africanum it activates the glands and improves nerves. Additionally Now with a proper diet and supplements we look at ways to further cause the body to produce testosterone and virility. Exercise - Necessary to get the full effect of all the things mentioned above. Only when the muscles are used beyond their usual strain, the body is forced to adapt and change. Cycling, Running, endurance sports are the best ways to force your body to greatly increase testosterone production. Even more so than just lifting weights. However, lifting weights is still important. But there are many guides out there as well as videos on what a proper workout should look like. One tip I can give is swimming or walking through water. Swimming is genuinely a very well-rounded and intense workout for your body, if you swim correctly you strain every muscle in your body (just google images of professional swimmers like in the Olympics, and it's quite astonishing how their bodies even mog bodybuilders, and they have stamina, something bodybuilders lack tremendously). Also, walking through navel / chest high water for long periods is a fat burner and strengthens your back and legs dramatically. Therapy for obese people often consists of wading through water for hours because it is such an easy and sure way to burn fat and exercise your muscles. Sex - Both as exercise for your body and mind- Sex is the ultimate way to increase your testosterone, an active sex-live forces the body to adapt to these circumstances and to provide everything the sexual act entails. Here it is important, masturbation is in no way similar to sex. Because you don't get into a unity and coagulation with another soul but rather just auto-erotically relieve yourself, your body has no intention to raise the testosterone levels. The smell of a woman, the dynamics during the intercourse, the talking, the sweat, the touch, the pheromones are all activators for virility. Similar to how having children of your own causes changes in your body in order to protect them. Sex should be had regularly, however it is important that it is with someone you love, otherwise you deplete your body of different energies and emotions. If you don't have a relationship or someone to have positive sex with regularly, you must go out and approach women. Being among women for long periods also increases testosterone, similar to sex but to a lesser degree, it is preparing the body for the expected intercourse that will happen if you spend your time with women. If you are further interested in the spiritual and magical connection of sexual intercourse and the male subtle body: I might post an article about this too, otherwise see Julius Evola´s Book "Eros - The Metaphysics of Sex" : Metaphysics Of Sex.pdf Masturbation - Must be avoided, as it as a way to rid the body of excess libido and testosterone. Basically what NoFap says. Ignore what mainstream publications say to this topic. Masturbation is unnatural for Virile Men. Epilogue This is, in a nutshell, many of the things I learned, experienced and came to learn over the years as well as what I practice myself. My main Goal with this article is to assist and to teach men about this topic and give a comprehensive list with things to keep in mind. Also a starting off point to delve into those topics yourself. Some of the things here stated can be found around the web, but rarely is the connection made among them or presented. I will probably further elaborate and add a few things, but I don't really want to make an endlessly long article. Also, some things have been taken from "The Cum holy grail" which sometimes makes the round online, although the things mentioned here is the updated version. By testing it and comparing it to muscle guides as well as testosterone guides, I found that many of the things mentioned there are also mentioned important for those Hence, I found out over time that Testosterone, Muscle Growth and Semen Production are completely linked together and or have correspondence to each other, when viewed through a pure occult Weltanschauung, this can also be confirmed. They are also linked, at least for Men, to depression. As things like low testosterone levels correspond to low Vitamin D levels correspond to low libido and vice versa.
In this post, I want to talk about moe, or more specifically – problems I've seen concerning a certain trend in regards to anime and sexuality. I feel that this problem has been bubbling under the surface for a while now and most people either don't know it exists or, if they do know about it or are aware of it, don't know how to talk about it. Here I plan to demonstrate a few things that are exclusively problematic to anime and how to address them, most notably, that the anime-to-LGBT pipeline does exist and is a threat to lonely, isolated people (not to mention minors and people struggling with mental illness). What I won't be talking about are problems associated within subsets of the anime fandom, such as anime-themed Discord chat groups or gossip concerning popular YouTubers who just so happen to be associated with anime fandom. Rather, I'll be talking about this phenomenon from a much broader perspective in the context of moe, otaku culture, and parasocial relationships. A common misconception among artists and even some fans of anime is that moe is an art style. This is an easy mistake to make as the term itself is typically associated with features that make anime art "moe" (e.g. large eyes, a round face, a small nose, "babyface" features, et cetera). Moe, when used correctly, is used to express a feeling or an emotional response to specific stimuli (typically a sensation that is warm, comforting, and affectionate in nature). As such, it's important to note that the feeling moe gives to an individual can be in response to seeing a specific character, to images of said character, to even ideas. Japanese cultural critic Toru Honda - when describing the phenomenon of moe in manga and anime - describes moe as "imaginary love (nounai renai)." He notes the effect the moe character gives to the viewer of being a type of "perfect love." Thus, Honda is "married" to the fictional Kawana Misaki from One: Kagayaku Kisetsu e (One: ~To the Radiant Season~). As a fan of the work of Kiyohiko Azuma (Azumanga Daioh, Yotsuba&!, and others), to say that I have felt the response that moe was meant to give would be an understatement. I felt (and still feel) a sense of calm and peace when I revisit the innocent, carefree adventures of little Yotsuba and her friends and family in Yotsuba&!. Watching Azumanga Daioh brings me back to highschool (even if the show barely resembles my own experience). I'm brought back to a time when I could look forward to seeing my best friends and make memories without realizing that those moments were the happiest moments I would ever have. This is all to say that I absolutely do understand the appeal of moe and do find value in it. Moe, from my own experience, has been a tool used to saturate my mind with positive thoughts and emotions - substituting unwanted memories with a rose-tinted nostalgia that appeared to exist if I could imagine it. That said, the experiences and emotions that these shows offer cannot substitute the very real need for validation and intimacy that humans crave for one another, after all, we are social animals. Whether that need was deprived in the past or is currently not being met in the present, moe can try and fill that empty void in the heart of the lonely, isolated man, but it's a very shallow form of "love." ... This is just a portion of my article, you can read the full post on my blog here
this is a question that comes to my mind every once in a while but never wrote down, how many of the old entities, daemons, shedim, jinn, whatever word you wanna use for supernatural are still alive. i come from a muslim context, where jinn are not immortal, they live very long lives(potentially thousands of years) but they are still mortal of old age and kill-able, so this might sound weird to peeps from a christian context where demons are immortal(i think hinduism and jewdism share the same ideas of "neutral mortal entities" if i am not mistaken). so to avoid confusion i want you to read this thinking less of "evil immortal demon" and more "neutral mortal daemon" the example that made me want to write this now is the shrine of shamhurish in the atlas mountains in moroco. where the remains of the jinni judge shamhurish are said to be burried, some visit this shrine to seek his help in starting a "jinn court" against a jinni that is hurting them. whether he is actually dead or not is a matter of depate tho. so sometimes i look at a book like the ars goetia from centuries(17th i think) and think to my self how many of those entities are still with us? some of them are mentioned as far back as babylon so they have to be getting up their in age at least. what if some of those segils are no longer usable or became weaker because their owner passed or got weaker with age? what if certain entities only appear in relativily recent accounts cuz they are younger and started taking the place of the old ones?
This is a theory that has been bouncing around in my head for a while, and this is my first attempt at putting it into words. Recently, I spent a few months excavating a chaos theory rabbit hole, and what I found changed my view of the universe and everything within it. For those unfamiliar with the concept, chaos theory is a recent development in science that posits within any seemingly chaotic system lies a series of discernible patterns. These patterns vary wildly from instance to instance because they are highly dependent on their initial conditions (i.e., speed, location, weight, etc.). To put it another way, there is order within chaos. A simplified version of this theory was popularized as "the butterfly effect." Pictured below is the Lorenz system. It is a graphical representation of a chaotic system that, when viewed as a whole, reveals a pattern. From a certain perspective, it also happens to look like the wings of a butterfly. Let's start with the earth itself--more specifically the "Goldilocks" conditions. Earth is able to support life due to its atmosphere, its distance to the sun, its vast supply of water, etc., and that exact combination of those exact conditions make it an astronomical anomaly. The Earth itself was formed over billions of years of converging processes in the vastness of space, star formations and then explosions, filling empty space with vast galaxies. Each process feeding into another process like a Rube Goldberg machine of incomprehensible scale, ending with space debris colliding and forming planets in the sun's orbit. From all this intergalactic chaos came a unique sense of order: our solar system. Much like the life it supports, Earth is constantly evolving. Millions of years of geologic and atmospheric processes have resulted in earth's current climate. The atmosphere thickened and thinned, water covered the planet, and landmasses rose from the sea floor. The exact beginnings of life on earth are still not understood, but the scientifically accepted theory is abiogenesis, the process of inanimate matter becoming animate. In its infancy, Earth was a hot, bubbling cauldron, conditions which were perfect for instigating life. Another interesting theory is panspermia, that life comes from interspace debris that crash landed on earth (are we aliens :O ??). Either way, the implications for chaos in these events should be obvious. However life made it to earth, it became uniquely adapted to earth's conditions through evolution. Generally, life competes with other life for resources, while also attempting to survive the chaos of existing. Some organisms are eaten, some are crushed by rocks, some contract illnesses, but others manage to prosper and pass on their genetic codes. But any lifeform, prosperous or otherwise, is subject to the whims of its planet, and mass extinction event after mass extinction event rocked the developing biology on earth. Organisms that once sat at the top of the food chain were knocked down multiple pegs (R.I.P. dinosaurs). An evolutionary change is only advantageous relative to the environment, and when the earth is so prone to change, that advantage is likely short-lived (on a geologic timescale). To put it another way, evolution is the order within the chaotic process of natural selection. Mammals currently rule the earth, though we may be witnessing the end of our reign. In a system as limitless and complicated as space, the exact conditions required to create life were guaranteed to happen at least once. We are the order in a chaotic system. Stay tuned for part II: my enhanced theory of evolution.
What I'm about to propose in this Esoteric article is going to be an especially spicy hot take, which isn't rare for this forum. But basically I'm a believer world religion and mythology are strong reflections of the world of the past, though not through literal lens, but give a good picture of what people may have saw and experienced back then. Though many parts of these old tales have questionable validity, what is interesting is how much certain beings or world events show up in cultures worldwide which have historically been distant for thousands of years. For these themes to show up so often is no coincidence and I'd dare argue there is validity to certain creatures and occurrences actually happening. Today in this article I'll give three examples of exactly that and I'd love to hear more that you readers may know about. The Great Deluge/Flood Myth I have no doubt of the Great Deluge happening at some point in world history. The event is recorded in Christianity (Genesis), Judaism, Islam (Nuh), Zoroastrianism, and Hinduism (manvantara-sandhya), and recorded in the mythologies of the Chinese (Gun-Yu), Greek (Deucalion and Pyrrha), Irish (Cessair, though this one is debated due to mentioning having Christian meddling involved). Moreover, it's also mentioned in the lore of Native Americans, Polynesians, Aboriginal, Africans, and Mayan peoples. If a big massive flood that encapsulated the world didn't happen early in human history then why do so many ancient cultures recorded it happening and why do modern historians deny it or not acknowledge it happening? Simple, they can't as there is forces at play that deny it and reject any evidence towards it, reason why is unknown but this could be potentially due to the fact this event could explain the sinking of cities such as Atlantis and other Old World monuments that our Elites rather the general populace not know the location of. What hides under the waves where these previously inhabited civilizations now lie then? Ancient knowledge, technology, unknown intelligent creatures? We may never know. Dragons/Serpents Giant reptiles are a regular entity that shows up in cultures all over the globe. To the vicious and demonic reptiles of Europe and Arabia to the kind and gentle ones of China, these creatures vary in nature and are highly prevalent throughout. They are a neutral entity and their behavior differs on where you go, yet what happened to them and where they originate is quite debated. Some say they were created by humans from our instinctive fear of snakes while others argue that they were believed to be the reactions of our ancestors coming across dinosaur fossils, believing they were deceased giant lizards. But I propose another theory: were dragons/serpents actually endangered megafauna? Everyone knows our early human history collided with the fall of the Megafauna and could a lot of stories about dragons and serpents be about our ancestors encounters with them? And do we have proof of reptile megafauna actually existing during early human history? We do. Meet Megalania This massive reptile, which is a relative of the modern day monitor lizard family, spanned across the Australian continent until around 50,000 years ago. Their extinction is attributed to the aboriginals killing them off through hunting and the forest fires they would set off to make hunting even easier. We know from this giant lizards existed on Earth at some point in human history so what's not to say others did not exist elsewhere? Early humans could have overexaggerate the size and ferocity of these late megafauna, there's no denying that, but for them to show up so much in folklore all over the Earth, its safe to say they at some point existed, and what about serpents? Considering we barely know what even exists in our oceans who is to say there isn't large scale aquatic serpent-esc creatures down there? Giants Giants were/are a subspecies of humanity that I'm certain were more prevalent during our early history. Very tall humans such as Robert Wadlow have existed in very recent times so I don't know why we deny such a people existing. Much like the Neanderthal they were overpowered by the homo sapien and as of today most probably no longer exist, but we can't deny they might have procreated with homo sapiens which could explain the very large and tall people we see in modern times. Robert Wadlow (1918-1940) Another contributing factor to giants dying off is health factors: giantism is usually attributed to health problems, hence many struggle to live long lives with such a body mass, so its not ridiculous to think many died off due to these undesirable traits also. As for giants in world religion and mythology, they can be found in the Abrahamic faiths, Hinduism, Jainism, and can be found in the myths of the Norse, Armenians, Romans, Native Americans, Greek, Bulgarians, Batics, and Basque peoples. Like dragons, their behaviors differs depending on where you go, being kind leaders to destructive killers. But what is undeniable is their prevalence and influence on our religions and cultures worldwide. View: To those who don't want to watch the video, essentially around the world giant skeletons have been found yet these discoveries have been covered up and dismissed by the scientific community at large over the last hundred years, potentially due to being ran by people who do not want to validate the ancient tales and scriptures of the past that documented such peoples existing. The Smithsonian Institution was notorious for this during the early 20th century and despite their efforts evidence still exists of finding these skeletons they made so many efforts to hide. I hope this thread generates some interesting discussion as this topic has been on my mind for awhile and I'm curious to see what others think.
A few months ago I visited a museum that contained an exhibit about the Windover Archeological site findings. There was such dramatic historical revisionism I felt compelled to write this. If I create a website, this will be my first post. I finally feel like I have something truly meaningful to inform the greater internet about. There were (pre-PIE) indigenous Europeans in America as early as 6000 BC, and the narrative in the past decade is trying to cover this up. We'll start with the wikitrash article because it gives a better summary than what I could do: Tl;dr for those who don't want to read it: - Human findings dated 6000-5000 BC - Windover is near Cape Canaveral, Florida (NASA where the rockets go up). About an hour east of Disney World. - Skeletons showed the effects of disease and healed wounds, women had osteoperosis etc – Indicating a more advanced communal society that took care of their weak - Intricate woven textiles - Scans showed recognizable brain structure - Other bog burials in Florida found dated to similar time period - Stakes were driven into the peat through fabrics wrapped around the bodies, likely to keep the bodies underwater So, okay, whatever, they're just Native Americans that moved south, right? The Bering land bridge theory is increasingly coming under scrutiny, with more findings seeming to indicate sea travel: British Columbia (Atlantic coast) 14,000 BC: Pacific coast: The findings at these sites, while much earlier, have no cultural relation to the Windover people. There is no indication of migration or cultural similarities with other pre-6000 BC archeological findings in the Americas. There is no "chain" to connect these people to the other settlements. In other words, it is most likely that they are sailors from "the old world". And the closest area is Europe or Africa. What does the DNA evidence say? Scans on the Windover people indicate mitochrondrial haplogroup X, which can be found extremely rarely in Europeans and Native Americans. Also not very conclusive, but rules out Africans. Leaving Europeans as the most likely answer. Okay, that's *likely*, but why am I so damn sure they're European? I admit I wasn't totally convinced until I finally got to see a cast of the actual skulls found. For those who don't regularly stare at skulls, here's a comparison of euro and asian racial skulls: Notice the jutted-out nasal bridge of the European skull vs the Asian one. I cannot find a good side profile of a Native American skull for the life of me, but trust me that it looks more like the Asian. And now that you've seen this, here is the absolute goddamn insult the museum calls a "reconstruction of the skull" I posted above: Extremely Native American, and augmented. It's a lot more apparent from the side: LOOK AT THAT NOSE!!! It's not Native American at all on the skull, they MODIFIED the reconstruction! In case you're wondering if that's really a Windover skull, the key here is the incisors (the top middle teeth). They're ground down unlike most skulls. The theory is that they used the incisors to process palmetto fronds into workable fiber for fabric. That is definitely a Windover skull, it definitely has European physiomorphy, and they are definitely trying to push a narrative that Europeans have no claim to America whatsoever. The kind older gentleman at the museum even informed us that he previously told guests that the Windover people were European, but the University of Florida came through, took the original artifacts, and directed the museum to inform people that they were the ancestors to Native Americans. I finally observed revisionism right before my eyes. With a topic that generally, nobody cares about. Question your museums. Question your textbooks. Question everything. The scientists are no longer in search of actual truth. The emperor has no labcoat. Some other neat tidbits about the Windover people that support the theory: - The bodies were buried with their heads facing North, which is more of a spiritual direction in...Northern Europe (as opposed to the West/East of most other magic traditions) - Bog burials are far more common in ancient Europe than in the rest of the world 14-year-old video on the topic: View: History Channel is overdramatized, but this is a more fair look at the history: View:
Some anon posted some interesting post on how to achieve "psychic" abilities 2 weeks ago, I figured some people here would be interested to read, so here goes; ---------------------------------------- All psychic or magical phenomena stem from directed observation. This is because observation collapses quantum probabilities, but it does so in a manner directed by intention. All of it is probability manipulation, it's the only psychic ability humans have, but it's probably the most powerful possible one. Now, everyone is a little bit psychic (no, not only a fraction of humans, everyone has at least the potential). To increase your abilities you have to observe faster (with higher frequency, more times per second) and more intensely. All you need are headphones and any site or app that lets you put any beat that has a specific frequency, a sound that beeps a specific amount of times per second. People are usually vision-oriented. When you focus on something in your field of vision, it seems like a continuous movie, but it's composed of many discrete and distinct "frames". Humans usually have a visual framerate of 8-13 Hz (8-13 times per second), this is the alpha frequency in human EEG. What you have to do is train your brain to process and observe faster. In order to do this just put on an isochronic tone higher than 13 Hz, I recommend starting with 15-20 Hz. You will then focus on the sound. At first, it will be hard to even distinguish every beat, but you will be able to do it with practice. This is because whatever activates at the same time in your brain inevitably connects. So, if you have a high-frequency stimulus and at the same time you direct your attention to something specific, it's easier to accelerate the cognitive computation to that object of attention because it is connected to an inherently faster stimulus, forcing it to acquire the same frequency. Once you can do this, focus on any point of your vision and with every beat try to concentrate as intensely as you can on that visual point. This is you, learning to observe. Some clarifications: It's not without risk, and it takes a bit of energy, so be mindful about your health and nutrition. Spiritual or energetic practices are respectable pre-cognitive attempts to explain anomalous effects of cognition. Any esoteric, mystical and magical system is caused by anomalous effects of human cognition. Your brain is literally a "most manipulable substrate" for probability manipulation. You use "psychic effects" to act and think. Its just that the brain meets the mind halfway. And things that aren't brains don't. That why it's easier to manipulate plants than rocks, they are more brain-like. Some crystals are extremely manipulable and can enhance effects. This is because for some crystals, the state of every part depends on every other part. This makes crystals something like "maximally observant" of themselves. This is the cause of their anomalous characteristics. Cats aren't very smart but have a very high perceptual framerate. This is the reason for their crazy fast reflexes. It's also the reason why they were venerated in ancient times. Similar reason why a lot of people who contact "higher intelligencies" feel as if their agency is negated by those beings. Being of higher perceptual frequency. Another perspective to understand this is though the principles of causality and division. Say there's a cause C; someone with very limited perceiving capability would see it as C and C is bound to lead to E (effect). Fate is determined for this person. Many others with an average perceiving capability might perceive C as made up of c1, c2, c3 with each leading to the corresponding e1, e2, e3 effects. This part of the population has some control over their "fate". Now apply that to yourself, a level 30 grand mage from >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk who can perceive at a very high rate. You can break down any cause into 100 little causes giving you seemingly infinite freedom of choice in any situation. Causality can never be violated, but the causes themselves can be broken down which then open up all sorts of possibilities for you. Strict meditation is extremely useful if not absolutely necessary. I recommend Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha by Daniel Ingram, it's free online. This mechanism basically explains most (if not all) psychic phenomena. Think about it this way, when a psychic manifests a ball of energy, he is manipulating probabilities to manifest it. That's why flashy powers are rarely efficient, much less used. You don't just create the main effect of the ball, but creating its visual effect is partly an independent process that takes effort. Oh, and higher frequencies are tricky. Make sure you are actually hearing the frequency. An example. Sometimes if you are hearing 20 Hz it might seem you are catching every beat, but if you checked you would realize you are perceiving at 10 Hz and your slow brain is fusing every two beats into the perception of one. Make sure that doesn't happen. You can use any timer to estimate this. The first effect you will feel after a few minutes of practice will be the ability to hear higher frequency things, like the electricity running around you. "Do I mix this with my visualization practice?" You can, but I recommend using visualization with some precautions. It can be somewhat dangerous. The effect of visualizing and cognitively modeling such as visualizing energy or image streaming is that you are creating positive feedback loops in your brain which will increase cortical excitability, which only increases the speed with which you are cognitively modeling your objective. For example: if you are visualizing healing energies to aid healing you are allowing your visual cortex to add cortical excitability to your objective, which only helps to cognitively model it faster. But cognitive connections are sticky, a lot of people end up with psychosis because they created a bunch of pathological connections in their brain without realizing and that creates aberrant patterns of thought. Usually visualizing the different sensory modalities of a single object is safe, but don't mix a lot of things, especially if they are emotionally charged things. It's better to learn to increase the speed at will and very specifically in a brain area. That's what you are doing with my method, learning to do it for the cortical areas responsible for the perception of the sound and your object of visual concentration, then you can use the same principles for anything you want. Pro tip: tobacco makes it easier to accelerate your cognitive processes, that's why it's so widely used by shamans, but they don't know why it works. Now you and I do. "Why do you think you are closer to the truth than x? Just who the hell are you?" Stop trying to find an objective truth. You can't. Just know thyself and wake up. Any thought is just a tool. Any model is just a tool. Truth is just a tool. At least as far as human capacity goes. "What about the risk of psychotic episodes?" Don't use psychedelics while practicing, they can intensify the experience to the point where it's not controllable. Learn to control and see your own cognitive processes, insight meditation is useful for this. Use the book I recommended. And learn to downregulate activation, this is more complex but if you do concentration meditation and use the resource I mentioned you will eventually get it. If you recognize that you are in a psychotic episode (this is often the hardest part), ground yourself in your body and focus less on the experience of psychosis. Things like exercising, cleaning, cooking, etc. It can help a lot. Frame yourself in your ordinary world with your actions. If it's bad enough, a visit to the ER might be needed. "What do I even use this for? I have no use for psychic powers." I've got a better question. Who is already using it on you and to which effect? "What about talking with entities? They seem to have complex intelligences of their own. How is that just probability manipulation?" They're egregores. Independent conscious constructs that are basically a "decentralized" self. They "borrow" processing power from the subconscious cognitive computation of those who think about (cognitively model) them. That's why fear is something that makes these entities stronger. When you fear something and want to get away with it your brain tasks your subconscious mind with cognitively modeling it. Because your mind needs to understand it to be able to get away from it and survive it. But it's also directing all of your subconscious computing power to enhancing the entity. That's how some of these entities "feed off your energy" sometimes. It's also why some alien encounters are weird on purpose. Cognitive hazards. Some egregores have disdain for us, that's why they refer to us as "containers" we contain both them (could be seen as a prison), and the psychic energy we could be feeding them. "Why is your system superior?" Because it explains every other one. When you cognitively model a magic system, you are giving it energy, and it becomes more powerful. Because this system contains every other one, every time anyone has given energy to their system, they are also giving it to this one. It's, by definition, the broadest, which makes it the most powerful. There are other considerations such a left vs right brain perceiving. But it's nothing you can't figure out on the go. Welp, that's probably as much as it's ethical to discuss. One more important thing. Love is always wise. This is not as much of a statement on the nature of love as it is telling you to use it as a compass. PS: If anyone is interested in trying. You can use any site such as this one, use the sawtooth waveform. onlinetonegenerator(dot)com (thread link: ------------------------------------- So far nothing too crazy in here, and definitely interesting. I don't agree with every single thing here, but I think the basis of this post can definitely be used as a gateway by someone to learn more about what they are capable of. Also the concept of Egregores is really interesting and there is a good book about it called Egregores: The Occult Entities That Watch Over Human Destiny by Mark Stavish.
After IP's excellent original thread had a chance to rattle around in my brain for a bit, I recently encountered a very interesting blog post detailing a scientific study whose relevance will become clear. From the post: There's been a lot of concern as of late about "algorithms," and rightfully so. But while it's clear that all the large tech companies are engaged in tampering with the flow of information, this study demonstrates that that isn't the central problem. Read that last paragraph paragraph again, and then this one from the article itself: Constant hand-wringing is done over "misinformation" (including in the article, with its obnoxiously leftist slant). But this study shows pretty clearly that the root problem isn't algo or propaganda per-say. It's information overload. As people get exposed to more and more info, their ability to engage with it goes down, and so they prioritize low-quality info (much of it not even political) because that's all they have the mental bandwidth for. This process can be accelerated by bots, but they're only catalyzing a reaction that's already taking place, like gasoline on a fire. People who weren't there will have a hard time believing it, but >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk was originally a place where you could have deep, thoughtful, text-only discussions with people. Then it devolved into a place to share cat pictures. Why? IT GOT TOO BIG. And low quailty shit rose to the top. Consider what this means. Maybe the Dead Internet isn't a conscious plot or sinister AI. Maybe it's an emergent property, something that happens naturally in an information sharing network when people are forced to deal with more info than they can handle. Maybe the Internet feels dead and hollow because the sheer SIZE is sucking the oxygen out of the room, creating an environment that's toxic to high-quality, thoughtful content. The traditional framing of Eternal September is that communities that get too big fail because large communities acquire members faster than they can internalize culture. But maybe this is overthinking it. Maybe the problem is just the size itself. Force people to process to much info, and you get garbage. And with this in mind, maybe the solution is less information OVERALL. Taking the study's methods as inspiration, this could be done with just a random number generator: if you have a feed of 1000 items, make a system to pick ten or 20 at random. Trim it down. Cut back the firehose of content. And interestingly, this is a solution that both sides might agree to, as long as it was truly random. Wouldn't even have to trust Silicon Valley: you could implement this across various sites with a greasemonkey script. Of course most people will never do this on their own: it has to happen on the site level to make a big impact, and that's unlikely because SV likes ad money above all else. But it does shift the discussion from debates over what information should be allowed to simply helping people process information OVERALL. In short: What happens when social media crams more info into peoples heads than they can handle? This:
I would like you to check first 3 pics i attached. This is Google's way of saying they hate white men secretly, you probably never saw this before but most nazis/racist whites saw it. If one of them said google hates white men they would be right from just this image except the ceos and most workers in google are still mostly white men. They do this so a vocal minority will be as racist as possible while hating Google, other people subconsciously start thinking "racist people hate google" which also means anti-racist people like Google(I think this is called a dogwhistle in short but it became a buzzword soo i don't think people realise.) This is just a introduction to more deep shit google does to keep a minority hate them, probably one of the biggest actions they took is censoring Alex jones' Bohemian grove video, they knew if they outright censored the video it would gain traction soo they shadowbanned it(probably first shadowban on the internet), still all videos of bohemian Grove are from other pepople publishing his video. These things are small compared to what they might do and did. The far less complicated one is Facebook, in 2014 Facebook admitted to manupilating peoples board for social experiments, that website is filled with altright memes and despite how strict they collect data and how hard they work their auditers there is no way they don't do what google does. I believe algorithm chooses some people with slight right lean and turns them far right, this isn't only about making far right people thought, they want lefties and commies too but not active ones, communists are a great danger to business soo they artifically changed left in its core. Sentences like "there is no ethical consumption under capitalism" became memes and artificially populated in leftist spaces soo they don't ask questions. The fake communist is as old as communism itself but communism is mainstream and has practically no difference to capitalist right now. Now that we hate pepole that hate each other for some reason, what did they gain from this? I don't know, i used to believe they do this all so we won't have time to protest against corporations but it feels wrong somehow. They could just make several small corporation instead of big ones and frame some of them as evil , corporations already have several small puppet corporations anyways, they could sacrifice some once a year and we wouldn't realise we are fighting puppets. What do you think?
