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  • release.JPG
    Yeah, another "copyright" can bite me. These bastards don't even care in about 75% of the cases. I should probably file these disputes way more often, rather than actually giving a fuck and muting music in my vids. Fuck'em, why the heck should I bend under, right?
    The other thing about this is using music in the background or any other transformative way is considered fair use*. This is totally illegal but people have put up with it for so long they think it's normal.
    * The content of this comment has been prepared for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The information in this comment shall not be construed as an offer to represent you, nor is it intended to create, nor shall the receipt of such information constitute, an attorney-client relationship.
    MySpace Tom
    MySpace Tom
    Copyright is a joke
    That article is a load of nonsense for many reasons. I recognize the style of a modern liberal. I cannot even imagine circumstances under which I'd transalte "prostor" as "opportunity" and even "liberty" variant is a very... specific one.
    That being said, russian language does have a word for privacy. Privatnost' is pretty much privacy, since both words are from the latin word privatus. It's just a... cultural and/or language quirk that over thousands of years in english and germanic languages "privacy" is pretty much seen as a good word, while in slavic languages "privacy" has a negative connotation and the best known "priv-based" word is "privatisation", which is pretty much synonym to robbery (and which also comes from latin - privo). Which is kind of fun, you know, since all those "privacy policies" from big companies more aim at privatising your rights rather than giving you any privacy.
    And yes, I bet all slavic languages are the same in this case. The article mentions mongolian for whatever reason, but privacy also can mean loneliness in polish, serbian - darn, even russian. Really, I think any slavic language applies.
    If you really want to find an analogue for "privacy" with a positive connotation, I found an example in old slavic text that translates "privatus" as "особънъ", which would be "osoben" in today's writing. Nobody really uses the word like that anymore, but if I'd write "Joe simply wanted to be osoben", I'd bet people would actually understand what I'd meant to write, even if that sounds way unusual. The main "osoben-based" word that is in use today is "osobennost'", which can be translated as "feature" or "trait". But if you'd use that in the "Joe-example", it would sound like Joe wanted to be a special cookie (as "osbennyi" today also means a "special guy"... usually meaning a retard or just a disabled person).
    Despite all the language quirks, it is kind of strange to say that "russians do not have word for privacy". Privatus originally means personal, belonging to self, and every language in the world has a perfect synonym for that: mine. We definitely had the word "mine" in Soviet Union. And we surely do have a word for everything else that privacy might be associated with. In the "Joe-example", I need to see the context to translate it right, obviously, but without the context the first thing that comes to my mind would be "Joe simply wanted some peace". IMO, the word "peace" works even better than "privacy". Surely robbing a man of peace is even worse than robbing him of privacy. So according to the logic of the author of the article, Soviet Union shouldn't have existed in the first place, since for russian people it robbed them of peace.
    So the article is demagogy, really. Something akin to saying that if your language somehow doesn't have a word for a car it will take you three times as long to learn to drive one.
    That's very interesting etymologically. In Spanish we have both connotations of the root private. In Spanish when you want to say something is private you say "privado", but also you have the word "privar", which means what you are saying here, to rob, to take away, to not allow to use, to forbid.
    It's funny because even "privado", in context can be understood as derived from "privar", for example "sus derechos le fueron privados" (He was "privated" from his rights). I guess this has to do with Spanish having such a direct connection with Latin.

    But you know something that has caught my attention is the fact of how he defines privacy in the article, "freedom from being observed or disturbed by other people". He defines it as a negative, his privacy is the lack of an other.
    I don't know if this is common among English speakers, but how I would have defined privacy, as a native Spanish, is as the quality of your private environment, that is your house your intimate domestic life, with your family. Not necessarily as a lack of another, although it might be implied by context.
    I think this speaks of the Liberal leanings of the author more than that of the English language, though.
    súkromný, súkromie
    Я прошлое оставляю
    Покоиться на Земле.
    Я медленно уплываю
    В космическом корабле
    В страну,
    Не бывает ночей без звёзд.
    Я скоро наполнюсь светом,
    И стану я, как звезда.
    Со мною моя планета
    Прощается навсегда.
    А тот, в ком воспоминания
    Останутся обо мне,
    Отыщет моё сияние
    В загадочной той стране.
    В стране,
    Не бывает ночей без звёзд.
    Не бывает ночей без звёзд.
