
  1. nsequeira119

    Watching So-Called "Edgelord" Movies With A Nuanced View

    For at least the last decade, people have noticed a sort of trend in certain films- these sorts of films haven't come out in a while, but they all share a common plot structure and general sentiment, and therefore I and many others would argue that they can be categorized into a genre unto...
  2. AnHero

    It's Time for the Smart, Wisecracking 'Meta-Movie' to Die

    The new "Scream" sequel, "The Matrix Resurrections" and every Marvel film ever indulges in nudge-nudge moments of fan service now. (This is an article from vice. Proof that a broken clock is right twice a day.) Remember when being a nerd was uncool? If you were born in or after the 90s, the...