Incel Thread

zalaz alaza

hawaiin burger genie 5.04 LTS
Dec 7, 2021
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Please be patient, I have autism.
Apr 24, 2022
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I don't even get the joke here
An Executive Summary
by HellManMayo
September 29th, 2022
Agora Road "Where is the Vaporwave" Research Institute

Section 1: Implied Contextual Relations

1. Incels like to "max" out their physique or behaviorisms for sex
2. You are here to give advice to a (presumed) incel
3. Your qualification is being married and having kids
4. To be married with children, it is highly probable you have had sex
5. One can presume your advice will be to have sex
6. The solution you are likely to propose is "sexmaxxing" i.e. having sex but layered as a "maxxing" technique

Section 2: Analysis of Context

The joke can best be categorized as ironic. This is because the proposed solution (sexmaxxing) is not achievable by incels.

Works Cited


Orlando Smooth

Well-Known Traveler
Aug 12, 2019
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Yes we almost need a term for normal guys who just happen to be incels and then another one for this wierd cult you described.
I feel like this is basically what alt-right meant prior to like 2018 or so. Incels were the nerdy/neck beard/white knight "good guy" types while alt-right were seen more as *ahem* threatening to public safety. At least in my world.

And honestly if this doesn't also describe the dichotomy of Chan culture, I don't know what does.
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Virtual Cafe Awards

zalaz alaza

hawaiin burger genie 5.04 LTS
Dec 7, 2021
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An Executive Summary
by HellManMayo
September 29th, 2022
Agora Road "Where is the Vaporwave" Research Institute

Section 1: Implied Contextual Relations

1. Incels like to "max" out their physique or behaviorisms for sex
2. You are here to give advice to a (presumed) incel
3. Your qualification is being married and having kids
4. To be married with children, it is highly probable you have had sex
5. One can presume your advice will be to have sex
6. The solution you are likely to propose is "sexmaxxing" i.e. having sex but layered as a "maxxing" technique

Section 2: Analysis of Context

The joke can best be categorized as ironic. This is because the proposed solution (sexmaxxing) is not achievable by incels.

Works Cited


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Webcomics! Banzai!
Jan 20, 2022
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You're coming at this from the perspective of someone who enjoys casual sex whereas most of the guy's you're describing want intimacy. There's a huge difference in how you approach women depending on which of those you want. No woman is going to bang an ugly dude for just one night but ugly men get married to women all the time. How does this happen? Because the guy in that situation is strong in some way. Strong personality, emotionally dependable, monetarily stable etc. With the exception of the money bit in some extreme scenarios all of those aspects about you are things you can improve upon and they are just as good if not better than finding a life-long wife. It's not cope to say "work on your confidence" because in a lot of situations it's true. I used to be bottom of the food chain mega shy and awkward until I decided that I was sick of it so I started caring less about what other people thought of me and gradually grew into the person I am today. It can be done and just because you're ugly doesn't mean that it's impossible to find someone. It might be borderline impossible to have casual sex but I've never really seen the appeal (even less so now that I'm married, like I just don't get how that seems fun or fulfilling to anyone) and I'm guessing most incels who get lucky enough to get the seggs for one night would probably come to realize that they want intimacy, not sex
They will get married, sure, and then get cucked 24/7 because the woman is only using the man for his financial stability. Even if they don't, they have to deal with the fact that this woman is only using them to "settle down" and they have to live with knowledge of her bodycount pre-marriage. It's called betabux and believe it or not, most incels don't like the prospect of ending up like that.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Aug 11, 2021
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Intimacy. Sex. Getting a GF. Being alone. I will henceforth refer to the previously mentioned terms as 'the answer'.

I'm beginning to see a relation to the proposed issues that an incel may be facing. Many of these incels seem to take up a hobby or routine to improve themselves so that they may obtain the answer. They workout, lose weight, and get in shape so that they may obtain the answer. They begin a skin care routine and dress nice so they may obtain the answer. They work on social skills or study topics that may allow them to converse better so that they may obtain the answer.

What I do not see incels doing, though, is taking up any of these tasks so that they may feel happy about themselves. I do not see them say, "Man, lost 30 pounds and I'm feeling way better about how I look". I see them say, "Man, I lost 30 pounds but women still think I'm ugly, wtf is wrong with them?. I never see incels talking about 'finding something that makes them happy'. I only see them say, "If I could just get the answer, I'd be so happy".

This, in fact, sounds like co-dependancy to me. These people feel they cannot be happy or live life without relying on the relationship and emotional input of another being. In fact, perhaps they prove this by flocking to a community where they become dependant upon other like-minded individuals who feed into their co-dependant nature by providing a different form of emotional support: affirmation.

I propose that the incel is someone who requires a co-dependant relationship due to an inability to support one's own emotional state in an independant capacity and, incapable of providing a proper give-and-take of emotional support in a "normie" relationship, binds themselves to a community in which each member relies completely on the emotional support of one another.

