Is society made of NPCs?


Some Random Occultist
Nov 14, 2021
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Just out of curiosity why did you ask that and what is the response you wanted?
I wanted to see if that person was my friend. I know I will never get the response I want to be honest. It had been silent between us for a while especially because the only to people I actually talk to were the two kids from choir class ( still in high-school ) . I Mostly don't know a lot of people to consider them friends.It was one of my attempts at seeing the nature of human beings. I mean , I know everything about that person...From weaknesses to what they love and all their insecurities. I wonder what made them trust me with all this information especially because from what they answered ...they basically don't know anything. They don't even Know that I quit art and still think I still draw... I mean it is kind of pitiful the fact you can trust someone that much, I mean what if they turn on you (which I won't do because it gives me nothing whatsoever.)
Virtual Cafe Awards
I wanted to see if that person was my friend. I know I will never get the response I want to be honest. It had been silent between us for a while especially because the only to people I actually talk to were the two kids from choir class ( still in high-school ) . I Mostly don't know a lot of people to consider them friends.It was one of my attempts at seeing the nature of human beings. I mean , I know everything about that person...From weaknesses to what they love and all their insecurities. I wonder what made them trust me with all this information especially because from what they answered ...they basically don't know anything. They don't even Know that I quit art and still think I still draw... I mean it is kind of pitiful the fact you can trust someone that much, I mean what if they turn on you (which I won't do because it gives me nothing whatsoever.)
It sounds like you want to be more than friends with this person and are angry they view you as an NPC in their life story.
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Some Random Occultist
Nov 14, 2021
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It sounds like you want to be more than friends with this person and are angry they view you as an NPC in their life story.
Nah actually, It is the opposite. i want to avoid them , But want to know when I will be able to do so. So far I haven't seen them for a while...which Is quite good, as I have been planning to cut my relationships in high-school. Trust me , I dont want to be with them tbh.
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from my essays on blog:

30 > 31/10/22, 23/58-ish

Prečo ubližujem („") sám sebe?: Chýba mi vzrušenie. Toto ennui... Ale prečo ma to stále drží, baví?: Pretože potom by som pravdepodobne musel robiť niečo zmysluplné, významné, hmatateľné - niečo, z čoho mám strach. - Prečo?: Pretože môžem urobiť chybu, možno to zničiť, stratí to v mojich očiach na význame a hodnote hneď, ako bude 99,99% hotových.(..)

Odkiaľ tento strach, myšlienky naň, prichádzajú? /Zlá cesta/: Nie je to tak, že si schválne bol divný, len aby si opovrhnutiahodne „nebol ako všetci ostatní"? Ale koho možno z toh(t)o viniť? Nechce toto väčšina ľudí? Snáď som opakoval po druhých. Alebo; to, čo som robil, sa nedalo nikam zaradiť; takže som bol neviditeľný. Nuž, dosiahol som opak: - S nikým som sa nebavil, nemal nič (s nimi; schválne) spoločné. - Je toto to, čo som z(a)mýšľal?

Snáď som si (dokonca) myslel, že divné ľudí priťahuje. No popravde, vlastne si už ani nepamätám čo, prečo a ako bol „môj cieľ." (Liberál, čo sa kamaráti s každým a nemá nepriateľov (nevie ako na to)... Ale vlastne nemá ani vlastnú hlavu, nápady (aj keď vlastne, nikoho vlastne nie sú vlastné...))

Lož. Nehysáč, keď s tým (glob. otepľ., k(r)apitalizmus, „FBI"...) nedokáže (? profit???) nikto nič spraviť. Len obviňujete tých, čo majú (ten) najmenší dopad, hádžete (pre)vinu... Odporné, otras(né), detinské, poburujúce, hlúpe...

- Ale chápem („" - nechcem) - idú do toho; a sú z toho prachy - no samozrejme. Zombie spoločnosť, čo žije z vlastnej (Západ) minulej slávy, pochopiteľne, nemá nič iné v rukáve; (nič iné) na výber. Chcel by som sa čudovať - nemám čomu - snáď to (ak; toto všetko; bolo takto vždy(cky)- v skutočnosti kultúra, alebo ako tento zeitgest, pre-hauntológiu nazvať - tak zo 20-30 rokov je kultúra, jej piliere, morálka - všetko je to mŕtve.

