Cultural changes you've noticed in your lifetime


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Aug 11, 2022
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It's hard because you want to fit into a social category so you can talk to like-minded people without butting heads a lot, and eventually you are molded by that social category.
Yeah, I guess people want to subconciously fit in. I suposse no one want to hold a set of truly unique beliefs as they would be alone - and most people don't want that.


Imaginary manifestation of fun
Sep 9, 2021
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I am unusure how to explain it properly, but it seems that those that have a very passionate beliefs all end with the same "idea configuration". Here's an example:

Let's say you got a person who do not trust the US governement and is VERY passionate about it. Chances are this individual is very privacy-minded, is anti-vax, uses Linux, buy into conspiracies and is into crypto currency.

The same can be applied to other kind of people too. Chances are if you know some beliefs a person have, you can pretty much guess most of the other things this person does.

This scares me. It seems most that people are unable to have an unique sets of idea anymore. Everyone seems to follow some kind of mould. Even those who claim to be "not be like the others" (i.e people into conspiracies) almost always end up in the same spots.

Now granted, I am sure there a few person out there that cannot be categorized as such, but I still think it applies to most people.
This is because certain things are related.
Linux attracts liberals because it is itself VERY liberal and free, and it also attracts gun enthusiasts because it's again, free, and it attracts privacy-minded individuals because it's again FOSS.
Someone who hates the US Government and wants privacy has FEW CHOICES he can make that align with his core beliefs. What else is a privacy minded person to do? Take the Ted Pill? Not very easy to do.
In the same way that a lot of effeminate men like Anime, and as such are social outcasts, and go into jobs FILLED with social outcasts like programming.

You're pretty much just spotting patterns and trends where they exist, probably because there's not much alternative choices that align with their beliefs.
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In search of something greater.
Jul 16, 2022
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Ok, non vidya related this time. The big thing I have noticed in society is how much "political correctness" has spiralled out of control. People within the elite class (LOL) are just so afraid to use any terms or words that might cause harm. It's just really freaking stupid at this point. I think it's partly the reason why the "based" meme became a thing. Used to describe someone as being an individual, not being afraid of what others think.
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Formerly His Holelineß
Apr 4, 2022
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I think it's partly the reason why the "based" meme became a thing. Used to describe someone as being an individual, not being afraid of what others think.
Thank you for reminding me what the word actually used to mean. I have become far too used to people using it as a synonym for 'This is good' AKA 'I agree with this'
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In search of something greater.
Jul 16, 2022
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I've noticed another thing about society in my lifetime,

Do people just not care about health anymore??

Think about it, It's actually starting to get bizarre how we are now trying to accept fat people. Even though being fat is legitimately harmful. I will admit, just because you're skinny ALSO doesn't mean you are healthy but at least you lower your risk for serious heart disease.

I feel like Obama was the last president to care about health. His wife had a program about it.

But now it's just gotten awful with obesity and slob lifestyles being normalized. EVEN IN HEALTH ADS!! And Joe Biden just doesn't care at all it seems. I may be wrong though.
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Jan 13, 2022
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I've noticed another thing about society in my lifetime,

Do people just not care about health anymore??

Think about it, It's actually starting to get bizarre how we are now trying to accept fat people. Even though being fat is legitimately harmful. I will admit, just because you're skinny ALSO doesn't mean you are healthy but at least you lower your risk for serious heart disease.

I feel like Obama was the last president to care about health. His wife had a program about it.

But now it's just gotten awful with obesity and slob lifestyles being normalized. EVEN IN HEALTH ADS!! And Joe Biden just doesn't care at all it seems. I may be wrong though.View attachment 41400
In the United States we don't have universal healthcare so therefore there is zero financial incentive for the government to attempt to keep a healthy populace (besides maybe for military purposes) like how there is in other first world nations. In fact the private healthcare and big pharma we currently have profits the government and profits more when people are unhealthy. If you pay attention a lot more people have begun paying attention to health in the past decade. Fast food places have done away with supersized options and healthy eating restaurants and organic grocery stores grow in revenue every year now. Schools have banned selling soda and sugary foods in cafeterias, etc. I'm on a college campus and I've seen firsthand how most of my peers just get water instead of soda at the dining hall soda fountain. Small but subtle changes too like see all the pro-working out "gigachad" memes that are popular and things like that. If there is one positive to social media it is more people becoming aware of healthy living habits. Well big pharma and the powers that be with all their power and might start pushing and promoting these trends of "body positivity" and "fat acceptance" to attempt to counter this stuff. Notice how its usually only big US based mainstream outlets that promote this stuff? You'd be extremely hard pressed to find an average Joe on the streets who unironically believes that being fat is healthy. Sure, most of the population doesn't believe in bullying or belittling overweight people or anything like that. But the whole "fat is actually healthy" thing is an extremely astro-turfed movement aside from a few overweight white chicks who wanna feel good about themselves.
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Aug 11, 2021
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In the United States we don't have universal healthcare so therefore there is zero financial incentive for the government to attempt to keep a healthy populace (besides maybe for military purposes) like how there is in other first world nations. In fact the private healthcare and big Pharma we currently have profits the government and profits more when people are unhealthy. If you pay attention a lot more people have begun paying attention to health in the past decade. Fast food places have done away with supersized options and healthy eating restaurants and organic grocery stores grow in revenue every year now. Schools have banned selling soda and sugary foods in cafeterias, etc. I'm on a college campus and I've seen firsthand how most of my peers just get water instead of soda at the dining hall soda fountain. Small but subtle changes too like see all the pro-working out "gigachad" memes that are popular and things like that. If there is one positive to social media it is more people becoming aware of healthy living habits. Well big pharma and the powers that be with all their power and might start pushing and promoting these trends of "body positivity" and "fat acceptance" to attempt to counter this stuff. Notice how its usually only big US based mainstream outlets that promote this stuff? You'd be extremely hard pressed to find an average Joe on the streets who unironically believes that being fat is healthy. Sure, most of the population doesn't believe in bullying or belittling overweight people or anything like that. But the whole "fat is actually healthy" thing is an extremely astro-turfed movement aside from a few overweight white chicks who wanna feel good about themselves.
Couldn't have said it better myself, Cobalt.
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Scum Fuck Flower Boy
Mar 20, 2022
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I've noticed another thing about society in my lifetime,

