
Active Traveler
Jun 16, 2024
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I think I found my meaning, I will work on living in the future I want to. That's in my nature, that makes me happy. lol

what people need is a new landmass. just a big abundant brand spankin' new continent that doesn't belong to anybody yet. that would be fun, and violent, and so on, but I think it also might renew the color in the world for at least a few hundred million people.
That was the promise of space exploration.

But we don't even have underwater cities or seasteading going on, we gotta start with them.
Would they be practical? No not really. Would they be totally awesome? Hell, yeah!
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Old web today is a return to the past and rejection of social media, back then it was the gateway to the future and a way to connect across the globe. I and many others miss that feeling, and for reasons that extend far beyond nostalgia or "missing who I was back then." Writing off all fondness for the past as nostalgia is as lazy as it is inaccurate. Things of value have been lost along the way and the mere existence of old hardware and some cultural artifacts (which themselves may have been altered) does not negate this point.
GVC, Y2K, 90s media like X-files/Tom rider (alien cheeks!/conspiracies!), encarta 99 (Comenius, Utopian scholastic)...

And it all went to bust (/somewhat doublepost with Jetpack future Thread, if you will)
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whatever journobors "scientists" paid by grants to "figure out shit". they need money, but god this is low. and take that those who tend to share these are pop-sci web zines, and they butcher it even more. what was GVC, utopian scholastic dream, became farsce. i hate it with passion. problem is, i am, problem is it triggers me, it, it is supposed to. thank god i aint register near there to bust comment how they retarded all are...
(awaiting great awakening. america and its "west" is built on lies... oh, a man can dream...)

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Considering there seems to be an implicit consensus among posters here that the world is headed into the transhuman age, I'm curious as to how far people here will go if the tech allows it. Why did you choose the option you picked?

Personally I would only use external body modifications since they don't mess with the human body unless I lost a limb and had to replace it with a robotic one. All other options seem too unnatural for me to be comfortable with. As soon as the distinction between human and tool fades I get wary.

I'll rawdog life for the time being. If I ever became seriously disabled (paraplegic, blind, deaf, lost a limb) I might reconsider.

I would kill myself if I had an internet connection hardwired into my brain.

I'd take robotic limbs if I needed them but I'm not letting Zuckerberg fuck around with my consciousness.

i would love a better heart or lungs, but anything that would either be unnecessary or harmful is a hard pass

All hail the Bimbo Cyborg future!!

I do not want to upload my brain into VR, but i really like the idea of implants to become better, faster, stronger, replacing my organs and the flesh of my limbs, by the machine, i want also an external device to improve even more those capacities, idk, perhaps an exosqueleton, or a power armor, i really like the idea of becoming a cyborg tbh.

Perhaps when i reach a really old age (70+) i should upload my brain into a fully robotic body, like in metal gear to prolong my existence a little bit, i don't want to become information on a VR world tbh, let's enjoy the last days of the flesh a little bit. :melhpy:

If i become a cyborg in the future, i definitely going to get a Katana.
View attachment 13570

Nope nope. Not for me. I'm gonna remain as I am for as long as I can. By the time i'm like 85, or whenever I feel like I'm ready to die, I'll leave my cabin and upload my brain to a cybernetic body and live out the rest of my days simply observing where we go as a species. I hate where we're going but at the same time I'm so absolutely curious what happens in the far future and I'd like to see it, even if I hate it.

It depends on how far you want to go because I would happily become a enhanced human things like taller, stronger, bigger dick etc. but when you start to put robots or a.i in your body that is were I draw the line of what is acceptable.

I'd be willing to go a long way- I have no illusions about the arbitrary line between natural and unnatural, and I don't think the human form is somehow special.
However, I would only do so on my own terms. I won't let anyone else mess with my brain or perception, and I won't change anything without full control of the consequences.

I hate the Archons.

I want robot arms so I can lift heavier packages in the Amazon warehouse :schitztroll:
I want lab-grown lungs so I can lower my carbon dioxide output :schitztroll:
I want a genome-edited stomach so I will vomit profusely if I eat meat :schitztroll:

Wouldn't touch cybernetics, sounds like a lot of expensive maintenance.

i don't think i ever want to live in a virtual world because the endgame will most likely be advertisements ingrained with your literal life
imagine how hellish it would be to have a company like Google in charge of the world you live in
advancements like these glasses are cool but i know eventually you're gonna have advertisements beams to your literal fucking eyes

but i can't lie when i'm old and dying if there was a chance i could live forever in a virtual world with friends i think i'd do it
prosthetic arms/hands are cool as fuck too, the thought of having a cyborg arm would be cool but man i can't imagine a modern company owning that technology and not having it be hell

Well you ALREADY live in a simulation dreamed by a social primate.
So to me this AR/VR stuff will just augment the dream we already live in.

either you use it to create sick ass art (capturing conscious states) or you will be a mindless consumption robot.

look at the iPhone, it has allowed people to make sick ass art where they were previously limited, and it has made some people even greater mindless consumers living in perpetual fear

I'd definitely get a cool cyberpunk helmet or even a full suit but I would loathe the transhumanist utopia due to the fact that it would likely be controlled by big tech. We're more likely heading towards a totalitarian transhumanism than anarcho-transhumanism which I would be supportive of. The tendons in my legs are messed up to the point that I might become disabled soon if things keep going the way they are so getting those fixed with the new tech might be inevitable. Generally though I tend towards the antichrist hate camp, would not be surprised if the companies backdoored implants or something. It would be funny watching a criminal being forced to punch himself in the balls due to his cool robo-arm being hijacked until it happens to me.

