This post was originally created on 4chan, the TLDR version is posted below. Important to note, Ideology does not matter for this.
Agora Road is Apolitical. Posted here for archival purposes and reading entertainment. Please Enjoy.
Here is some discussion on the validity of this method and if it glows bright or not
Thread Theme music:
>create a "group" with either your family members or closest friends
>group size should be two to five people at most
>promise that you will never disband as long as the dystopia is not decisively defeated
>after assembling your group, do not try to grow vertically but grow horizontally instead - grow the idea itself - promote creation of other groups
>every group becomes both a unit of resistance and also a unit of propaganda on its own, creating a self-replicating structure that covers the entirety of the "democratic" world
>the structure exponentiates and spreads in every single state
>we overwhelm the capacity of any regime to suppress us
>we win
There are two ways that this can develop:
>Option one: we remain as we are right now
This option's outcome is already obvious. People are demoralized. They protest, but then they stop protesting, and 80% of them end up getting vaxxed and the state receives dictatorial powers to suppress the other 20% whom are now hated by everyone else. This has happened in every hypervaxxed state and will keep happening until all of them come together on an international stage and agree to suppress us together as if we're some kind of a new form of terrorism. In fact, such an agreement has ALREADY BEEN PROPOSED.
>Option two: we do something about it
Now there are many ways of doing something about it. We have the direct "just fuck shit up lol" response, which is the best outcome, but there's a little problem: everyone's too demoralized and the people willing to fuck shit up are a minority. It's very easy to herd these dissidents and throw them into FEMA camps at our current manpower. That's already happening in Australia and their government hasn't even shifted into its final form. It's going to get so much worse than that.
So what we need is a way to somehow increase our manpower and to put that manpower towards specifically opposing these new regimes and their Great Reset, so that when the new wave of dystopia hits and the governments in the rest of the "democratic" world start turning dictatorial, there is an organized response that can rise up and destroy them out of nowhere.
This is achieved by creating the conflict prior to that and dragging the glow-in-the-darks into OUR territory that we have a preemptive control over and have dug in as deeply as possible.
I'll give you the specifics in the following posts.
Typically, whenever you form a preemptive resistance to a threat that is expected to happen in the future, you do two universal things that are done by every such movement: first you form a structure of the resistance so that it's not just separate individuals, and then you dig in. You can see it throughout all of history - in the peasant rebellions, in the French revolution, in the American revolution, in the Soviet revolution, in the creation of the SA, in the Chinese revolution, in the Vietnam War, in the Taliban - it's a universal characteristic of a resistance. You need a structure of some form, individuals carrying guns around aimlessly does not work and has never worked. So let us address this vital issue of the resistance movements right now: there are ZERO structures in place. We don't have anything and any attempt at creating a structure gets glow-in-the-darked right away.
And how the fuck do we deal with this? Well there is, in fact, a way. One that is completely resistant to glow-in-the-darks yet still forms an underlying structure of resistance. That sounds impossible, but it's not. It's what the US army did with the French resistance, and then did again with the preemptive anti-communist resistance that they called Operation Gladio. It was so successful that even literally-communist glow-in-the-darks could not penetrate it.
It's the creation of a system of decentralized tiny cells, all united by the obvious common cause but also separated well enough that no form of glow-in-the-dark penetration can affect them. If you catch one cell, it is impossible to catch another by interrogating them because they simply do not know of any other cells other than themselves. They all know what to do, they are looking for the same signals, they know what to support and what to oppose because it's all common sense, and at the same time they have little to no communication with each other. It's a structure that is both united and decentralized at the same time.
This type of a resistance structure voids the modern glow-in-the-dark outdated concept.
The NSA, the infiltration tactics of the FBI, Interpol, PATRIOT Act, NATO - all of it is suddenly useless because you have effectively localized the organizational part of the movement down to the very local level, while also using the global internet to coordinate on the macro level like I am using 4chan to post this right now without revealing anything about me. You can catch one, two, ten, a hundred at most, but it is physically impossible to catch the rest of the hundreds of thousands of cells formed in the country. Or the rest of the world. It is a body of cells that has unity, but also separability and individuality.