Vždy bolo. Nebudeme, nie sme jediní, kto to , cíti takto. Bolo to takto vždy - no nie?!

Či už kvitujete akejkoľvek ideológii, je jasné, že bez pevne stanovených východísk, medzí -cieľov- nie je možné, aby tento svet stále takto, týmto štýlom, fungoval neustále.

Buď-to priority, alebo chaos; rozpad, rozklad; bezcieľne, bezvýchodiskové čakanie na blažený koniec čohosi beztvarého...

/Never tým, čo hovoria v mene všetkých ~ nemožné, podozrivé...
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februára 2020, 7:32 Maaad
  • Crony capitalism, govt-owned media, bottle-up everything, denial bias & abuse, pay for everything, (i)-don't-need-that-when-everyone-else-have-it ( #idntweeht) - no-such-thing-as-a-must ( #nstaam),
  • fun-to-no-asking-about-everything ( #ftnaaet), schools learning students to (no-think) conform and obey what they (teacher) don't ever agree or understand to - learning ballast, cheap workforce, artificial foods, GMO, age of programers, fear of AI, lost of work position, dumbing people and art, copyright everything that it is able to, monetize world, world of ads,
  • comformity prison, thought prison, lampshading, bias for bias - denial for denial, tragedy of lowest common denominator, irony of individuality, gestalt of rebels, independent ideas of same things on other site of the world,
  • but-i-am-not-the-same, much ado about nothing, fictional scarcity and demand, printhead market model, Brave new world & F451, akkasha and copyright of mind, Library of Alexandria? , at-tip-of-our-noses-all-the-time-right-on-the-eyes, pain of boredom,
  • doublethink and ( mora(aaaa)l) zombies, loss of mind - thought - integrity - persona - morals & values - critical thinking, #fomo... 25. februára 2020, 8:00

25. februára 2020, 8:00 #borgeuois pigs? #crohnberg capitalism 25. februára 2020, 7:49 Prečo sa východ cíti ohrození západnými hodnotami Američania sa báli komunizmu pre svoju jednoduchosť Asi si nevedeli pripustiť, že peniaze nie vždy všetko vyriešia (lieky, inzulín, škola...) Na papieri [kom.] znel pekne, horšie však bolo, keď ľudia systém, v ktorom žijú, začali spoznávať a búriť sa proti nemu (čo sme sa nič nenaučili, čo nevieme, že majetok spraví málokoho naveky šťastného...?) Nacionalizmus a národovstvo sa rozšírili po východnej, jv a južnej Európe, náznaky, variácie a odnože možno badať aj na jej západe; Nacionalizmus ako priamy potomok zvrátenej globalistickej ľavicovej demokracie 25. februára 2020, 7:18 West Bi*** Prepoj všetko a potom sa nečuduj, keď sa vyskytne maniak, čo to všetko jedným tlačidlom zničí Závislosť na importe (exporte) a mamone, sila peňazí, odcudzenie... Severský socializmus, južný trh, východná filozofia a západná demokracia Prečo sa juh a východ cítia utlačované a vykorisťováné západom, keď ho čas od času sami vykorisťujú? Stieranie rozdielu medzi vykoristovateľom a vykorisťovaným Nevidíme si ďalej od nosa, alebo sme ignoranti?
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#Copyright isn't (real) thing if you never own anything in your life, even "your" life itself (music - notes & accords, concepts...)

#How to make zombies out of the people; hypes and musts aren't real if you are not able to be manipulated; tragedy of commons

#Erosion of mind/soul; no common sense left; nearsightedness of people; soc. programming - where is my personality and how to change my quirks

#How prosperity make us bad and poor from inside of our souls

#Love that what hurts

#You can't handle the truth(?); truth subjectivity/objectivity

#I think what others are thinking and thus can't think of anything else and do nothing properly; thinking of previous (mistakes in) thoughts

#contingency; abuse of power from both sides (strong & weak)

#I can't connect my thoughts (biased) properly

#We are the only ones who can set us free

#[China] is doing this s*i* only to itself, harming itself

#Paying (us) for spent time on web by making tasks (time-based currency)

#Why Comm. couldn't work in reality; and in 21st century?