I like being Human.

As soon as stuff like artificial wombs come out, which might not happen for a long time, a lot of people are probably going to shoot people. Not just shoot people as in shoot transhumanist scientists, although some people will, but go out and shoot people IN GENERAL. People will shoot people for no reason or shoot people for way less than what it would have taken to make them kill before. People will stop thinking like "I am a human that should be a good person and other people's lives have value even if they do bad things" but more like "There isn't really much value in my life or anyone else's life".

Also more suicide, more drug abuse, worse behavior of all kinds. The mere fact that artificial wombs and other creepy technology exist will make people act worse. Not super pessimistic about the future, but that's because enough people will strongly oppose more and more human modification every decade.

Also: what would "genes for better humans" mean? IQ as in competence but no real creativity? Non-violence as in submissiveness to abusers or tyrants? Genes that puberty block you until you turn 18 (at first they would make it 14) to keep the teen pregnancy rate down? We know what rich assholes want us to be like and we known what genes they would want us to have.

Wheelchair bound individuals are transhumanists.

i'll go for anything if you can prove that it can't be hacked by George W. Bush to make me throw fists through a kindergarten classroom

Cool body suits and mech enhancements would only be for the military. Normies would never get it because it would be a threat to their government.. therefor even if they did release a public version it would be watered down trash for Apple users and Tesla drivers. Being on board with any of this shit proves how retarded and blind you are to the system we live in.

Transhumanism is just a concept for dweebs to scam rich people, playing into their fears of aging and death, utilizing decades of brainwashing from Hollywood Sci-Fiand Pop-Sci journalism. "YOU WILL BE ABLE TO UPLOAD YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS INTO A COMPUTER NETWORKING BY 2011! MOORE'S LAW SAYS IT IS INEVITABLE!"

It's jetpacks for the 1%, except instead of just being an amusing quip, they fall for it hook line and sinker. And they'll keep getting away with it so long as there are old people who remember using a rotary phone, and perhaps up to those who remember using Win 98.

If you want a really well researched and somewhat schizo (transistors were discovered as the result of an occult ritual done at Roswell, the ayy lmao story was just cover) take down of transhumanism and related "I Fucking Love Science" hyperbole, I recommend Christopher Knowles essay "Lucifer's Technologies." He published it as a series of blog post. It's worth it for just the first blogpost which BTFO the scientific establishment and "trust the science!" types.

nothing unless absolutely necessary, if it were real most of this cyborg future shit would take away your control from your own body which is nightmarish
besides I dont really think that le transhumanist utopia will become real anyway

The religious christians known as the vatican are the ones pushing these agendas... it's not science "gurus" like you think. They are all actors playing their part. The world is a stage...

Most people go along with the "norm" and the "trends" because they don't stop and think about what's going on behind the scenes.

You make the mistake of thinking you'll get cool shit when in reality the elite will only implement things to hold you down / keep you distracted / or limit your actual skills while pretending you gain a bunch of shit... that's what will actually go down.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dh2IexhuEOE

The result of the leftist victory is... leftist riots!

Anyone who thinks the powers that be won't turn real-world cybernetic implants (if they ever do exist) into a living hell is either delusional or out of touch with reality. Any transhuman tech sold by big tech will be designed to create slaves, and anything made by anarchists or open-source hackers will end up either bottlenecked by lack of access to hardware/medical facilities or made illegal due to "health concerns." Real-world transhumanism is either going to be a nightmare or a complete disappointment. If we're talking fantasy, I would still rather fantasize about being a real superman than a fake one made out of machines.
(transhumanism thread) takes
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Punp said:
in the early 00s taking everything at face value was the funny trick to make a fan theory. It got tired really quick
(about animation, like "homer in coma" > "they are all (in) dead/dream/denial..." theories)
it became tiresome to do that anymore to death
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lol, I doubt I'll ever have kids, but notwithstanding.

My thoughts are that technology has ruined people's ability to pace themselves, especially with regards to information. It needs to be simple, single sentences, ideally spaced apart, in a message no more than 160 characters. Even better if all of it is only in reference to vacuous pop culture memes that require no effort to learn or spread. Not a novel opinion, I know.

