
  1. Aevisia

    Asking the date & time in a lucid dream?

    My husband and I stumbled across a video of someone sharing their experience asking dream characters the date and time, and apparently it's something you're not supposed to ask in dreams and causes dream characters to flip out. I'm curious if anyone here has tried it and what your experience...
  2. Aevisia

    dream & sleep paralysis hag

    I just finished reading someone's post here about the shadow hat man dude, and I never had this experience but I've always had to deal with the old hag. Anyone else see the old hag? Thankfully I have never had any sleep paralysis with her but I have had multiple nightmares with her throughtout...
  3. Polonius

    Deja Vu

    To begin with, I sincerely apologize if this should be moved to a post in another thread, I glanced around and didn't see one that looked quite appropriate, so I totally understand if this post should be moved somewhere else. Any ways, anyone ever been struck with particularly heavy feelings of...
  4. InternetGeist

    Pseudo-Enlightenments From Dreams

    There is a dream thread already but this one is a bit special. I had a dream with double layers recently. In the deeper layer, I was revealed the truth of reality: reality has 3 spheres that are parallel and have constant interactions with each other. Gods reside in the first sphere, every...
  5. Rams969

    You dreams and their meaning

    I always loved to talk about dreams with people, because even if yours dreams are completely surreal and nonsensical there is still meaning in them about yourself and your psyche, or maybe there is stuff from beyond that tries to communicate with you if you are that psycho. So as my first thread...
  6. SomaSpice

    Agora Road Dream Journal

    Heya guys. I thought it would be pretty cool if we could document any dreams we wanted to share, maybe peer a bit into the psyches of the road's travellers. I'll start with a short and silly one: I dreamt a while ago about fruits comitting suicide. Like, a strawberry grabbing a magnum...


    I dont want to believe that our lives are only routine, rules, and repeat. Have you ever dreamt a girl, a strange girl and got obsessed with her(personally i got obsessed with a character of my novel, and it is the reason i wrote the novel)? The most real things are those that you dont see(polar...
  8. SomaSpice

    If you had infinite time and resources, what would you do?

    How about we daydream a little bit bros? If I had infinite time and resources I would learn to draw and compose music so I could then do a multimedia masterpiece all by myself. I would make a video game where every frame is filled with maximalist aesthetic flair, and almost everything is synced...
  9. Screen.Thief

    What's stopping you from accomplishing your dreams?

    I'm sure many of you can remember the day you dedicated your life to something, or made such an impactful decision in your life that was supposed to change it forever. And as time moved on; things changed, ideas shifted, you met someone who opened your mind to other experiences, possibilities...
  10. Soundstation116

    Dreams feeling more real than reality itself??

    I have an issue that's been plaguing me for damn near years at this point. Does anyone elses dreams feel more real than reality itself? Like do you ever just feel like you were awake when in the dream but waking up in the real world feels like a dream in the sense it doesn't feel real? does...
  11. LostintheCycle

    Dream-Like Experiences (but not quite dreams)

    There's a handful of threads around this website talking about dreaming which is cool, since I am very interested in dreaming. But there's a few experiences I've had which I would only loosely call dreaming but have abnormal qualities. I'll start this thread off with a handful of my own: Once...
  12. EatFakePlants


    I'm curious to see what y'all think about dreams. It's kind of crazy to me that as humans we can near-perfectly simulate emotions and stimuli in our brains while we sleep, so well in fact that we sometimes have trouble remembering if a memory was real or a dream. We've got the capacity to...
  13. Aral

    Your recurring dream/"daydream" places

    I don't know if it's a common thing but I notice that oftentimes, I go to the same places in my dreams. I'm pretty good at remembering my dreams, I have a little notebook by my bedside just in case I have a particularly big one, and often when I dream that I am somewhere just get the sense I've...
  14. Theordance.png


  15. Neonriser

    Latest Dream You Remember?

    I had a dream last night where I was in a library when I saw this kid throwing crabs everywhere. I tried to tell him to stop doing it, but he always screams at the top of his lungs over me. What is the last dream you had that you'd like to share?
  16. CognacDefender

    Dreams and dream discussion

    A few users have said that I should start a thread focused on dreams as I have been recording my own on my status. This thread is for posting dream experiences, topics relating to dreams and tips on having cooler and/or more lucid dreams.
  17. Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, Out of Body Experiences, Near Death Experiences, Trances?

    Hello all, I'm interested in perhaps starting a nice mega thread regarding these topics and anything about them, your experiences with any of them, how you may feel about them, and everything else really. The first time I heard of astral projection was after watching Insidious (2010) for the...