


    I dont want to believe that our lives are only routine, rules, and repeat. Have you ever dreamt a girl, a strange girl and got obsessed with her(personally i got obsessed with a character of my novel, and it is the reason i wrote the novel)? The most real things are those that you dont see(polar...
  2. The Perennialism Thread

    Well it's time for another open minded heresy on my end. A whole thread dedicated to perennial philosophy. What is perennial philosophy? Perennial philosophy is the idea that all religions and spiritual practices have some degree of truth in them and that by comparing them together we can find...
  3. selfKaiHarness

    To the uninformed group of Agora Road, we're all playing a game that the one true creator made.

    (No, i'm not talking about EA or shit like that. This has to stop with the jokes.) What I'm talking about isn't some hoax or whatever bullshit. It has come to my attention to me that after learning and remembering of who I am that we're all playing a game that our true creator has created...