Basically, the culture has been brought down to the lowest common denominator. Every space that isn't like that is gradually coopted to be like that and the general direction of society always leans that way. Attempt to criticize it and people will attempt to inject "nuance" - usually anecdotes that have no bearing on general trends.

All of this has led to people who utterly lack depth or seriousness. I hear people talk about how "26 is the new 21" and somesuch; I suspect the reason that people think adulthood is delayed is because of this. I don't think it's late maturity, I think it's just incorrectly-raised people.

What can you do? When you're chewing on life's gristle, don't grumble. Give a whistle.

I have a lot of thoughts about the network architecture of my children's home once I have them. I'll probably do an old-school mainframe style setup, where they can have a remote X session from small cheap computers. Could probably do LAN games now and then, but mostly it would be for information access within my intranet, PDF files and archived websites, using software for documents and that sort of thing. I don't want my children to have free reign online, nor waste their youth playing videogames more than what is healthy. I'm not planning to push them into computers either, maybe I will show them what I do and if they become interested teach them, but won't push it.

I can say, being Gen Z, that my peers don't tend to prefer contact offline if online contact is a viable alternative. It's very difficult to make friends who want to hang out, or even can hang out with any sense of spontaneity. Everything has to be planned, and double-checked, and worried over, and lots of them are self-conscious about how they're perceived or how to interact. I prefer face-to-face communication, so I do feel isolated quite a bit. Also, I don't have a phone (not because I dislike phones in theory, but just because they can't realistically hold a candle to the internal storage of my PC). So there are lots of times when I'm talking to someone and they'll be scrolling, and I'll just be kinda confused as to why they have to do that, because I really doubt the stuff on TikTok or whatever is that interesting.

On the other hand, to play devil's advocate, I don't think Gen Z has it anywhere near as bad as hyperbolic tabloid pieces might have you believe- and the image of the social-media obsessed Zoomer is somewhat of a stereotype/generalization which older generations will need to overcome and reckon with eventually. Looking back, I find it difficult to claim with 100% certainty that Millennials or Gen X have more refined taste, or are necessarily less susceptible to manipulation by Silicon Valley- these are the people who grew up on Skeletor and Hulk Hogan, and I feel there's a sort of temporal bias in propping up the content of yesteryear as impeccably wonderful and consistently denigrating modern content. Stupid media has always existed, it's simply undergone a considerable paradigm shift.

The thing is with banning is it works as a general thing for stopping dumb people from falling in, but like China, it can easily slide into "nothing happened at Tianenmen Square in 1989". Cultural and moral mindsets surely make similar impacts. If your society isn't willing to think that way, then you can still use technology better without the need for harsh authoritarianism.

And yes, I do agree that the issue is that the majority of people lack the moral compass to distinguish this.

But being unable to commit evil because daddy government says no is not the same as having access to evil and saying no because you know it's bad. Not everyone is cut out for determining the difference, which yes, is why banning works, but likewise, you aren't allowed to do wrong, which is what makes us all human.

I think shifting the mindset of others to realise the evils and then let them take it into their own hands by realising that it's not a good use is better overall.

Teaching people to use a knife for cutting doesn't mean it stops them from stabbing others. But if they recognise that stabbing is wrong, they can be probably trusted in the kitchen.

Yeah I mean there's always been masses and plebs. It's just now they scream at each other like animals on Instagram or Twitter rather than in fields and villages.

But that doesn't mean we as aristocratic scholars of Agora or the fringes need to treat them as such. The way I see it is I converse with them, and tell them my perspective about the Net.

If they don't like it, off they go, take the blue pill live in fantasy land whatever. Their life not mine. But every so often someone will realise that there's a way out, and it's nice to see someone change themselves for the better after realising they don't need to stick around in corpohell

I like this approach very similar to how Douyin does it.

I'm for giving parents all the necessary tools to actually be parents for their kids, not corpos or governments forcing arbitrary bullshit on everyone. Make a good platform for kids that pushes educational content first and that's well moderated (again kinda like how Douyin tries to do it), make it so that you can set how long the kid can spend time on the app (and make sure that it's not easy to bypass).

Despite how much I criticize the internet and fucking hate smart phones I still believe that it can be a good thing even for younger people, they just need guidance from their parents who are checked out most of the time and want daddy corpo and government to do their job for them.

Now I will admit that there aren't really any decent platforms for kids, Youtube kids which most use is complete garbage overran by Elsa gate tier trauma inducing garbage. So just make a decent platform that's actually moderated and has quality content for children, give parents all the tools and if their kid still turns out insane or traumatized it's really only their fault.

If I'm blessed enough to have children I will put in the effort to have a system setup that won't lead to their brain being rotted. I didn't have this luxury, for me it was "don't share personal information and don't be a retard", that's all I got from my parents (which is still more then most kids) and I wasn't harmed, groomed or traumatized in anyway, but I do realize that it might not be enough for every kid and I did get "damaged" a bit socially. With modern tech and some effort you can make smartphones and the internet a good thing for them.

