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Welcome to the 7th mensual Agora Road Travelogue!
Initially inspired by the Bring Back Blogging movement, this is an Agora Road version to encourage y'all to WRITE STUFF!
A: Feel free to submit blog posts here on the forum. But its BIGLY encouraged to make one! It's not too hard to start, don't let perfect get in the way of good, let your crude initial aesthetic be, let your content shine. The Personal Web thread may be able to point you in the right direction.
Q: Am I limited to 2 posts?
A: No, but you will need to submit at least 2 otherwise you're a poser and will be publicly shamed
Q: Any restrictions on content?
A: Other than the content being one's own, no, but please do not abuse this.
Thank you to all who participate, write away!
Previous Threads: August '23 | September '23 | October '23 | November '23 | December '23 | January '24
Prior Participants: @Voicedrew | @Some_porcupine | @RisingThumb | @andreixyz | @shrapnelnet | @HammerKoopa | @whiteVHS | @imacop | @grap | @Jade | @no_chill | @microbyte | @agoratoad | @nakadashi | @ZinRicky
Helpful Articles: reasons to write and publish | How I approach crafting a blog post | Blog about what you want | Some blogging myths
Initially inspired by the Bring Back Blogging movement, this is an Agora Road version to encourage y'all to WRITE STUFF!
- Commit to writing 2 blog posts in this month of February.
- Indicate, in some way, that you are participating in the Travelogue on the blog post you are submitting.
- Upon publishing your post, you must comment in this thread your 1) Article's title 2) Link to article.
- Consider joining ZinRicky's RSS feed like a baws
A: Feel free to submit blog posts here on the forum. But its BIGLY encouraged to make one! It's not too hard to start, don't let perfect get in the way of good, let your crude initial aesthetic be, let your content shine. The Personal Web thread may be able to point you in the right direction.
Q: Am I limited to 2 posts?
A: No, but you will need to submit at least 2 otherwise you're a poser and will be publicly shamed
Q: Any restrictions on content?
A: Other than the content being one's own, no, but please do not abuse this.
Thank you to all who participate, write away!
Previous Threads: August '23 | September '23 | October '23 | November '23 | December '23 | January '24
Prior Participants: @Voicedrew | @Some_porcupine | @RisingThumb | @andreixyz | @shrapnelnet | @HammerKoopa | @whiteVHS | @imacop | @grap | @Jade | @no_chill | @microbyte | @agoratoad | @nakadashi | @ZinRicky
Helpful Articles: reasons to write and publish | How I approach crafting a blog post | Blog about what you want | Some blogging myths
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