How was school for you guys?


Sep 12, 2021
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How was school for you guys? Was it different from now? if you're still in school how was your day!! feel free to put it down here :)
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A moment of bliss isn't enough for a lifetime
Feb 6, 2022
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I'm on the last 4 months of school, hoping real hard time passes faster, today was kind of fucked up, I ride 5 kilometers to school on my bike and it was raining and really cold, had some boring maths, history and physics classes, they were about Chió's rule, how to find determinants of 2nd degree, potential energy and Stalin respectively, then in the break I drank some shots alone and went back home in the same cold ass weather.

Just another regular day I guess, sorry for being a little too negative.
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It ain't Jesus or the devil. It's Jesus or you.
Sep 15, 2021
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Wish I'd made more off my high school years, girls were interested in me back then and now I feel lonely af. On the other hand, thank God I didn't get a gf back then cause it would've been hell with how bad my mental health was at the time. But people and pop culture never fail to highlight the wonders of high school romance, which makes you feel terrible cause you feel like you've missed a great part of your life. It's common to hear people talk about their high school life as being the best years of their life, personally, they were my worst. I was depressed and had to be homeschooled because of my depression.

Middle School was pretty fun, but I would feel devasted if those turned out to be the best years of my life, I feel way more fulfilled than I felt back then.
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Aug 11, 2022
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High school was a very mixed experience for me. Academically speaking, I was good at most thing except math - so there was no problem on that front.

The real problem was other students - they were absolutely insufferable. Due to my ear problems, simply hearing a teacher shouting could be enough to trigger a mild heart attack.

It was a very stressful time. The constant fear of anticipating someone getting shouted was not a fun experience. I got 2 heart attacks in total, plus another one while I was in graphic design school.

As for romancing girls, any early ideas I had ended up being squashed by things outside of my control, so I just stopped bothering.


Aug 12, 2022
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the shit we were taught about the web in school would make great agora road material. i wish i could go back in time and get some of the flyers about "exploring the world wide web" off the library wall. I got banned from the library for changing the computer desktop backgrounds. we had a weird proto facebook message board where we all posted gossip for a few months until the parents and school board shut it down. I got questioned by the principal over my involvement with a group called the "death metal posse" over some of the stuff posted on there, which i thought was fucking badass. at the time lots of kids were prescribed ritalin, so the day usually started with amphetamines, which really added an edge to the whole thing.
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Nov 1, 2021
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I'm still relatively fresh out of school, so these memories aren't hazy. I've never liked school. When my parents told me I was going to preschool or kindergarten (which ever one is first) I was pretty pissed. I didn't cry when my mom dropped me off, but deep inside I still felt betrayed. Despite saying that, I do have a lot of fond memories of elementary school. It wasn't so bad, even when I got held back (I was a year younger than everyone else anyways so now I was in the same age range). I was doing good until fourth and fifth grade, when I was put in a bilingual school where math and science were taught in Spanish. Because of that I was forever fucked in terms of math, and to this day my number skills are embarrassing. Those same years is when I think most kids around me got smart phones. I always envied them, but now I'm glad I didn't get one so early because I'd probably be even more fucked up. I also might've been MK Ultra'd cuz of GATE lol.

The first two years of middle school kinda sit in the same area of elementary school in my head. Life was still simple, and I wasn't truly a teenager. These years were kinda forgettable, but still overall good. Eighth grade was when I began to become an awkward horny teenager. I drifted from a class clown to a quiet kid. I made some good friends but I also started hating the teachers. Most of my memories of this time come from my advanced english class. I knew everyone in the class and had a huge crush on two girls in there. We did presentations a lot and I think thats how I developed stage fright. I also became even more disillusioned with classes because the propaganda was becoming more clear to me. Also everyday my teachers would talk about drumpf and it got really old cuz I never gave a shit and the teachers would give me a hard time for not paying attention.