Typically, a relationship in which both members are co-dependant results in a rebound of negative emotion that eventually cannot support itself, thus bringing the relationship to an end. In the case of an incel community, though, these negative feelings produced by the co-dependancy are seen as a positive or, more aptly, are seen as the 'right' emotions to have. So, while negative emotions building upon each other create a more and more negative environment, which typically creates an environment too hostile for either party to maintain, the incel community celebrates the hositility as a form of understanding one another and uses it as a support for their co-dependancy. Thusly, we can see why, though it is a hostile and negative environment they create for themselves, they strengthen their comradery and become less and less able to achieve the answer.

Perhaps they are reliant on the negativity, as a substitute building block for self-acceptance.
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Webcomics! Banzai!
Jan 20, 2022
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I would identify as a mentalcel, though I do believe in the blackpill. I admit I am mentally fucked up to the point that it is holding me back from any meaningful relationships in real life, friendly or romantic. I was born into a family rife with mental illness and from the get-go I was screwed, and due to living in a household of crazies and my own actions I am completely undesirable to any potential mate that isn't either butt-ugly, a landwhale or as sick as me to the point that normal people won't take the chance even just to get their dick wet. I would not date me, and if I was an average individual I would stay as far away from me as possible.
It never began. So I lay down and rot instead. I barely even desire relationships nowadays. I guess that's acceptance kicking in.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Nov 7, 2021
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It clicked to me recently that the incel issue is actually much broader. And incels are just a small part of it, which because it's an interesting news story, got too much focus. After all, hearing about a guy who went on a shooting spree is better entertainment than just some lonely guys who can't find a girflriend. And to imply that's the case, you should note how there's actually a whole market for selling men ideas on how to find relationship and become an "alpha man". There's lot of these "embrace masculinity" posts everywhere online. I even saw it on this website from time to time.

If it was an issue for just few percent of guys, it wouldn't be everywhere. And literally everyone heard of this by now. You can see randoms on the street of all ages talking about something related to this from time to time. It's not something unknown, and it's also something recent. You didn't really have any of this just 40 years ago. To (falsely) restrain this back to just sex again, some people have gone as far as to write about a sex recession, how funny that too sounds.

And you can speculate what's the reason for why this is the case now. The incel answer would be something like the fact they were cursed by bad genes to never find someone. The incel-hater would say they are just spergs who can't interact with people. Few issues with that though would be that by going with the genetics answer coupled with how recent the issue is, you have to assume for some weird reason that huge part of humanity got shit genes in a short period of time. If you go with the behaviour answer you too need to explain what really happened, as it's just weird to think people in short ammount of time got a huge group who can't get girls by being awkward.

And it's not like these answers are totally wrong too. It would be very hard to find someone to like you if you are a totally socially clueless. And likewise by being tall your dating life is like switching from medium to easy, but I think both explanations can't explain everything about this issue.

What I speculate has happened is that it's very difficult to find intimacy today of any kind. And the whole talk above stems from that. And you can guess that's it by lot of things. There's too much to cite specifically, but you can look up for instance how hapiness levels are lowest today in decades, or how empathy levels have declined massively too. It's pretty easy to find. And where to put the blame depends on how high up you want to go, I would say actually the root of the problem is how our society developed, but that would be lot to write about. Instead I give you examples about how really anti-intimacy and empathy our culture is.

Think of how many parents don't have time to take care of their children because work has entered even private life. Be it checking emails from home, or always being in reach because of a phone.

For that matter, how many parents give kids a phone or tablet to entertain them. The way these devices make money is by making sure they show you rage-inducing media in hopes of hooking you up. And it will most likely get much worse. We are literally training young children in an environment which exists to make them addicts and impair their thinking. This is a death wish.

Or think how competitiveness is valued everywhere. You can't make friends if you live in a place where everyone tries to up each other for their own gain. And we have this culture of competion through a person's live. To the point I don't have to elaborate much more.

What's tragic is that people think these things are just natural. LIke that's how reality just is, while they are pretty recent developments all things considered, but they all make sure we spiral more and more down.
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Orlando Smooth

Well-Known Traveler
Aug 12, 2019
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You didn't really have any of this just 40 years ago.
Because at that point there were gender norms and expectations that society generally agreed upon. Don't get me wrong - they were extremely restrictive norms that undoubtedly had negative impacts on many people, especially women, but they provided structure and guidelines that many people desperately need. Are you a guy who grew up without a father? While that certainly will present setbacks in your life, cultural socialization could still provide you with the idea of what it means to be a good man who will ultimately be capable of success.

Today, even people with loving families often don't turn out alright because people are so lost in terms of how to integrate into society. Parents literally do not know how to raise their children to fit into the modern world, even in cases where they truly want to, because it is nothing like the world they grew up in. There's a whole lot of "X behavior is bad!" and very little "This is how you should behave if you want to succeed in life" - especially so for young men.

So what happens? People recede into screen life and have minimal amounts of meaningful social interactions, only deepening their sense of being lost or adrift in the world they find themselves in.
Virtual Cafe Awards

Deleted member 3990

It seems to me that some of you Twitter-addled morons seem to equivalate the term incel with terminally online /pol/ losers that do things like shitmaxxing, read garbage like the incel wiki all the time, post misogynistic comments online, complain about their heights and looks, and talk about shooting places up.
I take the term to face value: to me it means men who are involuntarily celibate. There are normal people out there who simply cannot get someone to romantically invest in them and are suffering from debilitating, suicide-inducing loneliness because of this. And it's usually because of a simple personal shortcoming they have such as being shy and unable to make a first move, not because they're the stereotypical schizoid and autistic 4chan user that can only talk about how shitty women are.