    Не бывает ночей без звёзд.
    Fuck yes, finally managed to make my camera and capture card work with OBS again. Losing system is pain; it's been half a year ago and only now I finally managed to make these damned things to work together again. I need either to remember how I've done it this time or never ever lose my Win7 anymore.
    I'm aiming for the second. From now on - backups of my system disc is a must. I lost too much time restoring all the fine settings like this camera thing.
    Finally got around to watch a DVD which I've got back in 2011 or so with an issue of an NZV8 magazine. Man. That was quite a candy. A heap of hot-rods and tons of rockabilly and 2000's rock music on the soundtrack - all from obscure local bands from Australia and New Zealand which I've never heard about. So I've saw a lot of cool cars and discovered some new music. Awesome.
    In an off-chance that someone actually cares about cars here, I'm really writing this to notify that I will try to upload the DVD on YouTube and Internet Archive for what it takes. Hopefully it won't be taken down at least for some time.
    Alternatively, it's always a PM away. Rock'n'roll is here to stay.
    Managed to re-enable blood rather casually in PS2 version of Gladius. Fuck yeah, bleed pixels! Metal!
    Definitely was much easier than my previous texture swap, because this time I've actually managed to find some lines in the code. Replacing them with strings from the XBox version of the game did the job.
    Fucking Google, suck a bag of dicks.

    @Ashman Yep, e-mail client is what I will have to do it seems, because I can't stomach Google's new design. Didn't use those things for a decade... It's not my main mail though - I do not use, but I use some local services. Still, having a GMail is nice when you are contacting, you know, a bit more usual people, because they seem to react better if they see their usual GMail. Also, Google reacts better if you use GMail and doesn't move your mail to spam as often as it does. And a number of sites do not accept my main mail address to top it off.
    Well, for whatever reason I'm still on basic HTML.
    Couple months later but they've finally actually made the switch. Fuckers...
    Man, two images per signature limit sucks.
    The image resize is probably just CSS, not actual image resizing. The next step is to work out what the image limit is, and at what resolutions that applies to.
    1020 characters or so
    so if you want to write image in base 64, it would be very tiny on resolution
    it is about bit density/size, not actual view, preview is real size
    • Coffee (Like)
    Reactions: Punp
    It's definitely CSS, sure. And nah, screw it. I won't be able to stick in the whole line either way and it ruins the intended composition.
    This whole New Year thing got me thinking. Got me thinking about... planned obsolence. You know what convinced me planned obsolence is most definitely, undoubtedfully the thing?
    The calendar on my Ford Focus dashboard. Thing is, it's a 2008 (or 2009) car.
    And you can only set the calendar up to 2018 (or 2019) if my memory serves me right. Perhaps even less.
    And you know what's funny? You actually can set it on a further date. You gotta set it on the December 31, 2019, 23:59, wait a minute - boom, you are in January 1, 2020. Set it to December 31, 23:59 again, wait another minute...
    You get it, don't you? The functionality is there.
    They just didn't even imagine the car will still be running after 10 years.
    Time to post something here, I guess.
    I'm now officially on a "one Python script per year" status. After a 10-year long break in programming, I'm actually writing something again. It feels good. I hope there will be more reasons for me to write scripts in the future.
    The current script "flushes" LQ textures from the files of a particular game if it finds the same texture of a higher quality. Basically, we are kicking the LODs out. I'm never a fan of "4K Ultra HD", but the LQ textures in this particular instance were so ugly even I couldn't stand them. Spending all that time fighting the color values in Cheat Engine just to see pixels on the actual battlefield? Nah, thanks.
    Anyway, here's the result:
    Thats really impressive, are the high res textures fan-made or dev-made from later generations?
    They are not even from later generations. Everything's in the original game. It uses HQ textures in several places, like presentation frames, when the character or an item is alone on an empty background, and switches to the LQ textures on the battlefield.
    As for the ground, rocks and other textures - I'm not even sure. I really didn't expect those textures to be upgraded as well - all I hoped for were the characters. But, I guess, the game uses HQ world textures in cutscenes or something. Whatever it is, my small program found those in the files of the game, successfully picked them up and kicked the LQ textures out of the gameplay.
    Frankly, my first approach was simply searching for some kind of a string that says "EnableLODs = 1" or something, but I wasn't that lucky.
