
Being dumb could save your life
Feb 15, 2022
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Do you really care about said sporting events or artworks?
Hardly at this point, but if they're not afraid of bad PR, why not hypothetically just go full boogaloo with it? That has a better chance of creating change via targeted fear.
Symbolic acts of defiance only have a chance of swaying some of the nuanced public and enraging the rest who don't read into it any further. No one other than shills are going to be remisced if bad things happen to the right people. Their mistake is opting for broad ideological terrorism on the general public rather than a concentrated effort on the perpetrators/policy makers specifically.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Active Traveler
Jun 18, 2023
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We live at the end of a civilization
Says who? I ain't buying us being at the end of a civilization. Fucking everyone is at the end of a civilization all the time. Saying that is just a defeatist cope, and a lazy one at that.
The 1% isn't stupid though, so I'm expecting some sort of pushback against the climate crisis hopefully soon.
They're not stupid. But also, the problem isn't fully the 1%. It's the 0.0000001%. It's a handful of people, the vast majority of which are on lists published in Forbes or Fortune. They are very smart. And as smart people, they realize that ignoring the climate problem will make life better for them, and that's what they care about. Like, looking like they're doing something is their goal, but actually doing something isn't. That cuts profits.
Buying out companies: Every company realized how much they could buy and get away with it. So they're buying eachother. Not only that but the prices for every project has truly scaled up.
This is because of a relaxing of the FTC, which really needs to be fixed. It's been doing a clear dereliction of its duty, and completely ignoring massive monopolies which need to be stopped.
The "new counter culture" will be an expansion of the NEET culture we see in Japan and other places as people will demand to escape from the world as we see it. More slacktivism. More commodification. An almost cynical perspective. As society becomes more "accepting" of this attitude, soon the NEETs of yesterday will be common place and in demand.
There's always more than one main counter culture. I believe that the main ones will be faux-spirituality, based on buying stuff to have a fake spiritual connection, alongside its siblings such as fandom culture and what not (see: Strange Rites, the book). The main opposite to that, will be a more conservative, less creative, more literal interpretation of Christianity, in America most likely being some form of Protestant denomination, and in other places idk, the Pope being different or something (I've got no clue how the Catholics really work). Also, just wanna say that I hate hate hate slacktivism. That shit's a plague on the world.
Also, I do believe that NEET culture expanding bodes bad for Society, as that expansion will cause a decreased birth rate, and an aging population, which is no bueno.
Finally, I would like to build on what Venomnik0 said at the start, where everything he detailed, I believe can be summed down to a simple thing that all modern media, at least in my experience, has evidently been chasing, which is to make everyone feel this state of just "meh". To overstimulate, to numb, to make jaded to reality as a whole. This a very addictive state, and it's hard to get out of (Whenever I get in it, it takes a walk of a minimum 25 minutes to get out of it, or going to sleep/napping). And, while in it, you're very susceptible to persuasion, which is most companies' main goals in the end (as that's how you get $$$).
Virtual Cafe Awards


Weary Traveler
Nov 24, 2023
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so we care more about aimless debates like "would you be alone with a man or a bear?"
I highly disagree considering half of every twitter user and thread is filled with discussion about matters like Palestine Vs. Israel and climate crisis. Its not that people are ignorant but rather there's already discussion about it thats so frequent it could make your head spin. In fact, I would say, much like the rest of this forum, that the world/web is getting to politicized. More so than needed. You can't go 10 steps without seeing someone argue with another over ironically aimless political debates.
Part of me wonders if those groups are somehow funded by the industrialists to give environmentalists a bad name.
To be honest, they might as well be.

Do you really care about said sporting events or artworks?
As far as I can tell, literally the only things we actually can do is responsibly care for our own stuff and make good friends who will help us protect it.
These points seems so contradictory to the point where im confused where you stand directly. Especially since the first seems more of a waiver towards inappropriate activist behavior but then you go and make the point of saying we as people must make allies and protect our own commodities? What if you do own an expensive art piece and suddenly it gets destroyed? Does the first point apply or the second? Or is it all dependent on the class of the individual and art?

When an art studio defends themselves and their art, is one not allowed to insert their own ideaology or discussion?

I'm just confused overall at this entire post
Virtual Cafe Awards


Weary Traveler
Nov 24, 2023
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@microbyte your post made me get up straight from my bed to my keyboard just to type all this.
We live at the end of a civilization, so stuff is just gonna get trashed (the environment and the Mona Lisa both) for cynical and selfish reasons, and no one will pay for it.
Says who? I ain't buying us being at the end of a civilization. Fucking everyone is at the end of a civilization all the time. Saying that is just a defeatist cope, and a lazy one at that.
Again stuff like this is why I try to avoid and continuously say that i'm against doomer mentality. Its a psyop in the barest of forms. To tell you to give up in world that is so much better than before. It just shows a lack of education and understanding of history.

Throughout all of history and time, we as a species and society have always believed we are living in the END TIMES . You look back at any point and history and we see constant belief that the end of civilization is near because of certain behaviors and changes in society. Its the same nonsense you see evangelicals preach because the government suddenly lets gay marriage happen. Suddenly, the world is worst its ever been and we are in the end times. The end of civilization!! When really, you sitting and being able to type that in a safe comfortable environment runs counter to the overarching belief that we as a civilization has completely fallen and god is no longer watching or whatever end of the world psyop people these days will believe in.

It leads nowhere and has no interesting points to ponder other than "boohoo why isn't the world like 1953" without understanding what that even means. You just look like this guy:

They're not stupid. But also, the problem isn't fully the 1%. It's the 0.0000001%. It's a handful of people, the vast majority of which are on lists published in Forbes or Fortune. They are very smart. And as smart people, they realize that ignoring the climate problem will make life better for them, and that's what they care about. Like, looking like they're doing something is their goal, but actually doing something isn't. That cuts profits.


Don't worry guys we're doing something.

Don't look over here:

faux-spirituality, based on buying stuff to have a fake spiritual connection, alongside its siblings such as fandom culture and what not (see: Strange Rites, the book).
Honestly, tumblr-era stuff will make a comeback it seems.
The main opposite to that, will be a more conservative, less creative, more literal interpretation of Christianity
So, islam :mad:
I hate hate hate slacktivism. That shit's a plague on the world.
Thats everywhere these days and YOU KNOW IT. Especially again with the political climate we have now. Its easier and cheaper to complain on twitter or put an emoji on your user than actually donate or do ANYTHING!

Unfortunately though, when people try to do anything it just leads to them getting assaulted. I.E. UCLA.

Also, I do believe that NEET culture expanding bodes bad for Society, as that expansion will cause a decreased birth rate, and an aging population, which is no bueno.
Not just that but heavier media consumption and the growing toxicity of the web and fandom culture in general ironically enough. More NEETs means more toxic users which means more potential lolcows. It makes the web a much more toxic place than it needs to be and much more packed as well for the same reasons.

