Conspiracies you have little to no proof of but still believe


Weary Traveler
Nov 24, 2023
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This moon guy is some form of snake oil merchant, complains about issue but promises his paid course will help.
Literally how I feel about moony guy and people who run channels like his.
Virtual Cafe Awards
Or we all turn schizo and nuke each other after twitter users finally gain access to government postions and nuke us all to the ground because we said racial slur at some point. (I'm joking of course)
or 4chan, but when that changed in cca 2019 as ToS changed, now we need more people to post it at once, ... you know, even 4chan got nuked...
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Cyber Gnostic
Jun 2, 2023
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The so called "healthy weight" for infants is slowly being raised to (A) force mothers to become dependent on formula for feeding their children and (B) cover up the fact that the average american diet is so unhealthy it's now affecting babies while in utero and through breastfeeding. I tried looking on but I haven't been able to find a weight chart from more than 10 years ago. However, while getting clothes for my son I've seen a noticable difference in size between hand-me-downs from when I was a baby vs new clothes.
Virtual Cafe Awards
The so called "healthy weight" for infants is slowly being raised to (A) force mothers to become dependent on formula for feeding their children and (B) cover up the fact that the average american diet is so unhealthy it's now affecting babies while in utero and through breastfeeding. I tried looking on but I haven't been able to find a weight chart from more than 10 years ago. However, while getting clothes for my son I've seen a noticable difference in size between hand-me-downs from when I was a baby vs new clothes.
i just think people are geing bigger
notice how people used to be thin and small on average in the past
opposite to nowadays
nurture, care, health etc.
but are we happier? if the happiness cames from nothing, you feel bad, or well i do(?)
Virtual Cafe Awards
It is really part of how the internet controls us really. The quick access of knowledge and ideologies leads to a over complexity of life and this doomer mentality that we will all fail and this generation has no foot to stand on due to the wells of success drying up. Its manipulation to never get you to move, to grow, to love because people will feel like it's impossible to change the status even with a movement when they never realize things take time. Sometimes we'll never even see the fruit of our labors until its too late
what you say is, "RAY DALIO - MĚNÍCÍ SE SVĚTOVÝ ŘÁD by TrochuLepší" (in czech) > basically , every Reich got rise, peak and fall
500 years of data, researching on these efects - hegemony of USA , before that Britain, before, Netherlands...

P.S. made Thread on "these", collected talking points
(just renamed and expanded my [sic] "agora cookies and youtube recommendations" thread)
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cant find my own comment, but i said
that AI delib. way to control meaning and populace
if we can complicit to simple wikipedia explanation, then we can get away with anything similar
it is why people get right-wing in 2020s i think - if something, anything, can be explained any way and it fits with participent, recipient, then, - after funding in well-meant, but (delib?) poorly executed methods to "medial literacy", "literacy", "critical thinking" - those (buzz)words can mean anything you want - for the top of the tops, it would be to get away if low of the low could just read, count and be scared, fascinated - see the infinite "research reports" on things that will never see a light of the day...

i cant explain myself
it is just similar to the way you know something is bad/good, but you are coerced by how society shifted nowadays, to act in certain way - e.g. you know that neoliberalism (anti-homelessness practices) in the retarded thachter, reagan way is idiocy (it is no way "free"), but you have no power or means to stop it...
or, that you are learned to not smash your boss head into table, but you cant because he/she provides you with job... (tyranny of commons)

another related: AI "for all" is control, means, and collecting data - onnect that to "IFL" journobros etc, news and their speech ("facts"), and you see even they dont believe it, they just read it like robots - "here is the worst of the worst BUT that would NEVER happen to you because you are watching THESE news rn!" /s, cyn
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Professional E-Dentist
Aug 22, 2023
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Quantum inmortality: from my point of view i'm inmortal, why i said that?
Real and smart! I think quantum immortality can propably be statistically proven if the scientists just studied ppls lives .
Virtual Cafe Awards
That the English language is upside down and backwards whilst being a mongrel fragmented blend of other, older tongues that was created and designed with the implicit intent of trapping those who solely use it to create their internal OS within an unconscious web of cursive, spells, rites and all encompassing devilishness.

Its a very, very strange construction and a lot of its most common phrases run counter to mans innate energetics but if you are monolingual its kinda hard to grok because you're like a fish that was born and raised in waters contaminated by a low dose hallucinogen so you Thunk thats how it is as you adapted to its resonance whilst losing touch with your Self. Suddenly the past, present and future being "tense" makes sense as well as how one tiny island (home of the "Stiff upper lip" and all of that says) managed to "civilize" (read: Loot and plunder natural resources) of every other continent and justify their operations as being heaven sent.

