Are ragebait comments or post getting more numerous?

Andy Kaufman

i know
Feb 19, 2022
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No i don't think you understand. You can post whatever you want, you cannot control others posting whatever they want, even if what they want its to call you cringe. You get as personal as you like, and deal with the consequences of it, nobody posts their address for obvious reasons. As i said. you do what you want, I do what I want. Play your position, Cry if you must.
ok tough guy!
are you ok if I keep using you as an example for a dick though or will you then start crying again?
I don't want anything you tagged me because you want things to not be like the way I do it. Be yourself but don't cry over me being myself. I don't talk for others
you obviously want something. to ruffle feathers most of the time. that's why I mentioned you. Or did that ruffle your feathers?

a bunch of people come together to laugh at you for being cringe, you are of popular interest. Some user are some aren't, stop trying to put other users that have their struggles in the the spotlight, you are obviously not qualified. That is my position, play yours
What? I don't even know what you're trying to say here. I share something personal sometimes. Others do too. I gave an example. End of story. No qualifications needed.
Not trying to put the spotlight on anyone. But it seems like you have a little double standard going on. Like it's ok when some do it but not ok when others do it. Or is that just deliberate part of being abrasive again?

Impossible to know, but the ones that were quantifiably popular and heavily used, I was there, that is where I come from never used a underground toe licking forum.
me neither. just saying that quippy one liners like yours are now more popular on YouTube/social media than they were on old forums where people knew each other.

If there is no bites, there is no reason for the fisherman to be there. That is my point. USI makes it so that you want someone to shoot the fisherman in the back of the head for being himself.
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Jun 6, 2023
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Kinda yea, you're famous on the site instantly. rig is an agora road e celeb so is nsequeira. One is loved one is hated.

Whoah. nsequeira? Hated? Are you aware of how much entertainment he brought to the board with his last thread?

The Chibi One

Black Satan's Top Guy
Sep 1, 2024
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What OP refers to is not a modernised version of ragebait but an aspect of the general shittification of algorithm-worshiping social media and their user bases. They will bombard their user base with terrible or rage-inducing news to keep them emotionally invested and therefore engaged with the medium in question. Bored people with nothing better to do latch onto the latest YouTuber drama or horrible crime or political circus news because to them they are all the same thing: something comprehensible that can keep the occupied on their preferred social medium. It's easier to just talk in circles with bots about some terrible child abuse case that occurred halfway across the world and which you would normally not ever hear about instead of actually doing something to help children (or anyone really) in your vicinity.

In a way, subscribing to the dead Internet theory can be very liberating. Just as an example, there are recent news about Youtuber/musician drama about them being a neonazi. Drama and rap channels picked up on it, and their socials were flooded with posts calling them out. All this happened because some dumb thot posted an Instagram story stating the neonazi part.

Sometimes you have to ask yourself the following: This person is not a bot, but if they were a bot, would their reply to this information be different than it is now? And you will realise most ragebait news and drama discourse is predicated on bots and people so basic they might as well be bots.

Nsequiera gets props from some people on this forum by actually putting himself out there instead of ragebaiting from a nondescript account. But what OP mentions does not apply to old-style fora, because the function of this particular style of rage news is to keep you engaged all the time so that they can brag to their stockholders about average user engagement.
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Jan 22, 2023
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eok tough guy!
are you ok if I keep using you as an example for a dick though or will you then start crying again?

you obviously want something. to ruffle feathers most of the time. that's why I mentioned you. Or did that ruffle your feathers?
I want to joke around yes. You don't like it? Some do. Sounds like a personal issue toe sucker. You tagged me I answered, it is a public forum. What you want me to do? lol

What? I don't even know what you're trying to say here. I share something personal sometimes. Others do too. I gave an example. End of story. No qualifications needed.
Not trying to put the spotlight on anyone. But it seems like you have a little double standard going on. Like it's ok when some do it but not ok when others do it. Or is that just deliberate part of being abrasive again?
You are putting the spotlight on a user who has their own struggles and by your own admission do not wishes to be on the spotlight. Yes its a double standard because you do not know how to discern when something is funny and when you are putting a user who has their own struggles and by your own admission do not wishes to be on the spotlight. I don't think aral would appreciate this(aral if you are reading this I am very sorry.)