I really only had one normal year of High school. My freshman year was actually pretty good. I had a lot of friends old and new, my classes were cool (video production, guitar, PE, and even Algebra because of the teacher). I also had the biggest crush of my life on this skater girl who was in a few of my classes. She dug me too I found out later. I only had the courage to talk to her the last two days of school though. Sophomore was probably the worst time of my life. It was the only time in my life I regularly hung out with people outside of school. I began adopting their personalities and neglecting my own. I was hanging with skater girl and her friend a lot, but they got bored of me and ghosted me which really hurted my feewings, School got called off cuz of corona halfway through the year which turned out to be a great time for me to reclaim myself. In junior year we did online school. I never showed up. Sometimes I'd log into the zoom call, but then I'd just be in bed sleeping (we didn't need a face cam.) Senior year was back in person and was gay as hell so I'd only turn up once or twice a week, usually a few hours late. I fucking loathed being there, so I'd either sleep in or put some hours in at my relative's shop. Surprisingly at the end I still graduated, though I didn't get a diploma because I still owe the school $200 for a broken chromebook. I'll pay it off eventually.

Overall, school was a 4/10
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May 2, 2021
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Lonely and depressing. Until the very last year of high school I had no friends, always ate alone at lunch, and was a prime target for bullying since I never had anyone by my side. This was mostly due to being raised like shit. So I coasted through youth with no one to rely on (except for basic survival, anyway), watching everyone experience what I could only daydream of.

That last year of high school was my only decent year. I took this class over gamedev, and since I was one of the few in the class who could already code, I managed to impress a lot of people. For the first time ever I was appreciated for something. Also made some friends there and got to feel, for a very short time, what the others had been feeling their whole lives. I was no longer vulnerable. I had support. I wasn't singled out anymore. I found genuine passion for my hobbies and started pursuing them more actively.

Then graduation happened, I lost contact with most of my friends, and I wound up drifting apart from the rest toward the end of college. It almost feels like that small period of happiness was meant to taunt me with a taste of what could have been, without being enough to make a real difference.

I know people say not to sweat too much on how your school years went, but I feel like mine really stunted my mental growth. I bet I'd be in a much better place now if they were healthier.
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Executor of Dry IT Men
May 28, 2022
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was pretty much the worst decade-ish of my life. not much more to say about it cause i've repressed a lot of the memories, but mostly just psychological torture with a bit of hair pulling.

whenever i meet someone that says school was the best time of their life i'm always like 'damn, your life must be shit'. even the time i fucked my whole life up after dropping out of university and going homeless (read: my family told me to get fucked and i lived with an old man in his huge house and cleaned up after him, not like drifter homeless) for a bit was better than school.
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The Main Delight
Jan 3, 2022
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it was okay, i was an athlete for my highschool. in middle school i broke a record just to impress a girl (and from that point on i figured out that it takes much more to get a gf than breaking a state record). i was depressed, mentally ill, and a bit lonesome. I wanted a gf, but then in high school i didnt care. i stopped caring lol. academically i was okay, socially my school was a concrete jungle, imagine japans "cant standout" culture but times two in a high school lol.

but all in all, it was a okay expierence, not something i want to be my peak. which it isnt thankfully. what happened after i graduated (covid, and total depotism, isolation.) fucked me mentally harder than anything else. I was crazy, it was a miracle i regained my bearings.
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call me bun
May 24, 2022
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I actually had a really good high-school experience. I attended a classical liberal arts home-school co-op. While it was technically a homeschool co-op I didn't have any classes that I learned at home so it operated much more like college classes. I went in three times a week and did homework on the other two days. The tutors were actually interested in getting us to develop thinking skills and not just regurgitating factory learning garbage. I met the girl that I ended up marrying. My high-school years formed me into the person I am today and I wouldn't change a single moment from them, even the bad ones.
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School was the worst, i fucking every part of it for different reasons and i will talk about them here.

In elementary school everyone thought i was weird soo everyone left me alone or bullied me. Life was good if i was alone but when for some reason i was in other peoples games they would just ignore i was in the game, which felt worse than getting bullied tbh. Male bullies didn't cause much trauma because i could 1v1 or even 2v1 any boy in the class soo it went like "get bullied by group> beat them all one by one later>no self-respect lost" BUT there was this one girl that could beat me alone, because of this bitch i still have unironic,no joke fear for women my age and some other things. Other than that i used to draw and write but i left both before i finished elementary because i thought these were the reasons i were bullied.

middle school was objectively better, i learned to hide the quirks soo i wasn't bullied, then i had a weeb friend group which was neat. Nothing really happened but i came to realise i hate the general school idea of sitting for 40 minutes and listening to some old fuck.