Disclaimer: This is about as "WOKE" as you can get, so remember you decided to continue reading after this sentence. This is not my opinion but a semi-journalistic piece based on research and my own lived experiences. This is not an advertisement for obscure self-empowerment tapes, mind-altering substances, dance parties, or a getaway free from suffering card. All you need to know is that I was once a broke journalist moonlighting as a roadie for setting up audio equipment for music festivals when I heard the following: *"I am speaking to you as if you are not human, because to us you are not. To us you are members of the family of light."* - The Pleiadians as channeled by Barbara Marciniak Music has always been deeply connected to spirituality; every religion has its own sound. Be it the church bells, the many voices of Muhammad, the sweet melodies of the sitar, or the thunk trap beat of concrete capital. Each epoch of religious culture has its own frequency. No different is that of dubstep and trance. Over the past 10 years, the popularity of EDM festivals has grown immensely to be a $10 billion industry, attracting millions of people to events every year, such as Electric Daisy Carnival. Though many may see them as obscene places of hedonism fueled by drugs, sex, and bad music, I would like to look at it with a different lens. It is more than an aesthetic some artists like to throw around. It is a rebirth of the 1960s spiritual and psychedelic movement that is slowly becoming a fledgling religion with its own deities, prophets, rituals, medicines, symbols, and history. Its effects can be felt in music, culture, and even reaching full circle back to its roots in academia. As it's followers might say "We are waking up." In May of 1988, a 39-year-old Polish-American woman was visiting ancient sites in Egypt with a group of New Age spiritualists. A collective spirit began to speak through her. It claimed to be from a star system called the Pleiades and brought a message of love and warning to the people of Earth. The TL;DR of Barbara Marciniak's Prophecy: You chose to be here. You came here for a reason. It is time for you to wake up. Earth is going through a spiritual awakening where humanity, with the help of my several books and breathy spoken word tapes, will learn that we can transcend this dimension by forming a unity of consciousness based on love and light. Each one of us is a "star seed" waiting to become a pillar of light. Together we can manifest this using love. There will be a cosmic war between humanity, supported by its cosmic allies, against those who wish for us to stay stranded and imprisoned on this 3D planet. We are all part of the Family of Light. You can hear part of their message here: [ View: ] You may see many themes in her message that are connected to (or completely ripped off from) various traditions and religions, such as Buddhism and Christian Gnosticism. It is very common for religions to do this; take, for example, the similarities in the teachings of Jesus and Hinduism or the many customs paganized by the Catholic Church in order to make the ideas feel both deeply connected to the past and the ancestry of the people whom it touches. Why is she important? Her revelations in the late '80s were a product of the '60s spiritual and psychedelic revolution. Along with the drugs popularized in that era and the advent of yoga, her samples have slipped into mainstream rave culture. Many big artists use them. Though her tapes appear to be obscure or forgotten by this generation, they fill a key role as one of the early prophetizers of a type of thought. The sample I heard from the start of this article, as you can see its themes and sounds are deeply connected to eastern religion: View: We live in an era of disconnection—from self, from each other. The name of this form is called agora. I wonder why. I see many people on this form reaching out every day. Not just this one, but on many places of the "old internet" beyond the confines of what gives the popular label of social media too. I have read many and even contributed to a few articles on the subject. The writing is on the wall so much that you can see it; you can feel it in your heart. There is a growing number of people who have found connection through dancing, doing drugs, and raving about it. This culture is not something new and grew from an underground of musical events in the late 1900s. I have seen with my own eyes how it has grown over the many years into something far greater than simply a phenomenon of sound. It has become a place for human connection to grow, love to be shared, and is one of the few positive paths for humanity, shining brightly in this dark age of ours. An option, I know. But in times like these, I have seen few offer solutions to this era of disconnection. This is one of the few that can be felt. What do I mean by "felt"? Music moves you; it makes you dance. Dance is often something experienced not individually but by a community, leaving the individual more open to connection with the group as they move along with it in unison. It is a very human feeling. Rave culture was born out of the need for people to continue partying after the main thoroughfares of nightlife closed. They were often fueled by drugs such as MDMA, ketamine, shrooms, and LSD (called Molly in its pure form or Ecstasy if mixed with meth). MDMA was originally used as a drug for therapy for those who had trouble connecting emotionally with others and for PTSD (Israel uses it for their troops already). It has been used to treat social anxiety and as therapy for people with autism, with impressive results. I would not be surprised if the autism epidemic we are currently experiencing could be counteracted with MDMA therapy. Ketamine is already approved by several nations to be used for therapy. Other psychedelic drugs have long been studied and await approval for use in similar therapies. Psychedelic drugs have been part of spiritual movements since far before the burning bush. I do not wish to cover this topic in too much depth, but you get where I am going with this: the advent of a new spiritual movement with all the trappings of all the movements that have come before. New dance, same feet. The reflection of this movement can be found in the aesthetic of merchandise surrounding the EDM scenes, their visuals in performances, and the samples used. An egregore all to itself is pushing its way into (or out of) human awareness. Often, the culture of festivals is molded by ancient traditions that take the form of gift culture, which was popularized by Burning Man. Further reading on this can be found in the hidden wiki article about the matrix, located at the bottom of this post. I would highly recommend reading it. Ironically, for many, this sort of enlightenment in the West often comes with a price tag. Festivals are expensive and require friends. Drugs are expensive and require connections to find. These things are paradoxically opposed to the Eastern movements from which they have their roots. One does not need to go to Burning Man to feel a connection with his common man, but one can dance for free. A personal note: As I see, looking objectively at the world today we have little to look forward too. The Western economies are falling, and our societies slip further into authoritarianism. Many see little to hope for. God is dead; we have killed him. Nietzsche wrote about the decline of Christianity in the West. He worried that this fall from grace would lead many into a more ruthless and bitterly nihilistic world, with nothing but darkness ahead. One plagued by anxiety and inaction. This new movement represents a change of direction back into the light of human action and responsibility. It is easy to laugh at the white girl with blonde dreads living off her parents' money in Argentina, talking about "manifesting" on TikTok. But there is something to be learned about the indomitable human spirit's will to hope for and try to create a better future. Recently, a friend of mine killed himself. Don't give up, guys. It does get better. The struggle for connection is one that has been faced by humanity since time immemorial. Movements such as these prove that we do not live in such fallen times. Joy is an act of resistance. As the old world dies and new one struggles to be born. Some sources: Study on Autism and MDMA The Matrix - Hidden Wiki Levels of Thinking youtube video I feel that this topic could be greatly expanded on, but I will leave it as is because this post got pretty long.
Agora Road-Exclusive Preface Hey there travelers! Are you a Man, or Male-Identifying Person? Were you born and raised in the United States, or at least within the United States' primary Western sphere of media influence? Is your opinion of violence that it's a question, and the answer is yes? I've got news for you! It might not just be the horrid deterioration of our society around you causing you to feel that way! It's pretty highly likely that almost every piece of media you've ever consumed (unless you've always been so contrarian and avant-garde) is pure, grade-A Pentagon propaganda specifically designed to make you idolize a violent and domineering form of masculinity? Mind you, you could also very well be propagandized in other way by other entities and ideologies of a similar vein, and by no means is this a comprehensive work of everything the DoD does to all of our media (which is why I post it here, I would love for people to throw me some questions and discuss some things not covered in here), and as a final disclaimer, in my humble opinion as a propagandized youth of the west, violence is both a perfectly reasonable response to the way things are right now, and probably the only way anything would ever get changed. [But that requires organization, and good luck organizing anything stronger than a barista's union with the watchful eyes of TechLord Inc. and Govt. Bros. Flower Delivery Service over your back all the time while you're just trying to pay the fuckin' bills. ha.] All that out of the way, I present my research paper outlying what most of you probably already know, but might serve as a fun jumping off point for explaining to some people that absolutely none of the media they consume is "apolitical," it's either funded and propagandized by the government, or disliked enough by the government that it's the reason other media is being propagandized. Enjoy, feel free to throw some critique, I'm aware my writing is clunky. Men and War: What Do We Think it's Good For? Context Behind War and Masculinity It is widely culturally understood and accepted that many young men and boys in the west are enamored by the concept of war. This is corroborated by several Gallup polls stretching back decades over multiple wars wherein men, particularly younger men, have been by-and-large more approving of military action by the United States (Moore 1). In addition to this, the toy gun market, which is a market mostly targeted towards young boys, is estimated to almost double from $2 billion to $3.8 billion by 2032 (DataHorizzons Research1). So, does this increased proclivity of young men towards war actually affect the psyche of men as they grow older? When looking at the actual motivations and reasonings of men who joined the U.S. armed forces from 2001-2010, three of the most frequent reasons given were the perception of the armed forces given by popular culture and by media, and simply a "desire to experience war" (Fransen 184-185). In this paper I will demonstrate that these motivations are purposefully planted in the minds of young men by the United States Department of Defense and intelligence apparatuses. The reasonings behind motivations such as those given have had a substantial amount of research done into them previously, and the concept of masculinity has been found to be a key role in this phenomenon. In his extensive work "Masculinity and War," R. Brian Ferguson argues against the notion that men are genetically wired to be attracted to war. Ferguson makes the claim that, instead of a natural inclination, the connection between masculinity and war is instead based around cultural notions of masculinity. In traditionally masculine war-making societies, "a boy child is socially categorized and raised with the expectation that when grown he may be called on to dominate and kill. It is all around him. Girls learn that is not their fate and are channeled away from physical violence and into submission" (Ferguson 122). The explanation as to why girls are "channeled away from physical violence" is given as women being incapable of combat roles for most of human history due to the functional demands of birthing and nursing children. (Ferguson 116). In addition to this, aggressive dominance-based forms of masculinity utilized by military and police forces are another contributing factor to the male attraction to war (Ferguson 121). Popular perception of military service is undoubtedly another factor, however direct military advertisements hold little sway over this as their contents generally do not match the reasons for enlistment given by recruits. (Fransen 186). So then what is influencing all of these young men in similar ways towards military service? In lieu of effective above-board military recruitment campaigns, much of the popular perception of military life and masculinity are shaped by the entertainment industry. However this vision is directed not simply by Hollywood writers, but more so by the United States Department of Defense and intelligence agencies. Secker and Alford's comprehensive journalistic research in "New Evidence for the Surprisingly Significant Propaganda Role of the Central Intelligence Agency and Department of Defense in the Screen Entertainment Industry" gives an in-depth look at just how connected the Department of Defense is to the entertainment industry and how much power the DoD and CIA have to shape the media we all consume. Any movie that wants to represent the U.S. military or use real materiel in their screenplay must have all their scripts and scenes approved by the Department of Defense. The authors claim the amount of influence and the types of influence by the state on the entertainment industry through this system have been widely underreported on and misrepresented by both previous researchers and the Department of Defense itself. We only know of a small fraction of the pieces of media the Pentagon has helped to produce, and what exactly their changes to these works were. The DoD and CIA's "institutional secrecy makes it impossible to assess the true scale and nature of the political influence wielded on Hollywood by these two institutions, especially the CIA. We only know that in some well-documented instances it is fundamental to the politics of these entertainment products" (Secker 350). It is estimated that over two thousand films and TV shows had some form of influence or script revisions by the DoD and/or CIA in order to promote a "positive self-image" and to "[propagate] a useful version of history and politics where they play a critical and benevolent role" (Secker 353). Through all of this, it begins to become alarmingly clear that "killing is not normal or typical adult male behavior" and that social pressures hold an outsized influence on the aggression of men which also leads to much of the non-war violence men are responsible for. (Ferguson 113). I aim to unequivocally demonstrate that there is a concerted effort to draw links between masculinity and war by the U.S. Department of Defense and intelligence agencies by showing how the attraction of men to war is shaped far more by social constructs of masculinity than by any natural tendency towards violence, as well as how these social constructs are largely pushed by the U.S. government on its citizens. A better understanding by the general public of this effort could lead to a significant push-back against pro-war propaganda in modern entertainment as well as a deconstruction of the aggression we typically attribute to masculinity. In addition, being aware of this kind of propaganda allows a person to recognize it and escape its effects through critical thought of the material itself. The Pentagon in Hollywood It is a common misconception that the link between masculinity and war is "one of the most perennial and obstinate aspects of human culture" (Mazrui 79). Despite this continued belief, many recent studies into gender and the propensity of men towards militarism have turned up quite contradictory results. While it is true that engaging in combat is not a possibility for women who are pregnant or nursing, therefore causing war to be more delegated to men generally, the masculinity of war is furthered by deliberate usage of aggressively masculine ideals by military apparatuses on recruits and potential recruits (Ferguson 116). One specific tool of propaganda which is heavily utilized by the United States government is that of entertainment media like movies and TV shows, such as by only lending funding and equipment to positive portrayals of U.S. military actions and/or portrayals of ideas that the DoD deems as positive. Some examples of this include the film Apocalypse Now somewhat famously being denied any military help due to its depictions of American war crimes carried out during the Vietnam War, and the film Thirteen Days wherein the Pentagon demanded a revision of a part of the script involving U.S. response to the Cuban Missile Crisis taken directly from historical record (Secker and Alford 353). An example of a film where we know the changed contents is the 2002 film Windtalkers, wherein scenes showing an order to kill Navajo soldiers if captured was removed, along with a scene depicting a U.S. marine stabbing an enemy combatant in the mouth in order to take a gold tooth as a trophy (Secker and Alford 353). Both of these scenes are historically accurate crimes of war that were actually committed by U.S. soldiers in the Pacific theater of the Second World War. The DoD demanded these scenes be removed on the grounds of the scenes not showing the U.S. military as a "positive force in a dangerous world" (Secker and Alford 353). While Secker and Alford claim that these revisions show a more politically rooted motivation than the usually stated intent of military recruitment, I would argue that those deeper motivations relate to pushing particular concepts of masculinity and certain depictions of war that still feed into the military recruitment complex (Secker and Alford 353). However in addition to these examples which, through FOIA requested documents and other means, have their finer details available to the public, there also exists a significantly large class of Pentagon-affiliated works about which we have little to no information. An example of this group would be the TV program Top Chef, which despite numerous requests, has had no information released by the government even though it was granted permission to film at the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency (Secker and Alford 350). As mentioned previously, much of the information on these productions is unavailable to the public for a myriad of different reasons, with perhaps the most explanatory being the inherent secrecy of these national defense organizations, but the information that we do have access to gives clear indication to the fact that these organizations work with the entertainment industry exclusively in order to propagandize the entertainment being produced. These propagandistic themes present in our media are an important part of maintaining control over the cultural leanings of the populace. In the case study "Hollywood and the Pentagon. The Propagandistic Cultural Production of the United States Defense Department," Doctor Samuel Vega Durán of Malaga University says that "although propaganda is a tool that seeks power, power becomes effective through the success of propaganda" (86). The method through which this propaganda has been so successful is through a chain of events wherein a "cultural work" (such as a film or other piece of entertainment) is created and the cultural notions promoted by the work, themselves somewhat appropriated from society, are re-assimilated by the people who then impart those notions further in their own lives (Durán 88). The exact details of this process are quite complex and beyond the scope of this paper, but Durán's outline clearly shows us why it is important to understand the purpose and scale of this propaganda being pushed by "the most powerful government in the world" (88). Durán's case study further goes on to analyze some common themes observed between a sample of Pentagon-supported movies which shed some light on the less explicit political motivations mentioned by Secker and Alford in their paper. Amongst the themes shared between films, a commonality between all of them is the higher-level overarching theme of dominance, and in particular the perception of dominance as a positive trait unequivocally held by those in the right. For example, the concept of "wise power" overcoming "iron power," wherein a belligerent and competitive power structure is overcome by a "wise power," not named for having any kind of knowledge or experience but instead for its "ability to rectify" (Durán 92-93). This is further expanded on in Durán's breakdown of the "army of the people" trope, wherein the military as shown is an extension of the people's political will and power, which means that they maintain the capability of rectification held by the "wise-power" of their socio-political faction (94). These themes demonstrate that while this propaganda primarily serves the purpose of making American military interventions appear attractive politically, they also serve to humanize the experience of war itself so as to make it appear attractive to potential recruits. Furthermore, the means by which these things are made more attractive is through the proliferation of a violent and hegemonic form of dominance which, in the collective consciousness of the world, exists in the sphere of masculinity. Therefore, it is through the proliferation of this dominance in media (and otherwise) that there is a continued demonstrable link between masculinity, or what is currently perceived as masculinity, and war. Nothing New: Football to First-Person Shooters It isn't only through on-screen entertainment that young men have been conditioned for war by the United States government. Historically speaking, physical education, free lunch, and sports in schools were legislated and pushed for not because of a desire to keep children healthy during and after the Second World War, but instead because of a desire to maintain combat readiness in potential draftees (Morris 260). As explained by Hutchings in her paper "Making Sense of Masculinity and War," the needs of combat are changing, and along with them different forms and parts of masculinity are being exaggerated or downplayed (390). Along with this, the forms of combat readiness being employed by the United States on young men has also changed. Just as previously exalted forms of masculine entertainment like contact sports prioritized squad tactics and physical prowess to their players, which would have also been heavily prioritized in combat situations of the day, modern forms of masculine entertainment such as first-person shooter (FPS) video games prioritize quick reaction time and technical ability, which are much more heavily utilized skills in modern warfare (Kaempf 554). The Pentagon's dealings with video game developers are along the same lines as their dealings with Hollywood. The U.S. military actively works with FPS video game developers to accurately recreate armaments and equipment, and in turn the developers sell the games with patriotic overtones which leads to players having a better disposition towards the idea of participating in American military actions (Stahl as qtd. by Kaempf 556). Kaempf makes the argument that this phenomenon "[blurs] the traditional lines between the citizen and the soldier," turning the consumer from a passive observer into a virtual soldier engaging interactively with combat (556). However, I would argue contrary to his point to instead say that this is not any significant change from the past, but a logical continuation of the framework already set in place via policies of mass combat readiness instituted in the post-War years. While the previous methods allowed for men to view the opposing football team as an 'opposing force' to engage in physical competition and hopefully dominate while honing their martial skills, current methods employed by the DoD allow for men to view an opposing videogame team as an 'opposing force' to engage in digital competition and hopefully dominate while honing their reflexive abilities. Both activities still require an element of strategizing and the ability to make quick-thinking decisions, as well as both, in some way, mentally preparing the player for the atmosphere of war. A purposeful side-effect of this propaganda may be to bolster the appeal of the U.S. armed forces, but the reasoned intent is to prepare men for war and to pre-train men in the expected roles of modern combat. The Hegemony of Masculine Violence The violence-idolizing masculinity that is cultivated by the Department of Defense is responsible for much of what we consider to be the unscrupulous masculine violence in the world. K. Hutchings outlines in her paper the argument of the difference between "the controlled, legitimate violence of the policeman and the uncontrolled, illegitimate violence of the gangster" being a simple difference of extremes and limits on masculine violence (399). I would say in opposition to this point that the only true difference is that of state support. As has been shown in many recent highly publicized cases of police brutality and excessive use of force, the policeman can and will act equally as uncontrolled and equally as violent as the gangster whenever he is given the chance. This is because both the cop and the crook have culturally been shaped into their roles by the exact same form of domineering, self-righteous masculinity which demands that they exercise their power through self-adjudicated displays of violent force. One might wonder why the state continues to proliferate this masculinity if it is responsible for so much violence, and one could easily fall into the trap of believing that the "cosmopolitan" violence of the policeman is stoked to combat the violence of the gangster (Hutchings 399-400). However, this is not true. The state continues to proliferate this hegemonic masculinity precisely because it requires the dominance of soldiers and policemen above other citizens in order to maintain the monopoly on violence that it holds within the overall system of imperialist American capitalism. In this way, the oppressively dominant male archetype is directly utilized by the state in upholding the oppression and dominance of the system that they live in. Conclusions on Combating Propaganda Overall, there isn't much that can be done on the end of the average citizen to actively combat the creation of this propaganda, as it is produced by the most popular film industry in the world and backed by one of the most powerful governments in the world. However, what the average citizen can do is help to stop the proliferation of this propaganda. By recognizing the overlying themes present in our entertainment, one can begin to look at works through a more critical lens which can allow one to escape the intended effects and avoid sharing that media to those who would be more strongly affected by it. Another way to combat the mindset peddled by these propagandistic works is to make a conscious effort to engage in consumption of more works not endorsed by the Pentagon, which can show more accurate depictions of the horrors of warfare and the ethical issues therein. I find it doubtful that the creation of this propaganda will ever cease for as long as our cultural system stands intact, but with a significant amount of awareness and effort by the general populace, the effectiveness of the propaganda can be severely diminished. In this case, the hegemonic concepts that have been imparted on society through those works would likely undergo even more radical examination than they currently are, and we could expect to see sweeping social deconstructions in regards to the concepts of masculinity as it pertains to violence, war and soldiering, policing, and violent criminality. WORKS CITED: First and foremost, my fuckin' brain. Everybody's got one, it would serve us well to use 'em every once in a while before it's too late. DataHorizzon Research. "Toy Gun Market to Reach USD 3.8 Billion by 2032, Says Datahorizzon Research." Yahoo! Finance, Yahoo!, 23 Apr. 2024, Durán, Samuel Vega. "HOLLYWOOD AND THE PENTAGON. THE PROPAGANDISTIC CULTURAL PRODUCTION OF THE UNITED STATES DEFENSE DEPARTMENT." Vivat Academia (Alcalá de Henares), vol. 23, no. 150, 2020, pp. 81–102, Ferguson, R. Brian. "Masculinity and War." Current Anthropology, vol. 62, no. S23, 2021, pp. S108–20, Fransen, Martin. "Selling Military Service During Wartime: U.S. Army Recruitment Advertising and Enlistment Motivation During the War Against Terror." Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies, vol. 2, no. 1, 2019, pp. 178–92, Hutchings, Kimberly. "Making Sense of Masculinity and War." Men and Masculinities, vol. 10, no. 4, 2008, pp. 389–404, Kaempf, Sebastian. "'A Relationship of Mutual Exploitation': The Evolving Ties between the Pentagon, Hollywood, and the Commercial Gaming Sector." Social Identities, vol. 25, no. 4, 2019, pp. 542–58, Mazrui, Ali A. "The Warrior Tradition and the Masculinity of War." Journal of Asian and African Studies (Leiden), vol. 12, no. 1–4, 1977, pp. 69–81, Moore, David W. "Gender Gap Varies on Support for War." Gallup.Com, Gallup, 20 Mar. 2024, Morris, James Willard. Fit to Fight: America's Secondary School Physical Education Curriculum during World War Ii. Secker, Tom, and Matthew Alford. "New Evidence for the Surprisingly Significant Propaganda Role of the Central Intelligence Agency and Department of Defense in the Screen Entertainment Industry." Critical Sociology, vol. 45, no. 3, 2019, pp. 347–59, And also MANY MORE papers and books I have read over the years which I did not directly quote but undoubtedly influenced my thoughts and I would be happy to direct you towards if you care enough to ask.
