I may have pissed off a shaman (Orixa Omulu Umbanda)

This was originally posted on /x/, archived here for your reading pleasure. Enjoy.
So this happened a while ago and has caused a series of strange events ever since. I have been hesitant of ever sharing what has happened because I wanted it to end and not allow it to hold any power over me, but after a recent event I feel it's time to purge this shit from me.
I have been a long time lurker and never posted before so I will try and green text but forgive me if I fuck it up.

First a little back story.
>>Be 2004 studied wildlife conservation in jungle environments in Costa Rica, really enjoyed studying birds there.
>>I was and still am skeptical of most paranormal shit, even after some of the shit Iv'e encountered, this will become apparent later.
>> After finishing my studies I returned back to England and thought about my next move, decided to return to Costa Rica to see more brightly colored birds.
>>Found a house/farm sitting deal in a remote part of central Costa Rica. Thinking this would be perfect for studying a different class of bird as I had studied wet lowland birds and this was at a much higher elevation.
>>Plan with owner of farm to stay there for 3 months, looking after the property in between my personal sightseeing plans and studies.
>> Told there is a small family that live close by the farm that will over see my stay and do any major repairs if needed to the farm and I was to meet them for the keys on arrival.
>>This place was literally in the middle of nowhere. The bus from the nearest town took about two hours to arrive at a small shack shop and from there I had to walk another two hours to the farm.
>>The family were very nice, poor local farmer types, with two young boys and they were very warm and welcoming.
>>They all walked me to the farm which was about half a mile away and showed me around.

>>My spanish was not the best and they all had thick farmer accents but we managed to laugh it off and communicated ok.

>>One thing I thought was strange was they kept insisting I always lock the doors even when in the house, being in the middle of nowhere it seemed weird but thought better to be safe than sorry I guess

>>First few weeks passed by with no problems, the two young boys would come up the the house on odd occasions and play jenga or ask my about my day. They were good kids and it was good to just sit and chat to someone after a day or so of isolation.
>>One evening the older boy saw my bird book and said the guy that wrote that book lived not far from there and now he had passed away his property had become a bird retreat which allowed visitors.
>>Hearing this I naturally wanted to visit the place and explore.
>>So packing a bag and early one morning I set out to visit the park, it was about 6 miles away. Walking around the park was great, not a person in sight, so a lot of wildlife every where.
>> I decided to follow one of the smaller trails and about 30 minutes in the usual sounds of the jungle seemed to get quieter, not stop just not as loud. thinking nothing of it I carried on to a clearing.
>> In the clearing was a large boulder with carvings all over it, no one had mentioned it and the carvings were all odd, it looked like they had been made years ago.
>>It also looked like it was maintained as there was no leaf litter on it and the clearing was well maintained.
>>Thinking I had just stumbled on a nice picnic place I took a few pictures and sat on the rock and ate my lunch.
>>After getting back to the farm I realised just how exhausted I was, usually so, I was a lot fitter back then and a day like that should not have affected me like that.
>> Putting it down to the heat of the day I had a shower and went to bed. That night I had some of the most vivid dreams I have ever had.

>>The dream started with me walking by the farm on one of the trails only to be greeted by someone dressed as a hay bale.

>>The hey bale seemed to be knotted at the top with straw and he babbled to me to follow him, I did so and there was a small camp fire.

>> I sat by the fire and he began to dance around singing to me in English.
>> Every now and then he would stop dancing and it would look like he turned into a normal haybale, then he would jump up again and carry on swaying and dancing around me as he sung.
>>What he sung about I cannot remember even at the time I struggled to recall any of it, But I know it was good things, or at least I thought so at the time.
>> The next morning I was so surprised about my dream I drew a picture of him and thought nothing more of it.
>> A few days later the two boys came up the to farm for a game of jenga and a chat, I told them about the rock and showed them the pictures, and both their faces dropped.
>> I asked them what was up. They said I should not have sat on the rock, and definitely should not have eaten on it. It's a sacred rock and should be respected.
>> Thinking it's some local suspicion I apologized to them and that was the end of the story I thought.
>> After a few games of jenga the younger brother had seen my note book and asked if he can have a look. I gave it to him and as he opened it it fell on the page of the drawing I had made.
>> He screamed and threw the book down. This was the first time he had ever acted in such a odd way, both were very polite and respectful, I was shocked at the fact he just threw the book down.
>> Asking him what was up he said you have seen him! His older brother picking up the book, looked at the picture and asked when did I see him, he eyes filled with fear?
>> I was so fucking confused, and said oh it was just a dream I had a few nights ago.
>> They both looked at each other, then thanked me for the drinks and left. not saying much more.

