
  1. Some_porcupine

    Agora Road Travelogue (December)

    Life goes on! As previously, here goes the old-new challenge! You know the rules! If dont, look up (November) or Other(s) months! Happy blogging, happy merry xmas and keep your sanity! [prev:] theme could be...
  2. HammerKoopa

    What do you listen to for browsing Agora Road? Not currently listening to 3

    What music gets you in the mood to browse Agora Road or adds to the experience and vibe of the forums when you are here? What do you put on the background that makes you go "This some Agoracore Roadwave Macintosh Cafebeats to shitpost and have schizophrenic thoughts to"? Genres, Bands, Albums...
  3. What are your C O M F Y factors here on agoraroad?

    I've been lurking for a while, I really really like this place. I don't know who the admins or mods or even who does this site, but I can't tell you how refreshing it is to find a place like this on the internet. I feel like when I read the posts here, and cruise around that I am talking to...
  4. no_chill

    How will agoraroad handle an massive influx of new users?

    I really like alternative platforms. Ever since le >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk went down the shitter, the thought police clamped down on edgy subreddits and >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk encouraged bots (at least ⅓ of >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk users are bots) I looked towards other plattforms as alternative. I subsequently stumbled upon ruqqus back then...