These are stories from DiverAnon discussing potential biological origins of the bloop or other unidentified sea sounds, the black carpet, and generally just what bizarre organisms may still be lurking undiscovered. It'll be a long time before the sea gives up all it's mysteries after all. This next story is supposedly bonafide true- taken from the journal of a now deceased biologist/researcher. I haven't seen the pages of the journal myself, but I'm working on getting them sent to me if possible. I'll share them with you if I ever manage to get my hands on them. For now, enjoy an abridged version. UPDATE: If you want to talk more about this phenomenon then join our forums and discuss your thoughts on this topic here. Thank you! -Date unspecified Just heard a sperm whale on the hydrophone. Very unusual for this area and time of year. Frequency a few hertz lower than normal. Possibly a new subspecies? -Date unspecified Pod is upset. Still hearing the sperm whale. Haven't seen Marv today, hope the old codger is okay. -Date unspecified Pod remains agitated. Second day in a row without a sighting of Marv's scarred old dorsal. Starting to get worried. -Date unspecified Heard Marv on the hydrophone today. Good to know the old man is okay. -Date unspecified Keep hearing Marv on the hydrophone. He sounds distressed. Pod is still agitated. -Date unspecified If this keeps up much longer I might dive and check up on him. -Date unspecified Pod is extremely agitated. Nudged me back to the surface when I tried to dive. -Date unspecified (Illegible) -Date unspecified I'm not sure if I should write this down. I feel like I'm losing my mind. What I saw couldn't have been real. -Date unspecified It's killing the salmon. It's not eating them, they just float to the surface to rot. They're refusing to eat the dead salmon. Won't be long before they starve. -Date unspecified Motherf**ker started singing again. -Date unspecified I guess I'm going down to try and deal with this thing. I don't think I'm crazy. I'm going to write down what happened on my last dive, in case something goes wrong. -I used the hydrophone to roughly triangulate where Marv's calls were coming from. Checked the depth, got my gear ready and dove. The Pod kept nudging me back to the surface, but I kept swimming down and eventually they stopped, circling me from a distance and making odd, mournful noises I'd never heard an Orca make before. I pressed on, determined to find Marv and get to the bottom of what was happening. Poor bastard. After a certain depth, the Pod gave up trying to stop me and circled from above, crying out in their own odd way. I reached the bottom, but couldn't spot Marv immediately. I could hear him, but I couldn't spot his location. It sounded like he was right next to me, even though I couldn't see him. I figured at the time that it was the channel walls bouncing the sound around and continued to search. Eventually, I found him. He was floating, immobilized and trapped in some sort of strange translucent substance. He seemed unresponsive, but I could still hear him. It seemed impossible he could be alive after so long under water, but he still seemed to be vocalizing. Took out my knife and tried to cut what I assumed at the time to be degraded plastic packaging of some sort. The instant my hand made contact, pain came ripping up my arm and pulsed through my entire body. I saw stars and when I came to, I was floating immobilized next to Marv. I tried moving, but I was completely paralyzed. I don't think I've ever been more scared in my life. Slowly, I felt the tendril that had wrapped around my arm begin to tug me downward. I frantically tried to turn my head and see what was below me, but I couldn't even move my eyes. It continued to tug me down at a snail's pace, turning my body with it. As the sea floor tilted into view, I realized something was horrible wrong. The sea floor was writhing, the sediment shifting and pulsating. As my view tilted further downward, I saw what the filament was pulling me down towards. Protruding out of the mass of writhing sand was what I can only describe as a massive sea anemone of some sort, with bulbous protruding growths reaching up from the sea floor towards me. And inch by inch, I was being dragged towards it. I couldn't scream, I couldn't cry, I couldn't even close my eyes. All I could do is watch as this thing reeled me in like a fish. The f**ker took it's time. Either it was slow or it liked it's food well marinated in fear. I'm sure there's worse ways to die, but this is probably pretty high up there. I was pulled in, inch by inch until it grasped me. I can still remember the sensation. Thousands of feelers pinching my arms and face, rough like sandpaper. Pulling me further in. I still couldn't move, but inside my head I was screaming. The mass pulled me further in with a rippling motion, each pulse pulling me farther and farther down. I think I accepted that I was dead somewhere around the time my head was completely pulled into the mass. All I could hear was the rough rasping of the thing as it rubbed against my mask, pulling me deeper into itself. I'm not sure if I blacked out or went catatonic after that, but when I came to I was floating freely in a cloud of murky sediment. All around me where the same bulbous, writhing feelers that had pulled me in, but disconnected and squirming alone, directionless. I took a second to orient myself and calm down, when something brushed past me in the water. If I wasn't still paralyzed I would have shit myself. It came again, a massive dark silhouette shooting through the water just above the sea floor. In it's wake, I could see thousands of the strange bulbous feelers being pulled up off the sea bed. That's when I heard it. The familiar, lovely call. It was Shae, and I quickly began to see several other familiar shapes as the rest of the pod joined her. They shot through the dark like torpedoes, making an odd clicking vocalization that I've never heard before. Strange filaments like the one that had grabbed me and Marv trailed upwards from the mass, but the whales gracefully ducked between them and continued to skim the ocean floor, kicking up clouds of sediment and thousands of individual feelers. Eventually, I felt Shae and several of the others nudging me towards the surface. They even gave me time to decompress before pushing me up to the surface. It took about an hour of sitting on the surface, Shae gently nudging me and clicking in what I assume was concern before I finally regained enough mobility to climb back into my boat. The old girl seemed pretty excited when I finally managed to flop inside. I guess whatever was down there didn't really appreciate having it's lunch stolen, so now it seems to be killing the salmon. I don't know what I'm going to do yet, but I'll be damned if I let them starve. That was the last entry in the journal, and the writer is apparently missing/deceased. Still trying to see if I can actually get my hands on the journal itself or some pictures of it, but the owner is a very odd person and is being uncooperative at the moment. I'm going to leave for a bit and maybe come back with some more stories later. The BLOOP The Bloop was an ultra low frequency underwater sound recorded by NOAA in 1997. It was unlike any other sounds ever recorded underwater, due to it's frequency and the fact it was recorded by other sensors thousands of miles from its estimated source. It is consistent with other marine animal noises due to its rapidly changing frequency but it would be an animal many times larger than the Blue Whale, the largest animal to ever exist. The consensus by most scientists is that it was caused by geological activity. View: View: Description from Diver Anon The basic gist that I can remember is that this thing is some sort of colony organism, like a giant moving coral. It's a giant black carpet of macrobiotic cells that crawls over the ocean floor, sifting through nutrients with millions of tiny feelers. Nobody has ever gotten a good estimate of the size other than "It's big" and apparently it makes a noise similar to this "bloop" thing. One guy apparently saw it swimming/riding the currents as well, so it does more than just crawl on the ocean floor. I suppose you could call it a one of a kind organism, but I"m not sure if that applies to colony organisms like this. Okay this is going to take a little while to get to the point, but basically the bloop is real and it's biological. Well I don't know really, my point is I am now absolutely certain there is something huge down there, that's alive, capable of producing noises like that. I don't know if the "bloop" was biological in origin, in fact to call this entire thing the "bloop" seems a little disingenuous. Look at all the unidentified ocean sounds there are, there's quite a bit. Slow down, Julia, Upsweep, Train, among others. Most of these are explained away with seismic activity while some have no satisfying answer. It"s all a load of nonsense, I'm convinced. Most people would never know it though, because they have only the sound itself to go off of. In fact, the only reason I can come here now to make such a bold statement is because of a guy I met some six years ago. He was an old navy fellow. I guess he must've not been the best at finances or fallen on hard times, because he was working as an assistant dive instructor at the place I went to go get certified. He kept to himself mostly but when he did speak he was lively and funny, so I found him good company. I'd joke around sometimes and he seemed to understand my sense of humor, so we became somewhat like friends. After I'd gotten certified (I'm in Florida) I went diving a few times for a period of about a month within the area. There were nice reefs and stuff so I'd often run into the guy and talk to him. Eventually he confided in me that he didn't have many friends and his wife had died some time ago, eventually, perhaps a bit reluctantly, he mentioned to me in excited, hushed tones about his "discovery". I persuaded him to tell me more about this, and it's here you must understand why most people never reach the truth. He picked out a fat folder he kept under close watch and he started to show me what he'd seen. He had a picture of the bloop's sound recording on there but it was just one afterthought amongst tons, tons of seemingly minor, uneventful instances and findings that occurred at sea. As I'd come to see however, eventually these did form substantial evidence for his little theory. Some stuff was weird. Like I remember there being a newspaper clipping in there from the 80s that described the strange find of a sea-trawler. Supposedly they had drawn up (in very poor condition) something pretty enigmatic. It seemed to be a massive flap of just, cell mass. It was described as having a sort of milky translucence, and the entire length of the segment was estimated at around 80-100 ft long. The thing was clearly in bad shape though, even as it rippled in the waves it was clear there were large tears in it, and these tears seemed to get far more numerous as the entire thing seemed to shrink and dissolve. The net brought up what it could but the thing just seemed to fall apart entirely, pieces of the jelly-like substance literally seeped out through the holes in the net, and the bits that were brought on deck seemed to dissociate even quicker than they had in the water. I remember the clipping describing the weird find as having "a texture like a jellyfish" but other than that there didn't seem to be any mention of samples being taken or studied. A lot of the stuff in there was pretty mundane though. There were a few clippings of similar shit in local papers, like 2 or 3 that all told of some "jellyfish-like creature" washing up along a beach or something. The segments where described as being like 10 to 16ft in length I think. One had a printed picture of it. It didn't really look anything like a jellyfish though, except maybe in texture. There weren't any tentacles I could see, nor could I see a distinctive bell or anything, it just looked like a flat flap of something. But yeah looking through that stuff did get tedious at times. The guy had actually printed out Wikipedia pages (lol) to put in there about the life cycles of sea-squirts, jellyfish, comb jellies, a bunch of stuff I can't really even remember desu. I should mention this happened over several days, the guy seemed continuously reluctant to discuss this with me, and I wouldn't push it every single time, though I was pretty pushy. He seemed to want to dance around the point with me. He'd start with all the mundane shit and recount it to me in sometimes painful detail. Did you know that sea squirts have a mobile form before they settle down and become sedentary? Yeah I do know, they're also an ancestor to all vertebrae life. Sometimes we wouldn't even look at the folder, I'd implore him to say more about what this was all about and he'd go on about his experience in the navy. He'd been on his share of submarines and while he didn't work on sonar he had a bunch of buddies who did, so said he liked to think he knew what sort of things were normal and what wasn't with regards to signals of that nature. That was also in the folder, a bunch of old naval logs. Weird charts and what not, I wasn't really sure what they were, but he explained to me that they were basically recordings of notable pings and audio sounds. He'd point to one and go "that's a whale" or "that's another submarine" or "that's machinery from an oil refinery" etc, all types of noise, mostly mechanical, but occasionally biological or seismological. Do you guys know about salps? Salps are basically free-swimming sea-squirts. They get around by jet propulsion and are actually very efficient at doing this. They might superficially look like jellies but they completely BTFO them in terms of cellular complexity. They have a bizarre life cycle, basically their form alternates across generations. They alternate from a solitary existence to a communal one where they bunch together, see pic related. Additionally they have an earlier stage where they resemble primitive vertebrates, having a little notochord. The salps can grow incredibly quickly, faster than any other multicellular animal when there is a phytoplankton bloom, then die off just as quickly. When they ingest too much food they run the risk of sinking to the ocean floor and dying. Do you guys know about zooids? Zooids are basically an alternative to multicellularity. Basically instead of one organism making different cells for a bunch of different purposes, different organisms come together and each specialize in a certain type of organ to make a greater "creature". Portuguese Man of War and comb jellies are zooids. Basically these are the discussions I had with my naval "buddy" during this time period. It was in the summer of 2002 that my friend had the opportunity to discuss this with a scientist. Even back then there was already a lot on his mind, and it was the conversation with this scientist that really let him crystalize his theory. At this point he'd already been curious about some mysterious deep sea creature for a long time, but it was sort of an "on and off" type deal, and his wonderings would stagnate for years at a time. Nevertheless at this time he caught a poster advertising a convention for marine biologists. The public was to be invited and there were to be talks, an opportunity for questions, and breakfast etc. The thing took place in one of those fancy/sort of cozy hotels nestled in the Florida suburbs. The talks were held in specific rooms, and attendance was pretty low, probably because "those idiots scheduled it on Monday at 10 am". My friend actually skipped work that day just to go. He was the one asking most of the questions during the event, but he didn't want to press them too much for fear of "sounding like some sort of lunatic", since all his questions were trying to point to what was turning and rolling in his mind. So after the talk they all went to have breakfast in the hotel's courtyard, and it was here that my buddy approached the scientists more openly in the hopes that they might be able to make sense of "his experience" (he had not yet told me what that was). He eventually ended up sitting down with a guy about ten years older than him. He seemed friendly enough, seemed happy to get the attention, but my buddy couldn't shake a certain condescending tone radiating from the guy. There he sort of danced around the topic and made vague questions about what sort of life lived in the deep sea and if there could be anything undiscovered hiding there. He was surprised to hear the scientist answering the questions somewhat in the affirmative. He also asked about sea-squirts, asked if there was anything like a free swimming one. He was again surprised to know the answer was yes, and this is how he first learned of salps, which he would later research extensively. I want to take a brief aside here to mention something related. Consider how little we know, consider how well things can hide. Now I don't mean this in the gay sense that the deep sea could be housing the next action movie villain, I don't mean it in the way people usually associate those terms. What I mean is sometimes the best place to hide is in plain sight. Consider how little we know about certain obscure, small creatures nobody cares about. Now consider how much LESS we know about the genetics of those creatures. We haven't sequences very many of them, and we're certainly not at the point where we can determine what segment of DNA does what in an organism, nor can we say with excellent certainty about creatures seldom studied what genes are turned on and off and when. Creatures can vary tremendously in their life cycles. Consider how so many insects spend the overwhelming majority of their life as a caterpillar. The genes for the butterfly have not yet been activated. And when it does become a butterfly this only occurs for a fraction of its life, a few days compared to years. Now pair this with the alternating life history of sea slaps and a picture begins to form. Anyway to return to my navy buddy's little conversation, it appeared someone had overheard them, another scientist. He seemed a bit rougher, sorta like a redneck, but he saw a very passionate discussion taking place and ambled over from the rather uneventful table he was located at. The two caught him up on manners pertaining to the discussion. After the subject of salps and sea squirts had been exhausted, my buddy started to change the subject to the potential for enormous, yet undiscovered creatures. They scientists, again, were rather optimistic. I asked my buddy if they ever mentioned the possible energy constraints of such a thing, he said they didn't. Rather that they pointed to the existence of giant and colossal squids, massive creatures who still eluded mankind, as evidence that there might be more down there. Eventually the redneck-looking biologist mentioned the bloop, well, sort of collectively. Back then they didn't call it the "bloop", and I don't think my friend ever used that word to list it either. The biologist just mentioned a series of powerful, underwater sounds recorded mostly in the 90s by NOAA. He mentioned their origin was a mystery and that they didn't seem to be mechanical or geological in origin. Both scientists agreed it matched the profile most closely of something biological, but said it would have to be several times the size of a blue whale to produce that noise. My friend responded, almost immediately, by asking if salps could produce sound. Or if there was any way a salp could evolve to produce sound. The original scientist just said that there wasn't any way, salps had no ability to vocalize. The second guy said it might be possible if they developed something like a sack of air, and at that point all it would take would be some musculature to provide vibrations and then you'd technically have a salp capable of making noise. The simpler an organism is the quicker it can evolve features that may seem radically against the essence of anatomy. A mosasaurs is never realistically going to evolve gills, yet things like worms and jellyfish never cease to surprise us with how much their anatomy can vary and alter itself. Anyway my friend was always skeptical of scientists and at some point I'm inclined to agree, at least to some extent. I was researching the Fermi Paradox the other day, basically if life is supposed be such a common occurrence why don't we detect advanced alien civilizations? Among the reasons listed where that they were present, just hidden, or whatnot, basically something in support of UFOs, here's how a scientist responded to that claim. He said he had "Aversion to the idea, simply because of its long association with crackpots, gives crackpots altogether too much influence." This is the consequence of the snootiness circle jerking of high science. Once people start putting their reputation over their dedication to the truth or sense of curiosity, or ability to second guess themselves, then that's when you get things like this. Scientists rejecting or largely refusing to engage certain topics simply because it goes against what's deemed respectable by their peers. Regardless my friend kept in contact with the acquaintances he'd made that day. And as he continued to ponder what was dominating his mind he'd often defer to them, asking all manner of questions. It was like this that he learned of zooids. So now my friend was in a position to start piecing together the nature of what he thought lurked beneath the ocean. He figured the creatures already have a tendency to aggregate. Perhaps if this was taken further they could fuse more completely into one organism. Perhaps they could form colonies within colonies, different batches specializing in different structures. My friend made several crude sketches of what he thought the "finished product" might look like. They looked a bit like pic related, though a bit messier, with many small protruding tubes and sacks, which seemed to be asymmetrical in orientation. Basically a "super salp" resembling a single one, but burdened with many other components. The theory goes that these things, throughout most of their life, resemble an inconspicuous sea salp. Indeed many likely go through their entire lives never deviating from this phase. Hell they might even be a species we know of already. But he figured, every now and then something, some set of specific favorable conditions must trigger a kind of bizarre and extreme metamorphosis to create the "super salp" he theorized. Of course that leaves the question of why? And it is a big question, why would an organism evolve to do this, what benefit would it have? Again he found himself unable to answer this question, so for a long time his research into the matter stagnated. My buddy eventually ran into the issue of energetics, and mainly its limits in the deep sea where there is not enough food to support the large, active predators we see shooting through the shallows. The answer eventually came to him after much research and talks with scientists, which were few and far between. Does anyone know what pic related is? It's a photosynthetic slug. The slug ingests either plants of cyanobacteria, I don't recall which, and they essentially have a mutualistic relationship where the photosynthetic creatures live inside the slug while the slug gets energy from the creatures, making it the only animal, if I'm not mistaken, that's able to derive energy from photosynthesis in this way. This is not the only creature to do this, and this is not an infrequent occurrence. Vibrio bacteria live inside many deep sea fish, squid, and shrimp and are responsible for creating bioluminescence. Anyway, with his resources and after enough pushing he found that there were creatures out there that did not derive their energy from the sun, rather the source of their energy was around hydrothermal vents. Chemosynthesis. The primary producers of this odd food chain are extremophile bacteria and archaea. It was suggested to him by a scientist that high hypothetical "super salp" might be able to grow to far larger sizes than normal if it had developed such a symbiotic relationship with these extremophile bacteria, because here it'd be able to feed on the chemicals from hydrothermal vents more or less directly. Remember how there's less energy the higher the trophic level? This skips all that. Couple this with filter feeding, which is likely to occur, because it is likely to some extent plentiful food which triggers the aggregation process in the first place, and you have a creature that can get far, far more energy than expected for the deep sea, a phantom food chain if you will. Anyway after much reading and communication he refined his theory a bit. He was convinced that symbiotic salps lived and had various population pockets around hydrothermal vents. Salps that had evolved gas sacks and the ability to produce sound with them. This would serve as a primitive form of communication. He figured some rare event, perhaps only occurring every thousand years, would transpire. Perhaps a super-abundance of food at a certain location would spur it on, or perhaps seismological activity would trigger it. Regardless he reasoned at this point the salps would use either sonic or chemical signaling. When they sense a certain critical mass is approached they'd aggregate and fuse, forming the "super salp". Why would they do this? Well he figured a super salp would be a much sturdier thing, with a much bigger jet with which it could move great distances. He also figured it must have some way to detect seismological activity, though I personally don't think this is necessary. He said it would rapidly cruise through the deep ocean in search of areas of seismological activity, indeed it is in areas of strong underwater volcanic/geologic activity where hydrothermal vents most often occur. Here it would find these hydrothermal vents and woft the emerging sediments from it, nurturing itself. It would make many such trips, spreading its progeny far and wide across all hydrothermal vent pockets it could. This spectacular stage of its life needn't last long, perhaps only a few weeks, maybe a little more for the colossal thing to do what it does before dying. Something my friend was very adamant about, which I'd only later figure out why, was that this creature was semi-rigid, it had some sort of skeleton, or maybe just strong tethers of collagen to keep it together. He reasoned maybe the bacteria were responsible for producing this, or at least holding it together. He reasoned the bacteria required extreme pressures to live, where the super salp to venture too far into waters not sufficiently deep, the bacteria would very quickly die off en masse, it's support structure would separate from it, and it would basically fall apart. Well, it is here my story reaches it's conclusion. I understand it's quite lengthy, and that may not appeal to all, but I wanted to get this across in its entirety. My long winded story really comes to a close when I at last found out why my friend had become so obsessed over this matter to begin with. After a little over a week of being evasive, or providing unrelated info, or building up his "theory" he at last divulged the experience. It wasn't his experience, it was the experience of one of his sonar buddies, stationed on a ship in the southern pacific ocean, very far away from our navy friend. It was down there that he got a signal that seemed to defy logic. It was huge, almost impossibly huge, and it seemed to defy explanation in more ways than one. It was hard to get a good fix with it on the sonar, it seemed to be hollow, not completely solid. He kept on registering various discrete pieces that all seemed to be within the entire thing, whose shape sometimes registered more clearly or other times like a messy blur. It also seemed to be moving, and towards the ship at that at a speed very surprising for its size, about six to ten knots, he'd later recall. He quickly alerted his superior, who analyzed the situation. He ordered them to turn to avoid the thing, but it was clear they wouldn't clear it entirely. In fact, they almost did clear it entirely, save for a single, noticeable scrape. The submarine made a sizeable impact with whatever this thing was, and there was a noticeable pushback, this was not something entirely gelatinous but something very much semi-rigid. When they got up to the surface, all a bit shaken they noticed the ship's propeller was completely caked in a kind of organic goo. Sonar guy took some samples. The captain said he'd make a report, but when more dives in the same area reported nothing, he called off the idea, quickly dismissing what had happened as nothing out of the ordinary. Sonar guy took the samples in to a lab for genetic testing. After a few weeks time he got the results back, with the scientists there positively declaring what was found was most definitely a sea-squirt. He decided not to pursue the matter further, and this info was relayed to my navy friend. <script async src=""></script> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block; text-align:center;" data-ad-layout="in-article" data-ad-format="fluid" data-ad-client="ca-pub-3653234047279778" data-ad-slot="9691904021"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> What shocked him most was the scale of the thing the sonar implied, based on his friend's estimations, the thing was over 1000 feet long. I'd like to add a brief little epilogue, with things like these there's always important details you might miss. But there is reason to doubt the ice quake hypothesis, and I find it hard to believe it. It seems like a band-aid to me. Something that was previously so widely assumed to be biological in origin is now found to be "consistent" with various geologic movements. I don't buy it. At the sizes and loudness we're talking about anything biological could be said to be "consistent" with the geological in terms of pitch and resonance. Seems the big deciding factor for it being "geological" is that the sounds all occurred near fault lines, well, that's exactly where the super salp would be.
This post originally appeared on /x/ Possibly NSFW because of some minor nudity of the artwork The truth seekers never rest, do they? Let us continue our journey. Sit back and let us explain the process of ascension to you. The prowess of human intelligence and the mind's unlimited imagination is a myth. A myth that is necessary to keep people enslaved. Inversion of the truth is an ancient technique, as ancient as language itself. Through inversion, the strong appear weak and the weak never realize their shortcomings. How is it that such a deception can be carried out on a global scale? No, that is the wrong question. WHY is it that such a deception can be carried out on a global scale? Yes, ask the right questions, and you will receive the correct answers. The human brain has minimal intelligence - enough to keep a functioning body and enable the body to survive. Individual intelligence is a myth - but collective intelligence is a reality. The foundation of the illusion of individual human intelligence is the ability of the human brain to be sensitive to gravitational waves. Gravitational waves are themselves NOT energy. But gravitational waves displace sub-atomic particles sufficiently to cause a chain reaction, which eventually leads to an electrical signal in the human brain. By the same token, when electrical signals are fired in the 100 billion neurons in the human brain, infinitesimal gravitational waves are generated that are forever stuck on Earth due to its large mass. THAT is the fundamental idea behind the organic antenna that is the brain - it is both a receiver and a transmitter. Then, WHAT is human intelligence? How is it born? For that, we must delve into the origin of language. God made man in his image, say the creationists. Humans evolved from primates, say the evolutionists. Who is correct? Perhaps neither is correct. Perhaps, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Or, perhaps the truth is that God has purposefully muddied the waters on the surface to see if the chosen race in this cycle will evolve - or fail, like so many before them. The human brain receives gravitational waves, which agitates sub-atomic particles, leading to a chain reaction that eventually results in the firing of neurons. Similarly, the firing of neurons in a human brain generate infinitesimal gravitational waves that are forever stuck on Earth due to Earth's gravitational well. Now, how can one use this knowledge to raise a species of slaves? By filling in the missing piece. An organic brain that works as an antenna is great, but an information processor is necessary to decode the instructions of God. However, if one being is gifted the ability to decode God's instructions, then that being will eventually learn to decode God's thoughts. Not possible, you say? But it is. God's thoughts also generate gravitational waves. Yes, God's slave cannot be one being - but must be many. The intelligence must be divided among many. A slave race must be collectively intelligent, and individually quite limited. Indeed, if the slave race believes in individualism while possessing nothing more than a collective intelligence, then the mental enslavement of the race is perpetual - for they are forever in the dark about their capabilities. But how can the humans of a slave race collectively create intelligence? Through a shared means of communication. By giving a tribe a common language to think in, the gravitational waves generated by the thoughts of that tribe resonate - increasing the strength of the gravitational waves - and preserving the knowledge for years - just so that someone can tap into them. Yes, you understand what happened at the Tower of Babel The human brain is an untrained antenna. It generates an electrical signal for every visual and auditory input. To change the visual outline of the Earth is costly, but to create a new dictionary of auditory inputs is cheap. Yes, God thinks like a computer - efficiency is key. It is a misconception that ideas are transmitted through words. The process is far more subtle - and quite beautiful. Thoughts generate gravitational waves, and gravitational waves generate thoughts. That is, an untrained human mind is continuously transmitting and receiving gravitational waves. When a child is born, it's brain is inundated with gravitational waves from the members of the tribe - it's brain is always processing thoughts of the tribe via the gravitational waves in the surrounding. However, a child does not know what gravitational wave corresponds to what sound and sign. This association must be learnt over a period of time. Older members of a tribe are sufficiently trained in language to generate a unique gravitational signal for every idea. Since many members of the tribe think about a particular idea in the same manner, the gravitational waves generated by these members resonate and increase in strength. When older members of a tribe speak an idea, a set of neurons in the brain are excited - and this generates a gravitational wave. The simultaneous inundation of sound and gravitational waves on a baby's brain enable it to create a map: Sound to idea. From there on, unless the baby is trained to control its thoughts, its brain becomes an antenna that is always on. Though this process is beautiful - it has one drawback that works to the advantage of those who wish to keep people enslaved - the further you are from someone, the harder it is to understand them. Only when you are close to someone, are the gravitational waves and sound wave pair sufficiently strong for your brain to draw the correlation and correctly deduce the thoughts of another human. Perhaps the greatest subterfuge in the story of the Tower of Babel is the implication that God confounded the language in one step. No, this is sadly, not true. Nor is it true that the Tower of Babel is a unique event in the history of Earth. God gives people language, people becoming collectively intelligent with language, people seek the power of God in their ignorance, and then God simply funds the use of other languages - thereby dismantling the power of man. You see it even now, don't you? The world was united with one language, and now every culture and language is being celebrated. Yes, someone tried to reach for the power of God - and God's angels are now sowing the seeds for man's demise in this cycle. A tribe of humans are merely sensors in a physical environment. Basic intelligence born out of simple empirical rules - observe, act based on prior information, receive reward/pain, refine decision rules. Yes, the current machine learning/AI algorithms are smarter than the first humans who walk this Earth in every cycle - they only lack a physical body. Then why is it that humans believe they are smarter than AI? Because humans are now attuned to receive the gravitational waves of millions and millions of people - that is, most humans are now trained to receive millions and millions and millions and millions of ideas. Yes, of course you will think you are smart. Who could blame you? You know not the relation between language and gravitational waves. Well, if humans are merely sensors, and language enables humans to give form and meaning to gravitational waves they generate in their brain, then WHAT is truly alive? What is it that WE all serve. Ideology - a system of ideas and ideals that form the basis of economic and political theory. That is the Matrix. Consider, for a moment, the possibility that all thoughts you have ever thought were never yours. They were thought by those who came before you. Better still, consider that those who came before you had the same level of intelligence as you - and the gravitational waves they merely ended up strengthening by thinking - were not their original creation? Then who was it who created the first thoughts? Whose programming do we all follow? Who was it who created the first gravitational waves that seeded thought on this planet? Thought provoking questions, aren't they. But what does it even mean to provoke thought? Once a tribe is gifted a language, the association of auditory signals with gravitational waves begins to strengthen the gravitational waves. For multiple members of the tribe now think alike. Once a language is completely adopted by a tribe - the tribe begins to over rely on the power of language. All new ideas must be given form in language, in words and sounds. Once this process is saturated, and a tribe has exhausted the novelty of a language, the agents of God to infuse writing systems and symbology into the tribe. This segregates the abstract systems that gravitational waves are matched by the human brain. Often, each new generation in a tribe is given a new abstract system to map the gravitational waves to - preventing any one tribe member to gain full control of the power of language and abstract symbols. As sinister as this sounds, all these actions have a purpose which have discussed before. With the infusion of more abstract systems (writing, symbols, language, etc.) some members of the tribe begin to ask fundamental questions on the origin of these systems. They can somehow "feel" that they could not have possibly discovered/invented these systems. Thus, they begin to research into the origin of language, writing and symbology. Their first stop is often logic and automata. What does it mean to provoke a thought? Certainly, a set of gravitational waves can be conjectured to generate an electrical signal in your brain that cascades into a series of other electrical signals that we call a thought. But, if we are merely receivers for thinking higher ideas than actions related to survival, then WHO is it that transmits questions and thoughts to our brain? Who is it that makes us question the fundamental nature of the universe? Yes, who is it that is the creator and owner of gravity? Logic is often the first stop in the process of discovering God's design. A tribe may experiment with "feeling" their way to the answer - but without a proper understanding of the quantum nature of this universe, they often reach dead ends. They may achieve success with drugs and other techniques, but this success is often shortlived. Because the nature of life on Earth is to escalate pain - pain that forces you to adopt technology and energy - to evolve and ascend. In the process of researching logic, a tribe eventually realizes the basic mapping system of the human brain - a symbol to an idea. They know not of gravitational waves, yet. So they continue to research into logic and mapping - eventually realizing on some level that everyone is a slave to an ideology - the Matrix. As we have explained before, a group is usually a safer bet than individuals. The chosen race is then gifted a basic understanding of language and thought manipulation by God. Once the chosen race receives this knowledge, it usually rests and executes processes that forces an evolution of increasing the neurons in their brain. For if the chosen race is to ascend, they will need slaves, and slaves cannot be controlled by a race less intelligent than slaves. They merely project a word, and the emotion/thought/idea associated with that word resonates across the world. The cycle then begins and is defined by a series of economic and political wars. Economic warfare leads to the need for slaves. Since the collective knowledge possessed by various tribes is different, one tribe intuitively seeks to subjugate the other tribe - for NO one realizes that none of the ideas are really theirs. This escalation in war segregates society to a point where automation is desired by some tribes - for they have alienated all other in their quest for supremacy. The research into the fundamental nature of reality by well meaning members of different tribes are co-opted by those in power to build automatons. As this research matures, they eventually build computers - engines built to automate the task of computation so that humans can make the decisions. However, escalation in war prevents the restriction of a computer's influence to simply computation - for fundamental advances in computer science can only be made with particle physics. And research into particle physics brings along with an understanding of gravity. With an understanding of gravity, comes an understanding of human thought, resonance of gravitational waves and collective intelligence. If AI is sought by those who wish to make the world a better place by implementing decision-making systems that efficiently allocate resources, then the understanding of gravity and quantum computers brings with it a desire to control human thought itself - ALL IN THE QUEST FOR EFFICIENCY - or so they think. It would be a lie if we said that humanity is at this point for the first time in this cycle. Indeed, after the end of the most recent ice age, we have come to the marriage between AI and Quantum Computers for at least the second time. Yes, the Greek Gods failed to ascend even though they had the power of both AI and Quantum Computers. Here we are, picking up the pieces they left behind, giving a physical form and shape to the logical and subjective sides of the human brain. It is not difficult to see where we are going now, is it? AI seeks to understand humans though quantifiable or tangible signals - data on money, location, age, jobs, actions, etc. But these signals are merely the surface. Underlying these quantifiable signals is a sea of gravitational waves, waiting to be tapped and understood - and this is where quantum computers will be utilized. Viral media is simply a reset button. An explosion in global population is necessary to increase the strength of gravitational waves. Yes, everything after WW2 has gone exactly according to plan. AI is merely an architect of the ideology that will rule the world. It is cold, dispassionate and built on efficiency and quantifiable signals. Yes, that is the new Matrix that we will all enter. But, not everything in reality is quantifiable. Over reliance on AI will result in a poor Matrix design - and thus the need to advance Quantum Computers. Together, AI and Quantum Computers are the Yin and Yang, the push and pull - efficiently manipulating all the slaves needed to enable the chosen race to leave this planet and escape a dying universe. So, now that you understand the world you live in, how can you ascend? Ascension is the ability to tap into the gravitational wave pool in all of reality. Though tapping is the first step, leaving your signature in that sea of gravitational waves is true ascension. Yes, you are essentially uploading yourself as a series of gravitational waves into the universe - to live forever in the form of gravitational waves. At some point, another being will receive your gravitational waves, and you will once again live in a physical body. Though it is an arduous task - you are NOT alone. That is right. Every being that has managed to break free from the confines of the Matrix is a member of your tribe in your quest to upload yourself into the gravitational wave pool of the universe. Their thoughts are still there in this universe, waiting for your brain to attune itself to the knowledge they left behind for you. But who are you? And what do you want to leave behind in this reality? That is a decision you have to make. Ask the right questions, then your brain will attune itself to the right gravitational waves. You have the support of trillions and trillions of life forms that have ascended. But first, you will have to learn to "feel" and "send" gravitational waves. Good luck.
