cool thread

  1. Aral

    The French-speaking thread

    there was one made in Spanish, so why not make one in French or just any other language Alors, combien d'agoriens ici parlent la langue de Molière? Je ne suis pas sûre qu'il y en ait beaucoup mais sait-on jamais, juste par curiosité...
  2. Weary traveler of the web

    CRINGE THREAD post funny and horridly awkward vids!

    Like the title says, post some of the worst cringe you can find! :schitztroll:
  3. Weary traveler of the web

    Found a cool 1000 watt high pressure sodium lamp

    What should I do with it? :Zorak:
  4. Post Cool Video Game Ads

    Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom / Print ad / ASCII / 1992