Agora Road Travelogue (October Blogging)


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Feb 26, 2023
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Just keeping @Voicedrew's train going for October (August + September threads)

Initially inspired by the Bring Back Blogging movement, this is an Agora version to encourage y'all to WRITE STUFF!

Agora Road Travelogue
  1. Join ZinRickys RSS feed like a baws
  2. Commit to writing 2 blog posts in this month of October.
  3. Indicate, in some way, that you are participating in the Travelogue on the blog post you are submitting.
  4. Upon publishing your post, you must comment in this thread your 1) Article's title 2) Link to article 3) Date posted.
Q: What if I don't have a website to publish on?
A: Feel free to submit blog posts either here on Agora, (as @no_chill tends to). But its BIGLY encouraged to make one! It's not too hard to start, don't let perfect get in the way of good, let your crude initial aesthetic be, let your content shine. The personal web thread may be able to point you in the right direction.

Also, here are 2 perhaps helpful articles: How I approach crafting a blog post & Blog about what you want

Q: Am I limited to 2 posts?
A: No, but you will need to submit at least 2 otherwise you're a poser and will be publicly shamed

Q: Any restrictions on content?
A: Other than the content being one's own, no, but please do not abuse this.

Q: Is this restricted to members of Agora Road?
A: Submission are restricted to those who are members as of October 1st.

Thank you to all who participate, write away!

P.S. @Voicedrew is working on a big site update (including the webring page), but the plan is for him to have a page hosting every month's articles, like this one for August. Stay tuned!
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Feb 26, 2023
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Jun 2, 2023
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We've also had a few flirt with the idea: @Jade, @h00, @bnuungus, @maskedwallaby, @Mew - Come join, the water is fine!
I'm workin' on it:
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Link of link of link, about
Dad issues or his issues too as well
And our fam bizzare complexes (skill issues)

(E: *↓) AGORA ROAD TRAVELOGUE - OCTOBER <I.> Addendum: Mom is operating on way of "if I got no evidence you are making things up", she tries to care, but in our family this is just too over. Can my body lie? Why I feel what I feel? Is it just skill issues? Even if, why is it so hard to start/get over! Cursed cycle. Reminds me of no edu - no job Cycle. Same principle, - even, skill issue... I thought this talk is over, but no; I can still write about this same theme. *So as of I ran out of ideas, I'd edit the header of this Addendum: ^... (+crosspost)
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blog ii - october


#2 - oct. ii.: "faking feeling Fine"

#2 | cca 0:45~1:05, 10/10/23
hello dear reader! here we go again, with my new blogpost, no.2, maybe even just 1 1/2!
today/-night, i want to talk about feeling of faking things(,) in your head. also could be wannabe called as (much term) "toxic positivity". but not only that!
other cases might be:)) feeling lost - so, creating to-be anchor, fixed point. so-to oversimplifying, generalizing things. you hate to do this, but dont know any other way! you know, feel that something is "off", smell funny(-bad). - but, only just to pinpointto that!
~ hm. wrapping shit into staniol and pretending that; "it has to be this way!"; <art> second-guessing. also also also, pretendingit has "to-be!", ignoring, blaming... but really; - you can only get away with hiding something only for so long ~ as the saying goes, <hm>
"dovtedy sa chodí s krčahom po vodu kým sa nerozbije/ucho neutrhne". (-) you can only pretend so many ways so much to fake-cope, until it will start to(?) make you feel guilty. and you start to feel like shit. and (to) forget. and (i)dk why... and you start to get used to it/that. "when/why?" but all there "is" is(,) that; one era of life you was happy - and another, you hate *it*, but you (start) to relate much(,) to "aftergifted; iam14andthisisdeep (and) miss 2000s, 2009"s. "*just*" development!?
one day, you blink, and wake up as someone totally new. once happy and then, as one of those "failed" teens... <flaw in society?> /
~ you just fake; so to not bother. maybe you want to cry, to tell... but there is no place no time; no reason. ~ you'll grow apathic. if no one why me - if not me why (then) others do... /
fake, as a shortcut. it takes too long to figure out the feeling u r feeling? try faking "fine (good)!" state! /s* ~ and you want to blame, and cry and scream - but it seems so pointless, futile, frustrating, annoying, takes time energy... <"this_is_fine"_meme.jpeg> you want people to actually see, but (you) are(?) afraid, but so too(,) await, to just implode, like some supernova in(to) one giant fit of rage
(*dont do that! dont supress things-emotions!)
- like kaiju, or berserk beast, and or, an evangelion (unit) #male, feem feelz XD?
Virtual Cafe Awards
blog ii - october
View attachment 77307

#2 - oct. ii.: "faking feeling Fine"
what chat gtp said:

Your blog post seems to delve into the theme of "faking feeling fine" or experiencing a sense of disconnection between your outward appearance and your inner emotions. It touches on the idea of toxic positivity, masking true feelings, and the consequences of not addressing these emotions honestly. Here's a breakdown and reflection on your post:
  1. Toxic Positivity: Toxic positivity refers to the habit of pretending to be happy or positive all the time, even when you're not. It's a way of denying or suppressing negative emotions. Your post highlights how this can be damaging in the long run, leading to feelings of guilt and self-deception.
  2. Creating Anchors: You mention the tendency to create fixed points or anchors when you're feeling lost. This is a coping mechanism to try to make sense of the world when things feel uncertain or overwhelming. However, it can also lead to oversimplification and denial of complex emotions.
  3. Feeling "Off": Sometimes, you might sense that something is not right in your life, but you can't pinpoint exactly what it is. This can be frustrating and may lead to pretending that everything is okay when it's not.
  4. Hiding Emotions: The post discusses the idea that you can only hide your true feelings for so long before it starts to affect you negatively. It emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and expressing emotions rather than pretending they don't exist.
  5. Apathy and Identity: Faking emotions can lead to apathy and a sense of losing one's identity. You mention transitioning from a happier state to feeling like one of the "failed" teens, which reflects the impact of societal expectations and pressures.
  6. Communication: The post touches on the desire to communicate your true feelings but feeling like there's no place, time, or reason to do so. This can lead to bottling up emotions and growing apathetic.
  7. Suppression and Implosion: You describe the urge to blame, cry, and scream but feeling like it's pointless or takes too much time and energy. This can lead to emotional suppression, which, as you rightly point out, is not a healthy way to cope with emotions.
The post offers a thoughtful exploration of the complex interplay between emotions, societal expectations, and coping mechanisms. It underscores the importance of finding healthy ways to process and express your feelings, rather than resorting to faking emotions or suppressing them. It's essential to prioritize mental and emotional well-being and seek support when needed.

.well, basically, i guess
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Shameless Germaniboo
Aug 8, 2021
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Congratulations to all of the participants so far: @Some_porcupine, @RisingThumb, @Voicedrew (leading by example), @andreixyz, @shrapnelnet, @HammerKoopa, @whiteVHS + a pat on the back to lidle ol' me.

We've also had a few flirt with the idea: @Jade, @h00, @bnuungus, @maskedwallaby, @Mew - Come join, the water is fine!
Question - do write-ups on my site topic (webcomics) count as blogging? I do intend to add an actual blogging page to my site very soon, but if comic write-ups count than I can join in right away!
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Feb 26, 2023
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This is beautiful.

EDIT: The post I was working on this week, had me reflecting on friendship quite a bit. It was originally going to culminate on a friendship unnecessarily lost. But the more I thought about that particular relationship, the less I felt it as a friendship even though it had a lot of the elements of one. Just like with your writing, it's something you feel, something you know, can tell apart. And fleeting, indeed.
Last edited:
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Feb 26, 2023
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My Lolcow & Me

This, like the post above me, is in relation to a "friend". This past week I had the realization that "friend" wasn't really what they were though. And that got me reminiscing and that + a LOT of caffeine, got me writing and with a lot of effort I managed to push this out.

This... took me days. Part of it was really easy to write, and part of it was really hard to write. The ending in particular went through multiple versions until I landed on something I was happy with. Lots of pacing and head banging. It could have easily ended up in my drafts pile like quite a few others but I stuck with it, even when the hours kept melting away.

Unfortunately, this is not my IndieWeb submission and while I really want to meet that deadline, I'm not sure if I'll get the chance. This might be it for the month. :njWojak: I am a firm quality > quantity idealist. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

EDIT: Also it's longer than what I personally prefer / usually do, apologies!
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Imaginary manifestation of fun
Sep 9, 2021
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Very nice blog. Regarding laughter and superiority theory, I'd suggest looking at the Nietzschean division of laughter as that of the herd which follows superiority theory, and that of the Übermensch which is more whimsical, and lightens burdens. This is probably an origin of self-deprecating humour as it lightens the burden of what we dislike about ourselves. There is also the incongruity theory about laughter, which I think describes wit and whimsy. Which is a very Schopenhauer idea(the fellow that Nietzsche once idolised then completely broke away from and wrote a lot of his ideas in defiance of).
Unbelievable were the moments where things just... worked out for him. Frequent too, beyond that of a broken clock. A "man of action", and that's not meant to be a compliment; if he had thoughts I can practically guarantee they were worthless. But fortune favors the bold, and it never audits the source.
When I read this, I think of the Basilisk. Great kings of men tried to fight the basilisk and its noxious fumes left them petrified, but nature creates its antithesis to every thesis- the joke that is the Weasel, which could slay the Basilisk. To me, embodiment of the Weasel is about embodying whimsy in your life, as it is capable of slaying the Basilisk in life and that Basilisk is usually our great fears. I would generally say, the smarter you are, the harder it is to embody the weasel.

Also regarding "fortune favors the bold", I'd recommend a read of "Meet the Godess of Good Luck" in richest man of Babylon. It's a 12 page read, and the summary is "Opportunities multiply as you seize them", and "Some of those opportunities are bound to be opportunities considered Good luck" and "People who sit and ignore opportunities whine about bad luck".

The way you wrote it, with references to Don Quixote, also reminded me a bit of my time reading Candide or Optimism in how Naive a lot of people view the world, and how random outcomes are, with fools being well-off and poor-off, and wisemen and bold men ending up destitute and rich. It's a short entertaining read I'd similarly recommend.
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Feb 26, 2023
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Yo I can't make a post tonight, but I don't wanna be a one-post shame. Would it be say possible to get a singular day extension?
I don't think there's a problem with a single day extension. For what it's worth, I'm staying a "one-post shame" this month. That said, I still think that the rules requiring 2 is good motivation and should not be changed. Whether @Voicedrew accepts the submission or not, at least you wrote something, yo! Can be a good reflection too, possibly. Why weren't you able to write 2 posts this month? Especially if you really wanted to.. What got in the way? Was it a legitimate reason? Or self-inflicted? What changes could you make to your process next month to avoid this outcome? And, maybe, the opposite for others too... Maybe 2 posts came too easily to you? Were you prioritizing the quota? We're you rushing to get it over with and chose certain topics over others? This experience is as much about the process, as the result. Consider "playing with these dials" in November, you never know what might pop-out!
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