7 year old post predicts UFO disclosure and alien contact in 2021?


The Dreaded Pirate of Agora Road
May 29, 2018
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Hey everyone, so I found out about this yesterday on a thread on /x/ which had a link to reddit. costanzayeahrightsmirk That basically has this man claiming that he has been abducted by "greys" and he predicted the UFO disclosure that has been happening recently with the pentagon and the navy. He said that a full alien disclosure will happen around june 8th or 18th and its really eire. There this other post that claims to be from the galactic federation and claims to have information and videos of the true history of the human race that will also be released in June. What are your opinions on it? Is it a marketing scheme? but what is the product? a 7 year old troll? or a legit disclosure event?

Here is the post from 7years ago /u/Throwawayalien

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1r034d/alien_abductees_of_reddit_or_people_who_have/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

This is a post from the same guy 8 hours ago. Update: Heres an Archive https://archive.is/p24QA

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/nk2x4q/july_18_and_hoaxers/

This is from the alien

Here is a composition n of all of the events


The exact date of the "Alien contact" is July 18th 2021.

He said that u/TheTraveler3649 and all other people like him are hoaxers.

u/Throawaylien was abducted and tortured by the US government.

u/Throawaylien's mental health has been severally damaged because of the multiple abductions and painful tests.

The aliens do not care about us. they are not "bad", but sometimes, they can harm or even kill the abductees.

The aliens fought each other thousands of years ago.

The aliens "changed their program" and on July 18th, they're going to take all the people they've been in contact with "somewhere", possibly to their home planet.

there are millions of civilizations out there. some planets have only plant or aquatic lifeforms.

the aliens know and have proof that the whole universe is somekind of simulation.

there are 7 Earth-like planets in the "whole world" as he said, 3 of them (including Earth) are being studied by aliens, because they believe that one of them "might be the center of the whole thing" (holding the secrets of the universe ?).

He claims that most people who got abducted, have either lost their minds or committed suicide.

While onbard the ships, he saw several maps, showing that on July 18th (the date of the Contact) something is going to happen in west Africa, China, Wyoming, Utah and Colorado.

He doesn't know exactly what the aliens are going to do on July 18th 2021. he does not exclude the "invasion and colonisation" hypothesis.

He said that this will be his last post. he doesn't care anymore. he lost everything in his life and he's "tired" and wants all this suffering to end (suicidal thoughts ?)


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Here's a comment he made like, an hour ago on his recent post.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/nk2wzl/july_18_and_hoaxers/gzc4q9k/?context=3

He made another one before this just saying "7 18 Goodbye"
I honestly don't know how to feel about this stuff, if it's a hoax or if it's not or anything, can't really know unless something happens. It's a lot to take in. I hope things work out for him any way this goes. If something happens I hope it works out for us too.


who cares
May 25, 2021
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A fun ARG if nothing else, I seriously doubt anything will come of this. Who knows though, whacky times we live in. I was always in the "if anything, UFOs are just weapons tests by the US military that are undisclosed" but the frequency of the military itself and high ranking security officials saying they have no idea what's going on does cast doubt on that.
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A fun ARG if nothing else, I seriously doubt anything will come of this. Who knows though, whacky times we live in. I was always in the "if anything, UFOs are just weapons tests by the US military that are undisclosed" but the frequency of the military itself and high ranking security officials saying they have no idea what's going on does cast doubt on that.
I feel like ARGs are usually intentional, planned out games, but u/throwawayalien really doesn't seem like he's planning any of this out. It kind of seems like he might be genuinely distressed, whether that's because of aliens or because of stuff going on in his life that isn't supernatural. I think he's less likely to be an ARG, more likely to be someone that's really scared and confused. I really think this guy is actually terrified, not sure I think it's for real aliens though. I said hoax earlier, which was a bad way for me to put it. It sucks reading the >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk comments and seeing how mean people are being to him, I hope stuff works out for him regardless of what ever is happening.

I think r/TrueHistoryOfEarth is definitely an ARG, but I'm really hoping they commit to making an ARG and actually post a bunch of videos and shit.
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The Dreaded Pirate of Agora Road
May 29, 2018
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The Dreaded Pirate of Agora Road
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Worth mentioning that The Eternals is based on a Marvel comic so they're relevant to how it's advertised. It kinda seems like something they'd do if they knew to, but it also seems like something they wouldn't know how to do, or ever even think to do, so I'm not sure. The posts but u/throawaylien don't really follow a lot of the storyline of The Eternals either.

I think if it is a marketing campaign then r/TrueHistoryOfEarth is the only part of it, not u/throawaylien. TrueHistory acts like they're both related, but u/throawaylien said they're not. TrueHistory already feels like an ARG or something to me, and I'm interested to see how that plays out tbh

:peepoRiot:I'm also gonna riot if it is a marketing campaign because that's the least fun option so this may be a biased take
May 27, 2021
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I believe this could be a long running hoax, but with today's news I'm not so sure given how everyone is now slightly taking the UFO topic at the helm of society.
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who cares
May 25, 2021
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Wow they deleted their comments, luckily I have a screenshot but it didnt get the edited part though

And check this out :kekCaught:
Hahaha glad to know that I wasn't far off with the ARG claim earlier. Thanks for screenshoting these.

Yeah, it does seem the vibe between the user who posted the older stuff and the subreddit aren't connected. But I honestly just think the former is a schizo who got lucky with the timing. People have been making claims about the revealing of things like aliens on the internet since the usenet days. Just seems like a coincidence.
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@IlluminatiPirate I can't shake the accuracy of the prediction in line with the "disclosure" that the pentagon are releasing. I personally don't subscribe to the currently accepted space model and believe that the UFO's are terrestrial and from either an unknown (to us) part of Earth or from inner Earth (Agartha)
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hello I mixed up June and July and I'm going to own that mistake and contribute updated info instead

u/throawaylien has deleted his account on >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk and several of his posts. r/TrueHistoryOfEarth admitted to being a hoax in a >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk post, said he'd post images he staged and a rickroll on June 1st even though this is staged, but never did it. It's the most recent post on the subreddit if you wanna check it out
hello I mixed up June and July and I'm going to own that mistake and contribute updated info instead

u/throawaylien has deleted his account on >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk and several of his posts. r/TrueHistoryOfEarth admitted to being a hoax in a >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk post, said he'd post images he staged and a rickroll on June 1st even though this is staged, but never did it. It's the most recent post on the subreddit if you wanna check it out
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The Dreaded Pirate of Agora Road
May 29, 2018
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