I was reading
@Eden's blog and as a consequence found out about
https://bringback.blog/, an effort in January 2022 to get people to write blog posts. I thought that was pretty based, so I will be doing something similar on here.
Agora Road Travelogue
- Members will commit to writing 2 blog posts in this month of August.
- Authors will indicate, in some way, that they are participating in the Travelogue on the blog post they are submitting.
- Authors, upon publishing, must comment in this thread their 1) Article's title 2) Link to post 3) Date posted.
- Posts will be added to an RSS feed, the posts will be ordered chronologically.
- Submissions will close on August 31, 11:59 EST.
Q: What if I don't have a website to publish on?
A: Feel free to submit blog posts either here on Agora, (as
@no_chill tends to), or publish on any of the many blogging sites (medium, for instance).
Q: Am I limited to 2 posts?
A: No, but you will need to submit at least 2 to be included in the final RSS Feed.
Q: Any restrictions on content?
A: Other than the content being one's own, no, but please do not abuse this.
Q: Is this restricted to members of Agora Road?
A: Submission are restricted to those who are members as of August 2.
Thank you to all who participate, write away!