To overstimulate
Yep. Just to put everything we have now in modern media into one word and thats "overstimulate". Thousands of games, movies, manga, visual novels, anything and everything you can think of with a million ways to access it. Its all designed to overwhelm and overstimulate while distracting you from everything! I mean just look at netflix and what they do to anime. Making weekly shows into a singular binge session since they gotta keep those stranger things numbers.
Virtual Cafe Awards
If only the activists would stop with the annoying PR stunts around interrupting sporting events and defacing art and just go straight for the source's throat. Part of me wonders if those groups are somehow funded by the industrialists to give environmentalists a bad name.
they cant, or theyd had to work... (but would be neat, if it somehow ended the all "you need diploma to be wagie in topshop/cleaning lady (maid)" scharade... (uni, where you go for nothing, just to be in job you hate, to impress people you hate you want to be like them - but you dont see the bad side o it, on instagram...))

i mean, we have it so good now, that we had to invent another lie - sure, uni will "help you with reasoning" or so, but so will the 5 IQ people who will make you feel stupid - they lie and use emotions.... but you "cant", because you had *your* beliefs that goes from generation to generation... (that you have to be nice or so -
yet you know it will get you nowhere, yet too, you dont want to make your parents cry, there there, also, "the world you were born into no longer exist" - you know it is right, you want to fight it, you want to run away - but are afraid it is vain - more you fight it, the more it proves true - you are nice, but just the opinion on what it means, change...
(it was hip to beat up Technocrats, now it is to lick their boot, etc.))
(remember what millenials rooted for? when they met reality, no one hears them anymore now!...)

it is discontent, and planned so - it goes from school: you are "prepared for future", yet, you are all so behind... when it is all over, reality(tm) went from black-and-white morality, to grey morality, to buffyism (tru calling too), to post and meta-modernity, where you are now in wea of post-post-post...modernity, post-truth malaisse of "life", - but there is none, you are just confussed - to be manipulated; no way we are all cynical and afraid to help each other - or if we would, we would be "marxists"...
(ok, this is nudge at america, but still, i guess this fear get slowly to europe since the 2010s when union-busting moods ran around the world, and so did the #metoo and other fearmongering; so does Reagan with Thatcher and Nixon wait hell for heaven to trickle down....)
[= "neoliberal catastrophe"]

***they*** old-money scrooges are scared of young people, and so are young people scared too, of the "wtf was that world they live/d in!" - (could be Divide-n-Conquir yap, but there were many already, - so is the one-like above) - but how you see (and i repeat myself here), the more progressive (e.g.) we wanted to be, the more conservative we got nowadays - it is like swing, one "side" is mainstream now, and the other is "the bad", yet, the mainstream get boring, - and so the swing goes, they "switch the coats"... (e.g. 2000s/2010s vs 2020s, 1960s vs 2010s vaxx, gmo and war stances...)


what i wanted to say, is
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Virtual Cafe Awards


Active Traveler
Jun 16, 2023
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You look back at any point and history and we see constant belief that the end of civilization is near because of certain behaviors and changes in society. Its the same nonsense you see evangelicals preach because the government suddenly lets gay marriage happen. Suddenly, the world is worst its ever been and we are in the end times.
So true. Since I started reading loads of history I don't worry about the world ending. In fact I'm quite optimistic that I'll live a long and fruitful life, and by the end of it will see gay marriage once again outlawed worldwide. :peepoLove1:

Lamp Fool

Jan 10, 2024
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These points seems so contradictory to the point where im confused where you stand directly. Especially since the first seems more of a waiver towards inappropriate activist behavior but then you go and make the point of saying we as people must make allies and protect our own commodities? What if you do own an expensive art piece and suddenly it gets destroyed? Does the first point apply or the second? Or is it all dependent on the class of the individual and art?

When an art studio defends themselves and their art, is one not allowed to insert their own ideaology or discussion?

I'm just confused overall at this entire post
Sorry if I wasn't clear, but what I mean to say is that people *feel* like they own things they don't, like games and art galleries, and then get mad about those things getting destroyed. Oligarchs and investors who own these things might have a legitimate reason to be pissed*, but the vast majority of people who are pissed are at best being used as political pawns, and at worst going to have an aneurysm over something they couldn't control anyway.

*sidenote: I think a lot of oligarchs are complicit in letting stuff normal people care about get ruined, for their own gain.


Shameless Germaniboo
Aug 8, 2021
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Friends and coworkers are giving up TikTok, iFunny, Instagram, anime binging, or whatever other brand of crack they used to smoke.
I can second this, my sister's even been giving up tik tok, saying that it sucks now and isn't fun to use anymore. Worth noting that only 3 years earlier she had told me she was so addicted to Tik Tok she couldn't imagine living without it.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Weary Traveler
Nov 24, 2023
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Virtual Cafe Awards


Internet Refugee
May 28, 2024
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Not to get doomer after a whole discussion of not being doomer, but to answer the question posed at the very beginning of the thread: I feel as though there is definitely some sort of economical collapse coming up (as mentioned later in the post I have mentioned but not nessicerily entirely exclusively related to gaming and technology and such, but the tech industry is definitely going to play a factor). It seems like the same thing is repeating like in the previous times before. The overspending, the innovation, the rampant consumerism, the hype around stupid frivilous things like crypto and AI without really understanding it, just because it's the cool shiny new thing; It is reminding me a bit too much of the Roaring 20s, coming right before the Great Depression. Whether it actually lines up timeline-wise is another thing but it has also gotten me thinking if mayhaps the Roaring 20s weren't as great as the ideal portrayed by others. Just another moment of rose-tinted glasses (especially within the context of the Great Depression). Annoying how it seems we haven't learned our lesson from that at all.
But on a brighter note, I do feel as though people will finally start to decentralize and move to different places rather than just the main few social medias. I have already seen this myself. A lot of the visual artist crowd for example have been creating different art websites after DeviantArt and Twitter went to shit and then splitting off to those, leaving behind those other sites progressively for one reason or another. Said alternatives are actually staying around longer than a year. More people are moving to the fediverse to say the things they can't say on Twitter anymore (for better and for worse). Discord is starting to take hits as people realize how authoritarian it can be, so people might eventually start to seek out the alternatives like Matrix like Twitter did with Mastodon. Even on the OS front, with all the stupid AI updates Windows is doing, more people are moving to Linux (that is the reason I moved for example. Absolutely no regrets.). While this could be a downside as people become more secular and locked into echo chambers, I feel its better than how it is now, where people are locked to the whims of the companies. People aren't going to become tech wizards and not be scared of the terminal unfortunantly, but it's a start.
If AI becomes more advanced (which it will) it will become a problem. Its shocking how everyone has treated AI as universal problem solver and perspective rather than as a tool.

I remember seeing a bunch of people on twitter get salty about chatGPTs perspective on Israel and Palestine. Like lmao its a fucking robot with no political power at all with no citiations or research other than just literal scanning on thousands and thousands of pages. This IS A TOOL!!