HS was objectively worst. I had a friend group of normal, nice people and some extremely introverted people that i sometimes talked to. I was like king of the introverts, a soon-to-be-normalfag and things were going good. Then my friend group decided sousage party wasn't fun soo we needed girls. Soo as is the reality of life, being nice and kind doesn't work with girls soo they pretended to be bad boys outside of class. Eventually that bad boy image they created became the real them soo they were all insufferable. I went on as the king of introverts soo i didn't miss them as friends but my fear of women turned into disgust for their horrible taste in partners.
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Active Traveler
Sep 6, 2022
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How was school for you guys? Was it different from now? if you're still in school how was your day!! feel free to put it down here :)
It was so good I left two years early to the irritation of my parents. They appreciated it twice over since I had the highest grades in my year. I researched the minimum legal age in my state where I wasn't mandated to go through education and quit as soon as I passed the threshold, got very excited the day of to the point that I hadn't been able to sleep all night and prepared all sorts of logical arguments for my principal the morning I officially dropped out, hoping to hear out his case and see if there was a better answer to this than what I had come up with, he pulled the authority card, I quit without a second thought.

My brothers did the same as I did... and so did my dad pfftt haha! Apple doesn't fall far from the tree! Why did I quit? 100% because I pathologically hate compliance to anything and believe that if you do as others do, you should expect to get as others get, ergo if you want to get what others don't have, you have to follow the paths less travelled. Almost lost my job at the start of COVID because I'd parade in front of mask nazis at the factory I was working at without one on.

Was it different from now? lol, I wouldn't really know, it probably is. CRT didn't exist, or at least I'd never heard of it.

Edit: it does probably suck just the same now as it did then. School really is a waste of time in all honesty, where kids go to sniff their own farts and pretend at learning for the attention of their parents in a silly little race which means a whole lotta nothing.


Jan 13, 2022
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High school sucked. I was lonely and depressed and just did the bare minimum to pass. I had some outstanding circumstances in my life that caused me a lot of mental health issues.

On the other side though I'm having a good time at college so things have been looking up lately.
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Digital Caveman

I Put on My Robe and Wizard Hat
Jul 8, 2022
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During Elementary School, I was separated from the "normal" students because of behavioral issues. At the school I attended they would lump grades 1-3 together and grades 4-5 together into two separate classes in the "Emotionally Handicapped" program. I was also in the gate program which in elementary school at the time was a separate all day class one day a week. So I had two things going for me that made me stand out as the "weird" kid.

Middle School was interesting. Socially I had a very wide range of friends, and I was no longer in the "Emotionally Handicapped" classes. Academically it was a mixed bag. At the time in the area of the United States I grew up in, the bell curve grading system was in heavy use. The highest and lowest grades in a class were thrown out and every grade was adjusted up or down accordingly. I was one of the people who had their grades adjusted down.

High School for me was killing time until I could legally drop out of school. After that I went to adult evening classes, and got my High School Diploma issued by the state.


Shameless Germaniboo
Aug 8, 2021
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My family moved around a lot and I went to a lot of different schools. My mom always took great care to never put me in a school where I was at any risk of being seriously bullied, which I'm immensely grateful for, but in spite of this none of the schools I went to turned out well. Every single one was insane in a totally unique way I had never considered possible before.


My elementary school ran from kindergarten to 6th grade. I was moved up from pre-school a bit early because I was ahead of the rest of the class - I could read fluently by age 2 and by kindergarten I was already at a 3rd or 4th grade level of reading. While math has never been my strong suit, and I did poorly in math classes later on in my life, I tended to come out a bit ahead at this age too. One thing I remember vividly was a "trick" question on a sheet full of simple addition problems like 2+3, 7+5, etc., where it wanted you to add 3 numbers instead of 2: 2+2+1. I thought the whole thing was very straightforward and I handed in all the correct answers to the teacher, but after it had all been graded she gave a short speech to the whole class going over the question where you had to add 3 numbers instead of 2, because nearly every single student except me had gotten that wrong. I vividly remember being completely baffled as to how anyone could be tripped up by that.

