does the zoomer generation have zero tech skills?

mom didnt had tables
Thats because design has become so simplified and abstracted that it's makes you avoid anything more technical outside of anything. I also have said this before but with the rise of the GUI it has led so much anxiety and fear over the spooky terminal that it caused everyone to collectively loose the computing skills they were taught before. Hell, the Apple II's main gimmick was it's literal ability to be opened up and your ability to extend the life and ability of the computer. You don't see that at all from Apple at all!!
View attachment 83492

Back then we had people using fucking DOS and it's various version especially being educated on these environments. If you thought Excel was hard, look at this shit:
View attachment 83494

It's not that people were smarter back then because let me tell you, people back then didn't even know how to properly turn on a PC and had to go through like 50 pgs of a fucking manual just to get some parts of DOS functional. The truth is as computers became less of a commodity and more of a necessity, Desktop environments and hardware had to comply with this sudden influx of people. People aren't as "techy" as we'd want and trust me I think it's perfectly fine to have a bigger mass of people who are completely unaware of hardware and software rather than have a billion people know how to wireshark into a coffee shop and watch what you're searching up. I'd rather have now than have a complete security hellhole where a thousand people know how to access your network or some shit.

Besides my point and sudden argument, I always blame one company for all the tech woes and issues: Apple. (and I always will). They're not the most evil company in the universe but they're most

Blame it on a thousand things, the flat designs, the restrictive computers that won't let you open up without a dozens of screw types and a fucking heat gun to even their attitudes on self repair. They are the sole source of the plateau the industry has experienced lately. Nothing is as good as Apple so why even try? Just drop a clone and that'll get a few people because "it's just like iPhone or MacBook" meanwhile, enthusiasts can go eat ass the second you want to do anything at all. That is why society has stagnated. Everything is simple now. it's the apple way now. Flat boring, and easy to use. A shitty bicycle for the mind because you can't even change the chains on the bike.

Anyways thats my weekly schizo rant.

(oh almost forgot one more point in defense of zoomers a bit, its the same reason why people don't know tech as much. It's not a hobby and doesn't really impact them so why bother. If it works, why try to fix it. People got better things to do and want to spend as little time on a PC as possible.)
either way
they input the data using "|"s on small t-[number]s computers in 80s
Virtual Cafe Awards


Weary Traveler
Nov 24, 2023
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mom didnt had tables

either way
they input the data using "|"s on small t-[number]s computers in 80s
Best decade of computing was the 90s and early 2000s :D fight me.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Sep 26, 2020
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Yeah, most zoomers are absolutely retarded. I'm a zoomer and I still have to help people with downloading a file... then telling them where it is located, and how to extract it... Most are retarded cuz they didn't grow up on real computers, just tablets and ipads, requiring no technical knowledge.
Virtual Cafe Awards

Digital Cheese

Venith Emperor
Jun 6, 2023
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I'd rather have now than have a complete security hellhole where a thousand people know how to access your network or some shit.
i want to be hacked though :(
Virtual Cafe Awards

Digital Cheese

Venith Emperor
Jun 6, 2023
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What so you could hacker war in the middle of a cafe like its a movie?
Yes (i am even less skilled than you most likely unless u literally don't know a single programming lanuage, but i like larping as an elite hacker)
Virtual Cafe Awards


antichrist opposer
Nov 5, 2021
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Sort of... but once you show them how to do something they're fine. Modern interfaces are so easy to use even a toddler can do it, so it's not really their fault for not being as tech literate as older generations. I guess I got kinda lucky in that my family would always have out of date technology in the house because we weren't wealthy enough to buy the new stuff. I never owned a tablet or an ipad or anything, and my family computer would always have an out of date version of windows, so despite being a zoomer I probably gained a better understanding of how to use a computer than most people my age. As I said though, for example I showed my younger sister and her friends how to torrent movies because the choice of stuff to watch on netflix is pretty shit, and they got the hang of it instantly. I will defend zoomers and say that they're not as retarded as the internet makes them out to be.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Its n-not like I like you or anything!
Feb 24, 2021
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The single most baffling thing I've seen in recent times is hundreds of people regularly invoking a bot to take a screenshot of a tweet as if that isn't an extremely basic thing that every modern machine is capable of doing on its own???

Let's give the benefit of the doubt and say they somehow don't know about prntscrn or snipping tool. Whatever.

But most of these people are likely to be on their phones, which have an even more accessible shortcut with a dedicated physical button press that automatically saves the screenshot to their camera rolls.

