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  • I am suprised that you do not have a personal website. I always imagined you as the kind of guy who would write lengthy and well-made opinions piece on a self-hosted blog.
    • Pepsi (Enjoyment)
    Reactions: Some_porcupine
    How do you know I don't?

    I have one, but I like to keep my identities separate.
    Ah that explain it. Do your blog has tie to your IRL self or do you just want to comparmentalize your identity on Agora vs the small web?
    I'm compartmentalising Agora specifically because a few people know my "online identity" and can connect it to my IRL self (no point having a blog if you're not going to tell people about it, but it isn't in my own name or anything), and Agora is considered "a crazy alt-right Nazi site" by some, and I really don't want to have that conversation.
    Kisses Love GIF by Alissandra
    People fear "automation" at some point in the distant future, but most jobs right now could probably be replaced with a shell script and nobody would notice.
    Has anyone else noticed that the same websites and groups that were calling for everyone to be tracked and monitored 6 months ago are now posting blog post after blog post about "the importance of encryption and privacy" after the Roe v Wade decision?
    I genuinely don't know the answer. Can someone help me?


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