I think I recently became a laughing stock in the >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk thread because some of you people thought I was actually talking about the stereotypical incel boogeymen you have built up in your minds, and also associated me with it. No, I was talking about lonely men. A significant portion of the male population suffering from this widespread societal issue.


Well-Known Traveler
Feb 2, 2022
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It seems to me that some of you Twitter-addled morons seem to equivalate the term incel with terminally online /pol/ losers that do things like shitmaxxing, read garbage like the incel wiki all the time, post misogynistic comments online, complain about their heights and looks, and talk about shooting places up.
I take the term to face value: to me it means men who are involuntarily celibate. There are normal people out there who simply cannot get someone to romantically invest in them and are suffering from debilitating, suicide-inducing loneliness because of this. And it's usually because of a simple personal shortcoming they have such as being shy and unable to make a first move, not because they're the stereotypical schizoid and autistic 4chan user that can only talk about how shitty women are.

I think I recently became a laughing stock in the >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk thread because some of you people thought I was actually talking about the stereotypical incel boogeymen you have built up in your minds, and also associated me with it. No, I was talking about lonely men. A significant portion of the male population suffering from this widespread societal issue.
It is more of an issue than it used to be, but I find a lot of people have a tendency to cherry pick the most dire studies to make it seem more widespread than it actually is. I see people try to argue that literally 90% of men in their 20s do not have sex. I think a lot of people look at those cherry picked stats and kind of psych themselves out and one sure way to fail at any social endeavor is to overthink it.
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Posting Inquisitor
May 28, 2022
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Today, even people with loving families often don't turn out alright because people are so lost in terms of how to integrate into society. Parents literally do not know how to raise their children to fit into the modern world, even in cases where they truly want to, because it is nothing like the world they grew up in. There's a whole lot of "X behavior is bad!" and very little "This is how you should behave if you want to succeed in life" - especially so for young men.

So what happens? People recede into screen life and have minimal amounts of meaningful social interactions, only deepening their sense of being lost or adrift in the world they find themselves in.
There's someone in one of the other communities I'm part of who is so fucking guilty about literally everything that they do nothing at all. Just sit in house and desperately try to be the most moral (cause they internalize all the "this bad!" "oh also this bad!" shit modern society does). Absolutely horrifying.
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Deleted member 3373

There's someone in one of the other communities I'm part of who is so fucking guilty about literally everything that they do nothing at all. Just sit in house and desperately try to be the most moral (cause they internalize all the "this bad!" "oh also this bad!" shit modern society does). Absolutely horrifying.
Yeah that kinda sounds like me when I was a lot younger. I hope this person is relatively young as there is a chance they can grow out of this. But the internet really rewarded negative content. I distinctly remember the ranting community of old youtube and how it set the standard for many of the issues we see today. Habits such as deboonking had its' origin in this group of people. The ranting community has not turned out well. Its' members largely went nowhere in life and are now poor and hopeless. They were a big part of my personal wake up call. This is unfortunately how many zoomers will turn out.


Scum Fuck Flower Boy
Mar 20, 2022
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This one here's a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to get bitches:

Haven't tried it myself (don't think I ever will), but I think there's good advice in there with very detailed steps telling you exactly what to do instead of "jUst g3t /fit/ and taLk 2 gURlz bruh!"

edit: this site preaches a lot of alpha male bullshit and the only part I agree with is how to start texting and when to stop. Even so, lot of the templates can be creepy, same as the rest of the site (c'mon this guy uploads nudes of all the different people he's had sex with) so tread carefully.
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Virtual Cafe Awards

Deleted member 3373


The Elliot Roger impersonation at the start is priceless

All highly accurate info. Many of these men have an unjustified victim complex and a total lack of social ability. Problem is that, that is the majority of men today.
This one here's a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to get bitches:

Haven't tried it myself (don't think I ever will), but I think there's good advice in there with very detailed steps telling you exactly what to do instead of "jUst g3t /fit/ and taLk 2 gURlz bruh!"
Crap website. It's designed to sell the image of the alpha male to young men and make them promiscuous. None of the actual underlying problems are dealt with. It's simply designed to fix the virginity issue and nothing else.


Posting Inquisitor
May 28, 2022
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Crap website. It's designed to sell the image of the alpha male to young men and make them promiscuous. None of the actual underlying problems are dealt with. It's simply designed to fix the virginity issue and nothing else.
Have to agree. Gaming Tinder so you can have one night stands is never gonna fix intimacy issues lmao
Virtual Cafe Awards

Deleted member 3373

Have to agree. Gaming Tinder so you can have one night stands is never gonna fix intimacy issues lmao
If you read it, it proposes blatantly exploitative methods such as targeting of bisexual women (a demographic known to be higher in mental health issues), promotes threesomes, as well as BDSM. It's more boomer nonsense.
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