Recent content by Seswynn

  1. Seswynn

    Reveal something totally unexpected about yourself

    Well, uh, that's quite something. Mind elaborating?
  2. Seswynn

    Introduce yourself!

    That's certainly a phrase and a half.
  3. Seswynn

    Has Capitalism Outpaced Government?

    Oh my god dude, it's clear that you have no idea what you're talking about. Let's start with the claim that the Holocaust was done by "leftists". Some like to latch on to the term "national socialist" as evidence that they were, indeed, socialists. This was, in fact, bait for lower-class workers...
  4. Seswynn

    Has Capitalism Outpaced Government?

    bro you'll literally stub your toe and find some way to blame it on leftism I'm not sure the system that led to the gilded age, climate change, and the banana republics of South America qualifies as being the most moral and free system possible
  5. Seswynn

    Introduce yourself!

    What's esoteric Erisianism? Is it related to Eris? Are you a discordian of some kind?
  6. Seswynn


    You from New Orleans? I hear they like their coffee with chicory over there.
  7. Seswynn


    Personally, I'm not much of a coffee person. I'll usually only drink it when I need the energy. When I do have it, I use a pretty standard concoction, just adding a little bit of half and half and sugar. Generally, though, I prefer tea.
  8. Seswynn

    Subway tuna sandwich has 0% tuna in it

    If this is how you make tuna sandwiches that's your fault
  9. Seswynn

    What are the orgins of the Schizo Troll Face meme panels

    Well, I don't think he invented them, but they were certainly popularized by the >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk user u/sirlulzingtonesquire. He mostly posts these kinds of comics on r/he_comes and r/true_reddit. He seems to have formed a decently-sized following, and they're likely the people spreading his works around...
  10. Seswynn

    Dreams and dream discussion

    One of the most vivid dreams I can remember starts out with me clearing a bandit camp in a place that looks kind of like a fort in Skyrim. Suddenly, I'm attacked by a giant troll, who happens to be a conservative christian. Don't ask me how I knew, I just did. Anyway, I'm not talking a skyrim...
  11. Seswynn

    Dreams and dream discussion

    Sorry, dude. I've been there. Just remember, feelings alone aren't bad. You can't exactly control your feelings for her. Now, if you were to act on those feelings, such as trying to hit on her or get them to break up or whatever, that's crossing a line. But don't feel ashamed for the things that...
  12. Seswynn

    What games have you been playing lately?

    It's honestly not that bad. Well, alright, I'm not going to deny that there are a lot of numbers involved in combat, but as long as you have both good equipment and the skills necessary to handle said equipment, you should do fine.
  13. Seswynn

    What games have you been playing lately?

    Been playing a lot of a game called Kenshi lately. It's certainly one of the most unique games that I've ever played.
  14. Seswynn

    What's your ideal breakfast?

    I like to keep things simple. I usually go for some peanut butter toast with some tea. Usually I'll throw in an apple as well.
  15. Seswynn

    The world is changing. Radically. And I don't know where it's going to end.

    I have considered the possibility of social collapse, and in fact alluded to that briefly in one of my closing paragraphs. However, the reason why I didn't really go too deeply into that is because, frankly, I'm unsure of how likely such a thing is in this day and age. The interconnection of...