Agora Draws - Post your arts here!


The Great Destroyer
Feb 14, 2022
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I don't think there is a moment where you "peaked". Likely if anything your skills may have wain overtime but you can still get back up there if you try.

Also fuck the whole idea of "being too late" mindset because to be frank I had a grandeur ambitious concept for some project long ago when I was 14 and only now I'm working on a game as we speak at the age of fucking 24.

It's a toxic mind set to fall into coming from experience and if anything will squander you real potential to be a great artist if anything. I say start a project now, make a small story then release it from there on. It'll take time but I know you'll find the joy of being appreciated of your works.

Don't mind Cognac. He's just fucking with you.

...It's fine, I guess. Not feeling the most optimistic about my skills.
Virtual Cafe Awards
...It's fine, I guess. Not feeling the most optimistic about my skills.

Buddy I'm saying that because I've seen a lot of people who don't feel confident with their work forever indulge themselves into a chronic feeling of despair and not doing anything because they view art as inferior when compared to others and then give up on their passions and become extreme bitter in the end.

I'm sick of seeing that in people and wish to them get out of that toxic indulgence. All I'm asking really, is for you to be better than just grieving over some arbitrary deadline and moping around barely drawing and doing nothing. I and pretty sure a bunch of people both around you and close to you would rather see you succeed than fail. Do you understand?
Virtual Cafe Awards


The Great Destroyer
Feb 14, 2022
Reaction score
Buddy I'm saying that because I've seen a lot of people who don't feel confident with their work forever indulge themselves into a chronic feeling of despair and not doing anything because they view art as inferior when compared to others and then give up on their passions and become extreme bitter in the end.

I'm sick of seeing that in people and wish to them get out of that toxic indulgence. All I'm asking really, is for you to be better than just grieving over some arbitrary deadline and moping around barely drawing and doing nothing. I and pretty sure a bunch of people both around you and close to you would rather see you succeed than fail. Do you understand?
I'm very comforted to hear that you care about my art enough to see me triumph. I felt pretty down when I posted that, but know that I've got a rich world of lore surrounding them that I'm slowly piecing together.

I don't want to throw in the towel, but I do like a little support every now and then.
Virtual Cafe Awards


The Great Destroyer
Feb 14, 2022
Reaction score
i'd like to add that you should question viewing your life as one big story plot line. This is in fact a philosophical question as to whether or not you ought to view your life as a narrative.
I've been doing that for as long as I remember, doesn't anyone else do this to an extent?
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Still a Youth

Nov 12, 2021
Reaction score
I've been doing that for as long as I remember, doesn't anyone else do this to an extent?
Do you mean youve been viewing your life as a plot line? If so i think yea, lots of people do it, but the point is to question why you do that and whether or not you should. That is, if you want to get really philosophical about it. If feeling like you've peaked and everythings giong down hill from here, then maybe viewing your life as a plot line is a bad thing, and you should do it. but idk im just spit ballin
Virtual Cafe Awards
Do you mean youve been viewing your life as a plot line? If so i think yea, lots of people do it, but the point is to question why you do that and whether or not you should. That is, if you want to get really philosophical about it. If feeling like you've peaked and everythings giong down hill from here, then maybe viewing your life as a plot line is a bad thing, and you should do it. but idk im just spit ballin
Incidentally that was how my main project: FNC was born but I've seen pulled the project away from that and made its own thing. It was originally a petty revenge fantasy so I'm glad that I pulled it away from that.
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Virtual Cafe Awards
I know it's expressive art but I or anyone else on the site doesn't want another MTTS situation here on this thread so please do me a favor and put the middle and right artworks under a spoiler.
Oh shit.
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Virtual Cafe Awards
Virtual Cafe Awards
Feel like I peaked 2-3 years back, but I also missed my personal deadline to become really fucking great 7 years back, and it feels like a timey-wimey ball of missed potential.
It's the pressure you put on yourself that makes you feel that way. Your style is simple and cartoony, but nowhere near bad tbh. You don't need to draw like a pro to do nice stuff.
Don't pressure yourself and just draw. Before you know it, you may even start loving your work.
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