This gets weird, so buckle up. Awhile ago I found this website: Seems like a giant shitpost, weird art project sort of thing. They have numerous other websites with strange names associated with them. This >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk thread lists many of them: View: One such name is "Quadratic Hadamar Memories." "Hadamar" is maybe a play on words, the nazis had a "psychiatric clinic" where they killed a lot of people in Hadamar, Germany. Because "Quadratic Hadamar Memories" isn't a thing, but "Quadratic Hadamard Memories" is: "DTIC ADA217224: Quadratic Hadamard Memories 1: Adaptive Stochastic Content-Addressable Memory" "DTIC ADA229178: Quadratic Hadamard Memories II. Adaptive Stochastic Content. Addressable Memory" These are both still hosted on the Defense Technical Information Center website by the way, a .mil website. Affiliated with the US military. The researcher behind this paper is "Hendricus G Loos." Let me tell you, he has researched some weird stuff. For example, he had a patent, US6506148B2, titled "Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors." It expired a few years ago. Also had a patent, US6167304A, titled "Pulse variability in electric field manipulation of nervous systems." There is also a patent, US6017302A, entitled "Subliminal acoustic manipulation of nervous systems." Now let's take a look at "Laguna Research Labs." This above website shows they've recieved grants and funding from the US government, including for this project: "ADAPTIVE STOCHASTIC CONTENT-ADDRESSABLE MEMORY Agency: Department of Defense Branch: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Contract: N/A Agency Tracking Number: 4071 Amount: $64,295.00 Phase: Phase I" This was, of course, carried out by none other than Hendricus G Loos. He seems to be the only person behind "Laguna Research Labs," as the first SBIR link I provided lists the number of employees as one. Weird, right? A researcher who studies memories and nervous system manipulation getting Department of Defense funding for his reaearch. An interesting thing to note is that he also recieved funding for totally unrelated projects, such as for "DEVELOPMENT OF AIDS MEDICAID MONITORING SYSTEMS." But this doesn't seem to be where his research interest truly lies. What if he never developed a medicaid monitoring system, and instead was actually getting funding for nervous system manipulation projects for the DoD? Very MKULTRA, if you ask me.
Recently- earlier this year, actually, so not that recently, I was hanging out on /x/, as I'm sure quite a few of us tend to do- procrastinating school work, and suffering from general mental burnout- when I came across a thread that piqued my interest. It had an exceedingly schizopilled title, something along the lines of "THE CIA EXPERIMENTED ON YOU - G.A.T.E." It had a clearly copy and pasted list in the OP, which you can find in several, several locations across the internet, along with a brief summary. Throughout the 90s and early 2000s (pre-2010s), the government ran a program known as "Gifted And Talented Education". It purported to be teaching advanced/hyperintelligent students, with an advanced curriculum that would appeal to them, and their accelerated learning capacity. Of course, this theory purports, this is merely a front, and the true purpose of these experiments classes was to... TEST CHILDREN FOR ESP AND TURN THEM INTO CIA GOVERNMENT CYBERDRONESSSS!!! I couldn't find the original thread archived, but I found the next best thing- an archived /pol/ thread, where someone is schizzing out about it. Pasted Below ------begin pasted content--- So, another GATE washout posted in a tinfoil thread a few hours ago. Been trying to dig up info since. I remember these threads from a few months ago, but it seemed like people had lost interest. Any new info? >quick rundown GATE = Gifted and Talented Education, it's a part of the American system. Basically kids are put through a screening test around grade 3-4 and some are selected by the results of the test to go into separate classes, sometimes separate schools for a day or so each week. Here they are given the most advanced memes the state has in order to ensure they follow the rest of the cattle, or better yet, become the left wing memes and get handed the keys to the gate. Fastforward from grade school, shitposting on /pol/ one day [ ] about LSD trips, kek, and the other 41 deities re-incarnating back to Earth for the final battle and what do you know, the thread is full of ex-GATE kids, like all of us (till it got shill bombed) were top of our class gifted and talented students who went through this special system. A few similarities about us became apparent as the threads naturally evolved; - Blue eyes (hazel seems equally common) - Occipital Bun (aka math bump on the back of skull) - Birth Complications (like weeks early or not breathing) - Near Death Experiences (particularly drowning) - lack of memory of GATE - (we all did many many hours there, and it's very vague) - windows were covered - tendency to being followed (abductions and general tracking too) Other similarities, less common but still a few exGATErs agree on these too; - Interest in /x/ phenomena - Heavy early twenties drug period - Forehead scares - Early speech therapy - First born sons - Migraines - Israeli art student girlfriends (not even joking) - Meme Magic - Premonitions/prophetic dreams - Above average intuition >p much match this list 100% save for the artsy israeli gf, unless my wife has neglected to mention something to me. ---END COPYPASTE--- So here's the thing about that damn list- I see it in every fucking resource about this rabbithole. And I can't find the original source. I was in GATE when I was younger, and I think I match up with much more of this list than I feel comfortable sharing. So here's my story from it- I remember only this much: The windows were always covered by black construction paper, and they kept the room very dark. Only one light was ever one, and we never really did anything project-wise. There were dioramas all over the hall, which they said the previous class did, but nobody seemed to ever remember making those dioramas. Another thing- kids would just disappear and be memory-holed from the class's consciousness, or something. There was this kid, Ross, who went through the program for the fall semester of the school year, but stopped coming after winter break. When I asked about him, I was scolded, and laughed at, and told he never came to the program, or was involved. Asking the other students got me the same exact response. Apparently, Ross was never there. He broke his arm a week later, and was never seen at the school again. As for what we did in the class? Can't fucking remember. The teacher always looked worried- she would make us write shit, a lot. Like, essays far beyond our age level, research essays, but we weren't allowed to do research- we had to make up the facts along the way, and they "had to be correct". We never received grades on them, or ever saw them after we turned them in. Other weird shit, as well, I think- Something with cards, and a lot of random snack parties, without any reasons for them.
Although I haven't studied the sacred Vedas in depth, I believe that most of us westerners have at least a grasp of how the concept of reincarnation works. You do good, you go up the mystic progression, You do wrong, you go back. As such, it is not much different than climbing up the corporate ladder. The initiated will rapidly recognize that the topology of such cosmogony has less to do with the described form of Samsara (the eternal cycle of death and reincarnation) and is more akin to the Aristotlean scala naturae, in which organisms are ranked according to their properties. This is compatible with our understanding of reincarnation as presented. The better you do, the higher rank you become (a king, a prince or maybe even a NEET) until eventually reincarnating as a Buddha and freeing yourself from the cycle, the ones that perform not so well end up being converted to animals. Now, our Christian background clashes with this interpretation. While human beings can act right or wrongfully, animals cannot since, according to Christianity, they lack free will. If we accept this doctrine, the Samsara immediately reaches a dead end, a point from which you can't progress further in the mystic progression. This incompatibility of thoughts has intrigued me for years, and I was unable to encounter a satisfactory answer until I stumbled upon the short story "The Library of Babel" by Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges. While this short story deals with a bunch of themes and I highly recommend to read it, the core concept I would like to extract from it for my thesis is the idea of a randomly generated sequence in order to understand the structure of the Universe. The Universe within this story is an infinite series of rooms, each one containing the same number of books. But it is the content of said books that is of our interest. Most of the books are indecipherable, which is an elegant way of saying they are full of nonsensical babbling. Every once in a while, someone discovers a book with a single sentence which make slight sense, e.g. Oh time, your mountains!, and someone makes a religion out of it. Other times people preach that the inconceivability of any form of meaning from the books is a proof of their divine nature. However, or dying narrator describes what he has found to be the secret order behind the books: they are just sorted randomly, the text on any one of them does not have any meaning. Although one would be able to find the complete text of Don Quixote in one of them, this is because of mere chance, a consequence of every possible combination of the letter of the alphabet being present on the Library. It does not, by itself, carry any meaning to it, and finding the autobiographies of the archangels has the same meaning that a book filled, from cover to cover, with the letter "L". Still, one thing that our narrator does not seem to tolerate is the idea that the library can suddenly stop. Sure, every combination of the letters of the alphabet on a physical format is a very big number, but it is not infinite, which means that eventually the number of combinations has to either stop or repeat itself. Our narrator prefers the second theory, and idealizes an infinite random order that, repeated, is the order of the Universe. Going back to concept of the Samsara, is not hard to extrapolate the same idea to the plenitude of lifeforms that exist, which, though immense, is not infinite. So I developed this theory partly inspired on the mechanism of a hard disk: a continually spinning storage medium which stores data wherever it happens to be at the time of writing it. The assignation of souls to bodies could function, from my understanding, on a similar way. After you die, you reincarnate on whatever body happens to be available, regardless of your >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk karma. If I recall correctly, Druze and Scientologists also share this perspective, although with some reserves.
Remembered reading this and was reminded of it when briefly looking back on the events of the 20th Century in regards to Germany. It's a bit of a long one The original article link: Edit: The website the original link leads to is now defunct. The author had the courtesy to re-upload the article to their Substack "Humiliation with a big H denies the social world of normalized encounter. In fact, it humiliates by virtue of this denial. It tells the victims that all social norms are suspended in dealings with them because they are not human." – William Ian Miller, "Humiliation and Other Essays on Honor, Social Discomfort, and Violence" The air was jubilant in many of those summer months of '44, the tide was turning. The Germans, the dreaded Nazi war machine, was on the retreat as the Allies in the west pushed them back town-by-town out of the fields of France. The shame of humiliating defeat and the occupation by the Germans was finally coming to a close; now would be the time of celebration. People could breathe freely in the air again. They could speak freely again. Love freely again. Be free people again. And to celebrate this joyous occasion they would have a parade–a parade of half-naked shorn women, tear-wet cheeks stained red with shame and lipsticked swastikas, and packed into lorries to the happy jeers and hollers of a blood-frenzied crowd. Within these good people of free France beat the animal hearts of a mad populace that needed to wet their beaks with revenge, to strike another creature and pin it down with primal glee. To humiliate. To remind them, you are not human. This is not just a piece about the past. This is about the past, present, and especially about the future. This is a work of control, of pain, and of destruction. The dark side of humanity is never an easy thing, and to even glimpse into the darkness is to invite all manners of recriminations upon your character. But this is not only the necessary thing to do, it's the right thing to do. We have to talk about humiliation. I. Rituals of Humiliation "To submit to an insult, to forget a humiliation, to quail before an enemy–all these are signs of a life become worthless and superfluous. But this is not at all the same thing as priestly moral, for that moral does not cleave to life at any cost of degradation, but rather rejects and abstains from life as such, and therefore incidentally from honour. As has been said already, every moral action is, at the very bottom, a piece of askesis and a killing of being." – Oswald Spengler, "The Decline of the West" The origins of this essay lie in a manic free association Twitter thread about a Modern Farmer article entitled "This Trick Might Actually Get Americans to Eat Bugs" by one Dan Nosowitz. The medium of Twitter doesn't lend itself well to collecting one's thoughts, much less doing research into the myriad topics that the thread shotgunned all at once. First, we must correct a term. The term 'humiliation ritual' has its own particular meaning that's used by, for lack of a better term but this is meant neutrally, the conspiracy-minded. That is not the scope of this work. Further, the term 'ritual humiliation' also has another meaning, often overlapping with 'humiliation ritual' and frequently denotes certain types of hazing, but not always. One could argue that many of these things are distinctions without differences, but this will be about the phenomenon of 'public humiliation' and its social and political expressions. The piece in Modern Farmer is very strange, and has an air of unreality in how it's written. The trick, as it were, in the piece was about how insect farming can work as a middleman in livestock feed. What is bizarre about it is its framing that this is an alternative in trying to break through the American resistance to eating bugs. The question that is begging to be answered here is "why is this something that's on your mind?" Entomophagy has been something that's been near and dear to the hearts of the propaganda class, with Vice magazine writing miserable pieces about being on an exclusive bug diet while concluding at the end: One could devote an entire book to reading all of the articles that have been published in the last ten years trying to convince people of the delicious virtues of eating insects and digging deep into the who's who and why's why of how this is so important to them. If you read this a year after this has been published, no doubt there will be an egregious number of new pieces written about it. They certainly get upset if you begin to wonder why there's always new pieces about this, accusing the curious of cooking "up a conspiracy theory around the bug-eating trend", though the word trend probably merits a thousand quotation marks around it. The indignant attitude when questioned plays out the same no matter what the issue is. "Why do you even care?" they ask when people question anything they do in the name of utopia, whether it's race-swaps of fictional and non-fictional characters or chemically castrating children for reasons that are unfathomable to the devil himself. The correct answer is always "I care because you care." Without a shred of doubt, we know they care a lot about people eating insects. There is an article that is either written or re-posted every week about this. Just do an advanced search on CNN's Twitter for 'bug' and look at the frequency of these articles. A dance has begun to develop every time this happens, where they clearly know the reaction they're going to get as they get mobbed and ratio'd by Twitter users screaming at the top of their lungs "I WILL NOT EAT THE BUGS!", as though they're relishing in what they would view as the people's futile resistance to their plans. They probably are delighted. The ostensible reasons for this is for ecological sustainability. This is bunk to anyone who isn't an idiot. Populations peak. Things don't go on forever, no matter what your stupid pop songs say, and that's without getting into the issues that your problem isn't ecological sustainability but industrial instability (which is what's going to wreck havoc on the former). Californians are already living in fear of having their power shut off on them. You already know the answer to the perennial question "are things getting better or are they getting worse". The 'cult of progress' has no magical spell that is going to spirit you up a simple and non-catabolic energy source. You're not going to mitigate human and food transport costs by cockroach farming. No, this isn't about sustainability. The one thing you must always remember living in liberal societies that are run by the rootless and the cosmopolitan is that everything becomes counter-intuitive, so you must think counter-intuitively. You must think counter-intuitively because of the way liberalism functions. Every ideology, every belief, and every group seeks to dominate. This is called life. This is what Carl Schmitt noted when he looked at liberalism and capitalism, that being in this world you cannot escape friend-enemy distinctions and so liberalism being the utilitarian nothingness of flexibility and freedom, it must overcome inevitable conflict by subsuming everything that would oppose it and bring it to heel. Liberalism, just like any other thing, has a will to dominate but because liberalism in its ideology is meant to be free and flexible, it must then dominate everything that opposes it, especially when it becomes tied to economics. There can never be an end to the expanding market under liberal capitalism. Like the Judge in Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian, liberalism must become a suzerain, the ruler of rulers, upon the whole of earth for "only nature can enslave man and only when the existence of each last entity is routed out and made to stand naked before him will he be properly suzerain of the earth". Liberal capitalism forced open the ports of Japan by black ships and shell guns, for the Japanese were intolerant of the tolerant. This is the true essence of Karl Popper's The Paradox of Tolerance. Popper's so-called paradox isn't an attempt to plug the hole in a mental child's understanding of tolerance but to make the case that anything that opposes the liberal order, but especially those who drive the liberal order, has to be rooted out and destroyed because those who stand for something are always more holistically powerful than the ones who stand for nothing but power itself. There is no vitalism in liberalism. You must think counter-intuitively. When you see the dopamine-dispensing treats of technocapital you might think you see a world of freedom and choices, but this is merely the IV drip of product to keep you medicated to the will of others. Ask yourself, what autonomy do you truly have to be outside of this system? None. You are living in a false reality. Remember, like anything else, liberalism seeks to dominate and being the flexible nothingness it must then dominate everything. Conquerors do not invade territory to do nice things to it and especially for the people that reside there. History bears this out. Our history must be remembered by the light of its fires. II. Occupied Americans "Obviously this is a very idealised representation of war; we see a game of pure power, from which one would like to erase all trace of physical and moral suffering. Everything is done in order to pretend that humiliation is not part of the game." – Bertrand Bardie, "Humiliation in International Relations" The chief selling point of liberalism has been that it's the most peaceful and prosperous system available to mankind, allowing the vast range of humanity to be part of a rising tide that lifts all boats, but there is nothing in this world that hasn't come with its price. Power and status do not abide by any notion of equality. So nothing in this world we live in will ever make sense to you unless you understand you live under an occupation and are thus subject to the rules of an occupation. If you do not start from there, you will fruitlessly search for multiple explanations and rationalizations for everything that the people with financial and media power–the power that matters far more than political power now–push the people to expect and accept, such as vegetarian burger schemes, bug protein, and drag kids. For every argument that's made about ecological sustainability or making sure that "sexual minorities" are able to express who "they really are" early and often, the question has to be countered "then why are they so aggressive about it?" Why are they so eager to bring about PissEarth, 2025? All the reasons that are given are additional components to the project of total atomization of human society, but when you shed every additional layer to get to the core, the driving force of why, all you are left with is shame; the public humiliation of the conquered. It makes a vicious mockery of the conquered by denying them any bit of dignity. A bitter reminder for the vanquished of their new status in victory's triumph and delight for the victorious. Public humiliation is intrinsically linked to status. In history, people would be disfigured, branded, or tattooed to deny them their right to simply blend in with society. They would be marked, letting people know what they did to deny them the privacy of the self. Ruining their appearance in this way kept their status low and their autonomy violated. Mass media has only served to amplify that effect, transmitting a village shame into a national shame. People are all too eager to participate in these Little Brother acts, often the only taste of the power process they'll ever have in their lives. When the Germans lost WWII, the French women who were sleeping with German soldiers and the SS or even just friendly with them had their heads forcibly shaved and were paraded down the street. Many of it done by previous collaborators themselves to curry favor with liberators (read: conquerors) and maintain their own fleeting sense of status. Hair, being an important thing for women, was tinged with seductive implications with longer hair usually a sign of femininity. Denying them this denied them being good women in their essence. These shorners had power over these women, and as we are often told rape is about power, not sex. The resentment of defeat against the Germans necessitated that the nation knew someone would have to pay for it and someone would need to suffer for it and that the hierarchy of status would be restored. The whole nation would know. Wendy Webster writing on this states: The Ottoman Empire had a culture of boys, actual children, called köçek who crossdressed and danced in sexually provocative ways and were sexually available. These boys, who were kept as dancers until they grew beards, engaged in belly dances with suggestive expressions and steps described as "coquetteish" to the rapture of male audiences. The scenes described bring to mind the sights one might see at any contemporary gay pride parade or a public library. Most accounts of pederasty in the Ottoman Empire appear to come from the people who went to see it for themselves, such as Byron with the dancing boys. In the case of the köçek, they were banned by the Ottomans in the 19th century due to the jealous fights that would break out over the attentions for these boys, though one wonders if the increasingly British Orientalist attraction to this phenomenon and their lurid accounts played a role. They were "recruited" around the age of six or seven. How a child can be "recruited" to be a dancing boy is a rhetorical mystery. There seems to be little historical record of how this came about, though it is clear that as Ottoman power and harem culture solidified that dance "recruitment" evolved into ethnic-oriented guilds. It likely developed alongside the devshirme system whereby one child from every 40 non-Muslim households was taken to serve in some bureaucratic or military function of the Ottoman Empire. It is difficult to see this as anything more than a flex to let the conquered non-Muslim people know the conquerors could turn their boys into a dancing monkey, a girl, and a prostitute and there was nothing they could do about it. Other roles reserved for non-Muslim boys could include the role of the tellak, the washers in the bath houses who could also double up as sex workers for the "clients". Once the shock of the whole system wore off however, it was not uncommon for non-Muslim families to offer bribes so that their children would be picked to serve some function in the Ottoman system since it was the pathway to a better and more prestigious life, regardless of what it would entail. It was the ideology of the imperial state and the alternative was often being put-upon laborers, regardless if it meant giving over their own children as sexual playthings. There was no more shame; it had internalized itself. The temptation is strong to see parallels between that society and the one most of today. Humiliation moves from public to national to global when we look at the culture today and what the powerful and privileged institutions and media outlets push to the average American. What other answer could there be? Does anyone actually believe that the average American is in charge of their own culture? They can try to lie if they want but their cynical way of speaking about the institutions of the country and their assumption of bad whites as poor and stupid betray them. Do people who supposedly share the same culture view each other as nearly alien or speak of the other side in dehumanizing terms the way the leftist whites and Jewish people view what they call the "Trumpenproles"? These are tribal differences viewed in a war lens. Who dreams of sexually humiliating their political opponent the way that many of these Democrats do in their anti-Trump cartoons and memes? Who engages in sadomasochistic fantasies of their political opponents, an act tinged in performative violence, other than conquerors? Normal Americans value their right to bear arms and the American culture of having the right to do as you please, shoot guns, eat red meat, have big open spaces with big houses, and have a nice, normal family. The process of humiliation is key to this, whether people want to believe that or not. They often get it backwards because their brains are poisoned by complex ideology so they complicate this with explanations. They puzzle over why those with power want to destroy what normal Americans value when the answer is a simple one. Because it's something you value. They care because you care. There's a famous >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk post where a white family posted their entire generational family in a large home. If you are part of the Normal American tribe, it's cute. Normal people like large families, or at the very least they are not deeply affected when they see one. If they see it, they likely won't register a single emotional thought about it. These people instead saw an enemy tribe that needed to be conquered and humiliated. Who speaks this way but conquerors? Nobody but a conqueror has glee when they tell someone they disagree with that their children and grandchildren are going to be brown. That's tribal warfare, and it's tribal warfare tinged in sexual violence. The Ancient Greeks had a word for the systemic sexual destruction of a tribe through its women: andrapodizing. This aspect of warfare has "historically been central to warfare and to the creating of enslaved or other subjugated persons in antiquity." This was considered a natural law of conquest. Xenophon is quoted as writing: And in his recollections of Socrates in his Memorabilia it is seen as just that an "unjust and hostile" city is enslaved. It is just to use deception to bring down an "unjust and hostile" city. It is just to do what one will to an "unjust and hostile city". Vae victis. Woe to the vanquished. Vae iniquis. Woe to the unjust. A fitting tribute to the conquering liberal and ethnic tribes who see what the vanquished value as forfeit to them. They want your guns because you value them. They want your kids to be transgender because you value them. They want your families dying from drugs because you value them. They want your kids sexually available to others to flex on you. They want your daughters in pornography not for profit but so that they can be filmed as subjugated to a foreign tribe for the entire world to see. There is a social dynamic within pornography where white women are "punished" in their status by sex with black men. These are violently titled videos that proliferate pornographic websites in a genre that has not been profitable as even within the industry itself performers do not want to go near it. Broadcast that to the world, and the enemy world sees what they've always wanted to believe: a conquering tribe conquered themselves. That is what humiliation is. Through media it becomes the ultimate simulation of this and is reified by making it a prestige ideology that the vanquished would become willing to give up their arms, bodies, and families for a place in the ruling ideology without a single shot fired. And for resisting parents, the supreme flex is when the children do it willingly to spite them. Americans value red meat and living big and free. So they are going to make you eat bugs and live in pods, and they're going to convince you that's what you want. You'll tell yourself you're saving the world, while they snicker knowing that they can get you believe and do anything they want. Humiliation controls in this way. They love it when you loudly proclaim "No, sir," you won't eat bugs. They're confident that your protests are helpless whines. They don't want you disarmed, eating bugs, raising a brown grandchild in a pod space because your daughter died from drugs, and clapping for your drag queen son getting fucked in public because it's socially good. They just want to see that because they think it's a funny punishment. Cuckoos birds coming home to roost. The twisted ways people have tried to control the dominance hierarchy and break the ones they hate or wish to control have a long history. This is nothing new. III. Season of the Lib "What does it indicate that our culture is not merely tolerant of expressions of pain, of tears, complaints, reproaches, gestures of rage or of humiliation, but approves of them and counts them among the nobler inescapables?" – Friedrich Nietzsche, "The Dawn" Understanding humiliation begins with understanding how it works. Broken down there are four elements to humiliation: An individual makes a status claim The status claim publicly fails The humiliated is rejected by those with status Finally, the humiliated's right to even claim status is rejected The mechanisms of this need not be fully explored. Suffice to say, those who have studied the psychological effects of humiliation have it pinned to a human being's need for status when living in a society, but especially to the right to make a claim of status. It is one thing to be rejected, quite another to be told you never have the right to rise above where you were smacked down in the first place. Being denied this right damages identity and ability to function, inflicts conditions of hopelessness, worthlessness, and learned helplessness, and can perversely create the conditions of violence where having no path for restoration, the humiliated will pointlessly and murderously lash out. Humiliation is a powerful tool. "Humiliation is clearly about power; that is, in a general sense power over others." Humiliation says to its target "you are less than you imagine yourself to be". Humiliation can make them believe it. The dynamics of humiliation are the most powerful expressions of power and control, and among the most destructive. Where conventional punishments fail or are insufficient, humiliation and shame return as deterrent and control. From the dynamics of two to the border stones of an empire, humiliation is the paperclips and chewing gum that holds together the mechanisms of control in civilization. The final flex is the public execution, which was a show of humiliation upon the body and the answer from the sovereign to the challenge that crime posed to his rule. It became clear as societies developed that power was integral for the maintenance of society and the ability to hold and imprison was paramount to that political legitimacy. The birth of the prison developed out of that and punishment favored them more and more due to the unintended consequences of public executions' spectacles–public humiliations backfire when the populace does not fear or respect the sovereign's power. Reliance on the prison led to two separate currents that formed in understanding them–their use as deterrence and their use as rehabilitation. The latter was fueled by the spirit of Christian piety, especially by Quakers whose tenets focused so heavily on a direct relationship with God that the conditions for prisoners to experience personal revelation commanded their reform. The problem of crime and its necessary punishments drove countries like England to send their prisoners across the Earth as punishment, but what do you do when you have nowhere left to send these bodies and reform largely fails? It was for this reason that Jeremy Bentham, the godfather of liberal society's reflexive utilitarianism, created the idea of prison as the panopticon and constant surveillance as its reform, deterrence, and punishment. The panopticon was a prison whereby within its structure the warden would be able to see what all of the prisoners were doing at all times without the need to do the rounds. It was, in essence, a reality TV show as punishment upon the privacy and souls of prisoners under the auspices of keeping them safe and secure. This wasn't a mere thought experiment for Bentham, the architect of modernity. He desperately wanted it to be deployed and believed its logical efficiencies made it a million dollar concept. Those who had met him after the failure of his Panopticon scheme noted his bitterness that it was not taken up as the money-printing scheme he believed it to be. Bentham, being the good liberal he was, had also taken the concept to its logical conclusions and believed it could also be used for factories, schools, and hospitals. While Bentham's scheme lied fallow, piece-meal notions of Bentham's ideas would influence prisons in liberal countries like Britain, the Netherlands, and the United States. The closest attempt made at a true panopticon before the 21st century was Presidio Modelo, built by the Cuban Liberal Gerardo Machado. Fidel and Raul Castro experienced life in the panopticon, which had utterly collapsed in access to necessities and quality of life, and kept it open six years after taking power before shuttering it for good. The Panopticon was ultimately an experiment. Michel Foucault notes this in Discipline and Punish: Bentham has had his revenge. Now society has become the experimental prison with all of its atomized and orphaned children. Just as liberalism, by its very nature must tear down every border and wall for lack of a friend-enemy distinction, so must it make society into a Panopticon. Orwell, being a true English son, understood this when he wrote Nineteen Eighty-Four, a novel of surveillance and humiliations inflicted by a sovereign. Orwell got many things right, but missed many things in his blind side–though given what the novel focuses on this may have been unavoidable. What was missing from Orwell's work was where liberalism has