I liked to read national geographic and zoonooz magazines back then, and while I don't remember this, I've been told that one day after reading an article on butterflies I went up to my kindergarten teacher and started explaining in depth the life cycle of the butterfly, and that because my teacher was a female, she released "pheromones" that made her more attractive to the males because that's how reproduction works, and that my poor teacher had to use every ounce of self-control she had to keep from breaking down in tears from laughter. I guess I unwittingly related butterfly reproduction to human reproduction.

My 3rd grade teacher was my favorite teacher ever, and the time I spent in her class I think was the happiest time of my life. I have lots of good memories from her class but my favorite was the halloween festival where we were all carving pumpkins, but as my group started carving up ours, I freaked out and broke down in tears because we were "killing the pumpkin" and I didn't want to see it suffer and die. It took some comforting and explaining by the professor that the pumpkin was just fine, but I still couldn't stand to carve it up. Afterwards the class held a raffle to see which kid would win each of the 5 pumpkins, and I was white-knuckled throughout the whole thing, always with a look of despair whenever my name wasn't called. But it turns out the entire class had unanimously voted to give the fifth pumpkin to me, and the teacher said later I looked like the happiest kid in the world when I heard that.

So all that stuff was pretty normal, but the insane stuff came with the principal and school culture. It was crazy in a lot of good ways and a lot of bad ways.

The good insane is the snake my principal had as a pet. That thing must have been a Burmese Python or something because it was MASSIVE. She'd bring it out for recess sometimes and a dozen kids would be holding it at once, standing it a row, and still have room left over.

The bad insane was the PC culture. This was early-to-mid 2000's but my school was really ahead of the curve when it came to social justice. Around the time I was in 4th or 5th grade, the principal decided to ban all christmas music and christmas decorations because it might be offensive. But Hanukkah and Kwanzaa music, which was played every year at the school sing-alongs anyway even though I'm not sure our school even had any jewish students, that was still allowed. My mom wasn't very happy about this but she always volunteered at the school and through this managed to sneak a Greek Orthodox Christmas song into the lineup. According to her she overheard the principal say "huh, wonder how I missed that one", when it came on.

Also there was "The Knife Incident". I say knife, but it was actually a blunt spreader about the size of my thumb that I brought to spread the jelly on my sandwich. I was sick of it soaking into the bread by lunchtime and tasting gross, so I brought it in my lunchbox and kept the jelly in a separate container. This pasty white kid named Jacob learned about this, and on a dare or something from a mexican kid he was friends with, he stole it out of my lunchbox and used it to threaten another student. We all got called into the principals office, and while I didn't get in trouble, I was banned from bringing spreaders to school ever again. Jacob got a 2-week suspension, and I really had to try and keep from laughing when the principal held up this tiny little strip of metal that couldn't even cut paper and saying "this tool, when used in the wrong way, can be a deadly weapon". The mexican kid never got in any trouble, btw.

By 6th grade we had to change schools for two reasons. First, they put me in the lower math program because I was sick on the day the tests for getting into advanced math were given out, and the principal refused to let me retake them for reasons I still don't understand. And the lower math program, it was really bad. It used counters as learning aides, and about half the lesson was just taking out the counters and putting them away again. The other reason was because the middle school my elementary school fed into was really bad. Every classroom had about 50 students, none of the teachers gave a shit about the kids, there was bullying, drug use, underage sex, etc. A friend I had in elementary told me about it later and it sounded horrible. So we had to change, but the middle school I actually ended up going to - man.


We were kinda limited in our options for middle schools. The only available ones other than the previously mentioned degenerate shitfest was a boarding school, which I really wasn't ready for, and a christian protestant school. My mom and dad had ended up recently converting to Greek Orthodoxy, so they picked the christian one. What they didn't realize was that this was a fundamentalist school that taught young-earth creationism. I LOVED science and anything to do with science as a kid, not merely with national geographic and zoonooz magazines, but also NOVA, astronomy related stuff, dinosaurs, geology, I thought it was all awesome. So to hear shit like "the earth is 6,000 years old", the ice ages took place between the time of noah and abraham" was extremely confusing to me.

But worse than the disdain for science was the theology itself. I didn't like church as a kid - getting dressed up in stiff, uncomfortable clothes and standing in a church doing NOTHING for 4 hours straight every sunday was extremely difficult for me at that age. We were also supposed to fast before church, or we couldn't take communion - so no breakfast. What made me not hate every second of it was the music. This is the average kind of song I was used to hearing in church:


I found it incredibly haunting and beautiful, almost dream-like. After mass we'd have the sermons and sunday school, which I found exceedingly boring but it gave me a decent understanding of most of the bible's main stories and themes, with sunday school covering the basics, and sermons going over more advanced stuff.

