I HIGHLY recommend anyone interested in magic to get into some form of divination. While I think some people are more attuned to it than others, anyone can gain benefits from it. If you use an oracle deck, for example. I think scrying is too vague- I've personally never had any luck with it, but it is a pretty old form of divination. Overall even if you are a skeptic the cards meanings can help guide paths of thought on an issue you might not have thought of.
Personally, I was raised Atheist (like, by a militant Atheist) so I was pretty spiritually stunted as a kid (and still working on it) but when I started fooling around with tarot cards I felt powerful for the first time in my life, in a magical sense. I brought my uncle to tears doing a reading for him when I was 13 or so. He was separated from his family and convinced his wife was cheating on him- he asked me to do a reading specifically about whether she was being faithful. My reading said something to the effect of him on the path of ruining his own life and his wife being faithful to him. That she was suffering for his sake. There were a lot of hyper specific details too, about him heading toward ruin before he could turn things around. Ultimately I found out later that at the time he'd gotten back into heroin and his wife was scared to move back in with him, including her attempting suicide- he ended up hitting complete fucking rock bottom and went to rehab, and now his life is better than it ever was. Kind of shook me- at the time I had barely any idea what the fuck I was saying when doing the reading. (I was a literal child)
Anyone I've read oracle cards for, regardless of being a skeptic or not, has left the table with their beliefs about divination shaken.
There are forces out there we can only hope to scrape the surface of in a lifetime.