Help me understand.
Virtual Cafe Awards
But most of these people are likely to be on their phones, which have an even more accessible shortcut with a dedicated physical button press that automatically saves the screenshot to their camera rolls.
not everybody knows
Help me understand.
and to write to bot is faster
Virtual Cafe Awards


Weary Traveler
Nov 24, 2023
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The single most baffling thing I've seen in recent times is hundreds of people regularly invoking a bot to take a screenshot of a tweet as if that isn't an extremely basic thing that every modern machine is capable of doing on its own???

Let's give the benefit of the doubt and say they somehow don't know about prntscrn or snipping tool. Whatever.

But most of these people are likely to be on their phones, which have an even more accessible shortcut with a dedicated physical button press that automatically saves the screenshot to their camera rolls.

Help me understand.
The question is why do these bots exist in the first place especially for free. That takes some more effort than just pressing the power button and volume down at the same time. Like I understand video downloads but screenshots?? really??
Virtual Cafe Awards

Digital Cheese

Venith Emperor
Jun 6, 2023
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The single most baffling thing I've seen in recent times is hundreds of people regularly invoking a bot to take a screenshot of a tweet as if that isn't an extremely basic thing that every modern machine is capable of doing on its own???

Let's give the benefit of the doubt and say they somehow don't know about prntscrn or snipping tool. Whatever.

But most of these people are likely to be on their phones, which have an even more accessible shortcut with a dedicated physical button press that automatically saves the screenshot to their camera rolls.

Help me understand.
Normies are genuinely insane and must be stopped from existing
Virtual Cafe Awards

Deleted member 7044

Rogue Replika
Dec 16, 2023
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Saw this the other day, I feel it is relevant.
View attachment 83774
It's stories like that that make me glad of the situation I grew up in. I defiantly don't know everything, but knowing more than Gen Z is reassuring at the least. If that's Gen Z, I'm scared of what Gen Alpha will be like...
Virtual Cafe Awards


Jan 22, 2023
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Virtual Cafe Awards
in the future teenagers will zip their porn folders to hide it from their parents(full circle)
and themselves
"dont tell it to me, i was there when it was invented (at the peak)!"
Virtual Cafe Awards


Pseudoanonymized internet husk
Jul 22, 2023
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The single most baffling thing I've seen in recent times is hundreds of people regularly invoking a bot to take a screenshot of a tweet as if that isn't an extremely basic thing that every modern machine is capable of doing on its own???


Help me understand.
We used to bully people for taking uncropped screenshots of social media and instead of that evolving into them learning to take good screenshots or properly saving stuff it evolved into some guy making a bot so that all normies could use it all while promoting some shady websites for a pittance. God bless capitalism.

I guess I got kinda lucky in that my family would always have out of date technology in the house because we weren't wealthy enough to buy the new stuff. (...) As I said though, for example I showed my younger sister and her friends how to torrent movies because the choice of stuff to watch on netflix is pretty shit, and they got the hang of it instantly.
Only zoomers that i know that know to pirate are the ones that don't have the disposable income to throw away on frivolous shit. Rest try, click on a popup, get a virus, get scared and give up. Worst of all this scares them for life insuring they'll never even attempt to pirate as long as daddy netflix is there and if it isn't they're fine with every other paid safe option. Those who break out of that shell i commend but they're a rarity.
Virtual Cafe Awards

Alix Kojima

Oct 14, 2023
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There are only two tipes of zoomers, with no in-betweens: computer nerds and people with no knowledge about technology (except for their phone settings). And with Gen Alpha this is going to become even worse.
i'm not sure whether to laugh or cry at this post
You think that's bad? I once found some guy who didn't know how to save documents. We are fucked up if we continue like this.
Virtual Cafe Awards
There are only two tipes of zoomers, with no in-betweens: computer nerds and people with no knowledge about technology (except for their phone settings). And with Gen Alpha this is going to become even worse.
i see these:
- dont know
- dont care
- dk, but care
- dc, but knows
- dk+dc
- normies (depends on era tho) - very basic (or none...) knowledge
- autistic hacker archetype
- self-hating types - the "modern", past-2013 alt and other culture...
Virtual Cafe Awards
There are only two tipes of zoomers, with no in-betweens: computer nerds and people with no knowledge about technology (except for their phone settings). And with Gen Alpha this is going to become even worse.

You think that's bad? I once found some guy who didn't know how to save documents. We are fucked up if we continue like this.
I know zoomers who do nothing but play league of legends all day and they're tech literate so that they can pirate the newest game fad and install 50+ furry mods. All autists. Most "normal" zoomers I know are tiktok NPCs. @Some_porcupine is pretty on point though.
Virtual Cafe Awards

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