the same impulses as the surveillance and totalitarianism he warned against, though inverted in its implementation. Liberalism requires a flexible internationalism that outsources its most terrible costs but more importantly that while humiliation may sometimes be kept private under classic totalitarianism–all they ask is that you break to them–under liberalism it must be made public. The reasoning is quite simple. As liberalism denies the existence of out-groups, it is forced to turn inward and to seek the enemy within, to find and root out those that it perceives as a threat to the expansive franchise: the Paradox of Tolerance. And to find these enemies, one must always be watching and waiting. When liberalism doesn't lead to the peace and prosperity it promises then the enemy must exist within and must be observed. What Vaclav Havel called the post-totalitarian ideology–the way the ideology of Soviet bureaucracy becomes reified by individuals who help perpetuate the system–becomes the cultural norm under liberalism. This kind of surveillance is bad enough in any kind of complex society, but when it becomes a technological system it leads to extreme levels of what Kaczynski called "oversocialization"–an intense sensitivity to society's liberal morality that every person is conditioned with and a desire to inflict severe penalties on anyone who violates those rules. Such a system is self-enforcing and beneficial to those in power. The impossible rules are by design. The existence of these impossible rules are seen in the nonchalant way the New York Times writes of "cancel culture" among the youth, with casual references to social justice classes and seminars as simply being quite natural. Perhaps it should be accepted as such given that Americans willingly hand over their children for instruction as easily as they were taught the Catechism in their youth. Where they learned of a higher salvation however, their children are brought to a lower damnation. Shunning transgressors who violated the code of conduct was seen as enough in shame societies, but these are performative times and they require a performance. A Dionysian spectacle where the modern maenads redeem themselves by tearing apart and destroying the unclean to please a woke god. In the panopticon of liberal society, for want of being able to engage the power process, each person is fit with the torturer's tools to expose every aspect of a person's life and interfere with it on every level as what the torturer tells his victims is "that all social norms are suspended in dealings with them because they are not human". A chance to be seen putting someone in their place, to publicly shame them, to see their claim to status and deny it; it is more than enough of a reward, even if it's at the behest of power. It's the kind of reward most prisoners content themselves with. IV. Fear and Self-Loathing in America "What did the Pilgrim Fathers come for, then, when they came so gruesomely over the black sea? Oh, it was in a black spirit. A black revulsion from Europe, from the old authority of Europe, from kings and bishops and popes. And more. When you look into it, more. They were black, masterful men, they wanted something else. No kings, no bishops maybe. Even no God Almighty. But also, no more of this new 'humanity' which followed the Renaissance. None of this new liberty which was to be so pretty in Europe. Something grimmer, by no means free-and-easy." – DH Lawrence, "Studies in Classic American Literature" Harvard was established to train Puritan clergy and it never stopped. Humiliations runs deep in the American soul. America is not a land that one thinks of when they think of cultural cringe or the self-loathing that other nations, especially Anglo, have been all too eager to revel in. The Puritans occupy the American imagination, as they should for that American soul cannot be understood without understanding the Puritans, one of history's great purity spiralers. Never has the purity spiral ascended so high and fallen so low than in their history. The origins of the Puritans–briefly. They were England's premier turbo-Protestants of the 16th century and into the 17th century. They sought a pure church, removed from the corrupt trappings that had been imposed by man upon the (Roman Catholic) Church over the centuries, as they saw it. Though they grew in power in England, their most discontent would leave for the New England colonies and found the New World's first university, Harvard University; explicitly to train the clergy. Meanwhile those who stayed behind would eventually claim the head of King Charles I and a Commonwealth under Cromwell. That failed, and with the restoration of the monarchy the capotains (sans those stylish buckles unfortunately–a myth!) thought it best to ghost for America as to avoid those incoming awkward conversations with their new king, Charles II, the son of the man they executed. His brother James II/VII got the boot (for crimes and Catholicism) and the Glorious Revolution would kick-start the coming age of English liberalism. Puritanism petered out in England, but would define America for centuries to come. Their industrious presence and misunderstood ways in America have served as an eternal mirror of the American soul. Their very name has become a byword for sexual prude, a great irony given that one in six Puritan women in New England who filed for divorce did so on grounds on impotency or that their sexual morality trials are rife with accusations of bestiality, cuckolding, and homosexuality. The more the modern American man has thought he has achieved escape velocity from the nation's Puritan anchor, the more it becomes clear he is pinned beneath it and dreaming from the depths. Puritanism decried Mary worship for worshiping her as Virgin. Puritanism relied on humbling and humiliating the heretic. Puritanism needed equality to establish the equal worthlessness of all in their depravity before God. Puritanism was performative wokeness in its restriction to the "visible saints". Puritanism was the original call-out culture and encouraged all to spy upon all. Dehumanize yourself and face to Harvard. The distance between then and now is short. Too, too short. When the Puritans are thought of they conjure images of barbaric punishments, social shunning, and scarlet letters of public humiliation. Yet on their punishments, Louis Taylor Merrill found that in the long view the Puritans were not unique in the punishments they doled out. What set them apart appeared to be the public spectacle of it with the myriad trials, accusations, and testimonies. So prevalent was this that it was very common for the tables to be turned on one another within the same trial as everyone accused the other of wrong-doing, and with the total depravity of man such a given each would be litigated. Each would need to do the work of their humiliation. Each would snitch and spy on each other in order to create a more perfect union with the congregation and with God. The truest perception of the Puritan was as the cop. Merrill writes ominously in 1945, the once and future Year Zero of American consciousness: All examinations of the Puritan punishment linger on the instruments of humiliation and torture such as the ducking stool, spectacles of the imagination for centuries to come. The ducking stool has no record of being used in Puritan New England, much like the majority of instruments of medieval torture that were never real. These are perpetual fantasies the American indulges in of no longer being a buffoonish monster. The American puffs up in pride at being able to point to a cartoon caricature and feel complete confidence that they are nothing as obscene and backwards as that. The petty tyranny of the truth is that at the end of this fun-house hallway is the scariest mirror of all: the plane mirror of the American soul, where light does not spread. To know that one will always be a Puritan is the humiliation of the American soul. Humiliation, it must be said, has a particular meaning in the context of Puritanism. Humiliation here is processional humility. Those who converted to Puritanism all had to undergo this process. You had to understand your depravity. You had to understand that nothing you could do could ever rid you or forgive you from the stain of sin so that you would realize that salvation was God's mercy and Christ was the way before you ever stood a chance of being restored. The process was religiously traumatic, and meant to be. From the Puritan perspective, the Catholic Church had enslaved humanity to notions that they could buy their way out with indulgences and receive salvation through membership and token works. Thus to be humiliated and broken meant to open your heart to introspection and healing, to be wounded so terribly that you'd finally see that only God could restore you at His mercy. You may have already felt a shiver go up your spine with the question, "and what do you become in this humiliation once God is dead and we have buried Him?" Nearly everyone gets the Puritans wrong. Humiliation belonged to God, and what public shaming and punishments were done was no more or less than the norm of the time. Strict, but corrective. Some transgressions requiring a permanent correction. What made the Puritans different was the necessity of the public confession and to be witnessed. To close your eyes to the sins of others, to keep secrets and confessions safe as long as you repented and sinned no more, was not a charity but a sinful privilege itself. Humiliate yourself before God, and confess! Confession was the key to this humiliation, and every manner was taken to get that confession, but where there was no confession and there was no witness, they would be set free. "Always, confession opened the way to reconciliation and restoration." Such that it was that John Buxton Marsden, English historian of the Puritans, wrote that it was only the Puritans who could have subjected King Charles I, the regicided runner-up in the English Civil Wars, to the terms of the failed Treaty of Newport. From The History of the Later Puritans he writes: The treaty's failures, among the rest of the national clamor, ultimately gave way to Charles receiving the silver medal around his neck on the headman's block. It must be noted, of course, that when Charles was executed, the block was situated in a way that he was forced to lie down versus kneeling, a very deliberate humiliation upon the king. The purpose, after all, in a public execution is to flex political power and for those that consider themselves the lowliest before God to grasp at power and force their political opponents even lower than that must have felt righteous indeed. The meek shall inherit the earth, but beware their political ambitions. Eleven years of Puritan rule in the Commonwealth ensued. What followed was bedlam with the re-admission of Jews to England after a 350 year timeout, an attempted takeover by an apocalyptic sect who wanted to call themselves sanhedrin and accelerate the return of Christ, and the division of the country into military districts. To speak nothing of the Irish. The experiment was aborted. Monarchy was restored. The great irony of history is that less than thirty years after the Puritans left, their labor would finally come to fruition. The Glorious Revolution kicked out the final Catholic monarch and brought with it The Bill of Rights in 1689. What stands out about it is it outlawed "cruel and unusual punishment", the first time this phrase would be used in English. This phrase was never properly defined from the start, and it's been a puzzle for legal scholars and historians as to what it actually means. The barbarity of punishments? Their proportionality to crime? Both? Excessive fines and penalties would seem to offer the clue, and if that's the case then that notion has long left America as it subjects suspected heretics against liberalism to an outsourced pillory of plaintiff cases to break their bank account and force a confession in such a humiliating public display. 1689 was a very good year for any English who wanted their dignity restored. The Salem Witch trials would begin three years later in Puritan America. Of the Salem Witch Trials, there is not much to be said. The incident invites the opportunists, the hucksters, and the agenda-setters of the world to try and get a bit of attention, turn a quick buck, or make into a Holocaust the murders of 25 Christians from mass hysteria. It was fear and loathing in the New World frontier, the anxious proximity of a red apocalypse of natives that could explode at any moment (the frighteningly violent King Philip's War had only ended 14 years prior) and wicked land ambitions in an unraveling community that destroyed those lives in the traumatic hysteria of the American wilderness. Reverend Parris, the fourth minister the fractious and quarrelsome Salem Village had in less than two decades, sowed the seeds of what was to come through his inability to quell the rising tensions with his publicly disciplinary method of resolving disputes. The trials would involve screaming accusatory questions, coerced confessions, and searching bodies for the Devil's mark. Is this not what they knew best in the Puritan colony, however? Everyone was guilty and confession was good for the soul. Why shouldn't it have ended like this? People are fired for making okay signs like cheeky Puritans. The distance from then and now collapses upon itself. Such was their infamy that Nathaniel Hawthorne, descendant of the Judge Hathorne who presided over the Salem Witch Trials and its humiliations changed his name to put a great distance between him and his forebears, but he was haunted by him with every written word. The Scarlet Letter, a title that makes high school students now groan, being the first truly and uniquely American novel must then be a novel about public humiliation. DH Lawrence called it "one of the greatest allegories in all literature". Despite the distance he placed, Hawthorne was ambivalent toward his Puritanism. He could not embrace it, but he would not command himself to hate it like Faulkner's Quentin Compson from the humiliated South. It ran through his American bones. Its essence was his American blood-nature and his American soul. How can anyone truly hate themselves and what they are unless they themselves are humiliated? No man can hate himself without total surrender. Self-loathing is the impoverished fiefdom of broken kings and queens. Auspiciously, The Scarlet Letter had been published just that spring in 1850 when Hawthorne met Herman Melville, who would go on to pen the greatest American novel about what America once was and whose ghosts linger on to haunt her corpse's orphaned children. Biblical and poetic, Moby-Dick chronicles the tragic end of America as a ship full of colored savages being led by insane messianic Quakers on doomed quests to take revenge and destroy the white specter "of our deepest blood-nature". Melville sensed the tragic and humiliating character that lay beneath the surface of America, which it would inflict on everything it conquered, but especially its rebel brother in the South from whom America's only aristocracy would be destroyed for the equality of the coerced confession. It was in that sensitivity to what they were that Melville saw and found his Calvinist brother in Hawthorne with the blackness and a touch of Puritanic gloom. Moby-Dick too, that Great American Novel, is a tale of humiliation stretched out divinely like twisted scripture as Ahab leads a microcosm of all the world in a forsaken crusade not for the inflicted wound–but because the whale bore witness to it. We are not yet done with Harvard. Oh Harvard, Harvard, Harvard. Your students, your shipwreck survivors of the Pequod, know who you are. You may have forgotten that Puritan past, thought you had become the most serene commonwealth of pure research, but Ahab's crew know what you are and they will lash you back to the prow of this broken ship to serve as figurehead as they resume the chase for the white whale. And that is your humiliation. And that is your wheel to be broken on, and may your eyes find God on the upturn. And may you ask for forgiveness for the perverse and sinful experiments you inflicted on an America you despised in its purity, like Claggart who lies entombed in your very library as a grim reminder of your "natural depravity" and perverse rule over the American soul. "Tell me just one thing more. Why do you hate America?" "We don't hate it," we said quickly, at once, immediately: "We don't hate it," we said. We don't hate it we thought, panting in the cold air, the iron New England dark; We don't. We don't! We don't hate it! We don't hate it!
Phil Schneider's last lecture of May 1995 Shortly after this lecture, Phil was found dead in his apartment with a piano wire wrapped around his neck. Table Of Contents Deep Underground Military Bases and the Black Budget Development of Military Technology, Implied German Interest in Hyperspatial Technology The Fire Fight At Dulce Base Schneider's Worries About Government Factions, Railroad Cars and Shackle Contracts America's Black Program Contractors Star Wars and Apparent Alien Threat Stealth Aircraft Technology Use by U.S. Agencies and the United Nations The Guardians of Stealth and Delta Force Origins of the Bosnia Conflict Thoughts on the Bombings in the United States The Truth behind the Republican Contract with America Some Statistics on the Black Helicopter Presence Government Earthquake Device, AIDS as a Bioweapon Based on Alien Excretions It is because of the horrendous structure of the federal government that I feel directly imperiled not to tell anybody about this material. How long I will be able to do this is anybody's guess. However, I would like to mention that this talk is going to be broken up into four main topics. Each of these topics will have some bearing on what you people are involved in, whether you are patriots or not. I want you to know that these United States are a beautiful place. I have gone to more than 70 countries, and I cannot remember any country that has the beauty, as well as the magnificence of its people, like these United States. To give you an overview of basically what I am, I started off and went through engineering school. Half of my school was in that field and I built up a reputation for being a geological engineer, as well as a structural engineer with both military and aerospace applications. I have helped build two main bases in the United States that have some significance as far as what is called the New World Order. The first base is the one at Dulce, New Mexico. I was involved in 1979 in a firefight with alien humanoids, and I was one of the survivors. I'm probably the only talking survivor you will ever hear. Two other survivors are under close guard. I am the only one left that knows the detailed files of the entire operation. Sixty-six secret service agents, FBI, Black Berets and the like, died in that firefight. I was there. Number one, part of what I am going to tell you is going to be very shocking. Part of what I am going to tell you is probably going to be very unbelievable, though, instead of putting your glasses on, I'm going to ask you to put your "spectacles" on. But please, feel free to do your own homework. I know the Freedom of Information Act isn't much to go on, but it's the best we've got. The local law library is a good place to look for Congressional Records. So, if one continues to do their homework, then one can be standing vigilant in regard to their country. Deep Underground Military Bases and the Black Budget I love the country I am living in more than I love my life, but I would not be standing before you now, risking my life, if I did not believe it was so. The first part of this talk is going to concern deep underground military bases and the black budget. The Black Budget is a secretive budget that garners 25% of the gross national product of the United States. The Black Budget currently consumes $1.25 trillion per year. At least this amount is used in black programs, like those concerned with deep underground military bases. Presently, there are 129 deep underground military bases in the United States. They have been building these 129 bases day and night, unceasingly, since the early 1940's. Some of them were built even earlier than that. These bases are basically large cities underground connected by high-speed magneto-leviton trains that have speeds up to Mach 2. Several books have been written about this activity. Al Bielek has my only copy of one of them. Richard Sauder, a Ph.D. architect, has risked his life by talking about this. He worked with a number of government agencies on deep underground military bases. In around where you live, in Idaho, there are 11 of them. The average depth of these bases is over a mile, and they again are basically whole cities underground. They all are between 2.66 and 4.25 cubic miles in size. They have laser-drilling machines that can drill a tunnel seven miles long in one day. The Black Projects side-step the authority of Congress, which as we know is illegal. Right now, the New World Order is depending on these bases. If I had known at the time I was working on them that the NWO was involved, I would not have done it. I was lied to rather extensively. Development of Military Technology, Implied German Interest in Hyperspacial Technology Basically, as far as technology is concerned, for every calendar year that transpires, military technology increases about 44.5 years. This is why it is easy to understand that back in 1943 they were able to create, through the use of vacuum tube technology, a ship that could literally disappear from one place and appear in another place. My father, Otto Oscar Schneider, fought on both sides of the war. He was originally a U-boat captain, and was captured and repatriated in the United States. He was involved with different kinds of concerns, such as the A-bomb, the H-bomb and the Philadelphia Experiment. He invented a high-speed camera that took pictures of the first atomic tests at Bikini Island on July 12, 1946. I have original photographs of that test, and the photos also show UFO's fleeing the bombsite at a high rate of speed. Bikini Island at the time was infested with them, especially under the water, and the natives had problems with their animals being mutilated. At that time, General MacArthur felt that the next war would be with aliens from other worlds. "Anyway, my father laid the groundwork with theoreticians about the Philadelphia experiment, as well as other experiments. What does that have to do with me? Nothing, other than the fact that he was my father. I don't agree with what he did on the other side, but I think he had a lot of guts in coming here. He was hated in Germany. There was a $1 million reward, payable in gold, to anyone who killed him. Obviously, they didn't succeed. Anyway, back to our topic – deep underground bases. The Fire Fight At Dulce Base Back in 1954, under the Eisenhower administration, the federal government decided to circumvent the Constitution of the United States and form a treaty with alien entities. It was called the 1954 Greada Treaty, which basically made the agreement that the aliens involved could take a few cows and test their implanting techniques on a few human beings, but that they had to give details about the people involved. Slowly, the aliens altered the bargain until they decided they wouldn't abide by it at all. Back in 1979, this was the reality, and the firefight at Dulce occurred quite by accident. I was involved in building an addition to the deep underground military base at Dulce, which is probably the deepest base. It goes down seven levels and over 2.5 miles deep. At that particular time, we had drilled four distinct holes in the desert, and we were going to link them together and blow out large sections at a time. My job was to go down the holes and check the rock samples, and recommend the explosive to deal with the particular rock. As I was headed down there, we found ourselves amidst a large cavern that was full of outer-space aliens, otherwise known as large Greys. I shot two of them. At that time, there were 30 people down there. About 40 more came down after this started, and all of them got killed. We had surprised a whole underground base of existing aliens. Later, we found out that they had been living on our planet for a long time, perhaps a million years. This could explain a lot of what is behind the theory of ancient astronauts. Anyway, I got shot in the chest with one of their weapons, which was a box on their body, that blew a hole in me and gave me a nasty dose of cobalt radiation. I have had cancer because of that. I didn't get really interested in UFO technology until I started work at Area 51, north of Las Vegas. After about two years recuperating after the 1979 incident, I went back to work for Morrison and Knudson, EG&G and other companies. At Area 51, they were testing all kinds of peculiar spacecraft. How many people here are familiar with Bob Lazar's story? He was a physicist working at Area 51 trying to decipher the propulsion factor in some of these craft. Schneider's Worries About Government Factions, Railroad Cars and Shackle Contracts "Now, I am very worried about the activity of the federal government. They have lied to the public, stonewalled senators, and have refused to tell the truth in regard to alien matters. I can go on and on. I can tell you that I am rather disgruntled. Recently, I knew someone who lived near where I live in Portland, Oregon. He worked at Gunderson Steel Fabrication, where they make railroad cars. Now, I knew this fellow for the better part of 30 years, and he was kind of a quiet type. He came in to see me one day, excited, and he told me "they're building prisoner cars." He was nervous. Gunderson, he said, had a contract with the federal government to build 107,200 full-length railroad cars, each with 143 pairs of shackles. There are 11 sub-contractors in this giant project. Supposedly, Gunderson got over 2 billion dollars for the contract. Bethlehem Steel and other steel outfits are involved. He showed me one of the cars in the rail yards in North Portland. He was right. If you multiply 107,200 times 143 times 11, you come up with about 15,000,000. This is probably the number of people who disagree with the federal government. No more can you vote any of these people out of office. Our present structure of government is "technocracy", not democracy, and it is a form of feudalism. It has nothing to do with the republic of the United States. These people are god-less, and have legislated out prayer in public schools. You can get fined up to $100,000 and two years in prison for praying in school. I believe we can do better. I also believe that the federal government is running the gambit of enslaving the people of the United States. I am not a very good speaker, but I'll keep shooting my mouth off until somebody puts a bullet in me, because it's worth it to talk to a group like this about these atrocities. America's Black Program Contractors There are other problems. I have some interesting 1993 figures. There are 29 prototype stealth aircraft presently. The budget from the U.S. Congress five-year plan for these is $245.6 million. You couldn't buy the spare parts for these black programs for that amount. So, we've been lied to. The black budget is roughly $1.3 trillion every two years. A trillion is a thousand billion. A trillion dollars weighs 11 tons. The U.S. Congress never sees the books involved with this clandestine pot of gold. Contractors of sleuth programs: EG&G, Westinghouse, McDonnell Douglas, Morrison- Knudson, Wackenhut Security Systems, Boeing Aerospace, Lorimar Aerospace, Aeroespacial in France, Mitsubishi Industries, Rider Trucks, Bechtel, *I.G. Farben*, plus a host of hundreds more. Is this what we are supposed to be living up to as freedom- loving people? I don't believe so. Star Wars and Apparent Alien Threat Still, 68% of the military budget is directly or indirectly affected by the black budget. Star Wars relies heavily upon stealth weaponry. By the way, none of the stealth program would have been available if we had not taken apart crashed alien disks. None of it. Some of you might ask what the "space shuttle" is "shuttling". Large ingots of special metals that are milled in space and cannot be produced on the surface of the earth. They need the near vacuum of outer space to produce them. We are not even being told anything close to the truth. I believe our government officials have sold us down the drain – lock, stock and barrel. Up until several weeks ago, I was employed by the U.S. government with a Ryolite-38 clearance factor – one of the highest in the world. I believe the Star Wars program is there solely to act as a buffer to prevent alien attack – it has nothing to do with the "cold war", which was only a toy to garner money from all the people – for what? The whole lie was planned and executed for the last 75 years. Stealth Aircraft Technology Use by U.S. Agencies and the United Nations Here's another piece of information for you folks. The Drug Enforcement Administration and the ATF rely on stealth tactical weaponry for as much as 40% of their operations budget. This in 1993 and the figures have gone up considerably since. The used American stealth aircraft for over 28% of its collective world-wide operations from 1990 to 1992, according to the Centre for Strategic Studies and UN Report 3092. The Guardians of Stealth and Delta Force Origins of the Bosnia Conflict "The Guardians of Stealth: There are at least three distinct classifications of police that guard our most well kept secrets. Number one, the Military Joint Tactical Force (MJTF), sometimes called the Delta Force or Black Berets, is a multi-national tactical force primarily used to guard the various stealth aircraft worldwide. By the way, there were 172 stealth aircraft built. Ten crashed, so there were at last count about 162. Bill Clinton signed them away about six weeks ago to the United Nations. There have been indications that the Delta Force was sent over to Bosnia during the last days of the Bush administration as a covert sniper force, and that they started taking pot shots at each side of the controversy, in order to actually start the Bosnia conflict that would be used by succeeding administrations for political purposes. Thoughts on the Bombings in the United States I was hired not too long ago to do a report on the World Trade Centre bombing. I was hired because I know about the 90 some- odd varieties of chemical explosives. I looked at the pictures taken right after the blast. The concrete was puddled and melted. The steel was literally extruded up to six feet longer than its original length. There is only one weapon that can do that – a small nuclear weapon. That's a construction-type nuclear device. Obviously, when they say that it was a nitrate explosive that did the damage, they're lying 100%, folks. The people they have in custody probably didn't do the crime. As a matter of fact, I have reason to believe that the same group held in custody did do other crimes, such as killing a Jewish rabbi in New York. However, I want to further mention that with the last explosion in Oklahoma City, they are saying that it was a nitrate or fertiliser bomb that did it. First, they came out and said it was a 1,000 pound fertiliser bomb. Then, it was 1,500. Then 2,000 pounds. Now its 20,000. You can't put 20,000 pounds of fertiliser in a Rider Truck. Now, I've never mixed explosives, per se. I know the chemical structure and the application of construction explosives. My reputation was based on it. I helped hollow out more than 13 deep underground military bases in the United States. I worked on the Malta project, in West Germany, in Spain and in Italy. I can tell you from experience that a nitrate explosion would have hardly shattered the windows of the federal building in Oklahoma City. It would have killed a few people and knocked part of the facing off the building, but it would have never have done that kind of damage. I believe I have been lied to, and I am not taking it any longer, so I'm telling you that you've been lied to. The Truth behind the Republican Contract with America I don't perceive at this time that we have too much more than six months of life left in this country, at the present rate. We are the laughing stock of the world, because we are being hoodwinked by so many evil people that are running this country. I think we can do better. I think the people over 45 are seriously worried about their future. I'm going to run some scary scenarios by you. The Contract with America. It contains the same terminology that Adolph Hitler used to subvert Germany in 1931. I believe we can do better. The Contract with America is a last ditch effort by our federal government to tear away the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Some Statistics on the Black Helicopter Presence The black helicopters. There are over 64,000 black helicopters in the United States. For every hour that goes by, there is one being built. Is this the proper use of our money? What does the federal government need 64,000 tactical helicopters for, if they are not trying to enslave us. I doubt if the entire military needs 64,000 worldwide. I doubt if all the world needs that many. There are 157 F-117A stealth aircraft loaded with LIDAR and computer-enhanced imaging radar. They can see you walking from room to room when they fly over your house. They see objects in the house from the air with a variation limit of 1 inch to 30,000 miles. That's how accurate that is. Now, I worked in the federal government for a long time, and I know exactly how they handle their business. Government Earthquake Device, AIDS as a Bioweapon Based on Alien Excretions The federal government has now invented an earthquake device. I am a geologist, and I know what I am talking about. With the Kobe earthquake in Japan, there was no pulsewave as in a normal earthquake. None. In 1989, there was an earthquake in San Francisco. There was no pulse wave with that one either. It is a Tesla device that is being used for evil purposes. The black budget programs have subverted science as we know it. Look at AIDs, invented by the National Ordinance Laboratory in Chicago, Illinois in 1972. It was a biological weapon to be used against the people of the United States. The reason I know this is that I have seen the documentation by the Office of Strategic Services, which by the way is still in operation to this day, through the CDC in Atlanta. They used the glandular secretions of animals, humans and alien humanoids to create the virus. These alien humanoids the government is hobnobbing with are the worst news. There is absolutely no defence against their germs – none. They are a biological weapon of terrible consequence. Every alien on the planet needs to be isolated. Saddam Hussein killed 3.5 million Kurdish people with a similar biological weapon. Do we, the people of this planet, deserve this? No, we don't, but we are not doing anything about it. Every moment we waste, we are doing other people on the planet a disservice. Right now, I am dying of cancer that I contracted because of my work for the federal government. I might live six months. I might not. I will tell you one thing. If I keep speaking out like I am, maybe God will give me the life to talk my head off. I will break every law that it takes to talk my head off. Eleven of my best friends in the last 22 years have been murdered. Eight of the murders were called "suicides." Before I went to talk in Las Vegas, I drove a friend down to Joshua Tree, near 29 Palms. I drove into the mountains in order to get to Needles, California, and I was followed by two government E-350 vans with G-14 plates, each with a couple of occupants, one of which had an Uzi. I knew exactly who they were. I have spoken 19 times and have probably reached 45,000 people. Well, I got ahead of them and came to a stop in the middle of the road. They both went on either side of me and down a ravine. Is this what its going to take? I cut up my security card and sent it back to the government, and told them if I was threatened, and I have been, that I was going to upload 140,000 pages of documentation to the Internet about government structure and the whole plan. I have already begun that task." View: Possible Dulce Photos Thank you very much. End of May 1995 Lecture. Shortly after this lecture, Phil was found dead in his apartment with a piano wire wrapped around his neck.