>> By now I was wondering what the fuck was going on.

>> Putting it down to some serious farmer shit. I went to bed and slept, until at some point in the night I heard some strange scraping noises that woke me up, I cannot really describe the sounds. they sounded like branches cracking or flexing, leaves rustling and definitely mud squelching. Thinking about the door being locked put me at ease and although it kept me awake for a while I put it down to a Tapir or Coatiis out at night and fell asleep.
>> My dream that night was dark as shit, in my dream I looked out the
window only to be greeted with the sight of what I can only describe as an ent a tall very thin tree like creature
>> with long arms and legs a curved back and a long head the was looking at me as it walked around the farm.
>> I did as all kids do, hid under the covers thinking it would not see me and go away.
>> The next morning I drew the thing down in my book while eating breakfast
>> I had not long finished my breakfast and the whole family came up the path to the house, this was the first time since being there I had had a visit that early and by the whole family.
>> Thinking it was odd I went out to greet them.
>> They had a serious look on there faces as they said hello, not half a jovial as normal. Wondering what was wrong I asked them is everything ook?
>> the older boy said that they came up to see my drawing. Thinking ok this is really weird I invited them into the house where my book was and my latest drawing on display and they all gasped.
>> The mum just kept saying oh dios oh dios.
>> The father looked more closely at the picture without touching the book and then the kids said show them the other picture.
>> So I picked up the book and as I did so they all stepped back as if I was holding something powerful, opened the page on the hayman picture and offered it out for them to see they stepped back again not wanting to touch the book.

>> The mum by now was furiously crossing her self and the man said It's the shaman, He visited you.

>> He then asked where he took me in my dream, I mentioned we walked along the path just beside the house. He said we need to visit the site and place an offering to him.

>> Thinking ok, just to keep this family happy I will go along with it and see what happens. So walking along the path all of a sudden I see this shit on the ground.
>>It was about the size of a basketball hoop, it was not paint it looked like the clay was actually a different color to the the rest of the ground.
>> The dad said you have to place an offering in the ring for the shaman to pick up. Suspicious as fuck I tried to remember if that had always been there or not, but thought better just go with it and went back to the house and got a small bottle of Flor De Cana Rum I had recently brought and put it in there.
>> Thinking if the Shaman does not pick it up the farmer will and all will be good either way.
>> As we walked back the smiles started to come back to their faces a bit and all seemed ok, until the dad stopped suddenly looking down on the ground and then looking around keeping his eyes on the ground.
>> wondering what he had seen I looked down to see holes in the soft clay path and deeper holes in the bush.
>> When he saw that the whole family and I were following his lead he quickly stood up straight and said its time we went home.

>> Thinking to myself what a fucking morning I said goodbye to them and went back to the house.