It's gonna be a tough battle since other children will be damaged by their parents neglect and will in turn attempt to influence my kids. Making a conscious effort of talking with the parents of my kids friends will probably be a necessity. It will also have to be a balance that's not overbearing, I know people with overbearing parents who after going to collage spend most of it like a degenerate slamming every drug because they were so sheltered.

TL;DR: The internet and smartphones suck but it's still the parents fault if their children suffer because of it. If you don't have the time for your child don't bother being a parent.
[my words...] > doublepost (thread) happened; also, many things repeat over here and there, which is, sad to see - more than half of threads on Agora is [nostalgic] hate on modernity and its "downfall", which is dangerous idea (see fascism, utopian socialism, etc.)...
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either youtubers are idiots, or it is over (it is fiiiine)



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/threads repeat themes (nostalgia, hate for "unfixable"* problems...: )

*it is not profitable, time it takes to solve, is worse than it will take to make money exploiting it
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Should be double post, but fuck it, I am getting lost in those my two threads, one is Promise, other Loss, both Same...

Here you go
Idk, what I heard, 90s and 00s stoped to care about stuff, "if it dont harm others...", something weird seems to happen. Maybe 9/11, Facebook, or just "monkey slinging shit/having fit", after promises that eont come (flying cars, automatisation, green buildings, the all 50s 60s (googie) kitsch retrofuturism "villa on moon" stuff...)
Idk, something broke, it is as if it was all pretend, and probably just was, ignoring problems don't make them go away...

/ And it is funny how people now have what they wanted in y2k , but after waiting so long, and learned from practice now "how things are", ignore it, deny it - one can wait only for so long , - when green deal and other stuff are just another promises and way for marketers to make fad, fetch happen - the hope is gone, just another ad, another fad, another lie, - where funny enough, people overgrow the promise, gave up, hope for the worst and start to find problem in everything "did you know, you can't, it is just, normie!, happy for what!, it is same if not worse,...", in one post on profile, there was, and I call it true, zoomers be (with me) like "i cant have fun (because...)...!", it pretty fits, but idk what it is in people, rendered this way. The great skepsis, "out of sudden"!!!...
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case in point (see refered links)
Lots of motherfuckers will say boo and that we are being contrarian luddite edgelords, but social media and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race. And as others have said, it creeps into the real world. Case in point: I worked alongside a person during a merger of companies whose entire role consisted of creating fake profiles to spy on the social media of all company employees, making sure that they do not comment anything that goes against company policy. Their role was something like "Culture Coordinator" but their entire 40-hour work week consisted of cyberstalking.

While I'm in one of the age ranges to be most effected I was thankfully in a position to not be effected as much. Which I think gives me a good viewpoint for a lot of this. The way my generation communicates is odd, and in the last few years it's started to feel like I've learnt a second language made up entirely of slang words, and therapy syntax. Especially when compared to talking to someone older than me, the dynamic is wildly different. Sense of humor for a start is a big one, I don't know a lot of millennials but the GenX people I talk to regularly are hilarious, and even under stress seem to have a laissez faire attitude with life.

Lastly while I'm on my internet soapbox, infanilism, and entitlement. More than any other thing, social media just seems to create this miasma of childish uselessness. From the babyspeak, to holding onto childhood icons like they're personalities, and even the snitch culture we seem to be developing. The whole Social Media object just seems to strip people of privacy, encourage them to expose themself totally, and then breeds a sense of paranoia into them. Some real soviet shit.

I work with a lot of Gen Z people in my field. Compared to millennials, (some of whom copy the gen Z mannerisms as the older ones have their midlife crises but that's another story), they seem to exist in this liminal limbo of simultaneously not taking anything seriously while also taking everything extremely seriously. If you have worked in the tech sector in the last... I wanna say five years, but particularly after Covid, chances are you have noticed it. They will sport this cavalier, almost haughty attitude about addressing managers or adhering to policies (whether those are a good or bad thing is another topic) yet at the same time freak out over the most minor inconveniences, or even if someone criticised them in the mildest way possible. I don't hang out with zoomers so work is the only reason I interact with them, and if you have seen this phenomenon you know what I am talking about.
Same with identities. I have expressed this somewhere on the Road (I think it was with regard to collections or something) but it used to be you had to to put in the time, effort, and potentially cash to acquire an identitfying trait, and that was NEVER the end-goal. Think about it. People are unsure of who is legitimately into what and there is a pervasive air or confusion because anyone can just claim to be whatever the hell they want. I am not getting into these silly true fan-fake fan discussions. Used to be the guy into anime was a weirdo torrenting School Days from his parents' desktop. I played Magic back in the day and I can count on two hands the number of people in the area who were into it. Now every second Twitter bio is Trekkie or demoscene enthusiast, even people who browsed through a Wiki and decided to latch onto that stuff to formulate an identity. (I am using somewhat niche examples to prove my point, but really, how many people style themselves entrepreneurs and queer nowadays?)