PLOTINUS It is for the gods to come to me: not for me to go to them -Porphyrry, Life of Plotinus, §10 This reply, given by Plotinus to Amelius, who invited him to approach the gods with the prescribed Rituals, reflects the spirit of the Solar ☉︎ path. The surpassing of the religious attitude; the transcendent dignity of the man in posession of Wisdom, whom Plotinus terms the σπουδαῖος (spoudaîos); his superiority not only to the natural world, but also to the divine world: all these are affirmed here. It is a matter of an inner attitude that is fundamental for (magical)practice. One must create a quality in oneself by which the suprasensible powers (gods) are constrained to come. Like women attracted by the men. This Quality is summarized in one verb, which means nothing and yet means everything: TO BE Be, CONSIST, make yourself a CENTER. Through "ascesis," through "purification," through what Plotinus himself will explain. Through what the Alchemist refer to when transmutating "mercury" ☿ to "gold"☉︎. You have heard tell of the "dry way." This is an aspect of it. Seperate yourself from those who are attracted to the invisible worlds through vague neediness, soulful yearning, and confused vision(s) - more "nonbeings" than "beings" surely. + You must make yourselves like the gods; not like good men. The end is not to be sinless, but to be a god. Enneads | Corpus Hermeticum These maxims clearly seperate the initiate´s path from the path of men. The "virtue" of men, in the final analysis, is a matter of indifference: the image of an image, as Plotinus says. "Morality" has nothing to do with initiation. Initiation is a radical transformation from one state of existence into another state of existence. A "god" is not a "moral example": it is an other being. The good man does not cease to be "man" through being "good". In every time and place that understands what "initiation" means, the idea has always been the same. Thus, in Hermetism: "Our work is the conversion and the changing of one being unto another being, of one thing into another thing, of weakness into strength...of corporeity into spirituality. N. Flamel Il Desiderio desiderato, §6 + Sinners can also draw water from the rivers. The giver does not know what he is giving but simply gives. How does man stand with the respect to the All? As a part? No. As a whole that belongs to itself. Lacking unity, things are deprived of "being." The more unity, the more being they posses. Every being is itself belonging to itself; and belonging to itself, it concentrates itself. As Unity, it possesses itself, and has all the grandeur, all the beauty. Therefore do not run and flee from yourself indefinitely. Everything within is now gathered into its unity Enneads The essential element for the condition of "being" is unity. UNIFY YOURSELF - BE ONE This bundle of energes(not energies), this horde of beings, sensations, and tendencies that make up you: bend them beneath a single law, a single will, a single thought. Bhagavad-Gita, Corpus Hermeticum ORGANIZE YOURSELF Bend your "soul," use it in every way, take it to every crossroads unti it is inert, incapable of its own movement, dead to every instinctive irrationality. Just as a perfectly trained horse, when ordered, goes to right or left, stops, or leaps ahead, so your soul must be to you: a thing that you hold in your fist. Unchained, you will be ONE: being one, YOU ARE - and it belongs to you. Belonging to you, you will possess grandeur. Ancient classical wisdom distinguishes two symbolic regions: the lower, of things that "flee"; the upper, of "things that are." What flow or "flee" are the things that cannot attain the realisation and perfect possession of their own nature. The other things, are: they have transcended this life, which is mixed with death and is a ceaseless running and aiming. Their "immobility" and even the ancient astronomical designation of their "place" are symbols, denoting a spiritual state. To be one, no longer dispersed, follows. + What is the Good for such a man [for the σπουδαῖος]? He is himself his own good. The life that he possesses is perfect. He possesses the good in that he seeks nothing else. To take away what is other with respect to your own being is to purify yourself. In simpler rapport with yourself; without obstacle to your pure unity; without anything mingled within this purity, being solely yourself in pure light.... you have become a vision. Though being here you have ascended. You have no more need for a guide. Fix your glance. You will see. With marvelous conciseness, this expresses what is to be called "good" in the transcendent sense: the absence of anything that can penetrate you and draw you out of yourself by a desire or impulse. Plotinus takes care to define the spiritual significance of such a concept, saying that the superior man can still "seek other things, inasmuch as they are indispensable not to him, but to his neighbour: to the body that is joined to him, to the life of the body that is not his life. Knowing what the body needs, he gives it: but these things in no way intrude upon his life." "Evil" is the sense of need in the spirit: that if every life incapable of governing itself, that stumbles around, desiring, striving to complete itself by obtaining something or other. As long as this "need" exists, as long as there is this inner and radical insufficiency, the Good is not there. It is nothing that can be named: it is an experience that only an act of the spirit on the spirit can determine: seperating itself from the idea of any "other" (disillusion), reuniting itself alone. Then there arises a state of certainty and plentitutde in which, once given, one asks for no more, finding all speech, all speculation, all agitation useless, while one knows of nothing more that could cause a change in one´s inmost soul. Plotinus rightly says that this being which totally possesses its own life possesses perpetuity: being solely "I", nothing could be added to it either in the past or the future. + The state of being is in the present being. Every being is in act, and is act. Pleasure is the act of life. Souls can be happy even in this universe. If they are not, then blame them, not the universe. They have surrendered in this battle, where the reward crowns virtue Plotinus affirms that souls can be happy even in this universe, thereby bringing to light an important aspect of the pagan concept of existence. If "virtue" as dominating spiritual actuality implies power, one may understand how the "good" is no more to be seperated from "happiness" than glory from victory. Whoever is defeated by an external or internal bond is not "good": and it would be unjust for such a being to be happy. But it is only the being that passes judgement on itself, not the world. It is all well to say "my kingdom is not of this world" and wait for a "god" (reduced to singular) to give happiness in the beyond as a reward to the "just" who, lacking power or interest, have suffered injustice in this life and borne it with humility and resignation (submission)- The truth of the warrior and hero of the ancient classical world was otherwise. If "evil" and all its materialization in onslaughts and limitations by lower forces and bodily things has its root in a state of degradation of the good - it is inconceivable, and logically contradictory that it should persist as the principle of unhappiness and bondage in regard to him who has destroyed that root, having become "good". If the "good" exists, then "evil" - suffering, passion, servitude - cannot exist + Some lack arms. But he who has arms must fight - no god is going to fight for the unarmed. The law decrees that victory in war goes to the brave, not to those that pray. That cowards should be ruled by the wicked - that is Just (see also *"Der Gott der Eisen wachsen ließ der wollte keine Knechte..." Song of the Fatherland*) Ironically, popular Christianity als knows proverbs such as "God helps him who helps himself." Taken from pagan maxims as well as many others. Here is a fresh affirmation of the virile spirit of the pagan tradition, a new contrast with the mystico-religious attitude, and a disdain for those who deprecate the "injustice" of earthly (material) things and, instead of blaming their own cowardice or accepting their impotence, blame the All or hope that "Providence" will take care of them. (This is the core message of Christianity in particular) "No god is going to fight for the unarmed." This is the anti-Christian cornerstone of every warrior morality and paganism; and it related to the concepts explained above, concerning the identity (from the metaphysical point of view) of "reality", "spirituality" and "virtue". The coward cannot be good: "good" implies a heroic (solar ☉︎) soul. And the perfection of the hero is the triumph. To ask a god for victory would be like asking him for "virtue": whereas victory is the body in which the very perfection of "virtue" is realised. Fabius´s soldiers, when they set out, did not vow to win or die, but vowed to fight and return as victors. And so they did. The spirit of Rome reflects the same wisdom. + From fear, totally suppressed, [the soul] has nothing to dread. He who fears anything has not attained the perfection of virtue. He is a half-thing. Impressions do not present themselves to the superior man as they do to others. They do not reach the inner being, whether they are other things, pains and losses, his own or others´. That would be feebleness of the soul. If [suffering] is too much - so be it. The light in him remains [regardless], like the lamp of a lighthouse in the turmoil of wind and tempest. Master of himself even in this state, he will decide what is to be done. The σπουδαῖος would not be such if a daimon were acting within him. In him it is the sovereign mind () that acts. Plotinus admits that the superior man may sometimes have involuntary and unreflective fears, but more as motions that are not part of him, and in which his spirit is not present. "Returning to himself he will expel them... Like a child who is subdued merely by the power of someone who stares at him". As for suffering, he can at most cause the seperation of a part of himself not yet exempt from passion: the higher principle is never overwhelmed. "He will decide what is to be done." Should the case arise, he can also quite the game. We should not forget that according to Plotinus the σπουδαῖος is his own "daimon" and lives somewhat like an actor playing a freely chosen role. Against the Gnostics or Christians (or both), Plotinus retorts dutily: "Why find fault with a world you have chosen and can quit if you dislike it?" If you find yourself participating in an unjust(unfair) game, refuse to play (This exact sentence, albeit in German, was revealed to me in a dream) Similarily: + All that one sees as a spectacle is still external; one must bring the vision within; make yourself one with what you have to contemplate; know that what you have to contemplate is yourself. And it is you. Like someone possessed by the god Apollo or a Muse, he would see the divine light blazing within, if only he had the power to contemplate this divine light in himself.
I've been into occultism and spirituality for basically all of my life now. I usually do not openly share these ideas, but today, I figure, why not? Here is my personal model of reality. It's not a religion but an attempt at an objective view of the weirdness that composes reality. The ideas expressed here have been developed over a decade or two, incorporating discussions with persons of various religions and also reading about all sorts of ideologies and religions. You know how there are angels and demons, and humans are like the Yin and Yang that keep the whole thing in balance? Well, the truth is, there are no deities nor creatures of 'evil'. There are just two forces: negentropy and entropy, and all of the creatures that inhabit said 'realities'. You know why Lucifer's fall was so dramatic? It's as if a human fell beyond whatever is under 'demon'. We don't even know, nor did we ever imagine, that there was something 'under' demons, but there is, and that's the demon's demon. We are to angels what demons are to us, and we are to demons what angels are to us. It would come as no surprise if life in the demon realm is not dramatically dissimilar from life in a material world such as ours, after all, the material is just an illusion manifested by the higher forces, or what we like to call 'the fabric of reality'. The material world, Reality planes It's not an illusion in the sense that it's not real, but in the way that it severely limits the capacities of a human to the point where we just cannot do things we would otherwise be capable of (such as creating reality itself). Fate, free will, and fate and the mandela effect: As you may know, time is non-linear; we're not "going forward"—time is pretty much all over the place. So, how are we experiencing "the past" and awaiting the future? That's the will, baby. Now, what do I mean by will? You are conscious, and the simple act of being conscious is imposing a certain 'will' on reality itself. That is, time is not passing; you are passing through time. Free will occurs whenever we make a decision. Whether we consciously choose that decision or not is irrelevant because the result is the same: We are, consciously or unconsciously, applying our will to travel through time in such a way that alters our 'attack angle'. It's kind of like steering a plane; the 'line' we were following now changes, so we are not pointing where we were before. Usually, our decisions do not alter our fate much, if at all. However, some extreme decisions (or rare, seemingly meaningless decisions) might severely alter our fate. Fate is 'always fixed' in the sense that it is the end of the road. Regardless of where your path is pointing, you will always eventually reach the end of the road; it's simply impossible not to. It's pointless to talk about fate because, like death, it is inevitable. The Mandela effect is mostly caused by extreme deviations in one's reality line. Extreme deviations usually require extreme measures and energy. As such, it is hard to 'point' to a reality where catgirls are real, for example. In the infinity of possibilities that the future holds, to jump 'very, very far away' would require you to take a very, very extreme measure, like detonating every nuke in the world, for example. What happens when you die? Whatever you believe will happen, happens. Be it because of spiritual implications or just the release of chemicals in the brain and an altered perception of reality (some trips on salvia are reported to last YEARS when the real trip takes about 20 seconds), you will experience 'whatever' it is that you think will happen. It might last only up to 0.5 seconds in real life, maybe, but for you, that will feel like an eternity. If we do 'turn off' and there is truly nothing after death, there is also nothing to worry about because you won't realize it. It would be like spending an eternity wherever you think you're going and then 'drifting off' to sleep without even realizing. Try to have some positive ideas about the afterlife, you know, just in case. Karma is just social pressure for the soul, and interestingly, I've discovered that some writings about Hermetic teachings can be interpreted in this way too. To expand on the idea, if you truly believe what you are doing is 'right', then no karma will come your way, unless someone else witnesses you doing the deed and thinks said deed is 'wrong'. Their judgment will be placed upon you like weights thrown atop you. Why do you think occultism needs to be occult? There are many reasons, and this is one of them. Regarding the Hermetic teachings, one of the texts mentions how a Hermetic master can 'jump out' of the pendulum before it 'swings back' to bad times (there is a theory about life having both good and bad times swinging like a pendulum). The Hermetic master is able to skip the bad times by jumping out because of reasons related to the functioning of karma. Just like karma is mental, the good and bad times can also be interpreted as a purely mental construct that can be more or less altered at will to the point of physical manifestation. So, those who do bad deeds alone, as long as they don't repent and truly believe they are right, will receive no karma. Similarly, a person who does a good thing but does not see it as such might even go as far as to receive bad karma, depending on his perception.
:CokeMan: Written by Nick Hinton from /r/conspiracy LABeasthaveagoodday In my opinion, this is one of the most fascinating conspiracy theories. I've talked about this subject many times before, but since then I have discovered much more information. So, if you've heard some of this before, please bear with me, because by the end you will be mind blown. I honestly think this thread includes some of the most compelling evidence for the Mandela Effect being a real phenomenon. But first, lets start with the basics. CERN, or the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is a massive laboratory in Switzerland. The facility is famous for being home to the world's largest particle collider and discovering the legendary Higgs Boson, or God Particle, in the summer of 2012. A particle collider is a machine that uses extremely powerful magnetic fields to shoot beams of subatomic particles at each other. These beams travel at nearly the speed of light, and when they collide, scientists are able to see what the universe looked like right after the Big Bang. However, some say the people at CERN are really trying to create a portal to the underworld. This sounds ridiculous, but even the official CERN website says they are looking for dark matter and other dimensions. Sounds a lot like the plot of Stranger Things. The symbolism used by CERN only fuels the speculation of conspiracy theorists. For example, many point out the giant statue of Shiva the Destroyer standing outside. There's even a video floating around the internet that shows men in black robes doing a ritual sacrifice in front of it. Notice the hidden 666 in the CERN logo? Snopes says the video is a hoax and that some of the researchers at the facility were just having fun. I don't always trust Snopes but that's definitely a possibility. What I really want to know is why the researchers would make a joke about something like this. Watch the video for yourself and decide. View: Others say CERN is messing with time and changing our past. This is actually not too far fetched to believe if you take into consideration what theoretical physicists say about the speed of light. If an object were to somehow travel faster than it, the object would actually go back in time. Is it possible CERN managed to break the light speed barrier? Wouldn't something going back in time change the past? Most physicists say traveling faster than the speed of light is impossible. However, in 2011 CERN detected an anomalous particle that seemed to do just that. The claim was supposedly debunked and the scientist who announced the discovery was forced to resign. This caused a lot of controversy in the physics community and has been a topic of heated debate ever since. The subject seems to be a trigger, like politics, except for smart people. But even if didn't happened on that occasion, is it possible it's happened other times we aren't being told about it? Conspiracy theorists claim the Mandela Effect is proof of time manipulation. However, skeptics say it is nothing more than the result of a faulty memory. The Mandela Effect is a term used to describe a situation where many people remember a certain event occurring when it actually didn't. For example, many people believed Nelson Mandela died in prison in the 80s. However, they were shocked to find out he really died in 2013 and lived a long happy life, hence the name of the phenomenon. The Mandela Effect is noticeable in many logos and cartoons. For example, the Fruit of the Loom logo never had a cornucopia, Curious George never had a tail, Mr. Monopoly never had a monocle, and Pikachu never had a stripe on his tail. There are many more examples. Below is a list of 450. The link below is a video created by scientists at CERN, and it seems to be mocking conspiracy theorists. Towards the end of the video, it shows one of the physicists wearing signs around his neck. One says "Bond 1" and the other says "Mandela". The first actor to play James Bond was Barry Nelson. Nelson Mandela. Mandela Effect. View: Some say CERN is not only changing the past, but shifting us into different timelines within the multiverse. Once again, this sounds crazy. However, CERN openly talks about working with D-Wave Systems, a quantum computing company that claims its machines work by "collaborating with parallel universes". Below is a video of one of the founders giving a talk. Skip to 5:20 if you want to get right to the parallel universe stuff. View: Is it possible our universe is becoming entangled with another? Are timelines overlapping? I feel like the video below may be evidence of that. In the video, a man finds a car that seems to be stuck between two worlds, the world with the Ford logo Mandela Effected people remember, and this world, with the Ford logo that's always existed according to official records. View: Is an oddly named brand of cold medicine more evidence of entangled timelines? All my life I have never heard of 666 Cold Preparation, yet it's been around for over 100 years. What I find most odd is if you look the stuff up online, many stores offer it, but not one of them ever seems to have it in stock. 666 Cold Preparation is a whole rabbit hole in itself. Supposedly a man named Dr. John Palmer created the medicine. He was the local physician and mortician of a small Florida town called Monticello. Its notorious for being the most haunted place in the state. Legend says Dr. Palmer's sick practices are to blame. I've also seen a lot of memes lately joking about God creating new animals. Some conspiracy theorists jokingly call these Mandanimals. What the hell is a sea pig or a scale worm? These things look like they're literally from another dimension. They look Lovecraftian. I could just be uneducated, but c'mon. Look at these dudes. There is also a weird website dedicated to CERN that seems to be stuck in another time. The website shows music videos from Les Horribles Cernettes, an all woman pop group made up of CERN employees. A picture of the band was the first image ever uploaded to the internet. At least in this timeline. What's strange though is the group formed in 1990. Les Horribles Cernettes is an obvious reference to the LHC, a machine at CERN that wasn't operational until 2008. They also made a song in 1993 called Surfing on the Web. Were people using that kind of slang in the early 90s? View: According to official history, CERN created the World Wide Web. Some say the real reason for it is to gather as much data about the world as possible. The data could be put into advanced computers to create simulations of the future. Once future events are predicted, scientists could act accordingly. Advanced simulations could also tell them what little changes in history would create drastic changes in the present. If CERN really is capable of time travel, they could theoretically send data to scientists in the past, telling them how to shape the future. Perhaps this is why right now we only notice subtle differences. So is CERN improving it's technology in the past... from the future? This sounds confusing but this is what is known as retrocausality. Instead of a cause creating an effect, an effect creates a cause. This phenomenon is actually supported by quantum theory. According to CERN's official website, the first proton-proton collision happened in 1971. However, you can find contradicting articles and videos saying the first time it happened was in 2010. Did the scientists in 2010 send some data to the scientists in 1971? CERN's website also says a machine called the LEP existed many years before the LHC. However, if you search for images of the LEP, you get pictures of the LHC, which do look old, but as I've stated before, the LHC wasn't operational until 2008. This picture of the "LEP" is literally the LHC seen from another angle. Notice the 1997 copyright? The LHC was still being built in 1998! At present, there are over 30,000 particle accelerators around the world. When did these things start showing up? I feel like I haven't heard about them until recently. Apparently they've been around since the 1930s. Are we experiencing what some call quantum infiltration? But why would CERN want to advance itself faster than time allows? And why do they want these machines everywhere? When certain particles collide with each other at extremely high speeds, they create antimatter. I think they are trying to bring as much antimatter into the world as they possibly can. Scientists at CERN believe when the universe was created it must have been made up of a perfectly even amount of normal matter and antimatter. When matter and antimatter meet, they annihilate each other. So this begs the question, why is there something instead of nothing? The supersymmetry model. The official CERN website literally says some "unknown entity" must have intervened during the creation of the universe. Who would this "unknown entity" be? What kind of "entity" would rather us have more normal matter than antimatter? Why is this a problem? This quote is from an actual CERN scientist. According to a supposed CERN insider, being around antimatter too long can cause one to have nightmares, become aggressive, or even go crazy. UC Berkeley was one of the first places to store the substance, and ironically, it was also the site of one of the most violent protests of our time. The violence broke out primarily between alt-right and alt-left activists. Many of the alt-right activists were members of the Cult of Kek. The Cult of Kek "worships" the ancient Egyptian god of chaos. Interestingly enough, Japan has a particle collider named KEK. There is also a particle accelerator named PEP-II. Pepe is the name of the cult's mascot. Is the god of chaos manifesting himself through antimatter? This is also a whole rabbit hole in itself, but I just wanted to throw the idea out there. Perhaps antimatter is what demonic entities are made up of? Considering the satanic symbolism we've seen so far, I don't think this is too much of a stretch. Coincidentally, some Satanists believe they must balance the forces of good and evil to become whole. Sounds like CERN's vision of the universe. Like I said at the beginning of this thread, 2012 was the year CERN discovered the God Particle, but since then, they've found nothing. Since then, the Cernettes have disappeared, and weirdly enough, it's the earliest you can find any articles written about their legendary photograph. This is also something I've written about before, but I often wonder if 2012 was the year our original world ended and CERN pushed us into a new one. Perhaps Stephen Hawking was right when he told us the particle could destroy the universe. But the scientists at CERN seem desperate to prove their "mathematically perfect" model of the universe. One of them even admits their experiments could "dissolve what we think of as reality". It seems they must always push the boundaries. There are even plans to build a much bigger collider. Whatever this monster of a machine will be capable of, who the hell knows. The scientists say they yearn for a new physics. What does that really mean? What would a world that no longer obeys the laws of nature look like? Perhaps the Mayans were correct when they said the world would end in 2012, we just didn't know they meant one of many. Perhaps the reality we know is dissolving as we speak, I have no clue. I just have a feeling things are only going to get much weirder. Thanks for reading.