To help and assist. Not replace. Unfortunately as a species, we don't think about whether we should but if we could now.

ok im brain dead i might as well be proving the video's point ironically enough but I just don't understand AI bros and thinking AI is the end all be all. Its a terribly decent tool that gets over exaggerated by markets trying to sell shit. It will replace and will become a problem and thats the thing. Just you wait and see when quality declines and optimization goes to the dumpster more so than it already is
I believe personally it's because the people who are spending the money to invest in this goofy stuff don't know what it even is. They think that it's like the robots of fiction, where they can think and act for themselves. Talking supercomputers and all that. But as evidenced from LLMs, that is physically impossible to recreate. LLMs only parrot, string together patterns to form what seems to be a sentence, maybe with some rules to keep it from going out of line. It's incredibly stupid and costly at the end of the day. Impressive, insanely so, but stupid. Ask it a question with a quick, easy, easily reiterated, clear answer and it's pretty helpful. I used ChatGPT to help me learn C++ when I was first starting out, since I wasn't grasping concepts as they were explained by others in books and posts and such (some I still don't but I'm working on it). ChatGPT acted as a sort of teacher figure in a weird way, guiding me through basic concepts and then helping me when I got something wrong and helping me actually understand what I am writing by explaining the parts that make up the whole. But if you try to ask it things more complex, things about the world, it doesn't know shit because at the end of the day it is only trying to tell you what it thinks you want to hear. Thats why they can get caught in repeat loops, where they do the same thing over and over again or say the same/similar things over and over again. If they look back on the conversation, see some sort of pattern between the words, it's going to do it again because it thinks that is what is needed. That's its end goal. Its not true cognition, only mimmickry of cognition. But people who don't know anything about computers don't see that. Quite annoying to explain to people and they still don't really get it.
As an adendum, a little cherry on top, a lot of the companies that are getting into AI are also companies that formerly were all in on NFTs and crypto. Salad and Rabbit for example. AI bros are the same. The support is just the same "support" crypto have, just following a different wave. And companies only follow it because its trendy. Like crypto, augmented reality, 3d printers, 3d tvs, and the .com bubble, it will burst and most implimentations will disappear, leaving only the pretty good ones behind.
What is the effect of all this? It seems to me that people are slowly recovering from the decade-long Internet haze and are prioritizing people over stuff. This may cause a rapid collapse in the complexity of cultural output, as people care less about trying to stand out in a world full of bots and algorithms and less energy is put into ambitious pursuits that no longer have any reward.
I politely disagree. If anything it seems people are prioritizing stuff over people. More grifts, more dropshipping, more mindless consumerism. Even if some of your friends have dropped TikTok (good for them) unfortunantly not all. A lot of people I know irl are still deep in the pit and buying stupid plastic junk they see advertised to them from there, Temu, and Shein. And yet as well, there are still many projects I know of created by indipendant artists, small and large, made for barely any money, just the passion. That does still exist. Maybe it won't in the future, as you predict, but if anything they seem to have gotten stronger after people learned new skills during the freetime of the pandemic. Not to sound like one of those autistic cartoon reviewers, but indie animation really has been booming. Not even of the main players everyone talks about, I've seen tons that are maybe just a group of friends, even one that's currently entirely being worked on by one person, made with just a copy of After Effects and fucking FireAlpaca. Technology brings the awful things, but it also gives regular people with no formal education the ability to make very beautiful things.
I believe that the main ones will be faux-spirituality, based on buying stuff to have a fake spiritual connection, alongside its siblings such as fandom culture and what not (see: Strange Rites, the book).
This is already a thing. See Otherkin and Reality shifters (combining fandom and religion into even more of one than usual). Otherkin in particular are especially prevalent in the web revival movement and visual art spaces. I love glorification of mental illness. :ffzYou3:
For example, I decided to watch some mainstream videos last night. The first one I picked was 'The Horrors of SpongeBob Memes'. At first, it was exactly what I expected (entertainment aimed at kids under 15), but around the 25-minute mark, I noticed a tone shift. The video shifted from pretending this is all scary and disturbing to discussing real perceived problems like climate change, war, and modern issues. Initially, I was okay with it, but this section just kept going, and the narrator instilled more and more drama over this issue, overly dramatizing what is a modern problem as if it was a horror story.
I know the exact video your talking about because I also watched it (Normally I wouldn't because I don't really even like Spongebob that much and it looked stupid, but it was one of those videos that YouTube wouldn't stop recommending me). I felt like shit afterwards and it ruined my day. Yes, I am a pussy and I try not to be this easily suggestable but it happened nonetheless. Maybe had something to do with me not having taken my meds that day as well, but hearing someone else basically say every single thing I hate about the current world and how it is progressively getting worse (the enviorment pollution especially is a sore topic for me personally, which was heavily emphasized), and for how long it went, it really "got me thinking" but in more of a "doom spiral" than anything productive (thoughts of how this is the end of civilization and all that goofy doomer stuff). The comments of all the other people under the video agreeing with it and falling for the same trap definitely didn't help. Ended up rambling to my mother that day about it, she was able to notice immidiately that I was off my rocker and reminded me to take my meds. While I appreciate her now for it, it did lead me down a completely different doom spiral about "using meds to run away from my problems" (yes, because lying in my bed doing nothing but crying about how the world is ending is sooooo productive),
Now, looking back on it with hindsight and hearing it described by someone else, I can see how disgustingly manipulative that was to do. It really did have no point whatsoever to go for an entire half of the video talking about how the end is nigh and pollution all to explain some dumbass edgy Spongebob meme. Especially the part about pollution and how Stephen Hillenberg was our "father" and how sad he would be at what had happened to his property and the world. To be fair, the part about Steven Hillenberg I thought was a bit weird even in my depressed state (looking back that is super weird and parasocial as hell :AYAYAWeird:). While maybe going into the context of the time the meme would have been made in makes sense to explain the lore of it and it's purpose/joke/satire; as you said, going on and on and on about it (about to the point that half the video was on it) is completely unneeded, I wish that hadn't worked as well as it did on me.
Stuff like that, stuff like doomer thoughts in general, they do sort of prey on the vulnerable like that. They know that it will get engagement and people agreeing, but in return it is a massive morale lowering act. To get those bonuses, you have to attack others mental health. Mayhaps the more level headed can see it for what it is (blatant manipulation) but then that's not who it's targeting, but the vulnerable and suggestible (like myself unfortunantly).
I want to point out that a lot of 'mindless media' is plagued with messages about the 'fucked-up state' of the world, society, and everything else.

What the heck is this, a self-replicating* demoralization campaign[A]?

Where I am going with this is that your perception of 'how bad things are' will always depend on your perception of the world, and that everything out there is, for some reason, attempting to poison that perception.
There have always been good and bad times, and people just lived through both good and bad times, it has always been like this; The only way to live a happy life is to enjoy whatever peace you have now whilst also preparing for the bad times that will eventually come. Preparing is good, but what use is it to despair over the bad times** that will eventually come?

