Deleuzian Analysis of Transgenderism


Internet Refugee
Dec 1, 2022
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I believe that transgender individuals are being re-territorialised after the internet has decoded the libidinal flow. They are pathologically hysterical (I do not mean this disparagingly but in the Lacanian sense) seeking to ground their identity in a world bereft of community. They re-territorialise themselves in a manner derived from that of Protestant Christianity whereby the self is related to an ideal self; Christianity by the time of Feuerbach had already been stripped of all relation to community, making it ideal for the internet age. As oil powered machines supplant human and animal powered villages as the relations of production in which subjects can interpolate themselves they must rely on symbols flashed upon the retina by Athena Parthenos sprung from the warty forehead of a Cthonic black oil Zeus to explain to themselves who they are. They are being made socially reliant on validation to a pathological level, and economically reliant on the pharmaceutical and pschiatric industry. They are reactionary. Their revolutionary potential is inhibited by this, and to progress they must further de-territorialise beyond self and gender.

PS. I would like to pre-empt any claims of plagarism, I did just post this on /lit/ but I'm really disheartened by the response.


It ain't Jesus or the devil. It's Jesus or you.
Sep 15, 2021
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I don't have enough IQ for this
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Chao Tse-Tung

Chairman of the Deep-State Cabal, KEC
Jan 1, 2022
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They are being made socially reliant on validation to a pathological level, and economically reliant on the pharmaceutical and pschiatric industry. They are reactionary.
Not disagreeing with any of your points, as some of them I admittedly don't have the full breath of prior knowledge to understand, but this part is true (or, more accurately, is becoming true) for arguably a majority of the population.

What is the advent of mass social media addiction and parasocial relationships if not people being made to be reliant on validation from outside sources? What was the piss-poor handling of COVID if not a further attempt to tell everyone they need to always trust big pharmaceutical and go to therapy and take their meds for every little mental tick that wants you to be anything other than the property of a capitalist?

Not that I think this deconstructs any of your post, if anything it bolsters it. I think there's a lot of discussion to be had on this, but I think largely what we see happening to the trans community isn't a far cry from a heavily accelerated version of what we see happening to society as a whole.
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Reach heaven through violence
Jul 24, 2021
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I used to hang around on Deleuze Landian accelerationist Twitter -- most of the people were transgender and claimed to be the true heirs of Deleuze. Of course, as radicals, they framed themselves as rebels breaking into new unterritorialized space. I don't think many of them really understood or had read Deleuze, to be honest, but more used him to symbolize their aesthetic.
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Deleted member 4436


I happened to see your post on /lit/ as well. Unfortunately, that's just how the language happens to be used at the moment; there's not much you can do about it. I think that there are two groups of people, those who use the word "tranny" with the full intention of using it to talk about transgender people exclusively, as well as a second group for whom the original meaning has dissipated, where it is just used as an insult. You can't really discuss what you wish to, since you'll always invite both uses, which will cause only misunderstandings. In any case, I more or less have no idea what you just said, though I don't doubt that you're on to something (maybe). If your goal is to make your point, just name-dropping other philosophers is not exactly the best application of rhetoric, though I'm sure whatever their beliefs are fit in with what you're trying to explain perfectly. Unfortunately, most of the people you're trying to tell this to just won't have read them.
Aug 29, 2021
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I believe that transgender individuals are being re-territorialised after the internet has decoded the libidinal flow. They are pathologically hysterical (I do not mean this disparagingly but in the Lacanian sense) seeking to ground their identity in a world bereft of community. They re-territorialise themselves in a manner derived from that of Protestant Christianity whereby the self is related to an ideal self; Christianity by the time of Feuerbach had already been stripped of all relation to community, making it ideal for the internet age. As oil powered machines supplant human and animal powered villages as the relations of production in which subjects can interpolate themselves they must rely on symbols flashed upon the retina by Athena Parthenos sprung from the warty forehead of a Cthonic black oil Zeus to explain to themselves who they are. They are being made socially reliant on validation to a pathological level, and economically reliant on the pharmaceutical and pschiatric industry. They are reactionary. Their revolutionary potential is inhibited by this, and to progress they must further de-territorialise beyond self and gender.