You just don't think its funny when i call you toe sucker, some people might some people might not. But you don't know how to discern funny from sperging. Joking with bullying, Crying with Raging. Fine line. And before you reply it is not me who decides or you its the community in general.

me neither. just saying that quippy one liners like yours are now more popular on YouTube/social media than they were on old forums where people knew each other.
Citation needed? LOL

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Andy Kaufman

i know
Feb 19, 2022
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I want to joke around yes. You don't like it? Some do. Sounds like a personal issue toe sucker. You tagged me I answered, it is a public forum. What you want me to do? lol
Not always but it's usually funny. Sometimes just comes off a little forced (because well.. it is).
I'm just poking you now because I find it funny when jokers like you get called out. all defensive all of a sudden :p.

You are putting the spotlight on a user who has their own struggles and by your own admission do not wishes to be on the spotlight.
What? She posts those stories publically and also goes more in depth on her blog which she linked here too. She wants people to read it, dude. Why you splitting hairs?

Yes its a double standard because you do not know how to discern when something is funny and when you are putting a user who has their own struggles and by your own admission do not wishes to be on the spotlight. I don't think aral would appreciate this(aral if you are reading this I am very sorry.)
Are you retarded? Genuine question. So if share something personal and you make fun of it it's ok and funny. But when I just dare to mention that other users also share something personal on a public forum you turn into a fucking white knight?
How dare I mention Aral who makes public profile posts?
Did you eat paint as a kid? How many buckets?
You're a funny clown. I give you that.

You just don't think its funny when i call you toe sucker, some people might some people might not. But you don't know how to discern funny from sperging. Joking with bullying, Crying with Raging. Fine line. And before you reply it is not me who decides or you its the community in general.
Well I just think that you're being 2 faced when I share something personal and you just ignore it for a funny jab but then turn into a moralfag when it's about someone else. Like why not make fun of everyone equally then?
Jesus christ are you a snake... If this is all a troll then hats off, you got me good!
Virtual Cafe Awards


Jan 22, 2023
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Not always but it's usually funny. Sometimes just comes off a little forced (because well.. it is).I'm just poking you now because I find it funny when jokers like you get called out. all defensive all of a sudden :p.
You tagged me homie.

What? She posts those stories publically and also goes more in depth on her blog. She wants people to read it, dude. Why you splitting hairs?
Are you retarded? Genuine question. So if share something personal and you make fun of it it's ok and funny. But when I just dare to mention that other users also share something personal on a public forum you turn into a fucking white knight?
How dare I mention Aral who makes public profile posts?
I don't think you understand. There is a line, I don't think you can discern it. I don't talk for others. I make fun of you. Me, nobody else's name is dragged on it. I would never say X thinks this or that or does this or that. Especially on something personal like that. I don't talk for others it is very disrespectful. But then again that is a personal issue. Do what you wish, I just want my position to be clear. I do not condone this. Again you are not able to discern things.
Well I just think that you're being 2 faced when I share something personal and you just ignore it for a funny jab but then turn into a moralfag when it's about someone else. Like why not make fun of everyone equally then?
Jesus christ are you a snake... If this is all a troll then hats off, you got me good!
OHHHHH i get it. You just don't like it because I wish to make fun of you instead of others. I make fun of whoever I want lol.
Get over yourself toe sucker. Not only you wanna dictate the way I make fun of people now you wanna dictate who i make fun off too lol. Why don't you just write my post for me too no toe sucking jokes there. Wtf? lol
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Andy Kaufman

i know
Feb 19, 2022
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I would never say X thinks this or that or does this or that.
You did mention rig and nquest though because they do this or that.
How is that me different from mentioning other users doing this or that?

I just want my position to be clear. I do not condone this. Again you are not able to discern things.
Nah mate, you're just white knighting. Aral isn't into guys, bro. give it up.

OHHHHH i get it. You just don't like it because I wish to make fun of you instead of others. I make fun of whoever I want lol.
Get over yourself toe sucker. Not only you wanna dictate the way I make fun of people now you wanna dictate who i make fun off too lol. Why don't you just write my post for me too no toe sucking jokes there. Wtf? lol
I don't wanna dictate shit. You just can't cope with the backlash apparently. Talking about being "respectful" and "discerning" shit while trying to be an insufferable troll. You can have your double standards, I will just call them that. The people who you choose to troll are just arbitrary and that's ok but don't start talking about respectfulness when you just wanna be soft to some users but mean to others.
Like I said, you were cooler when your mask was still on but this winding around back and forth is really worm/snakelike. Then again, I am talking to an alt account of someone who made this account to be a dick so it fits.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Jan 22, 2023
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You did mention rig and nquest though because they do this or that.
How is that me different from mentioning other users doing this or that?
Because of the content of the things. If you cannot discern it I cannot help you. Im not your dad.
I don't wanna dictate shit. You just can't cope with the backlash apparently. Talking about being "respectful" and "discerning" shit while trying to be an insufferable troll.