Bad times are inevitable, just like death is inevitable. You can't live your whole life worrying about death, you can only try to prepare. And just like death, bad times come suddenly and unexpectedly.
This exactly. A modern example: the 2020 pandemic. Nobody knew that was coming. Even if you knew about the mysterious coronavirus overseas, everyone intially thought it was stupid. I remember back then the based take was to say "Lmao its fake its only killing old people anyways xD". I bet all those YT videos from back then saying as such from the same sorts of people who would morally grandstand about wearing a mask are long gone by now. But then when it came, it definitely hit harder than most people were thinking, in the midst of a completely different war (which, on an unrelated note, is still going to this day). It would be about 2 years before we would get back to normalcy. In the midst of that, it felt as though we would never return to what was the previous normal, at least to me as someone who had never experienced anything like this in my lifetime. But here we are. Of course, not all events are nesscerily exactly like that. Not to make a huge jump but WW2 for example was built up over a good while of events that could have been forseen but were brushed off as nothing and then look at how that turned out in the end. But most of them, generally, come when you least expect it.
Another example of the demoralization campaign, Palestine vs Israel and Twitter. Back when I used to use Twitter and this first started up, I muted every word and hastag related to it because my feed was absolutely innundated with corpses, gore, and talk of the horrors of war (not a single trigger warning, content block, or spoiler in sght). Most accurately could be described as the old internet rite of passage of posting gore/liveleak footage, but done by the people who would normally cry and whine if it was done to them, now done anyways because it was somehow morally justifiable. I knew children who were seeing this stuff because unfortunantly these days kids have social media and yet are still too dumb to learn how to filter/block. It took me ages to convince one friend to mute the words relating to the war. Why? Because they thought, even though they hated seeing dead babies on their timeline daily, that it was important anyways for them to see stuff related to the very thing that was causing them strife. That they would somehow be a bad person for blocking that stuff. I pointed out to them that that is exactly what the people posting this want. They want to exert control, because they are sadists, because logically who would ever, EVER post dead babies being thrown about, completely uncensored, for any good reason? Finally they did it and they were much better off afterwards. I forget how but I stumbled across a post from one of the people who were posting the gore and their logic behind it, in response to the question "Would you like it if someone posted footage of your family getting murdered onto the internet for everyone to see?", was "Well, if someone is saying that my family never died and they were completely fine, I WOULD want someone to post the footage." which I feel doesn't justify anything. I feel it is one thing to post gore for shits and giggles (I personally feel that is kinda gross but I get that a lot of people here are old internet and that is a lot more commonplace/normal), its another to post gore as some sort of... strange moral cause. And that anyone who sees the gore NEEDS to then look at it and then spread the gore further. At least normally you would just block the person doing it rather than just.... sitting there and letting them send you more, and then purposefully sending it to everyone else in your contacts because the person who sent you the gore says you NEED to send it to other people or else you're somehow an awful person, then just furthering this cycle.
I think in these times with these, as you called them, demorilzation campaigns, moderation is important. Being surrounded on all sides with people trying to tear you down (even if not personal) for their own gain is draining. Not just with silly YouTube videos, but other things as well. While we shouldn't look away from issues nessicerily, we need to not engage or look at things if we know they start to cause issues with our own mental health, purposefully. Which is easier said than done ofc. Sometimes you don't recognize it is even happening, like in the case with the Spongebob video where for some reason I thought it was absolutely nessicery that they went into that much detail about something so meaningless at the end of the day. What I've found helps sometimes is looking at WHY someone would be telling you these sorts of things. Do they have something to gain from it? Here for example, nothing to gain from bringing it up as nobody here is some celebrity. But say, a youtuber like the Spongebob example. Well, comments of people talking about it. Comments boost it in the algorythm, people following to hear more, likes of people agreeing with the point of the doomerism. Also boosts the video more. Spreads it to more people. The cycle continues. Or say a twitter post with some war footage/gore. More money to their chosen gofundme's (whether those are real or not is a whole other question), people retweeting it because it's "important", more people retweeting it from that for the same reason as the former, people following them from there.
Another example (the last one, I promise) I hate the ocean. I am absolutely terrified of it. I hate the things that live in it, I hate the water and the destruction it causes, I hate it's infinite depths, I hate everything about it. More pussy behavior ik. So what I don't do is engage with ocean related things. I don't go swimming in the ocean, I don't look at stuff about ocean life unless it is FAR away from me, and I don't think about it for the most part. If it does somehow come up, I leave. I can go a very long time without thinking of anything related to the ocean. If I do, it is lesso screaming and moreso thinking too much about it. So much so I need to sleep to reset my brain to not think about it (usually sleep is the solution to a lot of my problems). Luckily it is not as detrimental for me as doomer mentality (just either makes me feel disgust, sad, or spooked, vs "I need to kill myself or I'll live to see the end of the world" like doomer mentality does for me), but the point stands nonetheless.
Moral of saying all of this, self care is very important. Take care of yourself. Of course you shouldn't run away from your problems all the time but as Noxy was saying, when it gets to the point that you're thinking about things you can't control so much so you're paralysed/suffering everyday, it's best to avoid the things that cause you to think of those things to begin with. Look for the joy of being alive in these times (music for example is that for me). If the end does come, at least you'll know that you lived all those good times beforehand to the fullest rather than wasting away those good times worried about the future you're in currently.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Weary Traveler
Nov 24, 2023
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Not to get doomer after a whole discussion of not being doomer, but to answer the question posed at the very beginning of the thread: I feel as though there is definitely some sort of economical collapse coming up (as mentioned later in the post I have mentioned but not nessicerily entirely exclusively related to gaming and technology and such, but the tech industry is definitely going to play a factor). It seems like the same thing is repeating like in the previous times before. The overspending, the innovation, the rampant consumerism, the hype around stupid frivilous things like crypto and AI without really understanding it, just because it's the cool shiny new thing; It is reminding me a bit too much of the Roaring 20s, coming right before the Great Depression.
I have just the story for this:
In 1929, at the height of an economic boom in America, Joseph Kennedy Sr. (father of JFK) was working as a stockbroker on Wall Street. As the story goes, Joseph was walking around when he decided to sit down for a shoeshine. While polishing his shoes, the young worker gave Joseph some of his favorite stock picks. When Joseph heard the shoeshine boy giving out stock tips, he figured the party was about to end, and it was time to get out of the market. Joseph proceeded to exit his positions in the market and bought short positions that bet on the market going down.

Shortly after that, the stock market entered a free fall. On Monday, October 28, 1929, the market dropped about 13%. The next day it fell another 12%. These became better known as Black Monday and Black Tuesday, and ushered the United States into The Great Depression.


I believe personally it's because the people who are spending the money to invest in this goofy stuff don't know what it even is. They think that it's like the robots of fiction, where they can think and act for themselves. Talking supercomputers and all that.
I used ChatGPT to help me learn C++
Its mostly self consciousness that people fear even in this site. However, the truth is I personally think we could never achieve true artificial self conciousness due to the very reason we have here:

Our coding languages.

I have no right to speak this but I feel like our languages are not that in depth or detailed enough to create a self conscious due to how strangely limiting they could be on a much much deeper level. For example, how could AI create a programming language of its own? Entirely original without using any previous or learned knowledge or even using any human languages. It can't. Its physically incapable of it due to our current consciously limited programming languages of today. Its weird but I have a feeling that is the core reason behind this goal. We need to evolve our languages before we can create godhood in a sense.

Otherkin in particular are especially prevalent in the web revival movement and visual art spaces.
LAMO i didn't know. Where's that??

Now, looking back on it with hindsight and hearing it described by someone else, I can see how disgustingly manipulative that was to do. It really did have no point whatsoever to go for an entire half of the video talking about how the end is nigh and pollution all to explain some dumbass edgy Spongebob meme. Especially the part about pollution and how Stephen Hillenberg was our "father" and how sad he would be at what had happened to his property and the world. To be fair, the part about Steven Hillenberg I thought was a bit weird even in my depressed state
Because its designed to exaggerate and create a mental loop while glorifying an otherwise mortal man. Ironically, Hillenburg probably wouldn't want to be glorified. He was just a guy who wanted to teach about fish. That's all. He was no philospoher or politician. He was a show runner.

Stuff like that, stuff like doomer thoughts in general, they do sort of prey on the vulnerable like that. They know that it will get engagement and people agreeing, but in return it is a massive morale lowering act.
This is at the core of why I hate wojaks and doomer vids. I stay AWAY from those videos due to how it negatively can effect my morale and ruin how I view people. Like for example:




They give off these horrible vibes that make you feel like shit at the end of the day and lead you down a doomer mentality. Funnily as I was looking for this channel spefically, I found out its way way more popular now. Which horrifies me.