PS. I would like to pre-empt any claims of plagarism, I did just post this on /lit/ but I'm really disheartened by the response.
You forgot to add the part in which santa claus shot JFK for cheating on his ho-ho-hoe wife.
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I swear I saw this exact thread on 4chan earlier (I think it was /lit/ but it might have been another board). Was that you OP, or did I just image that? Is this a copypasta, or is somebody stealing your pasta recipe?

EDIT: Nvm, I just read the last sentence of your post lol. Glad to know I didn't imagine it
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Nov 17, 2021
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That was part of a discussion I had yesterday. Not in the Deleuzian framework, but how the de-solution of acceptance in our communities creates this idea of universal acceptance that is given by wired constructs through validating some kind of identity. The problem is that these identities are only really able to be incorporated in the meatspace by further dissolving our communities and bringing the inevitable "isolation" in which all you have or even all you are depends on others, but others not as real meat agents but a cloudy ideal of a system of ethics/aesthetics (ie a new religion). In a way others of the Internet are the new pantheon and most of them are bots.
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Formerly His Holelineß
Apr 4, 2022
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Are you basically saying that transgender people seek validation and are being duped into spending a shit ton on drugs and surgery? All that is pretty obvious if you ask me. There's a book about it I think called 'The Transgender Industrial Complex'
I did just post this on /lit/ but I'm really disheartened by the response.
What did you expect, nobody responds to anything that isn't the regular crap. Once I made a thread asking for help to understand Naked Lunch (aka actual lit topic instead of pseudo-theological discussion) and received no response at all. Everyone there just reads /lit/ threads and pieces together hearsay about philosophy
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Internet Refugee
Dec 1, 2022
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I think largely what we see happening to the trans community isn't a far cry from a heavily accelerated version of what we see happening to society as a whole.
Yeah, that is a really good point. I think ano/ortho rexia is comparable too as the mechanism is also a relation between self and an ideal self, to which we must compare ourselves. There will be many similar patterns as they are all psychological technologies derived from protestant Christianity, as wolves and coyotes share features from their common ancestor. Of course people have been insecure through history, but in the modern age this insecurity is acted out in a context where relations with actual humans (and a society predicated on human labour) are vanishing in lieu of electrically powered machines. Thus, this insecurity is allowed to progress into the existential dimension where once one's role in the production of social life held sway. It is only after capital has de-territorialised literal social reproduction that this phenomenon is allowed to manifest itself.

I half-wish I hadn't have invoked transgender people, since most people just used my argument as an invitation to be cruel, but its not like I held a gun to their head and forced them to be transphobic. I only do that to my roommate.
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Internet Refugee
Dec 1, 2022
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Are you basically saying that transgender people seek validation and are being duped into spending a shit ton on drugs and surgery?
No, and this is why I use these awkward terms from Deleuze. There is nothing behind the world to be duped, there is no soul, no intellect as a distinct substance which causes appearances. I was once a very pretentious Marxist who thought I was smarter than the dumb proles, and that they fought against their interests. The truth is that we do not think our own repression, but are rather constituted by the socius as repressed beings. In Heidggerian language, one can only do as one does. We cannot produce new behaviours ex nihilo but only modulate socially given language and expression. Thus, they are not duped, but rather produced.

Addendum: If I were to write like a normal person I would just end up writing normal person thoughts, and I don't want to waste my time with that. By using these cumbersome terms I am trying to convey that precisely there is no one to dupe. Transgender people are not deceived, evil, or incorrect. What they are is fixed in place by a relation to a socially produced ideal which allows them to participate in society by slowing their rate of change. (If they were to change quicker they would be poisonous to society, but as it stands their entropic force only destablises in tandem with re-territorialisation.)
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Aug 12, 2022
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/lit/ isnt a good place for this kind of post. /his/ would be better, probably.

But i like it. I agree. That Athena being born from Zeus analogy was very cool lol.

This is one of those topics where people react so harshly it is hard to really dissect. Good post.

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Internet Refugee
Dec 1, 2022
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/lit/ isnt a good place for this kind of post. /his/ would be better, probably.

But i like it. I agree. That Athena being born from Zeus analogy was very cool lol.

This is one of those topics where people react so harshly it is hard to really dissect. Good post.

I am starting to believe that not posting on the chan boards would be best, and thanks.

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