#Homeland-based economy

#Is points-by value system (e. g. 20 € - 5 points/total 150) scam?

#Threats of e-cash only, loss of anonymity - evil plan of deanonymity
#How what we are fighting against destroy us in the end

#Trigger (fear) nation, brainwashed (herd) sheep

#!Good intentions gone wrong

#You don't need new things every 2 years

#Money slaves, false flags, bread & games...?

#Conformity slaves, tech -- human memory loss

#Thin line between truth & lies/ info & propaganda (brain-soup)

#Reality worse than fiction
Virtual Cafe Awards
- do it, preach what you do, but dont make truth out of lies. Dont jump because everyone else is too - ask first. Ask what is going on, why, how. If we went to question reality and self-imposed states of mind (concepts), life could be clearer and less confussing. Not saying there will be no problems, only that there will be only those that are more-or-less valid. When you ask, this chaos, sometimes beautiful, can be more bearable. When you know Why, you understand

what are they/m people fighting for or against. I call this no-ask world Zombie-one. You maybe heard about Vaporwave (outside of music genre), Hauntology, (Aenomoia) or Monument Mythos. Something like that, if not basically that. Are we afraid to question things from fear of losing them, them being stolen from us by some Bad actors, or that we will be labeled, marked as conspirators (let it be what it meant before, or even after shift of meaning)? At least *here*

(head), it seems so. But isnt it that without pain, rebels and struggle, doubts, we could value those things we have? Or, even save to say, start to think about those things, thoughts, and these questions of "Why" (is it *this way*), on alone!?! That all is valid, nice and based. What isnt tho is, playing with emotions. Our lowest denominators. No one is safe from them. When thinking about it, maybe how we react to stimuli, not how we see ouselves, is what we Are.

Us, "Me" (Just little idea *moment*). But what is opposite of that, is my guilt. Is there shame too? Why is it so? I wonder too. Maybe it is just erro in my head, no enough "grass touched" (doubt), or only that "no one needs me" (no job). Is wanting not to fight, for man, bad? Is it what makes me "sad"? Or just that everyone else wants to only to forgot themselves (for them, then, to had no need to wrote something *like this alone*). I tried to "consoome", but it is

no longer fun. It is just distraction, from reality, real problems. Solvable or not, pretended or made-up (baka brain!), it hurts the same... And I lie. I do things I hate in others. God, I'll hate them in myself too. But as I said, I am so afraid *of it*...
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Life on subscription mode

Netflix, Internet (VPN?), taxes, rent...

You need job, or school, but what about experiences, where to find them, aren't we in cage we helped to build ourselves? Gatekeeping?!?!?

Are we raising something that destroys us, someone of *this (every)* country, who glorify **nacizm** that destroys us?


5. septembra 2020, 1:28


Neznášam, ako sa teraz ľudia zapredávajú rôznym značkám. Asi to tak ale bolo vždy.

Pretože prečo nie, treba udržovať Status Quo, Class, Posh.

Ľuďom je úplně v paži., či máš na sebe niečo značkové, lebo nakoniec klameš len sám seba, skrýváš sa, kto si Ty, za značkami, ...

Za tými, čo ťa mali odlíšiť, no nakoniec si sa stal takým istým, tým "kultúrnym rebelom"; lebo ešte som nevidel nikoho, kto by si TOTO neobliekol, ...

Buď majú všetci nahovno vkus, sú komfortní *trendy, šik* (sheeple, LCD?), alebo nedokážu vycucať inú (farebnú?) kombináciu... (Toto NIKTO nebude mať na sebe, som cool, čum... Hivemind???)

27. augusta 2020, 16:48

Who profit

From personal data

Our likes, interests, thoughts, "cookies" drops from everywhere we goes, pain, gatekeeping*, surveillance, video feeds we willingly and unwillingly share...

*From blocking "sheeple" access to success...

20. augusta 2020, 17:03

Forever clothes, forever computer

Not just for top 2 years and at least 10

4. augusta 2020, 8:00

End of 1-purchase SW & everything...

Oh, Cruel world...

Yay; capitalism /read crapitalism/!

Buy every PC component on alone, why not, subscribe and rent (your life)!!!?