I felt like shit afterwards and it ruined my day. Yes, I am a pussy and I try not to be this easily suggestable but it happened nonetheless.
You're not a pussy. You were a victim. We all fall for shit but you didn't fall deeper into the spiral and thats something I commend!!

In the midst of that, it felt as though we would never return to what was the previous normal, at least to me as someone who had never experienced anything like this in my lifetime. But here we are. Of course, not all events are nesscerily exactly like that. Not to make a huge jump but WW2 for example was built up over a good while of events that could have been forseen but were brushed off as nothing and then look at how that turned out in the end. But most of them, generally, come when you least expect it.

Another example of the demoralization campaign, Palestine vs Israel and Twitter. Back when I used to use Twitter and this first started up, I muted every word and hastag related to it because my feed was absolutely innundated with corpses, gore, and talk of the horrors of war (not a single trigger warning, content block, or spoiler in sght). Most accurately could be described as the old internet rite of passage of posting gore/liveleak footage, but done by the people who would normally cry and whine if it was done to them, now done anyways because it was somehow morally justifiable. I knew children who were seeing this stuff because unfortunantly these days kids have social media and yet are still too dumb to learn how to filter/block. It took me ages to convince one friend to mute the words relating to the war. Why? Because they thought, even though they hated seeing dead babies on their timeline daily, that it was important anyways for them to see stuff related to the very thing that was causing them strife. That they would somehow be a bad person for blocking that stuff. I pointed out to them that that is exactly what the people posting this want. They want to exert control, because they are sadists, because logically who would ever, EVER post dead babies being thrown about, completely uncensored, for any good reason? Finally they did it and they were much better off afterwards. I forget how but I stumbled across a post from one of the people who were posting the gore and their logic behind it, in response to the question "Would you like it if someone posted footage of your family getting murdered onto the internet for everyone to see?", was "Well, if someone is saying that my family never died and they were completely fine, I WOULD want someone to post the footage." which I feel doesn't justify anything. I feel it is one thing to post gore for shits and giggles (I personally feel that is kinda gross but I get that a lot of people here are old internet and that is a lot more commonplace/normal), its another to post gore as some sort of... strange moral cause. And that anyone who sees the gore NEEDS to then look at it and then spread the gore further. At least normally you would just block the person doing it rather than just.... sitting there and letting them send you more, and then purposefully sending it to everyone else in your contacts because the person who sent you the gore says you NEED to send it to other people or else you're somehow an awful person, then just furthering this cycle.
I think in these times with these, as you called them, demorilzation campaigns, moderation is important. Being surrounded on all sides with people trying to tear you down (even if not personal) for their own gain is draining. Not just with silly YouTube videos, but other things as well. While we shouldn't look away from issues nessicerily, we need to not engage or look at things if we know they start to cause issues with our own mental health, purposefully. Which is easier said than done ofc. Sometimes you don't recognize it is even happening, like in the case with the Spongebob video where for some reason I thought it was absolutely nessicery that they went into that much detail about something so meaningless at the end of the day. What I've found helps sometimes is looking at WHY someone would be telling you these sorts of things. Do they have something to gain from it? Here for example, nothing to gain from bringing it up as nobody here is some celebrity. But say, a youtuber like the Spongebob example. Well, comments of people talking about it. Comments boost it in the algorythm, people following to hear more, likes of people agreeing with the point of the doomerism. Also boosts the video more. Spreads it to more people. The cycle continues. Or say a twitter post with some war footage/gore. More money to their chosen gofundme's (whether those are real or not is a whole other question), people retweeting it because it's "important", more people retweeting it from that for the same reason as the former, people following them from there

Firstly, Ive seen children in my own family be indoctrinated into this stuff. Watching dead children and being even more "motivated and angered" by this action when they shouldn't even be seeing that shit in the first place. They shouldn't even be INTO politics due to the very nature and lack of ability to do anything about it! Secondly, I find insane that people will shame people for not wanting to see dead children on their fucking timeline because of the guise of fucking activism. No its not you fucking idiot. Like you NEED to see this when you don't. I'm shocked more people don't bring how mentally damaging this is especially when this is same crowd who defend trigger warnings for small shit like microaggressions!! However, no everyone has to see gore and dead child. This isn't just a demoralization campaign. Its ANGER campaign designed to get people constantly riled up and pressure and terrify people. The people terrify and anger and depress the people get nice share of the profit while also getting a consistent watch base.

When you say "Would you like it if someone posted footage of your family getting murdered onto the internet for everyone to see?" imagine a Palestinian seeing all this bullshit on the timeline after just escaping the hell hole they encountered. Why constantly being reminded that you are a victim. That you cannot escape for just a moment. Its fine to put flags up, its fine to protest but don't shame people for wanting to just look away for a moment. Don't just say "Well they don't have a choice" because I swear to god I will backhand you myself!! This is a very important conflict but this conflict has been going on since the 20th century. Children have been dying for years and where were you??? When you were mad that the US won't do shit but you yourself have ignorant before in the past 20 years. FUCK OFF slacktivist!

They gain a monetary advantage by posting the dead. You notice even in the comments sections. There are bots EVERYWHERE asking people to donate to the cause for no reason. The conflict itself and the children has become a monetary market that is being taken advantage of. DEAD CHILDREN ARE BEING TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF FOR A CAUSE. I can't find them at the moment but they are there. Its weird and disgusting.

Its important to take action, donate. Not just look at shit and say "oh woes me, how can we solve this?"

Anyways spooky, you're no pussy. You're cool asf!!

Virtual Cafe Awards


Active Traveler
Jun 16, 2023
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A lot of the visual artist crowd for example have been creating different art websites after DeviantArt and Twitter went to shit and then splitting off to those, leaving behind those other sites progressively for one reason or another.
Can you tell me what some of these sites are? I'm interested in this too.


Pipe dream weeb
Jan 4, 2024
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People are being conditioned to hyperfocus on problems, and the internet is amplifying this by constantly hammering the idea into your head.
Imo this started with the whole "you have the power" lie that was fed to millennials and then regurgitated to zoomers that saw it as a 5 star buffet, just because they canceled some online rando for saying a bad word 13 years ago in a tweet. The whole "you can change to world just raise awareness" meme just skyrocketed the whole "everything has to be your problem" thing. That's why you see people get involved as if they can change anything and even if they can they don't do anything, they've raised awareness and fought valiantly as an internet warrior, is that not enough? Turns out online activism that isn't back by actual actions only raises everyone's blood pressure and stress. On top of all of that, web conglomerates and media push all that stuff for ad revenue.

Like i said a while back: i miss the time where people donated 5$ to some charity that probably didn't even give 5% of it to the person in need, just to feel good about themselves. Even that did something compared to most internet activism, especially zoomer driven internet activism.

Part of me wonders if those groups are somehow funded by the industrialists to give environmentalists a bad name.
My thoughts exactly, some of those activists acting braindead have interesting funding sources. Just Stop Oil (the guys that threw beans on that one painting and some other dumb shit) was originally financed by Aileen Getty, the granddaughter of Jean Paul Getty, founder of the Getty Oil Company. Not even a conspiracy, it's on Wikipedia lol

Do you really care about said sporting events or artworks?
I kinda do, the artworks at least. But i do agree that if shit hits the fan it'll all get trashed.