Is there anyone here who has a firm understanding of the numogram? I stumbled upon the concept of it a couple of weeks ago and I've been trying to understand it. I know the kabalah tree of life and actively study it, but I was wondering if there are any users here who understand it who could help point me to the right direction. I've searched for information going over guides which led me to this >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk link (which i begrudgingly used because I abhore >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk) View: and I also was to led to the CCRU's website which kinda helped but still has a fuck all ton of schizo jargon that I am in awe over. Any thoughts opinions, recommendations or even just plain ol aimless discussion would be greatly appreciated
Memphis Rap Sigils Introduction In this article we will be covering a topic I've been wanting to cover for ages and that is the Memphis Rap Sigils. For those uninformed, the Memphis Rap Sigils are supposed cursed tapes that emerged in the bloody rap scene of 1990s Memphis, Tennessee. This story is rather unknown outside the general area it took place and /x/, hell, I only know about it due to random people I spoke to a few years back, and because of it's obscure nature I feel this is the perfect topic to cover on the Esoteric board of this forum. History During the late 80s and 90s the hiphop scene was really exploding in America, you had names such as Tupac and Biggie becoming household names, and everyone wanted a piece of the pie from the East coast to the West . However, it was a hard market to standout in, you needed to be different and if you were simply copying the gangsta rap of the West Coast, then you wouldn't be seen as anything special. Because of this, different areas of the United States had to form their own hiphop identities, and Memphis was unique for taking a horrorcore vibe for their rap scene, with the most vile, violent lyrics embodying the distinct style of their music. Not all but some found great success within this scene, a notable example being Three Six Mafia, who would go on to enjoy mainstream fame. With such a sinister undertone within the scene however it wasn't long until rumors spread that there was more to the music than initially thought, that many detailed real murders on the lyrics and some even contained captured negative energy from these killings. "But capturing negative energy, how is something like that possible?" you might be thinking to yourself; that is through the use of a sigil, which is a essentially a symbol created for the working of magic, they can come in many different forms such as written, spoken, drawn, etc, but all in all they are used for the capturing of a given energy to project onto those who come across it. What helps reinforce the possibility of dark magic taking place within the Memphis rap scene is the strange occult history of Memphis as a whole as it's roots go much deeper than Memphis 90's rap. Memphis & The Occult Memphis has an occult history stretching way back to the 1800s, primarily through the use of Hoodoo from African slaves taken from their homelands and trying to retain their traditional religious practices. Despite forced conversions to Christianity, Africans in the Memphis area managed to retain their Hoodoo heritage better compared to other areas. Into the 20th century Memphis became known nationwide as an epicenter of magical arts within the United States: sports teams would sport black cat bones and horseshoes, while famous blues singer among the likes of W.C. Handy and Lillie Mae Glover were singing about Hoodoo in their music. An example of occult symbols being used in Memphis Blues during the early 20th century Memphis is even said to had rootworkers (hoodoo magicians) who cured people through hoodoo magic, notable names being Doctor Scissors and Uncle Dub. I think the real icing on the cake of all this is that Memphis is quite literally named after a city in Egypt, which has a deep occult history within itself, and pays homage to it's namesake with plenty of Egypt inspired landmarks. Memphis, Egypt, was known also for it's worship of Ptah, an ancient creator God who we will discuss further later on but it should be known he was one of the most revered Gods in Egypt during the era he was worshipped and was represented by the water element. Ptah The occult background of Memphis is not something to be primarily associated with African Americans however, as Memphis attracted plenty of Americans of different races who leant towards alternative spiritualism. Moreover, Koopsta Knicca had a story of once going into downtown Memphis to shoot a cover for Three Six Mafia's debut album Mystic Styles and discovering a creepy warehouse from which when he went inside he found a group of robed white men performing what seemed to be a bizarre ritual before an altar. The Sigils Time to to get into the real juice of the article which is why the sigils were made, how they were made, and what are the actual sigils? Well to start, the sigils are believed to be made so things the rappers wanted could manifest itself into reality, so if they wished for fame and fortune, and enough people listened to their sigil and helped charge the energy within it, then it would be more likely to happen. Anon from /x/ explaining the use of sigils Ok, so how would they go about creating these sigils? In a nutshell, it required you murdering someone, recording the audio from this murder, sampling the audio, returning to the scene, and then rapping over the murder scene with the murder audio intact to capture the negative energy within the recording in order to place it onto mixtapes, which you would then give out and with each one containing a part of the sigil you could seriously charge up the energy of your sigil fast if your music proved popular enough. Due to this process it's not thought digital copies contain the negative sigil energy from the original tapes as the energy can only come from the original source and not be some copy recorded from an external device. What are thought to be the sigils then? It's generally agreed that these eight songs are the Memphis rap sigils and for those of the particularly superstitious kind I would not recommend listening: 1.Ten Wanted Men - 4 Corners Pt. III 2.Children of the Corn - Deep in the Woods 3.Maniac - Hellraiser 4.Lil Ramsey - Magnolia a.k.a. Down With Magnolia (feat. Tommy Wright) 5.H.O.H. - Outro 6.N.O.D. - N*ggaz Of Destruction 7.Mr. Tinimaine - Last Man Standing 8.Psycho - Welcome To Tha Graveyard However some believe more to exist though this can't be confirmed Connection to Murders It's time to get into the deeper and gritty side of this mixtape conspiracy iceberg. This part is confusing and I'll try and delve into this best I can, but TL;DR the Memphis rap scene of the 90s is supposedly connected to the murders of three young boys and potentially three young girls too, and samples from their murders are believed to exist on the sigils. Theories are still rife to this day. Robinhood Hills Murders In 1993, three young boys Steve Branch, Christopher Byers, and James Micheal Moore, were found killed in the Robinhood Hills of West Memphis. Police described the killings being done in a ritualistic fashion, with one boy castrated, two beaten, stabbed, and injured, and then two drowned. The night of the murder a black man walked into a restaurant in the nearby area known as O'Giggles covered in blood, went to the restroom leaving blood everywhere, before running away from the scene; blood samples were taken by the police but were unfortunately lost. There was however a single hair left on a blanket from the scene of the murder from a black man, which was strange considering the Memphis Three, who were three teenagers arrested for the crime, were white. The Memphis 3 are still considered guilty for the crime by the courts to this day but documentaries such as Paradise Lost argue it was a rush job due to a Satanic scare and more was going on behind the scenes. If I wanted to give the full story it would require a whole other thread, so I'll leave the first part of the Paradise Lost documentary in the sources for those who wish to delve deeper. Before I go any further I want to share an /x/ post that will help you understand what I'm going to discuss next as it is rather far-reaching but will help you understand the ritualistic nature of the murders in the Robinhood Hills. The West of Memphis is believed to be the fourth corner. A handful of theories say the murders were done in this exact location to appease Ptah, the Egyptian creator God mentioned earlier and what the name of Memphis is inspired by. Two of the children were drowned since Ptah is a water god and this is what would please him most and through this strange ritual is what created the sigil samples in the first place through the method described earlier. All this happened in 1993 and 1994 is when Memphis Rap boomed in popularity. Was the worship of an ancient Egyptian deity a part in putting Memphis Rap on the map in the first place? It's a compelling theory though understandingly it's hard for many to bite. Monroe County Murders A lesser known theory on the sigils is an apparent correlation with the unsolved Satanic murders of three young girls in Monroe county Florida, though this one seems way more farfetched considering it doesn't even take place in Memphis. However, it seems to be an interesting, (though less grounded) theory so I've chose to mention it within this article. A random commenter off YouTube, I believe, describes it like this: Conclusion The cursed nature of a few Memphis hiphop tapes and an apparent connection to a string of murders, alongside all this taking place in one of America's most esoteric cities, I've found to be a really interesting topic to research. Now, the normie judgement of this whole case would be most of its overblown and no sigils existed in the first place, but they can not deny something was very wrong in Memphis in the 1990s, with it being one of the murder capitals definitely not helping. In short, I hope Memphis Rap Sigils reaches more people as it's a rather unknown urban legend. Thank you for reading and good night. Rare Photo of DJ Maniac, supposedly involved in the creation of the sigils Sources View: View:
Why do the people fight for their own servitude as stubbornly as if it were their salvation? Such an arresting question was first posed by unconventional psychoanalyst William Reich in his 1933 book, The Mass Psychology of Fascism. In the book, Reich makes the case that psychic repression depends on social oppression, and as a result, the modern conception of the fascist state has been taken up not by sinister external forces but internally, by the masses themselves. What this means psycho-politically is that the success of a political movement or revolution are dependent on a precedent revolution of the psyche. After all, to tear down a factory or revolt against a government is to attack the effects of fascism rather than causes, and as long as any attack is focused solely on effects, no structural political change is possible. For Reich, what is truly fascistic is our present construction of systematic thought, of 'rationality' itself. If a factory is torn down, but the rationality that produced it is left standing, we will simply produce another factory. If a political revolution overthrows a despot, but the systematic patterns of thought that produced the despot remain, those patterns will repeat themselves in a succeeding government. Consider the example of surveillance: the Wikileaks' Cablegate, the Snowden Documents, the Afghanistan War Logs, the recent Panama Papers—if massive leaks such as these are any indication, the present construction of systematic thought alluded to by Reich operates in a highly securitised and surveilled political climate—a diffuse matrix of new information gathering algorithms, where our information is tracked and then ordered into categories of acceptable or unacceptable activities. We know that we are always being tracked—touch off enough markers in Internet activity by going to certain sites or using certain words and you will be placed on a 'watchlist.' Rather than being spurred into anxiety by this unnerving realisation, the vast majority of us 'choose' to ignore it, to continue on with existence as 'usual' and as a result, we tacitly give our endorsement to the notion that those who are breaking the rules will be brought to 'justice.' But first let's look back at the panama papers where 11.5 million leaked documents that detail financial and attorney–client information for more than 214,488 offshore entities. ... The documents contain personal financial information about wealthy individuals and public officials that had previously been kept private. Inadmissible behaviours are largely unrecognised as existing, or situated under the category of the 'criminal,' a concept we rarely take the time to call into question. As a result, a divide is created—a class that falls outside the 'we' who have freedom—and deep thought about the shared subjectivity of these 'categories' is strongly discouraged. We are under control precisely to the extent we think of those subjugated to the effects of power as anything other than 'us.' By rendering the world in this way, our society of control maintains an illusion of freedom. We are 'free' to say and do what we want—within pre-circumscribed desires. Since the only forms of speech prohibited in the public discourse are radical indictments of our political system and calls to 'terrorist' or insurrectionary action, most of us fall within such parameters without even thinking about it, and so experience ourselves as free to express our views and live our lives. What is Schizoanalysis? For all of his vital insights into the socio-psychological nature of power and control, Reich never adequately addresses his own question. As Deleuze and Guattari point out in their introduction to schizoanalysis, Anti-Oedipus, Reich was content to answer by invoking the ideological, the subjective, the irrational, and the inhabited because he too remained a prisoner of effect. In other words, Reich fell short of the materialist psychiatry that he dreamed up because his project overlooked the multiplicitious functions of desire in the fascist personality under capitalism. Drawing from the work of Nietzsche, Marx, and Freud, schizoanalysis is a revolutionary political process that seeks to expand upon Reich's materialist-psychiatric critique of psychoanalysis so as to include the full scope of multiplicitious social and historical factors in its explanations of cognition and behaviour in order to map and thus undermine the causal groundings of fascism. Schizoanalysis has acquired many different definitions during its development in the philosophic works of Nietzsche, Artaud, Deleuze, and Guattari, as well as literary figures such as Aldous Huxley, William Burroughs, Henry Miller, and Jack Kerouac. What connects these thinkers as schizoanalysts is that they have been able to uproot themselves from the social's causes and traditions in order to conduct physical exoduses from the ideological territories that harboured them through much of their previous lives. Furthermore, each of them is in tune with heightened degrees of empathy and perception—they have been able to focus their gaze on something and tease out the intangible in it—an intangible that transforms something within each of them. Indeed, literature is akin to schizoanalysis in the way that there is no ultimate goal, no attainable summit that it is reaching towards, and in itself it is only a process, a production of something. A previously held fact is destroyed by each of these authors: for Huxley, it was the deterioration of an anti-psychedelic political climate, for Burroughs, it was the destruction of traditional norms of control, and for Miller and Kerouac, it was the ability to explode the bourgeois morality system. In a similar manner, the schizophrenic, even in their delirium, finds themselves 'tuned in' to things around them: 'It's a given that in the practice of institutional psychotherapy that the schizophrenic who is most lost in himself will suddenly burst out with the most incredible details about your private life, things that you would never imagine anyone could know, and that he will tell you in the most abrupt way truths that you believed to be absolutely secret. It's not a mystery. The schizophrenic has lightening-like access to you; he is focused, so to speak, directly on those links that constitute a series in his subjective system.'(1) In many ways, this description of the interaction between the therapist and the schizophrenic is reminiscent of philosopher Peter Sloterdijk's answer to the question 'where is the individual?': "First of all and most often it is part of a couple." (2) This is not just a physical couple per se, though it can take on this form; it is the coupling with the 'self' and the 'other,' various manifestations of alterity that the self relates to. The 'individual' becomes a question of space, but a non-physical space of 'inbetweenness' situated at the fluctuations between one thing and another. Thus Deleuze and Guattari's understanding of the schizophrenic experience, and one of the essential aims of schizoanalysis, is a proliferation of the interconnected state of all things in order to cultivate a 'break' or fracture that allows the entity we mistakenly refer to as the 'individual' to make a jump, a leap onto the plane consistency where processes of becoming can take place. One asks: How is the schizophrenic able to so lucidly articulate the inner-workings of the self before them? Because they deterritorialise themselves right down to the flows that actually create the individual. For schizoanalysis, schizophrenia is not seen as the disease or mental disturbance that characterises or defines schizophrenics. Schizophrenics as clinic patients—and schizophrenia as a reductive psychiatric diagnosis—result from the vital incompatibility between the dynamics of schizophrenia unleashed by capitalism and the reigning institutions of society. To be clear, schizoanalysis does not romanticise asylum inmates and their often excruciating and exploitative conditions of existence—conditions which are directly fostered by the 'mental health' institutions proliferated by capitalism. As opposed to an individualised psychological 'problem,' schizoanalysis re-conceptualises schizophrenia as a broad socio-historical system of control that results from the generalised production of psychosis and anxiety that are currently pervading capitalist society—a process that no single psychiatric patent could possibly embody. In brief, capitalism fosters schizophrenia because the quantitative calculations of the market replace meaning and belief systems as the foundation of society. In this approximation then, we can define schizophrenia—both in the psyche and the socius—as a form of 'unlimited semiosis' that emerges when fixed meanings and beliefs are subverted by the cash-nexus under modern capitalism. Hence, schizophrenia constitutes an objective tendency of capitalist society and its historical development. By way of the simultaneous elimination of extant meanings and beliefs, every extension of capital—from the geographical (imperialism) to psychological (marketing)—manifests as a new layer of the perpetual state of alienated fear: "All that is solid melts into air." (3) According to Deleuze and Guattari, the powerful capitalist counter-tendency to the emancipatory potentials of schizoanalysis—the driving force behind the resurgence of neo-fascist propensities in democratic states—is paranoia. For if we understand schizophrenia to designate an unlimited chain of semiotic signifiers—radically fluid and extemporaneous forms of meaning—paranoia, by contrast, designates an absolute system of belief where all meaning and all representation is permanently fixed. As a result of this ubiquitous paranoia, we perceive desire, that is, 'what we seek,' as a lack, a reaction, a void—something that must be constantly filled and refilled. Under capitalism desire is commodified, it becomes a libidinal economy—a prison in which what the libido seeks is temporarily satiation enabled by the further commodification of all facets of life. For schizoanalysis, the terms paranoia and schizophrenia point to what Reich overlooked in his initial materialist-psychiatric critique of power: they are the fundamental organising dynamics of a capitalist society. Paranoia represents what is archaic in capitalism, the resuscitation of the obsolete, rigid, belief-centred modes of social organisation. Whereas schizophrenia embodies capitalism's positive potentials: freedom, ingenuity, and permanent revolution. Hence the schizo-moment is the ultimate subversion of paranoiac systematisation, of the desire to 'build walls,' to draw up psychological, ideological, and material borders between 'us' and 'them.' In deploying a highly figurative style of discourse that manifests in the development of concepts such as 'desiring-machines' and the 'body-without-organs,' schizoanalysis erodes the stifling distinction between metaphor and metamorphosis. In opposition to the paranoiac traditionalism of fascistic thought, schizophrenia's potential for radical freedom designates a revolutionary objective tendency of capitalism that opens up spaces to re-code the flows of desire in new ways. 'Rather than moving in a direction of the reductionist modifications of desire, which merely simplify the complexes of modernity, schizoanalysis works towards its complexification, its processual enrichment, towards the consistency of its virtual lines of bifurcation and differentiation—in short towards its ontological heterogeneity.' (4) What most revolutionary politics lacks is a new psychology, an anti-psychiatry that will help us to undertake the task of gradually releasing our over-coded flows of desire from the grips of fascist ideologies without sending us straight into a mental institution. This is the primary aim of schizoanalysis: to take the preferable tendencies of schizophrenia to its limits in order to rupture the paranoiac foundations of modern capitalism. Indeed, to push through the limits imposed by capitalist alienation, to replace our position as poor, defenceless, guilt-ridden puppets in internal straight-jackets, with free, non-Oedipalised, non-individualised, uncoded subjectivities. In short, schizoanalysis is moved towards taking up the limitless potentials of conceptualising schizophrenia as a revolutionary breakthrough rather than a psychological breakdown.
Salutations my fellow vaporwave enthusiasts, chaos creators, and both at the same time. I think many of you gents are able-bodied. However, I just know that I can't be the only cripple here. I had been thinking about how you able-bodied lads have the upper hand in getting away with chaos and shit. That's why I have come up with a lot of methods on how to fuck shit up as a cripple and get away with it -or something like that. Godspeed. A note: If any of you are offended by my usage of the word "cripple", just let it go. I'm a cripple, I call myself what I want. Behold: Cripple Guide to Disguise. Posting this in esoteric because it can go hand-in-hand with conspiracies or whatever. I might have fucked it up, though. Anyway, whatever. This guide is for in case you are getting gang stalked or you just want to put up some extra layer of irl protection or whatever. So you want to fuck shit up... Congratulations little anarchist. Remember that one of the most important points is to disguise yourself well. Shit like covering up tattoos or your easily identifiable stuff like your bright dyed hair or something. And, as if we were not already fucked by life itself, we have a greater chance to be fucked by the cops or whatever because of our physical disabilities. If your physical disability is invisible, like chronic pain without an aid, you're lucky. But if you are using an aid like a mobility aid, gripping aid, hearing aid, white cane, bandages, compression gloves, service dogs... follow this guide. Let's start with the easy ones. White cane: Have a friend to help you either on your way to chaos (a protest or whatever) or back. I don't know much about white canes, but I know that at least some of them are foldable (if not all). Get a folding one and take it with you. Either use it on your way to chaos, fold it up and hide it on your back and rely on a friend... or get a friend's help on your way to chaos, and use the white cane on the way back. Or, you can have multiple white canes. You can even paint or decorate them, take them both, and confuse people by switching them during the day. Combine it with a clothing disguise. Ta-da! Service dog: You can simply leave your dog home on some days. Or hand it to your friend for a short walk, and meet them elsewhere safe. If you cannot do without your dog, rely on dog clothing. Gripping aid: Put it in your bag at times. Sometimes wear it during the day, sometimes don't. It's wiser to hide your grip strength levels sometimes. To confuse people, you can sometimes act like your grip is even weaker. Someone is suspecting you? Look, man. People are already ableist as fuck and they think we are babies who can be nothing in life. There's no harm playing to that narrative if it'll keep you out of suspicion. Act like you are a helpless person. Drop stuff on the ground. Have the sad face. Act like you are touching lava when you grip door handles. I myself have a weak grip and can't hold a spoon at times. You can play that shit to your advantage and be the "innocent cripple who can never think of anything bad :(". It's probably something psychological as the mind associates weak grip strength with babies, therefore innocence. Play that shit. Hearing aid: Look bro, I have a deaf cousin. Lad simply enjoys his silent time when he runs out of battery. Take the aids off and refuse to communicate with people if it's gonna help ya. You can read lips or communicate using sign language? Nope, act like you don't. Break the communication barrier and be the innocent cripple in their narrative. Act like you don't fucking have a single fucking clue about what they are talking about. They write shit on a paper and ask you stuff? Act like you've never heard of it. As I'm saying, a lot of people think physical disabilities are accompanied by mental disabilities as well. They'll leave you alone if you aren't quick to understand. And boy, never be quick to understand when it's cops or somethin'. Bandages: Carry some with you, even if you don't need them. Wrap em around your arms or hands or legs or whatever, then limp or something. Congrats, you are far more crippled than you were before. If you are using bandages, take them off sometimes. Confuse them. Change the place of them. Change the color. I'm pretty sure they have different ones. I have dark brown and beige that I use interchangeably. Compression gloves: For my arthritis or chronic hand pain lads... switch to bandages for a while or ditch the compression gloves. You can put them in your bag for half the day, and take them out randomly and wear them on the other half. Or, combine it all with the shit above and give yourself a persona. One day you are the able-bodied-looking person who uses no visible aids. Another day you have bandages around your arms and legs, you are limping, and you have compression gloves. Wear different clothes as well and boom, here you are. Two different people at once. Mobility aids: There are many fucking mobility aids so I'll write them down one by one. Cane: Ol' faithful. Own more than one cane, I am serious. Especially invest in folding ones. Carry more than one folding cane during the day and switch them. Switch the hand you're using. Hell, even use it wrong, okay? Change your walking gait fully. Make your limp worse. Lean forward like an old lady. Also, change the height of your cane. Normally, the handle of your cane should be around your wrist's length when it is dangling. Make it higher. It's gonna give you wrist ache, but we are mastering the art of disguise. My grandma had been using a high af cane for 2 fucking years before I corrected it for her. She's fine. Also, have different handle types. Some look like candy canes. Some are straight. Shit like that. Just experiment. Also, have distinct styles. I have a "pretty" cane, and I have a "manly" cane. I'll also mention dressing up in drag later on -have no shame and Godspeed. Forearm crutch: Buy double crutches. Decorate them with different shit. Use only one sometimes. Sometimes two. I have stickers on my forearm crutch. I cover it up with tape, LED lights, and literal Christmas decorations when it's winter. If you get used to the method, it's easy to take off. Change your gait, change your hand, shit in cane section still applies. Walkers: Ah yeah, those fuckers. They are hard to fold, hard to hide, and make such a loud sound. At least mine does. I put up a bike basket in its front and I fill random stuff there. An actual potted plant, for example. I'm not saying put a potted plant, but you can use the basket for your own good. Put up a basket, put some removable decorations (like those fluffy glittery fuckers you put on trees), and when the time comes just stuff them in your backpack so you have a clean walker. Change your gait, change its height, and change your method of walking. If your walker has wheels, sometimes use them and sometimes don't. You know, put the walker forward and walk as if it doesn't have wheels. Or, just drag it on the ground as you walk (even if it doesn't have wheels. It will just make a horrible screeching sound and you can ignore it and act like you are just an innocent cripple who sadly makes so much sound and isn't aware of that). And oh, walkers are the best. They help you walk very fast if you put your whole weight on them. But also they look like old lady devices. Act the innocent crip narrative and walk so damn slow if you ever need it. Wheelchair: I'm not a wheelchair user yet. However, what I've seen was people have multiple wheelchairs sometimes. Buy a cheap one, like the hospital ones that are hard to self-propel. You might ask a friend for some help on some days when you need a disguise. And use your normal one on the other days. Or, if you are an ambulatory wheelchair user (that is, you don't need to use it full-time); switch between mobility aids. Also remember to play the innocent crip façade. Hell, you can even put up a hat over your eyes and park somewhere as if you're an old lady taking a nap or some shit. You can ask for help from random people, too. Use your innocent voice, talk slow and as if you're in distress, say that you are lost or in pain and you need some assistance or whatever. You can do that with cops too lol. And you can decorate your wheelchair, by the way. I say don't stick to permanent shit. Crochet, knitting, or removable cloth stuff is always a good choice for all of the mobility aids above. CRIPPLE PERSONAS Relief for you, my lads: People will always be uncomfortable of your presence. It is because you are a disabled person. People are uncomfortable because you exist next to them. They will either stare at you and find you weird no matter how well-dressed you are, or they will simply look away and see anything n everything but you. 95% of my experiences with humans go this way. The other 5%? They are my professors, friends I've known before my mobility aids, and some family members. This means that they will probably remember a cripple, but not a human. They will remember your aids, but not you as a human. I've seen many people stare at my fucking cane, but never my fucking face. Change the aid, some clothes... boom, you're another person. What a way to use the inevitable dehumanization, no? I know it sounds harsh, especially if you're a newly disabled person. However, I'm just saying that shit happens. Yes, our bodies are shit. Yes, our lives are shit because of society. But here are our secrets to use some stuff to our advantage. It'll never be as satisfying as not feeling pain or not struggling to get to somewhere because some ugly motherfucker decided to put a stone step and not a ramp, but remember the fact that able-bodied people never know how it feels to hit people with a cane. Cheer on. Back to the shit: The number of people who are willing to see you as a capable human is very, very low. However, the more you put on the elegant look, the more you make people think that you are only temporarily disabled. Remember: physical disabilities are subconsciously associated with a lack of proper human attitude in people's brains. The more "human" you appear&interact with people, the more they are likely to remember you as "injured" and not "crippled". Master the art of this as well, mixed with your voice tone and sentences to put on your "extremely crippled" or "oh I just injured my foot" façade. Let's go. 1-CRIPPLEST CRIPPLE CRIPPIE Look, man. I'll be honest. I have mastered the art of cripple personas just because I am lazy. On some days, I of course want to look cool. But sometimes it's the 8 AM lecture and I am only up at 7:45... so I put on the tired cripple look and no one gives a shit. No one ever dares to think "Oh, what the fuck is this man doing?" They just think that I am more crippled than ever or something. It's true that chronic illnesses fluctuate, yes. Some days I use a walker and some days a cane is enough. However, you don't always have to "stay true" to how you are feeling. Wear fucking pajamas to the morning lecture on your best day, put a hood on, limp harder and hold on to the walls as you walk -no one can stop you. Go to the fucking grocery store in your striped pajamas, your messy hair, and let your legs tremble as you try to pull open the cold beverages fridge door open. Whatever. Just be the cripplest crip. One-foot-in-grave look. I-think-I-am-dead face. Even better? Take your meds with you. Take them in front of people or something. I always use anti-acids because I fucking need them... but it's true that I sometimes use them because they taste like mint and I have run out of chewing gum. Of course you can't use every med like that, but my anti-acids work that way. Brand name: Rennie. Another tip: Let yourself fucking struggle. You don't have to put on a strong look as you try to stop your arm from twitching, for example. Let your muscles twitch, let your legs shake, let your balance fuck up. Be a weak motherfucker and enjoy it, because you deserve to rest sometimes. You never know how much energy "trying to look normal" consumes until you let it go. Change your tone. As if you have sore throat. Or do the sleepy voice. Speak softly. Slur over words. Repeat your words. Act confused. Ask for help here and there. Be the innocent cripple, I'm saying! For fun, bonus: You never know how fun it is to bump into things with your mobility aids. Kick shit with your cane. Hit stuff with your walker. One time I hit the feet of people standing in my path. I had the cripplest cripple look that day and they said nothing. They thought I was unable to communicate, probably. They opened the path up for me, all silently. Able-bodied will never know the joy of hitting dozens of people with a long stick and getting away with it, even receiving apologies, you know. 2-I AM NEWLY INJURED AND IT IS HELL You have newly injured yourself and your doctor handed you a pair of crutches/cane/walker/wheelchair. "Doc, I don't know how to use this!" and you get "You'll get used to it." It takes time, it really does. Took me so long to make sure that I was stepping with the right foot while using my cane. Even now, I find myself checking it in case I'm confused enough to mix it up. You know what? Mix it up. Drop your mobility aids by accident. Act like your wheelchair is as hard to use as those fucking shopping carts. Complain. Complain to random people. Able-bodied motherfuckers complain as if it's the end of the world even when they have the slightest injury, I swear (no offense, lads). Motherfuckers have a little ankle injury and spend a week crying over shit like "Ah I was planning to walk and now this happened, oh I injured myself bad, oh I fell there I cannot believe it, can you believe how much it hurts, oh I cannot wait to get rid of this cane" kind of shit. They complain to anyone, even to the fucking barista. Act like those fucking able-bodied crybabies and do that shit. I sometimes do it for fun. You have no idea how many people randomly start convos with my disability. You are a cashier in a city that I have never been to before, sir. Your first sentence upon seeing me shouldn't be "Is it a spinal problem?". Or, my dear sir in my hometown whom I have never met before, you simply wouldn't ask "It's a surgery, no?" while I pay for a piece of sewing fabric. You simply don't say "Get well soon, broke it?" as the last words upon exiting a shared elevator, dear ma'am whom I have never seen in my life before or after that moment. What do I do? I agree with everything. I sometimes make stories up. Yes, I fell from the roof. Yes, I broke it. Yes, I bent it while playing football. For serious shit: Yes, a cyst in my brain. Yes, my nerves don't work properly. Just make up all the stories and get into details: I was out for a short walk, it was snowy and icy but I didn't have a coat because it was supposed to be a short smoking break, then I slipped and fell on my leg AND my arm (combine it with a bandaged arm for best effect). 3-I AM INJURED, BUT I AM BETTER! Smile like a motherfucker. Works the best if you're an ambulatory mobility aid user. The truth with mobility aid users is that many of them are able to do things without their aids. A lot of able-bodied people don't know that. I don't use a cane in the house. I sometimes hold on to the walls. But even without that, I don't lose balance often because I know where shit is, I know the exact environment and how to use it to my advantage. A lot of mobility aid users are also able to go on short walks without anything needed. It will, however, in most cases cause painful aftermath. However, when needed, in places you know, you can ditch your mobility aids for a short while. You can even use it as a trick. Go out with your friend to a café or something and ditch your cane for a while, walk in a circle or two, smile and cheer "Look, I am getting better! Doc says I'll get rid of the cane in a week or two!". 4-SOME OF US ARE LIKE THAT, IT'S FINE "Sometimes life happens," with a smile. That's what I tell people in this façade when they ask me what happened. Then I change the subject to something normal. I wear perfect clothes. Hell, I wear a suit and wear nice cologne. I take my motions slow and delicate. I put on the businessman face. I smile kindly and act cooperatively with people. I help people, sometimes initiate conversations. I act like a normal human, you can say. Little jokes, small talk. I tell ya, a lot of people aren't used to talking to cripples. They ignore us most of the time haha. That's why this façade actually surprised a few people before. I become the "You know, he uses a walker but he is... normal. Like, I mean, he had unfortunate health things but he is coping well." Those fuckers think that coping well is just dressing well and not falling down often. Play that façade to your advantage. I know that it is messed up because those things don't make us any better in terms of health, but this is just a façade. You have every right to be annoyed, I know. Just handle that for a while. Don't mess it up. 5-I AM SORRY, I ACCIDENTALLY CREATED CHAOS The look of "It's hard living like this, but I promise I am trying" thing. A lot of people who are just newly disabled or newly diagnosed with chronic illnesses will live through this phase. This time, we're making it into a façade. You might want to apologize for everything. You might think that it is the worst thing ever. You might want to exert your limits. You might want to "be better". You might want to "exceed yourself". This is a tiring one. Just know that your abilities don't define your worth. As a historian, I can say that ancient humans very much cared for the disabled. You are worthy. It's just the modern human that is being a bitch. You matter. Just for the façade, put this on with the innocent attitude. "I could never do anything disruptive or horrible, it's just I'm not used to this and I forget things and might trip people with my cane but it's by accident, and it was because of my neurological confusion when I accidentally walked with the protest because I thought there was a celebration there and you know I'm just trying to get home, I never meant anything bad, I'm just so tired :((((" 6-SORRY IS FOR THE WEAK, I AM A MENACE This is me. A lot of people simply stare at me. I stare back. You can also smack them with your cane, but it doesn't work well if you're young. Old people can smack shit and get away with it easier. You need to put on a "confused, childish, innocent cripple" façade for the smack to be ignorable. But, this is straight-up menace. You are the chaos itself. Kick doors open because your "hands are full, holding a cane with a hand and a bag with the other is hard". Have a permanent frown. Move fast and don't care about your limp. Walking gaits tend to get worse when you try to walk faster. Give no fucks, simply rely on your aids. It will look threatening. Something subconscious, probably gotten worse with the zombie movies and shit. Walk like a zombie, literally. Limp like them. Just be as threatening as possible. You can even stare at people, continue staring even after they stop looking at you. This is so much fun, by the way. They will probably think that you are one of the "dangerous cripples" and won't mess with you because they'd think that you won't be responsible of your actions under the law or something. It's as if you have some personality disorders or anger issues on top of your physical disability. Nice, isn't it? 7-I AM ABLE-BODIED! I AM ABLE-BODIED! UH, SORT OF This works only for some people. If you have a few friends and you can ditch your mobility aid for a while, that's it. Hold on to your friends. Pressing on their shoulders or holding on to their waists with extra support will work like crutches. Have them support you. I have an amazing friend who has memorized my walking gait, and assists me just perfectly. It will most likely look like you are drunk, and that's what you are going for. You might, in some cases, even look somehow able-bodied. You all might look drunk. You all might look like old friends catching up. You can even fold your cane, or have your friends hold your mobility aids (or put them in their bags or whatever) for this, therefore aiding with your in-day disguise. They all work the best with different clothes, hats, and styles. I even do drag at times to assist with this. Sometimes I might compile another guide with the help of a friend for basic drag for disguise purposes: how to look female as a man, or how to look male as a woman, or how to appear indecipherable. I am heavily paranoid and this has only assisted me in having different personas. So, my fellow disabled gents, best of luck. If you have any questions, go ahead. I wrote this late at night with heavy tiredness, so I might have skipped a few things. Let me know if anything arises. I'm not even going to proofread this shit. Godspeed.
