I'm kind of curious how America would develop if it continues to progress towards fascist policies tbh. America's been destabilizing for a while and Trump was just kind of the Canary in the coal mine (as if increasing frequency of domestic terror attacks wasn't obvious enough).
Both parties have shown a particular disinterest in serving the people, and much greater care and attention has been given to corporations. Corporations have paid this favor in turn, by squeezing the American worker, consumer, student, and family for every dollar and cent they can. I guess I can see America slowly becoming a Authoritarian Capitalist state, where the law is written to serve corporate interests first and foremost. There's no man with a funny mustache that shows up in this timeline even, because the American public is docile and will just ignore their problems if able.
However, I must admit: I think things are going to get better, not worse. I genuinely think that the powers have be have realized the current game of capitalism has stagnated, and soon we'll be seeing a few big companies start to be split apart to reinvigorate competition. Posturing in congress has gotten very aggressive against corpos, and a lot of companies have to started to overreach quite openly. Hell Anti-trust suits have been floating around again...