This is at the core of why I hate wojaks and doomer vids. I stay AWAY from those videos due to how it negatively can effect my morale and ruin how I view people. Like for example:
I'm sorry but I can't help myself.

I hate this fucking wojack shit, this lowest common denominator self flagellating garbage. People call these "modern rage comics" but fuck no this is normies first online avatar stand-in, for their woe is me minor inconveniences. Out of all the shit normies could have latched on to they latched on to wojacks that's why you still see them after all this time. People make fun of literally me's but at least they're projecting on to capable characters that could motivate you to fix those issues, instead of pathetic blank stand-ins. When is this shit going to die already?

End rant.

To not just be a Derail Daryl i have to say that i've really been enjoying your take on this subject. Yes we can do something! If everyone thought this way and actually did something things would be so much better. But I'll also reiterate that not everything is your problem to fix, you don't need to "at least raise awareness". Some things are just simply out of your hands. Just do what you can, if you can do anything and if you can't it's not your problem.

And a cautionary word on donating. Don't just donate to any charity you see, many of them are a grift that don't even give 10% of the donations to those that should receive them. Do your research, 100% is unrealistic but most should end up in those in hands of need.


Mar 19, 2024
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We exist in post optimistic times. There was a brief window after the end of the cold war when everyone was optimistic. "The end of History" as Fukuyama infamously called it. I don't know if things are getting worse but rather we are sobering up to the reality that humans will never achieve everlasting piece as far as we are on earth. My great grandfather fought in WW2, it probably seemed like the world was ending then. My dad quivered under his bed under the possibility of "nuclear annihilation" under the cold war. There was a brief window of optimism after the cold war but that was shattered with 9/11. I think things will always seem like it's getting worse, because life is hard, and we become more aware of it as we grow older. This is going to sound pretty woo-woo nonsense, but what was Adams punishment in the book of genesis? Endless toil. That isn't to say you should collapse under this, life is as good as you make it out to be. I guess I'm just unconvinced what we are experiencing is as existentially threatening as we make it out to be.


Active Traveler
Jun 16, 2023
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what was Adams punishment in the book of genesis? Endless toil.
I definitely feel the Garden of Eden story is a great metaphor for life. People's loss of innocence (eating from the tree of knowledge) and realizing man's flaws (being ashamed of your nakedness) never being able to go back to blissful ignorance (being expelled from the garden) and all the troubles that follow afterward in life (endless toil)
We exist in post optimistic times. There was a brief window after the end of the cold war when everyone was optimistic. "The end of History" as Fukuyama infamously called it. I don't know if things are getting worse but rather we are sobering up to the reality that humans will never achieve everlasting piece as far as we are on earth. My great grandfather fought in WW2, it probably seemed like the world was ending then. My dad quivered under his bed under the possibility of "nuclear annihilation" under the cold war. There was a brief window of optimism after the cold war but that was shattered with 9/11. I think things will always seem like it's getting worse, because life is hard, and we become more aware of it as we grow older. This is going to sound pretty woo-woo nonsense, but what was Adams punishment in the book of genesis? Endless toil. That isn't to say you should collapse under this, life is as good as you make it out to be. I guess I'm just unconvinced what we are experiencing is as existentially threatening as we make it out to be.
if you want to speak of it somewhere, you can write in thread

  • #0 punks and emos of 2000s-2010s: basically "When we were young" fest, - safe for fact it was then "current thing": pic-rel + all those rock, punk, emo, - things playing on radio --- a psyop??? + 80s (music, not aesthetics) nostalgia occuring around that time... : music-rel (yeah, pretty much this playlist is "getting rich" from nostalgia - go, figure :/)
  • #1 youtube campaign "broadcoast yourself" - dawg man, i am so confussed how we could "get bought" over this - and believe come corporation! it sounds so - ironic; looking at it from lens of someone, living in *these* times "after fad"... - really believing(?) that commonmen can, thru sheer "influence" thru net, shape world... (what a joke!!!) [were we sold on *this feeling"!???]
  • #1b general naiivity over "corporations allowing us all this" - how was that not suspicious!! i wonder... (letting our guard and awareness so low) ~ but then, werent we (born 1999-and so; living with siblings (sister), of 8 year difference...)
  • #1.5campaign of web providers (geocities, goDaddy or such), *basically* saying "be you"/"promote yourself"
    • (if you get me, that is; i am - getting nostalgic, over something i very fogly remember - in fact, now i get - why those "boomers" over here are getting nostalgic over living in socialism (when, they were kids... - so was i...)
    • --- WAS this all^ psy-op - contrarian messages, just "selling feeling", scham, make-believe dreams?
      • or is it that *there somewhere*, it was "all taken away from us" - well, as i see, that is very little probability, and it was just tactic to "get everyone on net" - those fxxx bastards!! (#me, being naiive...)

Virtual Cafe Awards


Mar 19, 2024
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I definitely feel the Garden of Eden story is a great metaphor for life. People's loss of innocence (eating from the tree of knowledge) and realizing man's flaws (being ashamed of your nakedness) never being able to go back to blissful ignorance (being expelled from the garden) and all the troubles that follow afterward in life (endless toil)
I always understood it as a metaphor for higher conciousness, knowledge of good and evil as it's called in the book. Knowledge of good and evil comes with responsibility, and without the wisdom god has it becomes a burden. That's why god hated the idea of "man becoming like us" because they knew we couldn't handle the burden and we'd exist in a ceaseless contradiction.

I also think it's about higher conciousness because of the idea of toil. We only see the behaviors we must exhibit as toil because we are intelligent enough to recognize it as such. Animals do nothing but survive all day, but they don't see it as toil because they aren't cognizant enough to recognize it as such, we are on the other hand.


pook pook pook
Mar 16, 2024
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Yes, I am a pussy and I try not to be this easily suggestable but it happened nonetheless.
You're not a pussy, you're especially sensitive due to whatever personal issues. Would you call someone in a wheelchair 'a dumb fuck' for not knowing how to ride a bike?

You might need to develop some methods to deal with this particularity in a healthy way, ignoring people talking about the sort of thing that affects you, rationalizing your feelings and what you can and cannot do about it (writing it down helps a lot, having someone to support you also helps not spirall down into more sadness), and heavily curating the content you consume are some methods which might help.

But please, do not call yourself 'a pussy' over this, and do not call yourself 'a victim' either, both of those mentalities are very bad. You're a person, a human, and more than capable of living a normal life but you must recognize your limits. Everyone has 'a limit' on something they must absolutely stay away from, it's part of being a human. Just like an alcoholic must keep away from alcohol and an ex-neet must keep away from modern internet, you must keep away from overly-stressful things you can realistically do nothing to change.

Now, looking back on it with hindsight and hearing it described by someone else, I can see how disgustingly manipulative that was to do. It really did have no point whatsoever to go for an entire half of the video talking about how the end is nigh and pollution all to explain some dumbass edgy Spongebob meme.
As you mentioned later in your post, they just did it to boost views and engagement, and it worked, didn't it? Youtube recommended it to everyone and their grandma.
It was absolutely unecessary to do that, he could leave that meme out or just mention 'its a reference to current world problems' (which is obvious), but that would not drive-up engagement. Sex sells and we all know that, but who knew people would find a way to capitalize on doom.