30. júla 2020, 18:02

Subscribtion (slavery?)

Subscribtion and debt, subscribtion and addiction, subscribtion and dependence

29. júla 2020, 16:53

People are (not)...

Lazy or stupid, they simply

Don't know where to start first

22. júla 2020, 7:29

Instant gratification and admiration

I became what I hate the most (millennial)

17. júla 2020, 16:39


Ľudí, čo sa nevedia ako obliecť a tak musia nasledovat módne trendy...

Napr.) Teraz to s tými vzorkovanými tričkami a guľatými okuliarmi a účesom na mnícha, spolu s (YOLO, SWAG, YO-YO) "klobúčikom"..., Asi aj s džínsovými bundami...

16. júla 2020, 8:09


Don't you understand that it's all in your head...

How much is left from that, what we call, ourselves, Human(s)?_¢№№@¹²²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁸⁹∅@№¢_&_±·</

3. júla 2020, 17:21

People who

Don't want to look or behave like no one else before, will be look like (that), together - no no one else more...

Instrumentality anyone?

15. júna 2020, 6:20

Patent for truth

A I only the same level

Why a message to want to make it clear that day

12. júna 2020, 7:58

Is separate SW & HW tyranny/crapitalism?!

9. júna 2020, 7:47

Why people don't believe in the mainstream

Is Internet communistic?

What about those jokes?

Is this what we want, need and refuse to admit; that we don't believe our gov., in our money, state and soc., that we want live in anarchy...?

Does we gave up our dreams to fulfill corporatocracy where there is no truth, only opinions...
Virtual Cafe Awards


In search of something greater.
Jul 16, 2022
Reaction score
I would highly consider checking out this video. I will admit, it simplifies everything but it's simple enough to get a bigger picture of supposed NPC behavior.

>MFW I'm acting like an NPC :McBetch:

Virtual Cafe Awards

Pink Fluffy Cat

Well-Known Traveler
Nov 8, 2022
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- NPC Normie Cattle
"nooooo u r just a toxic neckbeard stop hating normal people, people good, take this bluepill and check your superior complexzzzzz"

- The Silent Majority
"OMG based literally me!"


away with the fairies
Feb 6, 2023
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Anti-intellectualism. The people who agree and believe in anti-intellectualism are the npcs.

Having said that, be careful with considering everyone npcs as it would mean that you don't see the people around you as humans which would in turn, lead to being inconsiderate of others feelings. So calling people npcs should just be a fun bit of banter, nothing more.


Some Random Occultist
Nov 14, 2021
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Man, I'm in high school, and everyone seems to have reduced their personality to a piece of dog shit that stuck to the pavement and created a dry crust on top due to the hot sun just waiting for someone with a new shoe to step on it.
fellow highschool student here....Thats just highschool. The amount of NPC assholes I meet is crazy ...
Virtual Cafe Awards
Jan 22, 2023
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To break from society comfort, usually one must be rejected or be a lowly member of it, you think as them as a npcs because they try to climb up society, they think of you as npcs because you couldn't make it in society. If somebody its not a respectable person in the eyes of your group it they will always seem like npcs because the they only live the way they live because they are incompatible with the way you live. Someone in their 30s who lives in the basement and watcha anime all day can yell all of they want about npcs, but you will never be taken seriously because of what you are they consider inferior to what they could be. To say some one its a npc follower to society you must provide a better alternative to them, which most fail to. Not to mention that these people also usually follow things, just not the same things, they tend to follow things of the past, or things from a theoretical future.
And the ones that can show something different don't care to since they usually aren't on the fringes of it but have their own society. The amish aren't going to show smackheads in LA that they can live differently, they got their own things to sort it out. Cowboys are doing Cowboy things, not arguing on the internet. Making something or being a part of something and having that thing have an effect on society, a sub-culture, no matter how minimal it its will have a much stronger effect than anything so called main characters have ever accomplished in the last 10 years.

This is a free form rant with no proof reading.
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Jul 28, 2021
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The NPC phenomenon is not an illusion. It may not be a recent phenomenon - but it is a real phenomenon. Just look at what/who people in massive cities vote for. They vote over 70% in favor of a candidate who essentially destroys their city with each term. It's also called group think.
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