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  • hi back! how the community thingy goes?
    2. A bit over half a year ago I was researching what other communities were out there, and I realized that the info on it is incredibly splintered. There are about 10+ sites out there with a map of 'all communities' according to a specific theme (in my area) with little overlap. There has been an attempt to centralize it (mainly Eurotopia), but it's behind a paywall (you have to buy the book) & still only includes about 1/3rd of all communities. So I made it my mission to make a super-fucking-complete map. Here's the map thus far:
    My plan with this map is to use it whenever I'm traveling. For example I'm going hiking in the summer, and since this map can be imported into google maps, I can easily plan small detours to see if anyone is interested in talking.
    I've already used this map to come into contact with 2 communities which are in my town (which, is a small town, so imagine my surprise). I'm in regular contact with one, helping them build a chicken home from clay & another I recently camped out with my boy scout's group after asking them if that's possible. So I'm really establishing awesome connections :D
    3. Still trying to learn both German & French with Babbel. It's a smaller goal of mine, but a valuable one nonetheless. I live near the tri-border point between Belgium, Germany & Netherlands, and since the Netherlands has the shittest laws regarding construction of them all (not to mention here land is expensive af since we're full), we're most likely going to hop across the border. If this is the case I think knowing the languages is going to be super valuable.

    4. Also been reading some books vaguely related to the topic.

    I think that's about it. Although this may look like a lot, I don't think I'm spending more than an hour on this all a day.

    Hope you're having a nice day :)
    P.S fucking 'gora having a max 1000 character limit
    Fascinating stuff. I myself also speak a bit of Polish & German too (Polish mom & live near the border+have german friends). You speak any other languages besides Dutch, Spanish & English?
    Portuguese, i totally understand italian (even tho i don't speak it) and i know how to read hangeoul and cyrillic, that's all so far, but i'm barely 20 years old, so i got plenty of time to master all those languages, but rn i'm focusing mainly in dutch (because i'm already fluent in spanish and english)

    Tbh is suprising, because i always say german like a harder dutch and polish, no way man, is super hard to pronounce their words, russian is easier than polish tbh so is quite impressive bro.
    • Coffee (Like)
    Reactions: CahCaw
    хахаха ай нов май сырылык ту! Ook grappig dat we beide 20 jaar oud zijn.

    German is indeed a harder language to master. The trick is to not care to master it. It's the der/die/das rules that fuck everyone up. I just focus on being able to casually talk in it, like asking my german friend's friends to pass the joint without them knowing English haha.

    Keep up the good work of learning languages though. It is a respectable ambition.
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  • SophiaHaven:
    Alack, if only. Maybe one day. I meant whatever HTML and CSS styling it's using to do the functionality it has
  • SophiaHaven:
    Id est, I'm sending it as DM text.
  • SophiaHaven:
    Okay sending now
  • Still a Youth:
    You might like adornos dialectic of the enlightenment, or if you wanna go full philo-bot Quines indeterminacy of translation arguments
  • SophiaHaven:
    Still a Youth said:
    You might like adornos dialectic of the enlightenment, or if you wanna go full philo-bot Quines indeterminacy of translation arguments
    An extremely astute and appreciated recommendation. Indeed, I've been meaning to delve into that for a while. I think it would speak a lot on the issue of closed societies that are nonetheless very abstract (in the Popperian sense of the term, meaning those societies where freedom of thought and discourse are not allowed, and where the laws are against the principles that allow men and woman to live as they please, with only civic or economic engagement with the rest of their peers). Within this category I would include the 20th century authoritarian states of the fascists and communists, as well as maybe some 19th century European polities.
  • SophiaHaven:
    I deliberately avoided speaking on these cases in the DM's I sent the both of you. For one thing, it's long enough as-is and a full discussion of the problem would quite literally be novel-length. For another, I believe that the horror and objective inhumanity of modern rational societies where not even the pretext of liberty or open thought is given its due -- such as the totalitarian societies of North Korea, Turkmenistan, the PRC, and increasingly even places like the Russian Federation -- is plain and obvious for all us Westerners and children of the internet to perceive and thus should not merit much immediate discussion.
  • Still a Youth:
    U still here?
  • SophiaHaven:
  • SophiaHaven:
    I'm finally responding to another Agoran after he messaged me on this topic, but I have the chat window open.
  • handoferis:
  • handoferis:
    20 minutes or so after i left i got called out
  • handoferis:
  • Still a Youth:
    You mentioned at the begining that you feel like youre covering a lot of topics at once (eco, psych, anthro). It might be beneficial to go back and chop it up into the different categories to get a clearer picture of what youre going for. Unless youre trying for a single wholistic metaphysic ofc
  • Still a Youth:
    Called out?
  • handoferis:
    i am on-call
  • handoferis:
    and our stupid customer support called me out because 4 people in korea couldn't log in
  • BarnSwallow:
  • BarnSwallow:
    on-call was the final straw for leaving my old job
  • handoferis:
    i like money
  • handoferis:
    i'm just fighting to have the "call out someone way above your pay grade" button taken away from outsourced mouthbreathers
  • Still a Youth:
    I was on call at the pizza place i worked at. Never again
  • handoferis:
    still, i get like $1100 a week for doing this so it's whatever
  • handoferis:
    and i didn't actually get woken up cause i hadn't gotten to sleep ;)
  • SophiaHaven:
    Still a Youth said:
    You mentioned at the begining that you feel like youre covering a lot of topics at once (eco, psych, anthro). It might be beneficial to go back and chop it up into the different categories to get a clearer picture of what youre going for. Unless youre trying for a single wholistic metaphysic ofc
  • SophiaHaven:
    It was initially something I wrote to a fellow Agoran in DM's, but which grew to encompass the essence of the larger problem I see as causing this innate sense of anxiety, disaffection, and alienation that you see everywhere in modern society. Upon being restructured into a formal, and more expansive document, it should, I agree, be further broken up into chapters or further subsections. The essence of the missive, if you will, is to identify what causes the spiritual suffering, corpo-conformity of thought, and alienation common in modern society; identify what process created it and in what manner; and lastly to answer, or rather begin to answer, a question that I believe no one has seriously answered before: what should we actually do about it?
      SophiaHaven: It was initially something I wrote to a fellow Agoran in DM's, but which grew to encompass the...