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  • I finally figured out how to get to the hidden "maintenance" menu on the CRT I bought, so I could adjust the picture to not use the bad top few centimeters of the screen. It's a usable TV now. Time to watch some anime the way nature intended.
    I'm curious, what kind of CRT did you get? I've been meaning to look into a CRT to use for indie retro-style games and older anime, but I haven't gotten to it yet.
    It's a Toshiba mw27fn1 apparently. It's 27 inches diagonally, just a run-of-the-mill early 2000s CRT, nothing special. It's got a built in VCR and DVD player though which is nice, I didn't have a VCR. If you buy one, make sure the seller shows you it working first! It's a basic thing but I forgot.
    That's cool, thanks for letting me know. It's cool that it has a DVD and VCR built-in; I imagine that's relatively rare.
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