Is anyone else seeing all these got damn aliens all the time?


Internet Refugee
Jan 25, 2024
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Okay so im getting a little bit angry. For as long as i've been alive i've been exposed to seeing ufos and crazy bullshit above my house and no one else talks about it. I live in the northern part of new england usa bordering canada, so im kind of in the willywacks.
My dad was a night owl and a heavy smoker, so he'd always go outside in the middle ofthe night to smoke and see some crazy shit up in the skies. It was common for him to wake me up and bring me outside to see all these fucking ufos all the time. I think some of them might've been, like government aircrafts, but a good portion of them had to have been alien contact. Like my dad filmed this huge fireball we saw in the sky that got super close to us lol. Of course i dont have any proof of that bc hes DEAD NOW but I see the same shit in the skies too. And from further inspection, my grandparents on my dads side have seen the same shit too. Like its a fucking torch that my family passes down. And now I have to deal with it.
But Im so upset because even now that im an old fart I still see these triangles stalking me in the sky. And im so confused cuz where the fuck is everyone else when i see this?
My family has a history of mental illness, if you want to blame this on me going schizo, but Im not even joking when people going very far back in my life have seen the same things i have. I dont know why so many people would see the same thing lol.
Is this some type of curse? And does anyone else see this shit? Or has anyone been effected by this? Like i dont even think its funny anymore, its kind of scary sometimes.
Please use this thread to further talk about the absolute hysteria that is Whatever the fuck these little aliens want with us and if anyone else has similar experiences or can shed some light on this
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Doctor Dirck

Active Traveler
Nov 29, 2023
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My grandad used to tell a story about the one time he thought he saw a UFO. He's like 80 or something now and he was in the army driving trucks in Germany a couple decades after WW2. When he was back home in-between tours he said he used to hitchhike highways 2 or 3 states from his base to get to and from home. One of those nights he said the highway was just completely dead that he hadn't seen a car in almost an hour which of course was weird for the highway. He says that just then there was light in the sky that came from nowhere and it just sat there levitating for a minute. He described it as a white/blue ball that just sat there and then just as suddenly as it appeared shot off like a shooting star. He's way too old to use the internet to share an experience like that but I sometimes feel like those stories kind of become lost to time as society changes. I think it's likely he saw something akin to a stealth bomber maybe? Like Area 51 how so many people thought they saw UFO nearby but eyewitness testimony makes it apparent that a lot of those accounts between certain years were the SR71 being tested. Or hell maybe he saw a UFO who knows?

I'll say sometimes you have weird stuff happen around you and it gets your nerves all worked up and maybe a little spooked and it snowballs out of control. You see some weird shit in the sky once in awhile and then you start to wonder what it is and you never get an answer. It forces your brain to fill in the blanks and depending on the kind of person you are it can be pretty scary.
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Jan 22, 2023
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Eye Floaters: Overview and More
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Dr. MacGutsy

Bad Guy
Jul 12, 2023
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If you live anywhere rural you're just gonna see some weird stuff. I see some weird lights from time to time, but that's about it. Some claim to have seen some little green men, but I'm not sure how much of that is stories made up for the bar and how much is reality.


Internet Refugee
Feb 15, 2022
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These posts are completely irrelevant if you have nothing to substantiate your claims, you even take the fun out by already prefacing it with the statement about a history of schizophrenia in your family, bad attempt try harder next time and at least photoshop a fake ufo picture or something so we have something to laugh at besides this completely unoriginal >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk comment tier paranormal incident regurgitation
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Without notion
Feb 17, 2024
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My grandmother said that when she lived on a farm there was a time when she went into the woods at night to take a piss (Her house didn't have a bathroom, and yeah she said it that exact way). That day she recalls that out of nowhere there was a huge green flash in the sky and she had seen strange objects flying in the distance leaving a trail of light behind.
I don't know if this story is real or she was just messing with me (she is far from being the most trustworthy person in the world), but my family has a history of believing this kind of thing for some reason, some go so far as to say that aliens are "the angels described in the bible" or something like this.
I can't tell if this story is funny or shocking, In fact, where I live I always heard strange sounds coming from the sky, especially at night, as a child I was terrified of aliens and everything related to ufology.
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This Is War, Huh, Wow!
Oct 11, 2021
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Honestly, I really believe if you live anywhere out in the sticks with a clear sky, at some point you are going to see something weird in the sky, even if it's just some weird moving lights amongst all the other lights. It's bound to happen given a long enough time out there. I think this stuff is always going on in the sky, but most people living in cities can't see it due to light pollution, etc.
It's way more common than we think.
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