Do people just not care about health anymore??

Think about it, It's actually starting to get bizarre how we are now trying to accept fat people. Even though being fat is legitimately harmful. I will admit, just because you're skinny ALSO doesn't mean you are healthy but at least you lower your risk for serious heart disease.

I feel like Obama was the last president to care about health. His wife had a program about it.

But now it's just gotten awful with obesity and slob lifestyles being normalized. EVEN IN HEALTH ADS!! And Joe Biden just doesn't care at all it seems. I may be wrong though.View attachment 41400
Fat acceptance my ass, enough about that let's talk about fat rejection.

I was a fat fuck myself 5 years ago, figured that I hated that body and wanted to be like Goku and Vegeta, so I ran my ass off and lost like 30kgs (66 lbs).
Fatphobia isn't even real unlike homophobia or xenophobia it's just a term made up to equate disagreeing with their unhealthy lifestyle as oppression like what the fuck man you have too much to eat, look at kids starving in a poor country that's oppression. If you don't want to date a fat person then you're fatphobic, but people who say that don't even want to date among themselves.

To all the chubby Agora bros please don't fall for that propaganda, reject modernity embrace working hard to be the Giggachad that's somewhere inside every one of you
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May 16, 2022
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I remember people having an edgy sense of humor and being able to call things gay or retarded. Around 2015 I feel like it became very taboo to say fucked up things, but I've noticed that, to some degree, the pendulum has swung back and people are kind of okay with people having an edgy sense of humor. I'm pretty liberal progressive person but I grew up in the suburbs of Pennsylvania in the 2000's/ early 2010's so my sense of humor has always been shocking. I live in Philadelphia now, and I feel like when I first moved here, especially in the music/art scene I was apart of, people were very uptight. It just doesn't really seem like thats the case as much anymore and I'm not really sure why. I'm sure its different in some faggy place like brooklyn or something. A lot of hipsters listen to cumtown, so maybe that's eased some of the PC inclinations? I'll also point out that I think people that constantly bitch about political correctness are annoying too, and are usually people that are just saying fucked up things with no sense of humor or irony. I agree with other posters in this thread about the perception of japanese culture, I feel like everyone I know these days watches anime in some capacity, which is wild to see when you come from an internet background like we do where it was very much a niche. Good thread boys
Aug 29, 2021
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Fat acceptance my ass, enough about that let's talk about fat rejection.
Loving yourself is important, but self improvement is even more important, accepting deffects you can't change like your face or hair etc, does affect your confidence by a lot, but accepting the deffects you can actually change, like your weight, just lead to mediocrity, stagnation, and depression, if you can do something to always be the better version of yourself, you shall never stop doing it, i'm not saying you have to be buffed, but at least keep a decent bmi and weight to have a healthy and long life, because believe it or not, having a healthy life style makes you happier, and your emotions also determines how much are you gonna live, if you are happy, confident, and you improve yourself everyday, you won at life, that's my problem with fat acceptance, we already accept fat people, but is it wrong to want to promote a better lifestyle for others? I never tell others how live their life, but as a word of advice, mediocrity does not make happiness.

