From the old 8/16 bit era. The tunes were straight up jams, amazing feats of composition on such limited tech and often had very intricate melodies. Plus they were so catchy!
It was amazing how they did so much with basic chips. Sheer genius. After that it just kept getting better and better so when the various synths, waves and various combinations therein had a resurgence I was with it. Great video:
And quite possibly the most overly well produced track for a title that nobody probably paid any attention to back in the days as they couldn't wait to click past it:
What got you into this lane?
It was amazing how they did so much with basic chips. Sheer genius. After that it just kept getting better and better so when the various synths, waves and various combinations therein had a resurgence I was with it. Great video:
And quite possibly the most overly well produced track for a title that nobody probably paid any attention to back in the days as they couldn't wait to click past it:
What got you into this lane?