Shit, you can just claim to be healthy at 220 kg, reason and western medicine be damned. This postmodern "everything goes" attitude has turned vast numbers of people into basically products of themselves branded through their social media. I am going to shoot the next person identifying as a "foodie" on Instagram. What's next? "Heroin enthusiast" for those extra sympathy points?
this thread is even about these things...

coming to you from

- edit: what this is aon about?:
it is American idiot, 21st century breakdown, Complicated.... -era lyrics once again! (isnt it?!)
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I have this feeling that in 2020 we achieved peak gaslighting and transitioned to the new model of "yes you were right the whole time, and you're still fucked".

Only a few years ago we went from "Maybe these guys are degenerate, this fringe conspiracy schizo dude is KINDA making sense" to full-fledged Balenciaga leaving pedo easter eggs in their commercials, countries openly committing and flexing war crimes, and elites just admitting or getting busted on their degenerate behavior.

P. Diddy incident is only a small part of this huge mask-off event which may be just the general fall of the Western civilization that looks like nothingburger from our limited point of view or the pendulum might start swinging the other way soon, only time will tell.

Anyways. It's nice to witness this and put a new penny in the schizos were right jar almost every day.
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My opinion on the Old Web, is that a lot of people missed the point. They see guestbooks, and sparkly seamless gif backgrounds and all that, and while the aesthetic makes a strong part of the memory, the ideas that built it was forgotten. As I see it, the ideas were about self-expression, freedom of information and a general sense of optimism following the 80s and 90s with the fall of the berlin wall, and technology making rapid improvements. It was also surrounded in a spirit of naivety.

Nowadays, the ideas of self-expression tends to be repressed. Freedom of information is long since dead, and while you can still freely-ish acquire them, it requires connections and knowing what you're looking for. Nowadays I think there is a general malaise and sense of pessimism about technology- both in that it's getting worse with more javascript crap frameworks, were it's observable how much more crap it's getting, but also just as a whole since the economy in a lot of places in the west is suffering tremors from the contradiction of how they say the economy is doing well, but the average person doesn't feel it doing well.
Pretty much this. The history that followed the Old Web spirit led to now- and if now is worse, what does it tell you about the Old Web spirit?
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Also, I must admit I haven't read the thread, but I've seen enough of these quasi-libertarian screeds for a lifetime. I can't be bothered anymore.

The same people who talk about the evils of "fiat currency" talk about starting homesteads? If you believe in bullshit like crypto that means you're a pretty tech-savvy internet addict. Are you going to go out and soil your hands? Butcher chickens? Exert yourself physically under the scorching sun? There's a reason pretty much every developed country keeps importing foreign workers to do this stuff – it amounts to the slave labor that the coddled citizenship refuses to perform.​

(btw does anyone still believe that stuff is an actual alternative to government money? I thought even the people who push for it realized it's just a bunch of pump-and-dump scams as early as ~2020. It's why they needed to start talking about NFTs and whatnot)

Pics like this just make my blood boil. This is a fantasy. That is not enough land to live on! It's potentially a nice garden, a cool hobby, but not a viable way of life in the 21st century. Pre-modern peasant farmers required at least 4-5 acres of land to sustain themselves and produce juuust enough surplus to maybe survive a bad year (and not much more; two bad harvest in a row is a death sentence for the weaker members of the household).​
Agricultural technology evolved plenty from the days of hand-seeding and sickles, but it's mostly been about industrializing agriculture. Making it bigger. Using big machines to harvest massive quantities. Not about making the peasantry less backwards and inefficiency, but all about making them obsolete.

EDIT: Not to mention the problems of income! How are you going to pay for all this? And not just to buy it or set it up, but to maintain it! How are you going to pay for fertilizer? Where are you going to get spare parts or replacements for broken machinery and home appliances? What about everyday products that you actually can't manufacture on your own (toilet paper???)?
Like, Jesus fucking Christ. This is so stupid. There's a reason this sort of lifestyle has been pretty much extinguished!

The yeoman ideology runs deep in American (=internet=global) politics. And you know what? I get it. Everyone wants to be a micro-king. And in an atomized, hyper-individualized and extremely lonely society where no pathway to actually improving the system (much less displacing it) seems even remotely plausible, the parochial instinct to just somehow carve out a little niche for yourself and your family outside society is very natural and understandable. To go back to our premodern peasants: It's why it took a lot of force and outright violence to finally enclose their land and send them off to find factory jobs in the swelling urban centers.​
The life of small freeholder farmers was always romanticized (e.g. Arcadia) by the urban elites.

But that's all besides the point. Because posts like this are not serious. I think everyone knows they're not serious. Nobody actually thinks and seriously plans ahead for starting a homestead (and the few stupid enough to try very quickly hit by hard reality), but because our exposure to all this stuff it should the medium of online bullshit.
It's all theoretical. Posturing. Talking about homesteads and 'decoupling' or whatever are aspirational rhetoric. Vicarious living through 'trad influencers' you see online.

