I'm pretty into retro tech and video games, especially stuff of the late 70's and early 80's. And as I watch videos and learn about these old computers, and what Silicon Valley was like back in that period, I feel a deep nostalgia and melancholy. Sort of a home sickness for a time and place I've never been. Similar feelings when I see pictures/video of the forests of the pacific northwest. And early 80's arcades. I get this feeling like that's when/where I really belong.
If I were the type to believe in reincarnation I'd wonder if maybe that was my previous life. A late 70's/early 80's programmer out west, who died late one night in 84 and was reborn in a hospital 2500 miles away. I'm not the type to believe in that sort of thing. But the nostalgia is real. (There's also a certain smell I've never been able to identify that triggers similar, even stronger, nostalgic emotions. Whenever I get a whiff it recalls hazy images of thick leaves and glass, maybe the inside of a greenhouse. I've occasionally pondered if it's touching a memory from when I was very young, or if the memory is even older than that.)
This is all quite ironic because today I hate California, everything it stands for, and everything/everyone that comes from it.
I and I hate the modern tech industry with a fiery passion.
I eagerly await the promised "BIG ONE" of my childhood that should have cleansed the filth from our planet by now.