This school got as far from that as humanly possible. Every Thursday the school would have chapel, where they'd play christian rock music at absolutely deafening volumes. I've always been a sensitive to loud noises, but this was actual rock concert levels of loud. That was already horrible, but far worse were the songs they played. I'm not gonna link any of them here because I'd rather cut myself than listen to any of that tripe again, but of the most frequently played were songs from the band "Hillsong United", if you're morbidly curious. These songs were the lowest, most inane drivel imaginable. The average song was just repeating "I love you Jesus" in a zillion different ways like it was some kind of romance melody. The worst one I remember was one in spanish comparing Jesus to Superman, with the lyrics "Jesus is my superhero" with an extremely crude picture of Superman flying across the screen at 3 frames per second and a level of animation too poor even for South Park.

The sermons were equally as bad. One I particularly remember was when they showed that clip from the Lion King where Mufasa's spirit talks to Simba, and they claimed that Mufasa was actually sent by Jesus to preach the word of God to Simba, and that the "a-wimaweh" chant in the Circle of Life song where they sing in Zulu was actually repeating the name "Elimelech", the name of an old judaic figure from the bible.

The average understanding of the faith they claimed they adhered to I thought was appalling. One teacher I remember said "I can't wait to get to Heaven" to the class, which I thought was horrible, basically the same as saying "I can't wait to die". And the reward for good deeds being physical pleasures in Heaven I thought was selfish and just a form of bribery. Now, surprisingly, the bible teacher was actually the most sane of the faculty, he was very well educated in theology and an incredibly nice guy. But his class also hammered home into me the resentment towards the whole school, because I and the one other greek orthodox student there were repeatedly at the top of the class, far, far ahead of all the other students. In one classroom game the teacher asked up to list off all the books of the bible in order and see how far we could get. All the other students stopped before the end of the TORAH, but I and the other greek orthodox student made it all the way to Psalms.

The worst teacher though, and the worst part of the whole school, was the science teacher. She was fucking, fucking crazy. Every single class she'd stop the lecture at some point, rant for 10-15 minutes about how evolution and "evolutionists" were evil and satanic, then resume the lecture like nothing happened. The other students didn't like her either because she put up a paper plate over the clock in her class room with a message scribbled on it reading "you don't need to know the time :)". Yes, she did actually put down a smiley face.

Now one day I noticed as I moved from class to class that she was watching me from afar as I did. This went on for weeks and I thought it was really weird but I was able to ignore it easily and she never approached me so I didn't bother asking about it. I only found out the reason for this later, after parent-teacher conferences. Apparently she had been stalking the social media of every single kid in her class to make sure they weren't doing anything "sinful", and if she saw something she thought was sinful on their social media history she would rat them out to their parents during parent-teacher conferences. I didn't have any social media, so she resorted to just stalking me in person during the school day to see if she could spy me doing anything she could rat on me for.

However, my sister DID have social media, and she had linked her tumblr account to her social media with her real name. She was a big weeaboo at the time and her tumblr account username was a variation on Erza Scarlet, a character from Fairy Tale. So when my mom showed up to the conference this teacher handed her pages of HENTAI involving Erza Scarlet that she had PRINTED OUT, and went on a rant about how my sister was a "harlot" and needed religious correction immediately. She (the teacher, not my sister) got a reprimand from the main office for this after my mother complained, albeit only a small reprimand.

And of course, the school library did not stock copies of Harry Potter because they were teaching "black magic" to kids. I only spent a year at that school, but man, it sure felt a lot longer.

>1/2 because I hit the word count limit which I didn't realize existed on agora until just now

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Shameless Germaniboo
Aug 8, 2021
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I went to two different high schools. The first one is probably the most normal school I've been to, albeit it was during the worst time of my life. Also not helped was that my family moved 3,000 miles from California to Maine in order to be closer to my mom's side of the family (not the full story but this was a big part of the reason for it because my father had died recently), only to have them snub her because she had gone to an out-of-state college and left Maine to be with my father after she grew up, and they treated her with an air of "oh , so you think you're better than us for going to Boston University, huh". Then then unceremoniously dumped her elderly parents on her because they had been passed around from family member to family member and nobody wanted to take care of them, and Mom was guilt tripped into doing so even though she really wasn't well equipped to take care of them. This lead to a lot of trickle-down-effects for me, and although it had a huge effect on who I ended up becoming I won't get into it here since that could fill up an essay on its own.