The toe sucking comment really got to you huh.
You can have your double standards, I will just call them that. The people who you choose to troll are just arbitrary
It is. I do what i want
and that's ok but don't start talking about respectfulness when you just wanna be soft to some users but mean to others.
I do what I want.
I thought you though wanted to be respectful and buddies with everybody though. Apparently not, and I'm the dickhead.

Like I said, you were cooler when your mask was still on but this winding around back and forth is really worm/snakelike. Then again, I am talking to an alt account of someone who made this account to be a dick so it fits.

No you're just mad because i made fun of you and don't make fun of others.
But that is because they never admitted to liking sucking toes. You got mad because you're cringe and got made fun for it, now it is forever engraved that you will lose your shit as a 30 year old adult man over the fact that you like toes and people think that is cringe and funny. At your age some people fought 2 world wars in the past.

And just like that, Time goes forward. Toe sucker.
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Andy Kaufman

i know
Feb 19, 2022
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Because of the content of the things. If you cannot discern it I cannot help you.
You can. You just seme very lost at this point.
I will give you a recap:
I say people posting here (usually) do not want to be e-celebs, especially not when sharing personal stories that make them vulnerable.
You disagree and mention Nquest and Rig.
I mention Aral as a user who posts very personal stories who I don't believe does it for fame and recognition.
You drew an line between those for a reason you have yet to disclose. It being on profile posts vs in threads despite both being public to every user? Explain.

The toe sucking comment really got to you huh.
Yeah it's what you wanted after all, huh?

I thought you though wanted to be respectful and buddies with everybody though. Apparently not, and I'm the dickhead.
I'm just trying to understand how I'm a valid target for your mockery but others aren't. Like how am I trying to be a cringe e-celeb by sharing a personal story but Aral blogposts and gets special protection. At the end of the day I obviously don't want anyone to be mocked in mean spirit. Playful jabs are ok of course.
You only came into this because I see you post a lot like that. Never taking things serious, always going for a jab. And I really did expect you to just play it off again, just call me toesucker and move on. Like this is obviously who you wanna be here so I just mentioned you as a common troll type.

No you're just mad because i made fun of you and don't make fun of others.
A little hurt, yes, but making me mad was yor goal after all so you win this one I think.

But that is because they never admitted to liking sucking toes. You got made fun because you're cringe and got made fun for it now it is forever engraved that you will lose your cool as a 30 year old adult man over the fact that you like toes and people think that is cringe and funny.

And just like that, Time goes forward. Toe sucker.
Actually I don't like the toes that much. But that's ok, makes the insult less personal and then I can deal better with it. But this does answer my above question though.

To SOMEHOW try to turn this back around to the OP topic:
this whole exchange beautifully demonstrated what I initially mentioned: I put myself out there and risked becoming the target of people like you. While I don't like it, I'll get over it but I think this puts many people off from opening up at all. As I said, even 10 or 100 positive comments/engagements usually can't make up for one troll and since bigger places have way more trolls (not only in total but also proportionally) , people are way more combative. And ragebait grows in atmospheres like that. It sets the mood, basically. I believe if people were less tense, wouldn't have to play pretend and on their guard all the time then ragebair content would be far less successful.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Jan 22, 2023
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Since you are extending a branch and I have to go to sleep I will be a gentlemen instead of a crash out dummy.

You can. You just seme very lost at this point.
I will give you a recap:
I say people posting here (usually) do not want to be e-celebs, especially not when sharing personal stories that make them vulnerable.
You disagree and mention Nquest and Rig.
I mention Aral as a user who posts very personal stories who I don't believe does it for fame and recognition.
You drew an line between those for a reason you have yet to disclose. It being on profile posts vs in threads despite both being public to every user? Explain.
Mental health stuff and stuff that is personal. Sequeira is a retard with his shit all over the internet and its self aborved. Rig just made a videogame. Those 2 things are not comparable.
I find it very disrespectful to comment on other peoples mental health stuff, if they are struggling and they are not dickheads about it. Its not aral in particular it could be any other user that is not a dickhead.

