Agora Gang Tags awarded to i_am


Decending night

User has received a reaction score of at least 10


User has received a reaction score of at least 20

Doomer wojak

User has received a reaction score of at least 30

Green VHS

User has received a reaction score of at least 40


User has received a reaction score of at least 50

Canned Water

User has received a reaction score of at least 60

Chinatsu Yoshikawa

User has received a reaction score of at least 70

Warning: This Email originated from the internet

User has received a reaction score of at least 80


User has received a reaction score of at least 90

Anti UN

User has received a reaction score of at least 100


User has received a reaction score of at least 110


User has received a reaction score of at least 120

El Barto

User has received a reaction score of at least 130

Lain Storm

User has received a reaction score of at least 140

Ashbie Beer

User has received a reaction score of at least 150

Stuffed with Noodles

User has received a reaction score of at least 160

Blue Uncle Ted

User has received a reaction score of at least 170

Red Asuka

User has received a reaction score of at least 180

Big Smoke

User has received a reaction score of at least 190

Agora Road Traveler

User has made 10 posts


User has made 20 posts
500 Posts Club

Chao in Space


Russian Roulette

Help me breathe

Its one of those "why me" moments

Studying Kills

The truth is that you could SLIT

But it wasnt my fault

Fall out boi


Im a goofy goober

Take me back lain

Broken dreams

dont you know toxic

it my story and your not part of it


Energizer bunni

Make me sad lain

Militia RPG


Agorachan Christmas

You signed in on Christmas day