Stop. Put the phone down or step away from the keyboard. Look around yourself and your life as it actually is.
related /thread
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It's awful how they "lie with the truth". I hate to bring up covid again, but it's such a recent and egregious example of exactly this phenomenon, it's too useful not to use.
So back in late 2021 they were slowly opening things back up over here. Problem was, young people weren't taking the heckin' vax. The media once again went into overdrive to try and compel them to take it. It got embarrassing. Everything from "this perfectly healthy 22 year old woman died from covid" (she was super-morbidly obese and had a host of preexisting conditions) to "covid makes your penis shrink" No, I'm not joking.

Perhaps one of the worst examples was a presentation of data showing that in Scotland (I believe) record numbers of young people were being admitted to hospital with covid. Only if you looked carefully at the data, you could see the truth. Bars and clubs were opening up, and young people were flooding back to them. They were getting drunk, blacking out, getting into fights, falling over, having accidents etc. They were admitted to hospital for injuries and trouble relating directly to alcohol abuse. And when they got to hospital, they were tested for covid, as a matter of procedure. Many happened to have it. Most didn't even know it as they had either no symptoms or mild ones. The article, however, would have you believe that they were admitted to hospital as a direct result of catching covid. Lying with the truth.

The media is festoon with some of the most wicked and devious creatures ever known to mankind. They are the cause of over 90% of the world's problems.
You aren't wrong about Covid being the most extreme example of organised mass gaslighting, mainly because of how obvious it was.

It was insane, but it is still going on. If you even tangentially follow sports you may have noticed a sudden rise in heart attacks in young footballers. The media is writing it up to everything from bad dietary habits, pre-existing conditions, even herbal supplements! And they leave no room for nuance, which is why we are seing unprecedented levels of polarisation on a global scale. For example, if you express the mildest concern about a vaccine that was researched and put out in massive quantities on the market ASAP, you get called out as one of the schizos that believe it will give your brain 5G connection (seriously, that's legitimately what some people believe) so that the CIA can scan your brainwaves. MGS got nothing on them.

I'll complement your example with this anecdote; during peak Covid, even people who had fatal car crashes were tested in the ICU and as you said many happened to have it, mostly asymptomatic. Even if a person had sustained grievous injuries due to a vehicular accident, they treated their death as "Covid-related." Because it wasn't the gashing wounds, it must have been le ebin covid! They also wouldn't allow their families to attend the funerals, there were shrink-wrapped coffins and the media called that a "necessary quarantine measure." Wrapping a coffin in celophane was deemed "necessary." These media whores really have no soul.

(BTW F to all those people, no one deserves to go out like that).

On topic, polarisation is another aspect through which the media controls the populace. Now don't get me wrong, there are a lot of lunatics out there that believe crazy stuff. Some are schizoposting here as well, and they are my favorite fellow travellers by far. But media will take one group of retards, let's say flat earthers or people who legitimately believe the vax contains nanomachines, and steadily push the notion that there are no shades of grey between wholeheartedly embracing your status as a quadra-boosted wojak and believing the vaccine is Dagon's cumshot or something equally batshit.

This makes normalfags hesitant to admit to any reservations that might possibly be somewhat distrusting of the established narrative, because they fear everyone around them will lump them together with the asylum lunatics. In a way, they have made the average person the perfect warden to everyone around them; everyone keeping everyone in their circle in check. You see it in politics too; if someone is even mildly critical of Macron's policies, or the Dems, or unchecked immigration, they are immediately lumped together with Lepen/MAGA/fascists. This political manichaism dispersed through media effectively nips critical expression in the bud because anything that might not be 100% on board with "the good guys" is seen as evil incarnate. (Admittedly, this started with Shillary's 'deplorables' comment.)
When you are born, you're unconsciously assimilated into sociocultural paradigms without the awareness of it. Your parents (or guardian or R Kelly, in some of yalls cases - allegedly) teach you the ways of the world.

You're embedded in cultural patterns without the ability to meaningfully reflect.

Then you learn rationality.

Subsequently and mostly in your teen years you internalize rationalistic epistemologies, you rebel, precipitating cognitive dissonance and individuation, attempting to consciously regulate all cognitive processes. You try to do everything consciously. The annoying teenage atheist would be a great example of this.

Then you learn 95% of human life is unconscious despite our best efforts & begin respecting culture again.

Your parents who taught you were already past this point, so they can only impart their collected customs on to you. Regardless of if those customs were formed by their rebellion or unknowingly unconscious mind.

Repeating the cycle. The nature of humanity and cultures paints a clear picture of this.

An unconscious mind that is passed thru the generations.

Jung called it the collective unconscious, which he said was populated by the old Gods of past thought forms and archetypes.