Yeah it's what you wanted after all, huh?
I'm just trying to understand how I'm a valid target for your mockery but others aren't. Like how am I trying to be a cringe e-celeb by sharing a personal story but Aral blogposts and gets special protection. At the end of the day I obviously don't want anyone to be mocked in mean spirit. Playful jabs are ok of course.
Ill Answer this in 2 parts

Because foot fetish its funny. I am sorry but you are gonna just have to deal with it. People will laugh it is what it is.

You don't choose to be a e celeb as much as it chooses you. Feet fetish its something that will attract popular attention, whether you want it or not.

You only came into this because I see you post a lot like that. Never taking things serious, always going for a jab. And I really did expect you to just play it off again, just call me toesucker and move on. Like this is obviously who you wanna be here so I just mentioned you as a common troll type.

I post what I want. Some times jokes, sometimes not. I don't take the internet serious though its just words on a screen, something to play with. Real life is out there.

SOMEHOW try to turn this back around to the OP topic:
this whole exchange beautifully demonstrated what I initially mentioned: I put myself out there and risked becoming the target of people like you.
And this is my point. This is light, im fucking around, there is people out there that would press the gas 1000x more. If your post was flames again, I had some shit in the trunk for you.

The internet its not real life, you can only rage if people really get to you, people can only get to you if you are out there on the internet like it is real life. There are pros and cons to doing it, but once you do it is forever and you have to deal with it. Although as i said i think a lot of internet ragebait comes from USI on the internet.
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Andy Kaufman

i know
Feb 19, 2022
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I find it very disrespectful to comment on other peoples mental health stuff, if they are struggling and they are not dickheads about it. Its not aral in particular it could be any other user that is not a dickhead.
But wasn't I also commenting about my mental health in that thread? Like I struggled as a teen? I didn't just advertise my fetish, the context was mental wellbeing and feeling ostracized.

Because foot fetish its funny. I am sorry but you are gonna just have to deal with it. People will laugh it is what it is.
That's totally ok and I get that but the postnin question was as explained above heartfelt and - for me personally - a serious issue about self worth and self acceptance.

And this is my point. This is light, im fucking around, there is people out there that would press the gas 1000x more. If your post was flames again, I had some shit in the trunk for you.
Yes, I think I understand but me being emotionally invested clouds my perception.
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Well-Known Traveler
Jun 14, 2022
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Yeah, I would say that's moreso a factor now than it probably was 20 years ago. part of this is that there are more demographics online than there were previously, and therefore more conflicting opinions or worldviews colliding, and part of it is that, as time has gone on, internet communication has become more and more divorced from interpersonal communication. people will say basically anything behind a screen that they'd be afraid to say to someone's face. Back when I used to post on >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk, I was appalled at all the toxic language, slurs, and petulant rhetoric that was thrown my way, basically everyone on there was a brainless coward who got off on the thought of upsetting me. Nowadays I don't go onto sites that I know try to upset me- not because I will actually be "triggered" or whatever, but because it's generally a massive waste of my time. I prefer sites like Agora. There are some provocateurs here and there, but the underlying infrastructure is much more conducive to worthwhile ideas and subjects.
I'm sure you were the light at the end of the tunnel. Speaking of someone that posts rage bait......
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Active Traveler
Jun 6, 2023
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This is a flame war. Unlike ragebaits I find them entertaining to watch.

I may need to correct myself because this thread's topic is about rage bait and this post
Users like @MindControlBoxer are the result of this atmosphere. Always tensed up, jabbing in quippy one liners in order to provoke and never taking anything seriously ever because the cost of being vulnerable is too great.
smells of a troll chumming the waters with some bait.


Sep 12, 2021
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ragebating is a long forgotten art. It used to be "i like pineapple on pizza" now, you animate yourself fucking a dead man a week after his death? Propostuerous. Go back to widely disagreed with opinions, not straight up evil.
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Andy Kaufman

i know
Feb 19, 2022
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ragebating is a long forgotten art. It used to be "i like pineapple on pizza" now, you animate yourself fucking a dead man a week after his death? Propostuerous. Go back to widely disagreed with opinions, not straight up evil.
Epstein had it coming tho
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