"4chancore" has recently become a fairly trending aesthetic on sites such as TikTok, Pinterest and the like, with young people romanticizing oldweb memes and artstyles commonly associated with 4chan, as well as directly referencing the site culture and media from the time (pedobear, m00t...
b. cca 2005
disgust attraction
fake nostalgia
killed by obscurity
normies^2: pretending and denial
old web
This is something I've been meaning to write about for a while. That is what we're living through right now, the conditions, environment, whatever you want to call it - is something I don't think we've ever seen before. A while ago, I had this thought while at work: "How many people actually are...
>Dead cup.
Use this thread to discuss the 4chan cup and how rigged it is and shill >yourteam.
Link to the livestream:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-fOVBQ6MKc
This is a communication I saw on the 'Letterbox' textboard, which I believe is a very cool perspective. Letterbox can be found at:
The thread was titled 'Moving On From the Culture War' and read as such:
Here is something I tend to ponder on, and I...
It's been a while hasn't it? Sorry for the delay, rough last month since I moved to a new country, anyways the OP is finally here...
Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole.
Inatius Jacques Reilly is an overweight and unemployed thirty-year-old with a master's degree in Medieval History...
Cosmic Death Fungus - CDF
Was going to post about this on the "Whats something weird you stumbled upon in the internet that doesn't get talked about enough?" thread, but thought it warranted it's own.
Ended up on the 4chan /x/ board while doomscrolling, haven't been there in a long while, and...
On March 18th, 2022, a >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk user named "slava_ukraini_live" posted a video to r/volunteersForUkraine. The video showed a Ukrainian soldier playing a song to several dozen other soldiers
Initially, the comments were very supportive
One redditor said it was "like a Quinten Tarantino film...
I was shitposting on this thread before some guy posted a picture of a canvas with the painting facing away. He said it was painted by a guy who went on to apparently killed his girlfriend and himself. This guy also said that he had bought the...
Its pretty obvious that many users here, me included, come originally from some sort of chan culture. I was wondering what's the opinion of the members of the agora regarding the infamous site, its Japanese parent, and their many offspring.
By this point in my life I view chan culture with a...
Post your favorite /r9k/ music, literally me music/ some of that /wsg/ groove thread stuff is also welcome.
ie: negative xp
I wanted to highlight the rapper Chad Marco, you might have seen this song as its his most popular:
Some others:
Post Gondolas here, I fucking love Gondolas
What is a Gondola?
Gondola was not a mistake. Gondolas are relaxed, harmless creatures that observe their environment. They rarely interfere anything, but just keep observing. They rarely talk, just look around and smile. This makes them very...
Today I bring a classic tale for the Halloween season: the story of the terrifying Mr. Bones Wild Ride. For those unacquainted, Mr. Bones' Wild Ride is a Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 ride that lasts over four years of in-game time, being over 30,696 foot, before dropping them off at a path that leads...
In August of 2012, the fine people at PepsiCo held an online contest to decide the name of their new apple flavoured Mountain Dew. They held it in high hopes of receiving mature and sensible answers that could help them sell a decent product to the public, but this is the internet we are talking...
Good evening, my last post received way more views than expected, statistics showing around 1.4K people had clicked on the article alone, which I find to be absurd. It's clear to me there are a fair amount of users and lurkers who enjoy these posts so tonight I bring you another /x/...
Not my story, it comes from an /x/ thread but I wanted to share it on here. Included are the original posts from the OP and added photos to help with the immersion.
Hello /x/. After a lot of thinking, and a couple of drinks - I have finally decided to share some of my experiences. English is...
I worked a prison in a remote area in southern Iraq miles from umm qasr. At the time I was there it detained 30k prisoners and an additional 3k that no one except people working there knew about. They'd put us in blacked out window commercial buses and drive us an hour away for days at a time to...
/b/, I have a story
It appears a stupid prank amongst co-workers gradually grew until my dumb idea for a joke caused a person to go insane, an attempted suicide, and nearly killed a completely innocent, oblivious pregnant woman.
I'm going to tell this story, and for those of you interested, put...
:peepoCryDrink:This one is from a feels thread that as long been forgotten on 4chan's /b/ board :peepoCryDrink:
Hello /b/, I am throwing away my anonymity in front of you as I share you my story. My real name is Brandon and I come to you tonight to tell you a tale about THAT popular girl.
A type of amplifier that works on waves such as sound waves and RF waves to make them louder exclusively by changing/lowering the local preasure as the wave travels down the widening channel starting through its center cavity
@emanueljoab Navigate to your profile page. On your profile's navbar there's a button called "Awards" click that and there will be a button at the top of the awards list called "Feature"
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