Anyway, school #1 was very normal. I had lots of good teachers and lots of okay teachers, but 3 really stand out in my memory. My Spanish teacher was incredibly nice and he and the entire homeroom continued to send me cards for years after I had left the school. He was Filipino and his wife was deaf, and he always had a ton of interesting stories to tell.

Then there was my history teacher, who is probably part of the reason I even started studying history in the first place. He gave a lecture on day 1 about
Mohammad Mosaddegh that was so fascinating it drove a lot of my further studies into the middle east. I started reading al-jazeera and arabic news stations learning about the Syrian war and my studies in the field continue to this day. I also adored his approach to tests. He just told us exactly what was going to be on the test, and exactly what he was gonna be looking for in the essay questions, and had a review day in class where he went over it with everyone. It was excellent and I feel like the stuff I learned in that class stayed with me in a way a lot of other things I studied from that time didn't. One last side note, a fun memory I have with him is a paper on hyperinflation of the continental in the early united states, he gave it an A+ and said to my mom during parent-teacher conferences that it was the best paper for his class he'd ever seen and that it was equivalent to the paper a 3rd-year university student might write.

Finally there was my english teacher, who was one of those teachers. You know the ones, those english teachers who obsess over every little irrelevant passage of a book or play and make you write unbelievably pretentious shit about what it all means and how it made you feel. She also spent like 8 weeks of the course on a book called Cold Mountain, which even to this day I think it's one of the worst books I've ever read. My mom didn't like her either because she was a third-wave feminist and gave out assignments which instructed us to describe how Cold Mountain empowers women.


So eventually my mom was able to pass off her parents to someone better equipped to take care of them and we moved house and schools again. This time we went to a private school in Portland (ME). It seemed like a really good school, well-received, gave lots of help to students, friendly, etc. And it was all of those things. But it left out that they were a also a cultish group of FUCKING INSANE zealots. You thought the creationist school was crazy? Holy shit this school was fucking mental.

The first time I started to notice that something was off was during a class discussion in a literature class I had. The professor said "There's no such thing as race, it's a social construct, race doesn't exist." I was baffled at this, and responded something to the effect of "Yes there is, scientists can tell what race someone is just by digging up their skull out of the ground". The professor scoffed at me as said, and I quote "Are you implying that I don't know science?". It got worse from there.

This school was super super super far-left social justice. They denied that different races existed. They denied that sex or gender existed. They insisted that all white people had inherent privilege to them and that they had a responsibility to understand, accept, and act upon their privilege in order to make amends for the crimes of their ancestors. They had an entire fucking hierarchy of most privileged peoples to least privileged peoples, with thin straight white men being at the top, "most privileged", and fat gay black transsexuals (and jews) being somewhere near the bottom, which existed as a physical chart hung up in one of the hallways.

The school did not like me and I really didn't fit in. They had a ton of unwritten rules that I couldn't have followed for the life of me. One time I wore a US Navy sweatshirt to school that my Granddad had gotten for me, and the school called my mom to ask if we had a gun in the house because they were afraid it was a sign I was gonna shoot the place up. Another time my mom was talking to one of the faculty, and she mentioned that she grew up in Northern Maine. That bitch of a faculty member actually grimaced and said, "Oh, that explains a lot". (Northern Maine is known for being much more conservative than the rest of the state)

I got sent to the vice-principals office nearly every single day for saying something racist or offensive, most of which was for stuff that anyone normal would not consider to be so in the slightest. I couldn't even just shut up either, because in some classes participation in group discussion was mandatory. The vice principal used the time to try and convert me to the school's beliefs, and we held long, in-depths debates about philosophy, politics, and ethics. I think he liked me because I could argue really well and talk on his level even though he was much older, but his main motive was to win me over.

Eventually the school got used to me and even some of the kids appreciated me because in class discussions it always ended up being the entire class against me on any given topic, and I could argue well enough to actually hold my own. So they liked that because without me the entire conversation would have just been a circlejerk, and here they actually had someone to go up against.

