How do I find out how many calories I burn while sedentary? I've tried losing weight in the past but it never works, I stay the same (Though I dont get more body mass either). Like how do i find out how may calories I burn a day so that I can calculate an appropiate Calorie intake?
And are you supossed to do exercise everyday? Doesnt that fuck your muscles up? (not in a good way) Like some people say do cardio everyday, I've tried that. But say I do a circuit the day before, then the next day I do cardio and my legs hurt too much, not the feels-good pain you get while exercising, but rather an acute pain on the muscle of the legs. That cant be good right?
I remember there was a point too where I was doing a lot of exercise and I was actually gaining more weight, that went on for about a month or two with the same diet I had while I didn't exercise. My gym coach told me it was cause my body thought I needed more energy it started saving more fat.
It doesn't help that I'm autistic so I have trouble getting the right position for some exercises.
I'm not in a bad shape, and I exercise 3-4 times a week, but I feel like I will never loose weight. Thankfully I've built some muscle lol.
But agorafit bros, where to look in order to lose weight? I think the first thing is to figure out the metabolism of your body, but how do I do that?