I also had the strange feeling that the years of 2019 and before, wasnt feel as real as the present. Many memories made me feel nostalgia about livin in a different dimension and the things wont feel the same again. Also i had a phobia about fast evolution and the things will stop be the same and as the years passing, we will be in a futuristic dystopia, i had this feeling from the high school years. Thankfully i matured, i grew up and i realized that i just didnt live the past years because i was everyday trapped in my mind, it was just a product of the depression. I love dreams, i love dreaming about matrix combat, going to nice places, with nice people, doing what im not doing in the reality, feeling feelings that it is rare to feel, i believe our consciousness if we develop it and reach our true and best potential, we can reach very good results. Dreams are a perfect way for the body and soul to detonate feelings, emotions and thoughts that bother us or we cant easily provoke in the real world. Also some dreams have meanings about our life and the mind speaks to you, i know its strange but i believe the mind gets into strange shit, you should search deep inside you and understand. Thats why i love life because of the mysteries and the secrets that hides inside her. And the most important they will never end having mysteries and secrets.
●Watch the numbers, they are the language of the universe.
●Watch the coinsidences, nothing is a coinsidence.
●Watch your thoughts, they determine your vibration.
●Watch your diet, the people around you and your routine, they determine your energy.
● Follow your body flow, be carefull of what music youre hearing, set right your breathing( only from nose), have goals and dreams, they determine your frequency.
Energy, Frequency, Vibration.