>> Later that same day, the dad came back up the path towards the house and seeing him I went out to greet him, he had with him a tool bag, thinking he was doing some repairs somewhere I asked him if I could help.
>> He said you have to do this, I cannot fix your problem.. This is when I kind of realised I'm in the middle of nowhere with a very suspicious family, and got a little freaked. It was the first time I had felt uneasy about everything.
>> with the realisation of how vulnerable I was, especially as the fathers demeanour was completely different now he was not with his family.
>> He told me the Shaman had sent the tree creature to keep an eye on me and he must have broke in somewhere to get on the land and I have to fix the fence.
>> He said he had seen it's tracks earlier in the morning and we need to walk around the parameter of the farm to find the broken fence.
>> Sure enough after an hour or so we found it, and I had to fix it as he stood and told me how to do it. Half of me was starting to believe this shit the other half was starting to freak out how serious they were taking it.
>> Either way I was starting to freak out over it all.
>> The next few weeks went without incident but my imagination was running wild all the time, I found myself jumping at the slightest sounds and not wanting to walk to far into the jungle.
>> I started to really feel isolated and aware that anything could happen out there.
>> So I decided to pay a visit to the shrine where it all started to try and put it all to rest.
>> Taking some fruit and another small bottle of rum I went there and placed them together in front of the rock.
>> I don't know if that ever was the right thing to do, but it gave me a small rest bite of the anxious feeling I had.
>> After a week I had another dream of the tree creature, this time it was scratching on the window this time trying to get my attention.

>> That fucker didn't get the memo that me and the Shaman were back on good terms.


So this part of what has been going on over the last 16 years is nearly over, I will find as many related pictures as possible. I don't care if you do not believe this, as I know there are so many stories posted on here that are pure bullshit. The farm and what happened there are just the beginning and I wish I could go back and change shit as it changed my whole life.
back to green text.
>> Freaked out by this thing I started to spend more and more time in the local town, going to internet cafes to find other places to go to.
>> Realising my best option would most probably be in a higher populated area for a while I decided to go to Bocas del Toro just across the boarder in Panama. For some much needed party time and socialising.
>> Then after a week or so I could go back to the farm and feel refreshed.
>> So that's exactly what I did. When I came back and paid a visit to the family they were happy to see me and it felt good to tell them of my adventures.
>> When I left their house and walked towards the farm the dread came back like a thick cloud, it seemed like I had not been away and the air seemed hard to breve.

>> That's when I knew I had to leave there and hopefully all of it behind. Little did I fucking realise.


So you will have to forgive my shitty drawing, I never knew at the time of drawing it that I would ever post it online or even think much about it other than a diary drawing of my time on the farm


This is the drawing I did at the time of the wood creature. Like the shaman drawing I never expected it to be anything other than an excerpt in my time on the farm.

Anon 1: I've read similiar to your story here in /x/, maybe about four years a go. It's 85% the same, with shaman and family etc.

No answer was found at that time. In that thread people reported similliar sightings of the "straw creature/shaman" in south America.

With just staying in a place which gives a "dread" feeling without shaman or animal forces directly attacking you,, I doubt the effect would be that long lasting.
After the incident you are probable more susceptible to events of that realm.
Feelings of dread can be fears for unknown. When close to source of dread find your power from happy thoughts and being yourself.
There is no reason to believe that the faith of the farmers or their way of living near that place is right way to adjust to those things.
You should not make sacrifices to things which are unknown to you. As sacrifices/offerings have a spiritual impact.

In finnish folk lore. Straw creatures are kind of a boogie man. They emit "dread" or similliar kind of feelings. Making a straw creature and burning it is said to negate the dread. To specify straw creatures are not shamans, they are negative thoughts or feelings which have took a form.
They are assosiated with farmers who have a negative (family) background in said area.(human made object from nature close to their distinct livelihood)

Although burning object resembling the creature is said to being one way to negate the effects. The best way has been singing to it, in ancient times finnish people rented shaman/witch to sing these kind of creatures away. You can also perform singing yourself. It's said the creature would have to answer to you if you sing to it and tell you why it was created. Most of these creatures are said to form because of some form of deceit, and they get their strength from fear and offerings.
Thus i believe the family which lived near there is performing rites to strengthen that creature willingly or unwillingly.

You maybe lost something there in that farm which is was associated to you which they now use in their rituals.

Typical item(s) or things:
- Knifes (from that area)
- Wifes / girlfriends or their family relationships. (fucking someone in said farm etc.)
- Blanks or tooling.
- Dogs or hounds.
- Strong Spirits, alcoholic beverages.