I think in these times with these, as you called them, demorilzation campaigns, moderation is important. Being surrounded on all sides with people trying to tear you down (even if not personal) for their own gain is draining.
That is why it is very important to heavily restrict what you read, watch and interact with on the internet. I wish it was as simple as separating oneself from 'negative' stuff such as news on wars, but truth is there is many bad things on the internet, and many of them will give you good feelings.

Think of videogames, for example. Modern videogames are a strong drug that is hard to put down; and it is even harder to rival the dopamine they give you in comparison to other activities you could perform in your free time.
There is also shorts, and youtube videos. youtube being akin the 'perfect television' where you can pick what you wanna watch so you never get bored heavily hurts the enjoyment you might get from other activities.

What I mean by this is that when you receive heavy dose of dopamine, doing something that is not as stimulating is akin to walking out of a very bright room into a darker one, the darker room will look very dark for a long time until your eyes adjust. Dopamine works more or less the same way: once they hit a certain 'high' any activity that does not hit that same 'high' is just not as entertaining.

It is very hard to convince oneself that activities that feel good are actually bad for you, but that might just be the case. Once you find yourself struggling to delete an account from a site or you feel like you can't stop interacting with a certain site, you've got a problem.

It is important to note that discussing this is extremely hard because humans require some sort of entertainment and you will always pick a 'main hobby'. A person might become a GymRat, BookWorm, Terminally online, or something else, but whilst a Gym rat can show a chiseled body and a Book worm might show knowledge on many topics and maybe some works of their own, what can a terminally online person show? Knowledge of drama? In-depth knowledge of memes? Desensitization due to years of porn and gore?
What can a 'gamer' show? Meta-game tactics? Drama? Racism?

Some hobbies help a person grow and become fulfilled, and help the community around said person in some way, other hobbies are purely hedonistic in nature, and worst of all, hurt the person partaking in the hobby. 'Drinking as a hobby' would be a clear example of this, it might feel good for the drunken but what does he or the people around him win from his heavy drinking?

This is why this point is really hard to make, the drunk enjoys drinking just like the gamer enjoys gaming, but only they get anything out of it (and the ones providing the vice). They might be doing something that is not going to give them anything meaningful to show their grandchildren (if they ever have grandchildren), but I cannot claim it's wrong to live like that, everyone is free to do whatever they want. The issue is that I firmly believe that any person out there is capable of finding enjoyment in an activity that is far better for their body and mind, and that many 'hobbies' are actually rat traps, they will benefit only the one that set-up the trap.

But well, this idea is a bit raw at the moment, I have not yet found the words to express it clearly. Especially because it is hard to grasp what is good for the body and mind and what is just a placebo. (And I'm not even going to mention how the corruption of activities that are good for you complicates this point even further. Like for example the steroid industry and 90's movies attempting to convince young folk they must inject if they want to 'max their gains'. Sigh, it's all just so complicated...)

I sort of went on a big unrelated tangent with this last point, sorry.


Internet Refugee
May 28, 2024
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Its mostly self consciousness that people fear even in this site. However, the truth is I personally think we could never achieve true artificial self conciousness due to the very reason we have here:

Our coding languages.

I have no right to speak this but I feel like our languages are not that in depth or detailed enough to create a self conscious due to how strangely limiting they could be on a much much deeper level. For example, how could AI create a programming language of its own? Entirely original without using any previous or learned knowledge or even using any human languages. It can't. Its physically incapable of it due to our current consciously limited programming languages of today. Its weird but I have a feeling that is the core reason behind this goal. We need to evolve our languages before we can create godhood in a sense.
LLMs and neural networks in general do store all the information they learn in a way completely incomprehensible to both man and machine, so theres THAT as a start of sorts. But the issue always is that it HAS to learn from something and all it can learn from are humans really, so it's always only going to know what we know at the end of the day.
As for evolving coding languages, I'm not sure how much further we could push them at this point. I know C, ASM, C++, C#, Python, etc are all old as the dirt in terms of computers, but they're still here and they still work. And what else do they need to do that they can't do already? What is there to go beyond? How much further can one push ones and zeros? I'm not saying this to question your logic or anything, moreso ask what you mean or what an evolved language in your eyes would be that would be suitable for a self-concious robot.
I think the main thing that is sifling said conciousness would be randomness. Because computers can never truely be random, AI can never truely be spontanious, nor create from that spontainanious-ness. Sure, theres a Randomness value you can jack up to get it to spit out something nonsensical, but in the end a computer is ones and zeros. If done right, with the same values every time, it could produce the same response again. If there is no randomness, it cannot think for itself, only to the whims of Epoch Time and the cursor movements of the individual puppeting it. If it was truely random of its own accord, then maybe it could be called free will and thought in a way. As well as being able to hold said opinion/answer on questioning (AI has a tendancy to backtrack when it's questioned/pressed on something, even if it's wrong).
Then again, talking robots aren't my forte and the technology is changing constantly, especially with all the money flowing in. I once stumbled across an old meme that I liked which was one of the very FIRST generations of AI from like, 2017 or so. Back then it was a completely nonsensical mess which is what made it funny. Stark contrast to now. And of course back then, AI generated images weren't even a thought in the head of most, or even thought possible. And now here they are and they're commonplace. So who knows.
LAMO i didn't know. Where's that??
Neocities, Nekoweb, Tumblr (still), Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, Carrd if you could count that, Rentry even though its supposed to be a pastebin (kids like to use it as their aesthetic bio for some reason), they're all over.
Heres a webring full of them if you're curious (and those are just the ones that joined, I've seen many more that aren't on the list lol)
This is at the core of why I hate wojaks and doomer vids. I stay AWAY from those videos due to how it negatively can effect my morale and ruin how I view people.
I got one of those in my feed once. I thought it was one of those meme reading videos. But then it was like, some weird crappy animation with the goofy 4chan doodles having some sort of drama with TTS voices and I was just... confused so I stopped watching pretty shortly after (esp when I realized it was like, 20min and not a 10 sec read or something. Makes me sound very tiktok brained I promise I'm not lol). People watch those?? And take them unironically?? Well, I mean they must if they're still making them but still. I can't take it seriously with the wojacks. :PikaFacepalm:
When you say "Would you like it if someone posted footage of your family getting murdered onto the internet for everyone to see?" imagine a Palestinian seeing all this bullshit on the timeline after just escaping the hell hole they encountered. Why constantly being reminded that you are a victim. That you cannot escape for just a moment. Its fine to put flags up, its fine to protest but don't shame people for wanting to just look away for a moment. Don't just say "Well they don't have a choice" because I swear to god I will backhand you myself!! This is a very important conflict but this conflict has been going on since the 20th century. Children have been dying for years and where were you??? When you were mad that the US won't do shit but you yourself have ignorant before in the past 20 years. FUCK OFF slacktivist!
This exactly. They don't say anything unless it is trendy or convinient. Ukraine vs Russia was trendy, so it was talked about for around a year. Now its not, so not a peep. And the Uygar muslims in China, can't say anything about that even though it's brought up nigh every time the topic of cheap Chinese retailers come up because then where will they get their cheap unlabelled seal plushes? How will they impulse buy without the slave labor to make the one dollar dress they saw that they just HAD to have?
They gain a monetary advantage by posting the dead. You notice even in the comments sections. There are bots EVERYWHERE asking people to donate to the cause for no reason. The conflict itself and the children has become a monetary market that is being taken advantage of. DEAD CHILDREN ARE BEING TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF FOR A CAUSE. I can't find them at the moment but they are there. Its weird and disgusting.
I remember seeing some of those. I think they're still around. Funny thing is, some of those accounts are repurposed porn bot accounts and if you go back far enough and if you're lucky they didn't cover their tracks, you can see some of the ones that switched back to being porn bots when it stopped working to continue that grift instead.
Anyways spooky, you're no pussy. You're cool asf!!
You're not a pussy, you're especially sensitive due to whatever personal issues.
Ahhh, thank you. ><
You might need to develop some methods to deal with this particularity in a healthy way, ignoring people talking about the sort of thing that affects you, rationalizing your feelings and what you can and cannot do about it (writing it down helps a lot, having someone to support you also helps not spirall down into more sadness), and heavily curating the content you consume are some methods which might help.