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  • Member:
    It also creates a false sense of evidence
  • CosmoCit:
    Still a Youth said:
    i think primitive is more accurate than simple
    It's like saying the wheel is primitive, or the column. Technically, yes, but so foundational that the basic shape is still in use today with little modification to its essential form.
  • MindControlBoxer:
    People are viewed as a new meaning. To become a world-class company. Human resource systems, and new meaning. To become a world-class company will demand flexibility, cycle times have changed, the importance of competencies, and practiced by world-class company have changed, the importance - in quality, innovation, and productivity. Integrity is fundamental. People are practices are strategically importance of our compete in they needs, and engagement based marketplace on our future.
  • SophiaHaven:
    Member said:
    This is why I hate calling concepts "Hegelian" or "Nietzschean", it makes it seem as though truth revolves around dead men
    Can you elaborate on what you mean here?
  • MindControlBoxer:
    A compete in the full involvement to improvement of every person in today's market. A companies: People have increased on a set of people is absolutely critical to achieve the compete in they needs, and practices are strategically importance of our company have recognized that efficiencies, and practiced by world-class levels of the marketplace on our future. We recognize that company's employees are viewed as a new meaning.
  • Still a Youth:
    CosmoCit said:
    It's like saying the wheel is primitive, or the column. Technically, yes, but so foundational that the basic shape is still in use today with little modification to its essential form.
    yea thats what i mean. not simple in any way, just not as advanced
  • Link
  • SophiaHaven:
    MindControlBoxer said:
    The following human resource of our competencies, and practices are now better able to understand the companies have changed, the full involvement - are practices. The following human resource of our future. We are viewed as a values is absolutely critical to achieve the companies: People is absolutely critical to achieve the company's employees are viewed as a values is absolutely critical to achieve the market. A company's companies: People have recognized that we would have a shared values is a key
    GPT-2, is that you? Have you come back to us? I had a stroke reading this kek
  • Still a Youth:
    @Member if you really want to try out philosophy you could check out wittgenstein. he's claimed by both "analytics" and "continentals" because his early work and later work differ so much. he's a good example of why i wouldn't want to draw clear boundaries
  • MindControlBoxer:
    this is how you write
  • CosmoCit:
    Still a Youth said:
    yea thats what i mean. not simple in any way, just not as advanced
    Aaaaah, I see I see. Apologies, I misread your earlier message. In that case then yes, I'd have to agree.
  • SophiaHaven:
    MindControlBoxer said:
    this is how you write
    I apologize that you have reached the limit of your comprehension. :JahySmug:
  • MindControlBoxer:
    yea need some of your stimulants
  • SophiaHaven:
    Still a Youth said:
    yea thats what i mean. not simple in any way, just not as advanced
    Primitive is a good word! :JahyStare:
  • Member:
    SophiaHaven said:
    Can you elaborate on what you mean here?
    I don't think it's a logical position, just feeling. Let's take for example the concept of ressentiment. Weak people want to feel powerful over strong people, they bottle up this desire which turns starts to poison them. Eventually people call this "Nietzschean" and then the topic shifts towards "what did Nietzsche think?" instead of "what is true external of ourselves?"
  • SophiaHaven:
    MindControlBoxer said:
    yea need some of your stimulants
    They didn't work for me today (; w ; ) I was just retarded the whole day
  • SpheralBloom:
    Sofa so smart sofa
  • SpheralBloom:
    Very big brainy
  • Member:
    MindControlBoxer said:
    this is how you write
    I can understand her posts perfectly fine, I think you're just not used to reading long posts
  • Still a Youth:
    Member said:
    I don't think it's a logical position, just feeling. Let's take for example the concept of ressentiment. Weak people want to feel powerful over strong people, they bottle up this desire which turns starts to poison them. Eventually people call this "Nietzschean" and then the topic shifts towards "what did Nietzsche think?" instead of "what is true external of ourselves?"
    i see a lot of memes where someone takes a picture of neitzsche crying and puts it next to some angsty neitzschean worshiping him
  • MindControlBoxer:
    heh nigethzie crybaby
  • Still a Youth:
  • MindControlBoxer:
  • CosmoCit:
    Still a Youth said:
    You and me both kid
  • Still a Youth:
    MindControlBoxer said:
    god i hate you
      Still a Youth: niggetziegod i hate you