There was this one jewish girl though who absolutely fuckin' hated my guts. She always made a point of staying as far away from me as possible and shot me nasty glances every so often. The angriest I ever saw her get was during one class discussion about Palestine and media coverage of it from different sources. I remember the New York Times got brought up and I said something like "Well, maybe the New York Times is more sympathetic towards Israel than some other sources because the CEO is jewish", and she absolutely lost her mind. She was almost yelling at me, speaking in a crazed tone of voice about how I was slandering her entire people and how not all jews are pro-israel. I decided not to push the topic but she seemed to hate me even more after that.

I'll never forget the day Trump won. I had been very confident about his victory because I had been following the election very closely, and I had seen everything he had done right, and everything Clinton had done wrong. Trump was hitting all the rust belt states and focusing and his most appealing messages to that demographic, while Clinton was wasting time screwing around in Texas and giving ridiculous speeches about the "alt-right". Most people at the school either laughed at me or rolled their eyes, and the faculty even called my mom and said they were concerned I might commit suicide or harm myself after Trump lost. Then he won of course, and the school sent out a mass e-mail saying that anyone who wanted to take a day to "process" the news didn't have to come to class tomorrow and they wouldn't be marked absent. My mom kept me home on purpose because she was afraid I would gloat. I didn't, but I still remember the sunken, confused, despairing faces from everyone in the school after my day off. It was glorious. Shame he ended up not fulfilling any of his campaign promises though.

This school was 99% white, by the way.


So that's my school story, just one blend of mental asylum after another. College was kind of a different beast for me so I won't go over it here. Kudos to you if you actually read through this monster of a post and I hope you found it something worth the time spent.
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I went to two different high schools. The first one is probably the most normal school I've been to, albeit it was during the worst time of my life. Also not helped was that my family moved 3,000 miles from California to Maine in order to be closer to my mom's side of the family (not the full story but this was a big part of the reason for it because my father had died recently), only to have them snub her because she had gone to an out-of-state college and left Maine to be with my father after she grew up, and they treated her with an air of "oh , so you think you're better than us for going to Boston University, huh". Then then unceremoniously dumped her elderly parents on her because they had been passed around from family member to family member and nobody wanted to take care of them, and Mom was guilt tripped into doing so even though she really wasn't well equipped to take care of them. This lead to a lot of trickle-down-effects for me, and although it had a huge effect on who I ended up becoming I won't get into it here since that could fill up an essay on its own.

Anyway, school #1 was very normal. I had lots of good teachers and lots of okay teachers, but 3 really stand out in my memory. My Spanish teacher was incredibly nice and he and the entire homeroom continued to send me cards for years after I had left the school. He was Filipino and his wife was deaf, and he always had a ton of interesting stories to tell.

Then there was my history teacher, who is probably part of the reason I even started studying history in the first place. He gave a lecture on day 1 about
Mohammad Mosaddegh that was so fascinating it drove a lot of my further studies into the middle east. I started reading al-jazeera and arabic news stations learning about the Syrian war and my studies in the field continue to this day. I also adored his approach to tests. He just told us exactly what was going to be on the test, and exactly what he was gonna be looking for in the essay questions, and had a review day in class where he went over it with everyone. It was excellent and I feel like the stuff I learned in that class stayed with me in a way a lot of other things I studied from that time didn't. One last side note, a fun memory I have with him is a paper on hyperinflation of the continental in the early united states, he gave it an A+ and said to my mom during parent-teacher conferences that it was the best paper for his class he'd ever seen and that it was equivalent to the paper a 3rd-year university student might write.

Finally there was my english teacher, who was one of those teachers. You know the ones, those english teachers who obsess over every little irrelevant passage of a book or play and make you write unbelievably pretentious shit about what it all means and how it made you feel. She also spent like 8 weeks of the course on a book called Cold Mountain, which even to this day I think it's one of the worst books I've ever read. My mom didn't like her either because she was a third-wave feminist and gave out assignments which instructed us to describe how Cold Mountain empowers women.