But please, do not call yourself 'a pussy' over this, and do not call yourself 'a victim' either, both of those mentalities are very bad. You're a person, a human, and more than capable of living a normal life but you must recognize your limits. Everyone has 'a limit' on something they must absolutely stay away from, it's part of being a human. Just like an alcoholic must keep away from alcohol and an ex-neet must keep away from modern internet, you must keep away from overly-stressful things you can realistically do nothing to change.
That's what I try to do. Ofc that video slipped through the cracks but I normally am very good about not letting that happen and not thinking about it.
I haven't tried writing about it before so next time that does happen I'll try that. Thank you.
Can you tell me what some of these sites are? I'm interested in this too.
  • SheezyArt (New hip one on the block. Currently has limited sign ups or you can pay to get in immidiately. Appeared earlier, then the owner took it down because they were under pressure due to the high velocity of people coming in, but now its back and the owner says they intend to keep it. Not related to the old SheezyArt, they just have the blessing of the old owners to use the name)
  • Artfol (Been around since iirc 2018. Started as an app but they finally rolled out the web version after ages of not having it)
  • Cohost (I don't know much about this one. Sort of Tumblr, sort of DA? Unsure but the artists who use it usually post there nigh exclusively and vouch for it so it's probably pretty good)
  • Buzzly (this one had a big drama back whern it was first starting out in like, 2022 or something (not the best retelling but it's complete). But theres still a community there, though the site seems to be having some more smaller, not as known issues judging by the newsposts. They did not turn people's art into NFTs in the end btw. This was peak NFT fearmongering days so people ran with it.)
  • Pillowfort (more Tumblr-esk than DeviantArt and I believe it's paid access (onetime but still) but there is a niche community in there)
  • Inkblot (also has had a few issues and "We're shutting down... NO WE ARENT ACTUALLY!" moments. I know nothing about this one, nor anyone who uses it, but I know it exists and somehow its been around since 2022)
I hate this fucking wojack shit, this lowest common denominator self flagellating garbage. People call these "modern rage comics" but fuck no this is normies first online avatar stand-in, for their woe is me minor inconveniences. Out of all the shit normies could have latched on to they latched on to wojacks that's why you still see them after all this time. People make fun of literally me's but at least they're projecting on to capable characters that could motivate you to fix those issues, instead of pathetic blank stand-ins. When is this shit going to die already?
It's less "modern rage comics" and more dolls of some sort lol. It feels like that with the more complicated senarios people try to pull of with them that are supposed to give some sort of social commentary. They have about as much depth as that lmao.
And a cautionary word on donating. Don't just donate to any charity you see, many of them are a grift that don't even give 10% of the donations to those that should receive them. Do your research, 100% is unrealistic but most should end up in those in hands of need.
Yes. And unsure if this people of this forum are the sort who would be doing this but I give the warning anyways, do not just donate to any Go Fund Me, PayPal, or CashApp you see linked that people SAY is going to someone in need. Grifters are everywhere. As I mentioned earlier, some of them were straight up the same people who run those porn bot scams. Some are people making a quick buck. Its the modern version of the Nigerian Prince scam.
I definitely feel the Garden of Eden story is a great metaphor for life. People's loss of innocence (eating from the tree of knowledge) and realizing man's flaws (being ashamed of your nakedness) never being able to go back to blissful ignorance (being expelled from the garden) and all the troubles that follow afterward in life (endless toil)
I always understood it as a metaphor for higher conciousness, knowledge of good and evil as it's called in the book. Knowledge of good and evil comes with responsibility, and without the wisdom god has it becomes a burden. That's why god hated the idea of "man becoming like us" because they knew we couldn't handle the burden and we'd exist in a ceaseless contradiction.

I also think it's about higher conciousness because of the idea of toil. We only see the behaviors we must exhibit as toil because we are intelligent enough to recognize it as such. Animals do nothing but survive all day, but they don't see it as toil because they aren't cognizant enough to recognize it as such, we are on the other hand.
Man. I'm not religious or anything but when you think about it like that it is right, isn't it? I can't say I haven't in the past wished to go back to not knowing about those sorts of things about the world like I was able to as a kid. But also not nessicerily back to being a kid because I remember the lack of freedom in general I had lol.

Sorry for derailing the thread back and forth in this one post.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Weary Traveler
Nov 24, 2023
Reaction score
Turns out online activism that isn't back by actual actions only raises everyone's blood pressure and stress. On top of all of that, web conglomerates and media push all that stuff for ad revenue.
This is why I hate the constant shit. You can't do anything about it and as such can atleast donate money for those causes. Not constantly post 24/7 like you're getting paid. Constantly posting about human suffering has to take a toll on the poster man I swear.

People call these "modern rage comics"
I wish we picked ACTUAL rage comics instead.

I think things will always seem like it's getting worse, because life is hard, and we become more aware of it as we grow older.
Espcially with the internet, we're more aware of it than ever. Suffering has always occurred. We're just more aware of it now. Atleast we can no longer fear something consistent like the end of the world or a nuclear bomb. Just potential war and bad candidates.

And what else do they need to do that they can't do already? What is there to go beyond? How much further can one push ones and zeros? I'm not saying this to question your logic or anything, moreso ask what you mean or what an evolved language in your eyes would be that would be suitable for a self-concious robot.
I think the main thing that is sifling said conciousness would be randomness. Because computers can never truely be random, AI can never truely be spontanious, nor create from that spontainanious-ness. Sure, theres a Randomness value you can jack up to get it to spit out something nonsensical, but in the end a computer is ones and zeros.
The only way to break from this binary cycle is one way. Instead of 1 and 0, its a 2, 3 and 4.

Its nonsensical but thats the core of the problem with a self consciousness. We can create layers upon layers. We can physically count up to a million but a machine's binary is stuck to an off or on switch. In order for it to break from it's consciousness, it must philosophically and literally break away from its binary nature. So yeah its not possible at it's core. Its pure fantasy and replication.

And the Uygar muslims in China, can't say anything about that even though it's brought up nigh every time the topic of cheap Chinese retailers come up because then where will they get their cheap unlabelled seal plushes? How will they impulse buy without the slave labor to make the one dollar dress they saw that they just HAD to have?
Pretty much this. If it doesn't effect the common consumer, its "out of their way" because they GOTTA have it. How many people would survive/be angry without cheap slave labor?

Sorry for derailing the thread back and forth in this one post.
Don't apologize you're just responding bro. Your post was the best post on this thread lmao!!
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