I used to weight 95 kg in highschool (i'm 1.87 mts (6'2 feets) which is basically, an slight overweight, still i felt a big complex about it, so i decided to make the change and i did managed to lost 20 kg in just one year, i was 75 kg and i felt in my prime, then i fell into depression and i got 10 kgs of extra weight, but now that i'm recovering i'm going to the good old habits, i need to rise back, in this month i already lost 2 kg, so i feel extremely satisfied and motivated by my progress and changes, i wish more peopl would see themselves like that, not only for aesthetics, but for their mental and physical health, as you say, fatphobia is not like homophobia or xenophobia that can get people killed, fatphobia is basicallytelling a fatso that they should excersise, that's all, never stop the grindset, always engage in self improvement.
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Aug 29, 2021
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as a side note, insulting a fat person who is actually doing all he can to lose weight and improve himself just because he is fat, is also as bad as fat acceptance, people should encourage fat people to start avoiding sugars, carbs, and walk at least 40 minutes a day (would be optimal with some squats, pull ups and abs for starters aswell, even 10 a day is a great start)
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May 2, 2021
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Around 2015 I feel like it became very taboo to say fucked up things, but I've noticed that, to some degree, the pendulum has swung back and people are kind of okay with people having an edgy sense of humor.
I've noticed this myself, at least with jokes about women. Back when radfems had their reign in the mid-10s it felt verboten to make even a friendly jab at women, now you have memes like "girls vs. boys locker room" floating around without raising much of a stink.
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The weirdest part is, everything nowadays is trying to be edgy. Just look at superhero movies for an example. They used to be all colourful, silly, dumb comedy/action films, and now they are all dark, depressing and serious. Everything seems to have gone that way. Hope no longer exists anymore, all the good guys are just less-evil bad guys, and media in general repeatedly tells us that everything is shit and that we should all give up and that life is meaningless and terrible.

But then you say a bad word and people ban you.

Our society is completely choc full of "corporate approved" edginess. Which is the worst kind.
yes wtf is that! decide ffs!
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Deleted member 1930

people being obsessed with consumerism.

i grew up in the 90s and while we had playstation and bigscreen did not rule people's lives the way it does now

edit to expand what i mean: people now use the media and things they buy as a source of identity or as a substitute for a personality. every DAY i see bumper stickers on people's car for disney, rick and morty, zelda, star wars, etc etc

granted, i like stuff too, i love zelda and star wars....but like, i would never put a bumper sticker on my fucking car ffs.
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Deleted member 1930

Idk if you're American or not (I'm going to assume not), but in the American context it makes sense because it's a huge political issue. A huge portion of US prisoners are in for non-violent drug crimes, and they are disproportionately minorities especially black, which has turned it into a huge racial issue. Because a lot of prisons in the US are privatized, there's an incentive to keep them full, hence why police often target people committing low level drug offences. So legalizing personal use of marijuana while also not allowing official stores to open would be a way a politician could play both sides. I.e. It addresses the racial tensions that have surrounded this issue, but it appeases conservatives by not openly supporting the use of marijuana.
this is a stupid take lol, sry mate


Sandwich Maker
Jul 26, 2021
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this is a stupid take lol, sry mate
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Imaginary manifestation of fun
Sep 9, 2021
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Split screen gaming too has extremely declined. Which is a shame because I always found it more fun to play with someone next to me. I have so many good memories from that, and while doing it online with a mic is still fun, the exprience doesn't compare. Lot of laughs I had were because there were people around me which resulted in some very funny moments. I remember atacking my brother with tickles after losing from him or sharing chips with friends during a game. That is impossible digitally.
The last time I truly played split screen was playing the Halo 3 campaign with buddies.
Good times... good times...
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Jan 13, 2022
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Something I was thinking about today is how a lot of European brands/companies have become more prevalent and well known in the United States. A few of you already mentioned Asian cultural import into the US but It seems as Europe has gotten stronger and more prosperous post WW2, post cold war, we're now seeing some European cultural exports coming to the US whereas in the past it was primarily only the US exporting culture to Europe.

Some examples include Nutella, the Italian Hazelnut spread. When I was in elementary school around 2008-2011 this was a weird exotic item you got from the import section at the grocery store. You would have to explain to people what it was but now its pretty much known by everyone and now in stores its usually right next to the quintessentially American peanut butter. The same can be said about Kinder chocolates which came to the US in 2017 and are quickly taking over the candy section at stores.

T-mobile came to the US in 2001 and went from being this weird subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom to one of the biggest phone providers in the US in just 20 years.

European sports and teams are becoming quite popular in America as well. In American HS today your almost as likely to see a kid wearing an NFL jersey as you are a kid wearing a Bayern Munchen or Manchester United jersey. MLS soccer is also rapidly gaining popularity in the US.

Fashion in the US is slowly becoming more Europeanized in some regards. Not in every respect but "metro sexual" fashion has become way more popular in the US over the past few decades. Clothing styles that are more popular in Europe but that would have gotten you called a fag in the US 20+ years ago are becoming more acceptable.

Mostly just like these little subtle changes over the past few decades. Perhaps it is more just a sign of America becoming slowly more interconnected with the rest of the world and less culturally isolated (like we have a historical tendancy of being) than anything.

(Sorry for any grammar or spelling issues I'm phone posting rn.)
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