I would recommend reading The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind OR anything by Jung that isnt the color red.
I always hated these suicide prevention lifeline signs. If someone's really made up their mind, they're not gonna pull out their phone and call somebody when the jump is right fucking there.
That said, I was doing research for an unrelated topic and came across this:
View attachment 114321
If a government is really going to try and get people's minds off of suicide, I think that this is actually the best course of action. When you say to someone, "don't kill yourself, blah-blah-blah," they're not going to pay attention to anything after "don't kill yourself." To them, it's just going to be more noise to put up with from someone who doesn't actually care about them, and is just saying this so that they don't have a guilty conscience when an end is put to their useless, short lives. In order to really get someone to want to live, you have to remind them of the things worth living for without directly mentioning death, and sometimes without mentioning life.
It's little things like this that actually do make somebody want to live. Not a command or declaration: "DON'T kill yourself!" but a gentle reminder of the small pleasures in life that nudge you down the road.

Or they could just, you know, put a fucking fence there.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Internet Refugee
Feb 14, 2023
Reaction score
thanks @WhiteSnake for birthing this idea

what this post is about (skipping the foreword from user W-S who ghosted me XD)

(= "Broken promises", Frutiger aero/GVC (/vaporwave) Thread)

  • album:

DIRECTORY of main points:



related, "doublepost":



mini recap:

edit: there is doublepost thread now:

edit: new thread, related topic(s) :
Rip, didn't mean to ghost you. Sorry homie.
Rip, didn't mean to ghost you. Sorry homie.
its alright XD, i i thought you left forum XD
you can talk here, if it is about the theme then!
(if i can be understood, "what is this all (thread) about"!)
Virtual Cafe Awards
collection of takes, no. 147528359694

1. Jesus, through the various competing humans. It's not an arm wrestling in heaven, just disputed Territory

2. Growing pains as the boomers finally start to exit stage left (which I regret because my grandparents are silent generation and that necessarily means they will be going too) and we all leave behind the peaceful world handed to us by The greatest generation

3. There will be a big wakeup for the western world. Whether that is armed conflict or something lesser is ahead to say, but the early 2000s status quo of Western vs Communist axis will either boil over or be sidelined by a bigger conflict

4. No we will not collapse, at least not quickly. Where we = the US. We will end up like the UK if we don't do a new S change curve as a national enterprise, sidelined as a former power. Yes WWII left us as a superpower and the end of the Cold war as a sole superpower, but what have we done lately, as it were. Countries have to compete to earn their place just as people do, because countries are ultimately collections of people, so at whatever distorted level, people size dynamics scale up to match.

Honestly, I think the Neo-Reactionary/Dark Enlightenment idea of The Cathedral best describes the reality of "who's in charge". It's clear no one's steering this ship, but there is a ship, and a ship has to be crewed, and for that crew to be worth even a semblance of a damn it has to have some kind of hierarchy- a chain of command. We have this in the form of the people who run the megacorps and governments and international bodies and NGOs, etc etc. It's not an Illuminati kind of conspiracy though, it's just powerful people being swept up in the noxious fumes of their power and the increasing delusion of the digital age.

I find the biggest problem with self-sufficiency is that it doesn't really work in a vacuum. Sure, you can grow your own food and look after yourself, but unless you're fine with living as a hermit and not interacting with other people, you can't really escape the clutches of modern society and it's problems.

Even though I generally look after myself, I notice that:
- I can't communicate with most of my friends because they insist on using proprietary chat apps, and refuse to contact me via more traditional methods (like email). The few who do use email don't want to learn what a GPG key is, so all our email conversations are stored and data-mined at the whim of Google and other big corpos.
- I can't go to a lot of events as many of them use EventBrite and other (shitty) apps to manage tickets. On some of these sites it's possible to get tickets as a PDF, which still requires an account, but is at least workable. Others do not and require an app, which is the absolute worst. Almost nowhere allows you to pay at the door with cash anymore.
- More and more banks are requiring more intrusive and badly made phone apps in order to access/use them. Luckily for me most of them still have usable websites that I can access on my PC without installing any proprietary crap, but these are getting less and less common.
- Many more problems

When I point this out, people who have bought into the "self-sufficiency" grift respond with ludicrous and stupid answers like "bro just use crypto instead". No. I want something I can actually use to buy things, not a meme currency that's only theoretically useful. "Just use Matrix", and have nobody to talk to, etc. I understand there are technical options to solve these problems, but a lot of people who point them out don't seem to understand the reality of using them, and an open-source chat application may be well made and well maintained, but it's still useless if nobody uses it.

Self-Sufficiency isn't really a viable proposition, everything is so interconnected and so many core aspects of human behaviour have been successfully repackaged as corporate products, we're all essentially trapped within the government-corpo system. They planned it this way and have been very successful in implementing it, and it's too late to escape now.

I don't think there's a way for us to recover from this as a society. We're too interconnected and despite all the corporate control and overly restrictive bullshit, it's just too inconvenient overall to not be part of the system. People aren't really interested in how they are overpaying for content or being nickel-and-dimed through subscriptions, they only think "oh cool I can watch shows on my phone now!". There's no point telling them about self-hosted alternatives like Jellyfin because that still requires more work and has less overall convenience than using Netflix or some other paid garbage. The war for personal independence is over, and we've lost. The convenience argument is just too strong.

