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  • Whenever I see your big-ass font without proper paragraph separation in your posts I scroll down without reading a thing. You're probably making valid points but nope, I'm not reading that until you change the style.
    I don't do it to be special, nor to be a brute. I'm dyslexic and colorblind, this font, size, and color make it easier for me to read what I write. You're literally not forced to read my shit. Get off your high horse and block me if you don't like it. You can be mature about this or you can cry about it, the choice is yours.

    As stated by the Admin the rules here are simple:

    1. The is a Safe For Work Forum, so no nudity or gore
    2. No doxing or raiding is allowed
    3. Post nothing that is Illegal under United States Law
    4. No racist shit on here. This is not /pol/

    I've broken no rules of the site so I suggest you review the guidelines and take the advice of:
    - If you have a problem with another Traveler, you can "Block" them on their profile so you wont have to their your posts.
    @Ruby Hexagon
    You can always use your cursor to highlight the text and make it easier to read.
    Sweet n' Comfy
    Sweet n' Comfy
    "You can always use your cursor to highlight the text and make it easier to read."

    Come on, you really expect us to do all of that effort?
    • LOL
    Reactions: Yakito
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