Family bonds or relationships are strongest kind of anchor, other effects are much more temporal and should have already been worn off.
In stories where someone had a distant cousin or gf in farms/places like these going back is almost always cautioned against as people there are somehow motivated to work against you (some dark family background).

What I would do. go next solictice to nature, take a knife with you, some spirits and make a straw creature. Burn it in bonfire. Sing a loud that your offerings and sacrifices will go always to your own tummy or for your own God which there are only one and is the ruler of the heaven and the earth.

How negative people do this in (finnish) folk lore:
- Have a fake altar somewhere in the woods.
- Tell people you've somehow angered the local entity or ancestor/shaman.
- Ask offerings to said creature. (Pick one from the list)
- The real altar is almost always some cabin or item in that cabin where they trick people to stay or be near with.
- If you for some reason want to go back there. I suspect you take strong guys or local authorities to go with you. And search cabin in full. Especially under the blanks for bones and or sacrificial tooling.
Why singing works?
In most religious traditions with the offerings you can make ties to spiritual entities.
In most cases shaman/priest/religious authority makes the offering.
In most cases when the stuff you are offering is edible its said that it will not hit the tummy but transmute before it hits the tummy.
So by singing, you can assure that you did in no way try to leave an offering to said entity but you left your offerings for religious authority to be picked up and offered later for your God.

That should sewer all ties expect blood relations from that place.
As in other thread we could not find any local folk stuff and shamanistic farm folk stuff is kind of universal, I think that Finnish/Sami people traditions are as good as any.

- Music is said to free oneself from shackles.


antichrist opposer
Nov 5, 2021
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Not sure if this was inentionally meant to be hilarious but my favourite part of the story was:
>> That fucker didn't get the memo that me and the Shaman were back on good terms.
I'm just imagining this poor tree creature trying to fulfill his duties and then being scolded by his shaman master for harassing the guy who brings him rum.
I hope this is real because I want to meet one of these tree bros
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Young Wehrwolf
May 5, 2021
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I'm just imagining this poor tree creature trying to fulfill his duties and then being scolded by his shaman master for harassing the guy who brings him rum.
I hope this is real because I want to meet one of these tree bros
if the straw creature is a basic kind of constructed being/servitor/tulpa, then it's totally possible the shaman forgot to get around to dismissing and destroying it once it's job of spooking the shit out of this guy was done!
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antichrist opposer
Nov 5, 2021
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if the straw creature is a basic kind of constructed being/servitor/tulpa, then it's totally possible the shaman forgot to get around to dismissing and destroying it once it's job of spooking the shit out of this guy was done!
This is exactly why the idea of creating a tulpa freaks me out. What if you forget about it, leaving it to roam around in your sub-conscious like some prisoner in solitary confinement, and then decades later it comes back to take its revenge on you and harasses you in your dreams...
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Young Wehrwolf
May 5, 2021
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This is exactly why the idea of creating a tulpa freaks me out. What if you forget about it, leaving it to roam around in your sub-conscious like some prisoner in solitary confinement, and then decades later it comes back to take its revenge on you and harasses you in your dreams...
ah, this is why people made grimoires! just books to keep spells, incantations, information, and resources handy. that way, each magical act of any big enough importance is catalogued for the future.
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Deleted member 2040

This is exactly why the idea of creating a tulpa freaks me out. What if you forget about it, leaving it to roam around in your sub-conscious like some prisoner in solitary confinement, and then decades later it comes back to take its revenge on you and harasses you in your dreams...
Do not screw with tulpas or any esoteric Vajrayana practices unless under the guidance of a realized teacher!!! Seriously, whether you believe in such things or not, the negative effects will definitely be there!


antichrist opposer
Nov 5, 2021
Reaction score
Do not screw with tulpas or any esoteric Vajrayana practices unless under the guidance of a realized teacher!!! Seriously, whether you believe in such things or not, the negative effects will definitely be there!
Yeah I agree. It's dangerous to meddle in that stuff when you're inexperienced with it.
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