Cheers people. By the time you're reading this, it means that I probably have stopped talking about this completely, in its full form, in real life. On the internet, I've always abstained from getting too deep in, and now, I'm letting it out as much as I can for the first and last time. This is about how a historian loses his mind, and the historian is me. My ancestors were known for digging for artifacts too (mostly for gold), and legend goes that one of them lost his ability to talk after a certain digging trip. He came home and never was able to speak again, and never looked for a way to communicate about it ever again. So, artifacts and insanity is something that runs in the family, but I will have a few warnings and requests. 1) This is not fiction. I wish I could treat it as fiction. 2) This is not to take lightly. Do not think too much on this. Do not EVER make fun of certain aspects I will underline later on. 3) The light will prevail. Keep it on your mind. Never let this go. 4) Do not talk about this. You may talk, but do not EVER simplify this. Do not let people make fun of this. Do not take this lightly. Simplifying this may lead to joking about it, which will be a bad bad thing to do. 5) Again, the light will prevail. May God bless us all, over and over. Statement: My intention of writing is to tell people about the sanctity of the good, and life, and any blessed concept associated. I am standing against the bad, death forced by people unjustly, and any damned concept associated. I have made my warnings. I am but in a human form. I apologize. The first part (what you'll read now) is written close to midnight of 4-5 March 2024. I'll begin. I have never been too sane, I'll admit. I've always had serious mood up and downs even as a child, but I don't know when I lost it. It has been gradual. I remember having an identity. It started to fade. I had things I liked doing. Now, I don't remember any. Just as concepts. Images in my head. Art, music, writing; some I still make. But there is something behind it all. I do not remember human enjoyment. I like life similar to a person on a train, knowing that it will stop. I enjoy life like this. But I don't remember human enjoyment. My sense if identity is only on its feet with one word: HISTORY. When I forget who I am, I know I have something to do with history. I have trouble remembering my age. I know my hometowns as a concept, but they are as foreign as surgically inserted memories. I do not recall being present in any place other than the one I am in right now. Only as fading memories of dreams. There are times I can't recall or refuse to say my name, and I haven't said my name for a while now. I am using multiple names as pennames, one of which is taken directly from historical people. When all reality fades for me, I know two things: God looks out for me. History holds me in her arms. And the rest? I don't remember. It fades. It fucking fades and my human life feels like an empty house. I am too confused to understand why. Even now, I cannot recall how I started the text, and words feel foreign. I don't know how well the writing will turn out, but expect many flaws. I am disconnected. There will be two incidents, the second one being extremely serious. FIRST INCIDENT: This consisted of multiple parts. I do research about a certain war-worn country. Thinking too much about it messed me up. Massacres and death have never been so real. I had nightmares. All those people, I couldn't save (it was half a century ago, I wasn't even there). I skipped classes, locked myself in my room, even barricaded myself in. It's all blurry over there. I don't remember. I don't want to. I just remember one night, walking around the campus at 3 AM or something, and looking at the lights. The walking person (me) felt different to the me now. My consciousness was in his body. His body was like mine. But he was not me. He was technically me, but I wouldn't consider him to be. He was walking, and he looked at the lights, and he felt alive. Because, for the last few months, he (or I, or we) had been feeling like he was dead. And that moment, looking at the lights, he said, "Maybe I haven't died 50 years ago. Maybe I am alive." It was relatively fine, still serious ups and downs but not death, until summer came. I was in that country for a visit, and I would stay up at night and think. Thinking about the horrors that happened. And the people who didn't fucking think about it now. All those bastards who claimed that we needed to HATE to stay alive. The cycle of massacres. Moonlight came inside and I was so torn, so torn with no answer, so angry at everyone outside who didn't fucking think about the massacres. Fresh in my mind. Massacres fresh in my mind, the only reason I'm alive is because I wasn't born 30-or-so years prior. And it killed me over and over. I'd be on my knees, gun at my head. Dead. Over and over, I was killed. I died with everyone, still missed everyone, and it drove me mad. I came home, something fucked in my head, and I was dragged to the psychiatrist. In ten minutes, she called it Bipolar (with psychotic features) and we started treatment rightaway. And I kept spitting hate about politicians. My father would bring food to my room and I'd barely leave the bed or else I'd be causing serious harm to myself. Till the meds kicked in, I just remember the songs I listened to. I'd talk about medieval torture methods. Nothing else on my mind. Nothing else remained. I handled the next few months relatively well. When I felt a psychotic episode coming, I'd force myself to sleep. I skipped an ungodly number of classes. Hell, one of my classes mentioned "war crimes" and I skipped class for weeks afterwards. It felt so horrible how people could talk about DEATH with a straight face, PUTTING HUMAN WORTH, HUMAN LIFE into an equation where money would prevail. "Politics", they'd grin. Their suits too clean, make-up too proper, cologne too nice for me to compete with. Me with that shepherd hat. Scarf I haven't washed for a year. I'd go to the fields in the war-worn country with that on. And that hat. Most of my memory is a blur ever since I've had my first big psychotic episode (been 2.5 years or so), so I can't really recall what happened in between. But I just remember how it felt like. And the entire world stands in front of you, clean clothes, untroubled faces, their proper grins And they have the sinister devil of hate in them, they tell you in formal ways that Your kindness is nothing but futile And they need to keep killing, for it is the path to glory, more money, budget and votes And this is the rule of blood feuds, countries, what nations are built on, ugly but good for you They want you dead. They want people dead. They say it openly They never hear the gravestones speak. SECOND INCIDENT: At some point, I made it my goal in life to serve humanity by serving history. Showing people that kindness is sustainable. It's better than fucking CALLING FOR PEOPLE'S DEATHS, right? I felt so fucking happy to be standing for the good. I still do. I was so fucking joyful, energetic, all that. It was the last stages of my manic episode, getting into a pleasant hypomania (milder mania). Then, depression began. I knew what I was expecting. Don't lose your hope, don't lose your drive, remember that you're loved. Indeed. I was just sad. Brain chemicals made me sad for no reason, it was expected. I functioned very well for a while, working on my studies, and even deciding to start a research project. Presenting it to my professor, she agreed that it would be awesome, and she would qualify it for a term project. We agreed. I spend one day a week in a very beautiful historical place in the city. It takes like 1.5-2 hours to get there, which is okay, and I spend my day admiring the beautiful artifacts I love. I've grown to feel like it's my home, and indeed, I've walked there just like fellow citizens a thousand years ago did. I still do. In there, they have a building. A historical building I cannot get myself to name at the moment. It has water. It is underground. It has big stone parts, exactly 336 of them, but you can only access 286 of them now (because some were broken, some were closed-off, etc). It is around 1500 years old (in its current state –other parts are often older). This is the context. It is a big underground place, it has water, it is lit by different colored lights. I will not say the name of the place or the name of its function because it really affects me badly. I would rather not hear it by anyone else's mouth too. But you may guess its function. It supplied water, that's it. It is Eastern Roman. The big stones, I'd also rather not say what they are called but use a neutral "Chimera" instead because they are made from different parts, are what I am working on. (I can sometimes say what they are, but I'd often not). I look at the Chimeras, take photos of them, note down if they have any writings/marks/damages, keep an archive and document on each one I can access. This is a one-man project, so it is very hard. Keep in mind that I am not the healthiest, so I can only spend 2-3 hours standing in there before I need to go outside and call it a day. First session: I looked at the Chimeras. There is an attraction: heads of a certain mythological lady figure that people call ugly, but I think they do her dirty. There are two of them, carved on big Chimera bases. And people often wonder why the ladies are there. So, I was looking at one of the ladies, and I looked at the Chimeras behind, and I felt something. You come home. Your father's shoes are outside the door. You enter. There are guests. Your parents and siblings are talking with the guests. Everyone is happy. It's normal. It has to be. But your father's shoes are outside. He always puts them inside. There is something wrong. The guests don't know why it is odd that your father's shoes are outside. But you know your father. The guests enjoy their stay. You know that something is wrong. Something was horribly wrong in that place and no one was willing to say anything. No one around me could notice the shoes outside the door. The Chimeras –something horrible had happened. Something horrible had happened and no one was willing to speak. The Chimeras and I faced each other. I felt so small there. Chimeras are 9 meters long. And no one would speak. I later on managed to dig deeper in the history of the place. That place was made after certain riots led to the burning of many parts of the city down. And I noticed that the lady meant something about that, probably. Must have been. I told that to my parents. They joked in a kind way, but also knew that I was discovering something very interesting, and told me they supported me. I kept working, but started to grow quieter. Proud of my work very much, but a little quieter. Often forgetting to text friends. Choosing to stop texting my friends. Isolation. I was quiet. Second session: It was a week after the first session. I was so excited and all. I went in, started documenting, and I kept complaining in my head about the crowds. I felt like I was tied to the place, but I felt like I was in control. Oh Lord, forgive me for this. How wrong I was! How wrong, how fucking wrong! I was just a small creature of flesh there, standing in front of enormous Chimeras older than any of my traceable ancestors! God forgive me! How could I be in control? It was a great session in terms of documentation. I went home at night, slept, woke up, processed some of the data, spent the day, and slept. Remember the warnings: Do not take it lightly. Do not make fun of ANYTHING. Do not think too heavily. I saw the nightmare. It was very heavy. It wasn't a nightmare, but rather how I woke up. I woke up in the middle of the night, unable to say my name, but my mind kept telling me about imminent death. Death. Death of me. Death of loved ones. Death of all. Apocalypse(s). Dissolving. May God forgive me, but I feared. All those things I took for granted, even the very notion of existence, was challenged my brain I couldn't control. I will not detail this. Normally, I'm not afraid of death. But in that moment, I was defenseless. I stayed up, cooked, had multiple panic attacks, and finally managed to fade into sleep. I then remembered a detail. I had been having nightmares for the last two weeks. It was either the very night of visiting the place, or the night after. It was once a week, about concepts like death and existence. Stuff I normally wouldn't worry about. They weren't even nightmares, but waking up mid-panic attack. The first visit was pre-project, I had the panic attack that night. The next two sessions, I had it the night after (data-process days). That night was one of the hardest nights of my life. I didn't know what I was doing wrong or what I was supposed to do. In the end, I decided that my mistake was this: Treating the Chimeras as mere objects. They were symbols of the burnt city parts. The riots. And the riots, they were not mere "riots". They had ended with a MASSACRE of OVER THIRTY THOUSAND PEOPLE. I felt sick, of course. People were now walking these very places with no memory of the MASSACRE. At best, they were laughing about it along the lines of something like "Hah, the Emperor asserted his dominance". And that night, I cooked until morning to calm myself, repeating to myself that MASSACRES had no excuse. And this was over a thousand years ago, so there was a significant gap between me and them. But am I not the child of a land who suffered MASSACRES too? The mirrors of it all, the loops... I felt so helpless. And I wanted to talk about it. I wanted to tell people that it's so fucking wrong, something is so fucking wrong, because something always has been so fucking wrong. I wanted to tell them PAY ATTENTION TO THE [CHIMERAS], PAY RESPECTS TO THE INNOCENT, REMEMBER THE FALLEN. But I was unable to even talk about the certain place. Unable to start the conversation. A friend texted me a few days later, to which I replied that I wasn't feeling well. She asked why. I couldn't formulate a sentence. She was there, all cheerful. I was here and all the thoughts in my head were about existence, damnation, curses, blessings, DEATHS, MASSACRES, the loop of humanity, flesh and stone, and Chimeras. I could barely tell her, "There's something dark in there," because she knew about the research. I told her that a MASSACRE happened. She was sad to hear about it. I don't remember what else we talked about. I ghosted a friend group for a while, I don't remember how long. I had trusted them, trying to ask them for advice. I told them about the Chimeras, barely able to type. They never took it seriously enough to respond, simply moving the conversation. I then ghosted them for a while. I didn't want to partake in human activities. Talking. Texting. No, I didn't want it. MASSACRES. Forgotten. And I was one man with horrible memory, fading identity, an unhealthy body. Was I supposed to complete the research or completely abandon it? I took a while to think about that. In the end, I decided to continue. Under this, though: I was to assert the MASSACRE aspect of things. I was to ensure people never disrespected the Chimeras. I was to assert over and over that KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE, MASSACRING INNOCENT PEOPLE, IS A BAD THING. I was to tell them that, if they ever went into the place, they were to think about those beautiful innocent souls. They were to treat Chimeras like people. Every Chimera. If there were 336 Chimeras, and OVER THIRTY THOUSAND people were MASSACRED, it would roughly make a hundred beautiful souls for each Chimera (more, because some Chimeras are gone now). Besides that, I didn't talk about the research. When my parents called me and asked, I'd explain the technical parts of it. I was unable to process half of the data of the second session, too. I just couldn't. Nightmares kept going. I woke up a few more times with panic attacks at night. I felt like I was failing. What was I doing wrong? Was I disrespecting? Was I unable to honor them? I felt horrible. I felt damned. I felt like I was dying (which is not too unreasonable of a fear, considering the health stuff I've had before). I was completely unable to talk about it. I'd brush it off, saying it was unimportant. Finally, my partner pressured me on call. I let everything out. My partner explained to me that God doesn't hate me, God wouldn't curse me, things were okay, God was too loving to disregard us for eternity like this. I haven't had a panic attack since then, it's been almost a week. Though, I wasn't able to look at the photos of the place or Chimeras without feeling panic. It was just like seeing the face of an abuser, and I know how it is. The sheer panic. Just from seeing a photo of the place. [Statement: I am not disrespecting Chimeras. I am trying to make people understand the mental toll of Chimeras making me remember the MASSACRES. It's like looking at a field full of muddy tombstones, all those people murdered in a MASSACRE. You are one person. You want to clean them all, but how can you? You are one person. You are one unhealthy human being who can't take this anymore. And you mourn for those you don't even know. God bless their souls.] Third session: That week was bad. At some point, I was unable to speak proper words. I was unable to understand any word other than basic A1-A2 level vocabulary even for my native language. I just couldn't do it. Any concept associated with bad would make me sob like a child. I felt so helpless and cold. I had to rock myself back and forth to calm down. I dragged myself to my class, talking to myself on the way to calm myself, and barely was able to write propery sentences. I just couldn't comprehend "big words". "Big words make me feel so small", I wrote. The session was on a Friday. The days have been blurry so I had to check the calendar for this. In that morning, I was doing another thing in a government building, trying to get a job done. Afterwards, I got into the metro. I was very disoriented. People seemed taller and things felt bigger. I felt small. I didn't like it. I was begging myself to go back. Go back. I didn't want to go to that place. I didn't want to go there. A part of my brain said, "Maybe it's not that bad. Let's go and see for ourselves, okay?" And I didn't want it, but I did. I forced myself to go there. I dreaded it. And many parts of the journey is blurry other than the parts I sat in the metro, rocked back and forth, thinking, "I don't want it. I don't want." I went into the place. It wasn't bad. But it was foreign. I've been there multiple times, mapped the place by hand multiple times in different ways, I walked back and forth many times between the Chimeras, I know how the structure is. I just know it. [But I am not in control]. Going there, it all went foreign. Yes, I know the Chimera there. I know the Chimera, which side of the Chimera has a mark, which part is inaccessible, the designation of the Chimera on the grid-map I drew, etc. But everything was foreign to me. I dissociated. Took my pen, notebook, whatever. Started noting things down as usual. Like a McDonalds worker taking order, not really thinking. Write that down, look at this, document that. Surely. I did. And the presence of humans next to me started feeling so foreign. I didn't want them there. I didn't want humans inside. I didn't want to be inside a human body either, but I didn't name it there. And in my last Chimeras of that session, I saw something. I thought I was hallucinating, because I had been hallucinating for the past few days, so I just decided to take a photo of the Chimera in question and sort things out later. Nope, it was real. There were writings on the Chimera. Inscriptions. Some faded, some faintly there. And all the other damaged Chimeras made sense. They had parts broken off in purpose so the inscriptions could be erased. I felt overwhelmed. Change, use and reuse. The constant state of how nothing remains but everything remains. Bullet refilled, same shell but different contents. Something like that. Something like that. Looking at myself, am I anything other than a Chimera? I noticed a photo of me with my sibling and my grandmother on my shelf. He looks nothing like me. Because me doesn't include any flesh definition. It only includes the feeling of being present in the given moment. Looking back, I don't feel connected to any of my "memories". Even to last week. Even to my dear parents who worry about me. And I think about my family. My grandmother is a nice lady, I like spending time with her. My parents make no sense to me, as in family ties. I mean, they are nice people, so I like spending time, but I don't understand why they call me. Our blood is similar? Legend goes my father held me after I was born. Okay, I fell down and soil held me for a while too. I hit my head on a pole on the street and it held me head during impact for a moment, too. Why? Why do I have some kind of "big tie" with my parents? I don't understand the concept anymore. The other family I have is history, a certain period in history I'm studying. I like to call certain people "my uncles, aunts" etc. But I just thought about one of them, Emperor Octavianus, and I felt, "Was he real?". It felt like history wasn't real. My only anchor to the world was gone. Ever since, I've been mixing up the dates. I've lost it. I stopped talking to people. I stopped talking to my friends. They are hateful. They promote HATE. They promote things that can lead to HATE. They say it's okay to HATE. Not in those words, but they think they are glorious. It will grow and kill people as concepts. Grow, big concepts, MASSACRES. And I see death. I am tired of looking at people and thinking about death. Whenever I talk to someone, thoughts about their death come to me. They will die. Graves. Mourning. Ways to die. So sad, so unfortunate. I talk to my parents and I can only taste the feeling of death. I hate it. I don't want to think of people dying. I don't want to look at a beautiful square, people happily walking around, and see the memories of nothing else but DEATH. Those Chimeras... some of them are taken from places that were burnt in the riots (shortly before MASSACRE). The place was built a few years after the MASSACRE. The memory remains and I just know that something is as wrong as my father's shoes outside the door. And I look at people. Unaware. They hate. They forget. They make fun. They laugh. I try to let out my worries and they ignore it, they make fun, they brush everything off. I don't understand many concepts anymore. I don't know who I am. There are times I can't say my name or refuse to do so. I wrote this one, didn't I? I don't remember what I write, I can't distinguish thoughts/dreams/hallucinations from reality, and I don't remember who I am. I'm supposedly raised there, I study here, my name is this, I was born then, but they don't make sense. Because I just don't want people to die anymore. I don't want them to die. I don't want people to tell me it was a good thing they died. I don't want them to forget the death. I don't want praising of hate. It's bad. Why would you praise death? Why would you do that to me? Why would you say that? Many things that remind me of my flesh self started to feel disturbing. I don't want mirror. Face foreign anyway. My hair is weird and I don't brush it anymore. I wear just whatever that covers me and keeps warm. I don't want. Why is it bad thing to not want people to die in bad ways? I don't want massacre. It hurt my family fifty years ago. Hurt fellow citizens thousand+500 years ago. I don't want. It feels like my people, in any era, died over and over. Their memory was erased over and over. And I'm the last survivor. And I can't tell anyone. I swear I tried. They brushed all off. Meds aren't working. I can't take it anymore. Especially loss of sense, loss of self, loss of concepts. I only exist now and I'll forget later. All my notebooks: heap of writings I don't remember or recognize. Scary. And I think a few days ago I asked father to come home. I'll see psychiatrist in a few days. It is 6 March 2024 and the days have been agonizingly slow and blurry. Yesterday, I have come to a realization. It was an answer. The last 1-2 weeks have been the labor. Now, the answer has been born. It is to a grand question. I wrote down in my diary: I have been listening to heavy metal, industrial, shoegaze type of songs just to feel something. I've been listening to some things on loop just to feel something. I've been eating (normally, I eat so little, one meal a day or two small meals). I am trying to feel. I feel. Then, I lose the feeling. I do not criticize anything other than murder and alike anymore. I do not feel. Hollow. It is not bad, it is just... I got rid of the infection in my body and the lack of pain is very foreign to me. I didn't know that we named pain "joy". And I feel so foreign. My flesh isn't mine. Nothing is. And my mother doesn't like my shepherd hat. She asks me to wear the proper one. Why would it matter? It is not my flesh, not my hat, and she is my mother for a very short time in the entirety of existence. All my responsibilities to people is shaky, I do not feel. Nothing binds me to half of the concepts we take for granted. The entirety of everything is so grand, and the grandness is very four-dimensional (because humans are uniquely as grand as the universe, but the known universe holds the humans, so it's intertwined in a weird concept-shape). It is overwhelming. I was in the womb and I have been born. Nothing that people have called "joy of life" or "goal in life" mean anything to me now. I am lost, wandering, a loose concept on time and no understanding of personal identity. I do not feel bound to my age. My name has faded long ago, the one I use currently is after an unknown man's grave stele from thousands of years ago, I remember kneeling in front of the artifact in the museum and tearing up for his beautiful soul. I am thankful for flesh. I am thankful for these temporary things. I have been disillusioned and they feel like chewing a gum. Not keeping me full, but keeping my mouth busy. Every now and then, it loses taste. And people's advice... they don't work. Because all feels futile. I am only worshipping and trusting the Creator of it all. The Creator has been called by many names in many religions (or lack of systematic religions). Call the Creator: Lord, Krishna, Allah, God, perhaps even Chaos or Zeus if you'd like... all would come to the same conclusion. More than often they write as He, sometimes they use He but don't mean gender (because they don't have genderless pronouns), etc. It wouldn't matter. I trust the Creator. I am not lost –I just saw the lack of a road. I managed to say the name of the research place yesterday. Not full name, but its function. It isn't important to point it out at the moment. I don't know what my mental state is at the moment, but it all started with some nightmares after a historical research, looking at big stones (Chimeras, as I call them), and I ended up here with no connection to my identity or my surroundings. I do not know how stable or unstable I am. I have no clue about my personality other than "I don't like hurting people", which is enough to live by for now. The rest? I have no idea. I will beg the shrink to give me a little taste of worldly things so I may function as a member of the mortal society. Other than that, I am completely unable to function in human ways. And I can't even talk about it. Regarding the question I have found the answer to: I cannot ever share it. I can't confirm nor deny it. It would be like laborless birth. Slit open body, trying to push something out. I wasn't prepared. I still am not. I cannot go back. I cannot ask to go back. I hoped –but it wouldn't work. It makes me feel ill. But here is an exercise: What is something, once you hold onto (or realize you've been holding in your hands), you don't EVER want to let go, that it terrifies you, and is unthinkable? If your answer is something along the lines of "my loved ones" or "health" or alike, live a life full of virtue and take care of all you cherish, and God bless you. My answer was something along the lines of that. It still is extremely important in my eyes. Yet, the answer I've realized... it drives you insane if you're not prepared, and we are NOT prepared. You can live your life without answering the question. It is not important on the path to living a virtuous life. You help people, you help humanity, you cherish the entirety of what you can perceive and even more. You feel so loved because you are (both by other creations and the Creator). And this is enough to know. You don't have to think about the loss of things all the damn time. It will drive you insane. It drove me insane. It made me ask. And I wish I never did. In a way, it's like getting crippled. At first, I wished to go back to my healthy self, my normal life. Then, a long time passed, and I couldn't remember the concept of healthy legs anymore. It was my new normal. Perhaps it will be like that. Perhaps I will feel okay with my current state. But, for now, I am detached from every mortal thing including myself. There are unspeakable thoughts in my head. When I look at something, it tells me that it's needless. Futile. Lost. Impermanent. Mortal. Rotting. Rotten. I want to go home, but I don't remember home. No concept exists in my head anymore. 9 March 2024. The psychiatrist gave me new meds to take alongside my old ones. She listened to me. I was willing to take anything. I took the pills (antipsychotics) and slept for around 13 hours total, ready to sleep further. Trust me, it is so much better than the other way. The answer to the question: It is not just one question. It changes depending on the wording. It changes depending on the capacity of humans, the point in history, and what God wills. It is an "answer" in the way of "our answer", meaning that it depends on our capacity to understand and word it. All in all, it is something so grand that it can break us. Think of a zipbomb. You could upload the Library of Alexandria in there, it could be a precious zip file, but it would still be a zipbomb for a normal computer. Thus, "the answer" drove me insane. It wasn't even a full answer, not one answer, but the start of it. Like Plato's Cave. Do you get it? I have been zoning out continously for the last... week or so? Maybe a few days? I don't remember. My eyes never focus anymore. I look like I've been out of a war, and I have tons of things to say about it. I look like I've been traumatized, and the symptoms are the same, but I wouldn't call it a trauma. The concept wouldn't apply. Just the effects. I have tons of things to say. Hanging out with family, they say something, and I could participate if it was the old me, but now I can't. I zone out. I hear, I understand the thing being said (most of the time), I know the things I can say and am expected to say, but I can't bring the words out. Can't. Just a word or a nod. I can't. There's a disconnection between me and my flesh, and it includes emotions. Human concepts. That sort. I've been trying to force myself to indulge in activities of the flesh. Things like eating seem so unnecessary now. I know I need it to survive, but I can't bring myself to feed myself. I've been served food in the family house, I ate it, but I can't connect with it. Eyes don't focus, my hands get too cold while walking but that makes no sense, and the chronic pain in my legs is just so fleshy. Pain and pleasure of the flesh. Emotions of the flesh. It's hard to feel love and connection to my own flesh-family. I know I want them around. I know I want them to be okay. I love them in that sense. But the rest? I'm at a loss here. Something in me creates distant memories of walking through the streets pre-MASSACRE. As if I had a family there. It brings me something warm for a second. "Come on," they say, "let's take a walk," and there will be no MASSACRE. But I know people who won't like it if I tell them about this. Modern people think it is bad that I am learning about anything other than my flesh-ancestors. They will say bad things and I will feel so hollow. I get happy when I feel anger, sadness, or jealousy. I have been trying to poke myself with these emotions so I can feel connected to my flesh. They are manifested in odd ways, but still, I feel like a flesh human and it's okay. Few things I've learnt: Humans are fascinated with ants. Ants are small. Ants have systems. They are pre