3. The result of technology so advanced it controls synchronicity to some end. TPTB as they have been traditionally conceptualized I feel have nothing to do with this. This is some serious new shit, rogue operator or somebody changed uniforms/got a new slogo in latin. Sometimes I think about how mischevious these naming conventions are. PRISM: that which allows you to see the components of light, split one byway into parts.

There is no one entity in charge, but a competing mess of interests and goals. The people moving the levers of power are often ones you've never heard of. US hegemony is coming to a catastrophic end and the chickens are coming home to roost. Decades of unchecked war and intelligence operations have undermined our credibility as anything but, truly, the Great Satan.

And look at the culture! The slop and entertainment and drugs we feed our kids. People have checked out, escaping into their preferred distractions. I'm certainly guilty of it. The modern world has carved a piece of us away, or we lost it, or something. Yeah, I think the bombs will fall soon. Probably not this year or next year, but 3-5 years? And did we earn it by allowing such things as the Haditha massacre and Mahmudiyah? Not for me to say.

This is only in online bubbles though. No one IRL thinks like this. What some Californian, woke, blue haired woketards write online (be it under te guise of "online jounralism" or twitter) doesn't reflect the general opinion.
On the contrary, in Europe the elections of most countries are expected to shift heavily towards not only right wing parties but outright rightwing extremist parties. Trump in the US too has a very fair chance of winning and most of his voters certainly agree with most of your positions.
People are fed up with this shit and have been for a while now. Bein a normal guy isn't far right and people know this.
My country (Germany) straight up publically advises people to have enough resources to stay independent of public services (including grocery stores) for 2 weeks(!). Most wannabe preppers can't last that long.
As a filthy "normie npc" I talk to a lot of people IRL and whenever I present them with my goal to marry my gf, buy a house and have 3 children literally no one says I'm far right extremist and just wishes me luck in the modern housing market.
The whole thing about self improvement and sexuality too is online far left wokoid hogwash, no one IRL gives a shit and just lets you do your thing.

My advice is to stop giving a shit about those articles and twittards and actually see what the people in the real world think. The problem is that you have several parties on both sides working against you:
There are concern trolls and grifters who just want to feed you ragebait for engagement. They blow up and emotionalise problems that are actually pretty small or don't even exist at all. And then there's people trying to actively demoralise you. If you induldge too much in that shit you will soon give into a victim mentality where everyone is out to get you and you develop a very stubborn "us vs. them" mentality and you will burn down many bridges.

Pretty much this. There is a mesh of competing interests, the factions embodying which have nearly limitless resources, and are attempting to sway the populace to follow patterns beneficial to their interests. Simply by virtue of each having immense resources at their disposal, their competing interests reach a form of equilibrium because they all have some slice of the pie and it's a tug of war between all of them, with occasional "winners" who might momentarily hold a bigger slice. You can't even concretely pinpoint specific events because it's a blockchain of causes and effects on a global scale that has led to our zeitgeist.

Bump to add that forum and internet personas before social media really took off were discontinuous, in the sense that a person did not have a concentrated hub of their entire presence online. I see people on Twitter have this "All My Links" page where they include links to their Facebook, Instagram, Discord server, Minecraft, etc., and they don't even have the excuse of being either artists showcasing their work across different media or OF girls. They're just your regular person who decided to sign up for all social media accounts (what the hell even is a Mastodon?)

I have noticed a trend in shitposting accounts which I follow through a throwaway IG that they will attempt to initiate some form of "fan interaction" through stories where they complain about personal stuff, etc. That defeats the very purpose of a shitposting account, in my opinion. They will also "branch out" to TikTok under the same name and post the same shitposts on numerous platforms.

Due to the centralisation of social media acting as sandboxes for communities to interact among themselves in, you don't get a person just signing up on a forum, shitpost a bit, and then leave once they've had their fill of whatever the forum was about in the first place (or because other IRL stuff got in the way). I recall that before social media took off, I might have gone on a forum one afternoon because plans got cancelled, shitpost a bit about whatever the topic was, rack up fifty posts, and then move over somewhere else,

Late to this thread but I find myself compelled to wade in on this point. At least for me, when I use the term "social media", I am not talking in this hyper-technical sense of "you're socializing! online! so it's social media!" - to me, social media is specifically the weirdly gamified version of socializing where you get an obvious numerical tally of "how good you are at socializing".

This is the particular thing I find gross about modern social media. It feels like an incredibly toxic version of people bigmanning about their post counts back in the day, except this time it's designed to burrow into your brain even if you're actively not wanting to let it. Even this forum is not immune, I have a bunch of CSS rules to disable all the reaction score stuff these days because it is still this functional issue.

It's the real life equivalent of hiring a mariachi band to play you a "nice job!" song every time someone indicates they think you said something funny or insightful.
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