So eventually my mom was able to pass off her parents to someone better equipped to take care of them and we moved house and schools again. This time we went to a private school in Portland (ME). It seemed like a really good school, well-received, gave lots of help to students, friendly, etc. And it was all of those things. But it left out that they were a also a cultish group of FUCKING INSANE zealots. You thought the creationist school was crazy? Holy shit this school was fucking mental.

The first time I started to notice that something was off was during a class discussion in a literature class I had. The professor said "There's no such thing as race, it's a social construct, race doesn't exist." I was baffled at this, and responded something to the effect of "Yes there is, scientists can tell what race someone is just by digging up their skull out of the ground". The professor scoffed at me as said, and I quote "Are you implying that I don't know science?". It got worse from there.

This school was super super super far-left social justice. They denied that different races existed. They denied that sex or gender existed. They insisted that all white people had inherent privilege to them and that they had a responsibility to understand, accept, and act upon their privilege in order to make amends for the crimes of their ancestors. They had an entire fucking hierarchy of most privileged peoples to least privileged peoples, with thin straight white men being at the top, "most privileged", and fat gay black transsexuals (and jews) being somewhere near the bottom, which existed as a physical chart hung up in one of the hallways.

The school did not like me and I really didn't fit in. They had a ton of unwritten rules that I couldn't have followed for the life of me. One time I wore a US Navy sweatshirt to school that my Granddad had gotten for me, and the school called my mom to ask if we had a gun in the house because they were afraid it was a sign I was gonna shoot the place up. Another time my mom was talking to one of the faculty, and she mentioned that she grew up in Northern Maine. That bitch of a faculty member actually grimaced and said, "Oh, that explains a lot". (Northern Maine is known for being much more conservative than the rest of the state)

I got sent to the vice-principals office nearly every single day for saying something racist or offensive, most of which was for stuff that anyone normal would not consider to be so in the slightest. I couldn't even just shut up either, because in some classes participation in group discussion was mandatory. The vice principal used the time to try and convert me to the school's beliefs, and we held long, in-depths debates about philosophy, politics, and ethics. I think he liked me because I could argue really well and talk on his level even though he was much older, but his main motive was to win me over.

Eventually the school got used to me and even some of the kids appreciated me because in class discussions it always ended up being the entire class against me on any given topic, and I could argue well enough to actually hold my own. So they liked that because without me the entire conversation would have just been a circlejerk, and here they actually had someone to go up against.

There was this one jewish girl though who absolutely fuckin' hated my guts. She always made a point of staying as far away from me as possible and shot me nasty glances every so often. The angriest I ever saw her get was during one class discussion about Palestine and media coverage of it from different sources. I remember the New York Times got brought up and I said something like "Well, maybe the New York Times is more sympathetic towards Israel than some other sources because the CEO is jewish", and she absolutely lost her mind. She was almost yelling at me, speaking in a crazed tone of voice about how I was slandering her entire people and how not all jews are pro-israel. I decided not to push the topic but she seemed to hate me even more after that.

I'll never forget the day Trump won. I had been very confident about his victory because I had been following the election very closely, and I had seen everything he had done right, and everything Clinton had done wrong. Trump was hitting all the rust belt states and focusing and his most appealing messages to that demographic, while Clinton was wasting time screwing around in Texas and giving ridiculous speeches about the "alt-right". Most people at the school either laughed at me or rolled their eyes, and the faculty even called my mom and said they were concerned I might commit suicide or harm myself after Trump lost. Then he won of course, and the school sent out a mass e-mail saying that anyone who wanted to take a day to "process" the news didn't have to come to class tomorrow and they wouldn't be marked absent. My mom kept me home on purpose because she was afraid I would gloat. I didn't, but I still remember the sunken, confused, despairing faces from everyone in the school after my day off. It was glorious. Shame he ended up not fulfilling any of his campaign promises though.

This school was 99% white, by the way.


So that's my school story, just one blend of mental asylum after another. College was kind of a different beast for me so I won't go over it here. Kudos to you if you actually read through this monster of a post and I hope you found it something worth the time spent.
10/10 post, your HS seems more like a strawman lmoa. I didn't know things were that bad
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Shameless Germaniboo
Aug 8, 2021
Reaction score
10/10 post, your HS seems more like a strawman lmoa. I didn't know things were that bad
It really does seem that way, I wouldn't believe it myself had I not lived through it.
Just to offer something more concrete, I remember this was one of the posters they had hung up in the hallways

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