When they use umbiquos morality in films and arts, we can too. Any ideas how?
Can Jews (all) practice prophecies techniques, is it only "banned" under Catholicism, or even they can't? Because then it makes it all funny. Did Jesus know he had to die, or he had to "blaspheme" to people...? Or was it just common sense and had to do what he had to do, fate?
Well, it comes down to institutional power. It's very hard for me as a Christian to point out that the positions of true power are staffed by them, without getting the entire body into trouble. It's a small group of evil people at the top who say they are (jews) and are not according to the Bible. At any rate, I don't know how to do that without the aforementioned, it's bigger than me, and I trust that God will sort it out. I simply call the SoS globalists and banking cabal for the time being. I can't stress enough that we need to love our brothers, Ezekial 36-38 tells us that these people will be brought back to God, he will do it, you can see the reformation of Israel as a part of what is happening in Ezekiel even now.
@no_chill take a look at Ezekiel 36-38; God is not going to do this because they have been good as a people, (he says they profaned themselves among the nations) but because of his greatness and promises. They were the lowest people and God made them a powerful people. God takes small things and makes them great, he is good, and they (jews) were required, as a stubborn people, that they would through unbelief, accomplish the plan Lord Jehovah (God the Father) had to save all through Jesus Christ (God the Son), who died on the cross. If you see Romans 11. Ezekiel states that it is Not for their glory, but for his. God can make wretches his treasure, and so this is what role the jews have played in history. Through their unbelief, a Savior was crucified, that all men and women, Jew and Gentile alike, might be saved.
Jesus is the Son of God, Begotten, not made. He is a distinct personality of what we call "God" which consists of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Jesus says that God the Father is greater than I, but also states that he and the Father are one. This is one of the arguments for the Trinitarian view of God, or the Trinity.
Jesus Christ knew what his mission was on the Earth, and chose to do the will of the Father. One of the most touching things in the Bible to me is when Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane. The Agony in the Garden. Jesus Christ suffered trepidation, real fear and anxiety, sweating a mix of sweat blood, Hemahidrosis, or blood in the sweat. Our Savior suffered knowing that he was about to die a horrific, terrible, painful death, and when he prayed to God, he gave an example for us, "Lord if this cup can pass from my hands, let it, but nevertheless, thy will be done" Jesus never intended to shirk this, but to submit, and in doing so, he gave unto us an example for submission and acceptance unto the Lord.
Yes, Jesus knew he had to die in order to deliver mankind from the grave, to defeat sin and death as a blemish-less sacrifice.
This is why my King is Lord Jesus.