I often see places like /lit/ or >reddit make yearly top 100 charts of the whole communities favorite books, so I thought I would try doing the same here. I lowered it to 50 as the community is smaller here. Basically how this will work is we fill out this form and all of the entries that get more than one suggestion will make it onto the list. There isn't really a time limit to respond, I'll probably just make it whenever there are enough responses to fill the chart.
I assume we only take books and not short stories. I also assume we only pick ones that are available on english. This will leave me with The Brothers Karamazov as my absolute best choice.
(I mean, no one but me will pick a book that is russian language only either way)
I assume we only take books and not short stories. I also assume we only pick ones that are available on english. This will leave me with The Brothers Karamazov as my absolute best choice.
(I mean, no one but me will pick a book that is russian language only either way)
If you want to submit short stories and untranslated novels then be my guest! I think the only limiting principle in terms of what I wouldn't count would be graphic novels/manga/visual novels or something that is outside what is strictly defined as literature.
Well, then I say Konstantin Sluchevsky's The Professor Of Immortality. I've only finished it recently, but it really hit me as one of the best things I've ever read. Kind of wish Walk In The Rain could read it, with his "evidence for Christianity" threads, wonder what he would've said.
To bring some names from around the world, I also want to say The Apology Of Socrates by Plato and The City Of The Sun by Tommaso Campanella. And, just to make it five - White Fang by Jack London. Not anyhow philosophical, just a... personal favorite.
Well, then I say Konstantin Sluchevsky's The Professor Of Immortality. I've only finished it recently, but it really hit me as one of the best things I've ever read. Kind of wish Walk In The Rain could read it, with his "evidence for Christianity" threads, wonder what he would've said.
To bring some names from around the world, I also want to say The Apology Of Socrates by Plato and The City Of The Sun by Tommaso Campanella. And, just to make it five - White Fang by Jack London. Not anyhow philosophical, just a... personal favorite.
All super interesting picks. I used to be a big fan of London's Call of the Wild as a kid. I can't speak to any of the other ones but I looked up Campanellas City of the Sun and the description of it having some kind of "osmosis between the city and the stars" reminded me of this
I would have to put Goodloe Byron's book "The Abstract" somewhere on there, but I know more than one person won't recommend that, meanwhile "Infinite Jest" will probably get like 75 entries
Also The Illustrated Man, Lord of The Rings, Dune... dang there are so many good books
This is a cool idea, looking forward to seeing the results
I would have to put Goodloe Byron's book "The Abstract" somewhere on there, but I know more than one person won't recommend that, meanwhile "Infinite Jest" will probably get like 75 entries
Also The Illustrated Man, Lord of The Rings, Dune... dang there are so many good books
This is a cool idea, looking forward to seeing the results
I assume we only take books and not short stories. I also assume we only pick ones that are available on english. This will leave me with The Brothers Karamazov as my absolute best choice.
(I mean, no one but me will pick a book that is russian language only either way)
This part really narrows it down to "I have no idea". Translating is hard, and while I am sure that the most famous books has been translated, I have no idea which lesser known creations got the honors. Plus if the translation is good, because good translation is twice as hard. I do not dare to translate my short stories onto english, if anything.
But, well, running the checks I can see there is about a dozen translations of Pasternak's "To Be Famous..." - https://ruverses.com/boris-pasternak/to-be-famous/
The Doom Of Principal City by Yefim Zozulya apparently got translated? I do not see it on LibGen, if anything.
Tsiolkovsky's Beyond Earth or Outside The Earth anthology is, apparently, rather famous and translated.
Aaand that's about it, it seems. For what I've decided to run a quick check for, at least, picking about ten titles from the top of my head. Would be cool to find something more deep and philosophical, like Life by Aleksei Fyodorovich Losev (I still kind of hope it is findable, since the name of this particular novel is bad for the search engines) or The Mask And The Soul by Fyodor Shalyapin, but, apparently, it's impossible.
Also, of note, pretty much anything by Anton Chekhov is good if you're into classic satire. Here's a very short example:
(The Idle Meditations of Shtyck-Junker Krokodilov)
Both adults and children may go to pubs, but only children can go to school.
Alcohol relaxes the metabolism, aids fat deposits, gladdens a man's heart. School isn't capable of all that.
Lomonosov said: "Science nourishes youth, glee to elders grants". But Vladimir the Great often said: "Drinking is the joy of Rus". Which of the two to believe? Surely the older one.
Tax revenues certainly don't come from schools.
The uses of enlightenment haven't been established, but the harm it brings is clear.
Rousing the appetite calls not for a diploma but for a shot of vodka.
There's a pub everyplace, but schools are far from everywhere.
All this is sufficient to conclude: pubs shouldn't be abolished, but schools merit reconsideration.
Literacy can't be altogether dismissed. Such dismissal would be madness. A man ought to be able to read: "Drinking House".
Sike, you crypto-fascist bastard! That's a Russian Futurist painting, not an Italian one! While Marinetti was busy sucking Mussolini's cock, Malevich was perfecting the movement that Marinetti created! It's like artistic hyper-psychic-cuckoldry.
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