To add on, haven't you ever wondered why the three huge triangle countries (South America, India and Africa) are overflowing with spiritual traditions, untold riches and an intensely varied range of flora/fauna and the rest are kept dirt poor whilst its inverted opposite known as the United Kingdom (triple cross, waved in your dish. Pay attention, kids!) is minuscule in comparison and almost entirely bereft of the above but entirely capable of creating and exporting a specific type of brutality the world had never previously seen in order to strike it rich? Now wonder the Native Americans said (as being handed Smallpox laced blankets) "White man speaks with forked tongue" as they knew what was happening...


Cosmic Girl
Oct 14, 2023
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Oliver Cromwell was actually a monarchist whose ultimate objective was making the British people completely reject republicanism and keep the Windsor house forever.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Cosmic Girl
Oct 14, 2023
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(Kinda) Social Isolationist
Feb 4, 2022
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Annoying vegan influencers, tiktokers and social media users are controlled opposition by Big Meat made on purpose to be cringey and annoying so people buys big amounts of meat and indulge in unhealthy meat-based diets to "own the vegans" and make the meat industries bigger and richer
Virtual Cafe Awards


Cybernetic Esotericist
Dec 26, 2021
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About a quarter of the goods in dollar general are purposely upcharged in the computer in the hopes the customer doesn't notice the discrepancy while checking out and pays more than they're supposed to.
Virtual Cafe Awards


This is Extremely Dangerous to Our Democracy
Feb 15, 2022
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That Boeing whistle blower was outright killed by a corp or investment group and there's no convincing me otherwise.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Internet Refugee
Sep 21, 2023
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Oh... I'm so happy I came across this. I genuinely believe petroleum (hydrocarbons) are sentient, the way water is sentient, and that petroleum pollution and other types of refined hydrocarbons are controlling humanity. I sometimes have different theories as to where it's going, and why, but I definitely believe it has something to do with an alchemical transformation of cosmic material. In my view, humanity's entire purpose is to invert organic material. Terrestrial chemist monkeys...

I actually just made one page about one of my theories related to oil and robotic aliens the other day!
I always found videos like this to just be an exaggeration of what the internet and what our ancestors went through. Yes, previous generations had it easier finding love, a family, a house even but that's due to the fact they were practically bombarded with various wars from WWII to Vietnam and the constant anxiety that the world could end at any moment with the Cold War. Profits were down because of the baby boomers and later generations prior to Gen Z but much like a website on the internet, the well of good people and opportunities dry up as more and more people use it. Soon it'll just be corporatized and controlled ironically like that Moon video (which really kinda just shows to me more about the modern state of YouTube more than anything and how corporate the community has gotten in a sense but that's off topic). It is really part of how the internet controls us really. The quick access of knowledge and ideologies leads to a over complexity of life and this doomer mentality that we will all fail and this generation has no foot to stand on due to the wells of success drying up. Its manipulation to never get you to move, to grow, to love because people will feel like it's impossible to change the status even with a movement when they never realize things take time. Sometimes we'll never even see the fruit of our labors until its too late. The world responds shockingly enough and people have acknowledged it. I have faith in this generation and the future generations to come.

You're absolutely right about this. Eventually, one day, the world will realize how shit the internet has become and will either leave or start a new service or world or even spread out. We're are no longer in the age of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 is not some crypto scam bullshit or "metaverse". It's bullshit to trick us all into believing its some corporate bullshit. Its really all of us. Leaving these major websites, hell even leaving the Web. Growing our own communites and circles, of course at the cost of many other older communites, we're already seeing the effects of it.

>people moving to more underground communites and suddenly those communites getting much higher interaction than normal
>even nostalgia for the days of the early 2000s and yesterweb

Everything is changing before our eyes. We're moving back to what we lost or gaining back what we lost. We're trying to go back to a day before the internet was controlled by various profiteering groups. Back before when some dumb fuck wanted to start a patreon and we all fucking jumped the dumb fuck for even thinking about profiting off his channel. Back to *maybe* geunine human, non-algorithmic human interaction. Sure, it may never happen, but deep down I feel it. The world is changing before maybe to better world and we'll see the end of it in a new hope.

Or we all turn schizo and nuke each other after twitter users finally gain access to government postions and nuke us all to the ground because we said racial slur at some point. (I'm joking of course)
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