So how do we do this? How the FUCK do we form "hundreds of thousands of cells"? It's actually very simple.
The cell that I'm describing consists of two to five people, all loyal and preferably family members or long-time friends, who take an oath that they will oppose the regime totally until it's finally gone and that this bond will not be broken individually or before the objective has been accomplished. It doesn't matter whether it's just your brother, or it's the full group of five people, the creation of the cell itself is what's important here. The ceremonial promise to stick together creates a new unit that was not present until then, which now has a sum of its components greater than the components split apart. This is all that you have to do at this point. You do not need a column of twenty thousand men marching together, when even a union as small as just you and your friend changes the role that both of you play in this world dramatically.
The cell has a new emergent property - it can maintain its fitness level by having the other guy(s) keep a check on you and vice versa. It has a second emergent property - there is commitment so you are committed to something and cannot easily bounce back to escaping reality through video games.
But most importantly, and this is the reason to write this in the first place - it's incredibly easy to do. Typically there's a vetting process and it's generally hard to just join a large organization wherein you know no one, which alienates many potential members and specifically alienates blackpilled men who're isolated from society anyway. That's not the approach to the modern world and its issues. It worked in Germany some time ago, but obviously does not work anymore.
So having such an easily-formable cell is a game changer. Suddenly all these demoralized men can actually become active by just grouping together with a single friend. This is the most important characteristic of this. It's easy to produce, but it's also easy to reproduce.
And this is how we will reproduce this cell. You get two to five men together, you start creating plans, you get yourselves in shape, you start studying your surroundings and potential tactics and even future plans for politics if you're into that, and then just stop recruiting. This is counter-intuitive but it will destroy the glow-in-the-dark state. You stop recruiting at just 5 people. Instead of growing your own movement vertically, you grow the general movement horizontally by recruiting MORE CELLS instead of more people into your cell. You incentivize others to form cells and tell them to cap it at two to five, and then they join you and incentivize more cells on their own.
As you can see this strategy is an exponential one. It creates a structure, it mobilizes the men within the structure, and it advertises the structure to everyone else anonymously. At one point we pass a threshold where there's hundreds of thousand of mobilized men, all of whom are advertising the same thing as an extremely loud united movement. And that right there is a resistance structure that no state in the world can suppress or has prepared against. Because it's impossible to suppress this.
Communications and community out reach are always central.
You're not recruiting into an organization.
You're recruiting into a mindset.
Precisely. Which is why this is so good. If you have a movement, let's say a new party, and you get ten thousand people in it, you'll still have a single PR wing of a few people doing whatever a few people can do.
The PR wing of this type of a structure is every single individual cell. You get a few people and they become an independent propaganda wing that spreads the word. Another few people, another propaganda wing.
Ten thousand cells with an average of four people in each equals to 2500 independent people posting about it and gluing flyers all over the city. That's 2500 independent cells working to reach out to an audience of millions.
This is why the cap on membership is so important. It's something novel that no state has expected to happen and there are no means to stop something like this.
Yes, more threads and more awareness over other social medias. Emphasis on
>1) cap to five people at most
>2) become an independent propagandist with your cell upon formation
This creates a self-replicating structure that is unstoppable. You can screenshot the posts or paraphrase them in your own words or your own local language if you're out of the anglosphere - whatever, just remember the key points of this structure. There must be a cap, there must be a pact inside that creates a personal investment into it by all members so as to reduce the likeliness of them quitting, and there must be reproduction.
>Anything broadcast online will have a high chance of being hijacked.
that's true, which is why you only use websites such as 4chan and "telegram" and so on to
>1) reproduce the cell
>2) keep up with the rest of the cells anonymously without a central committee or a leadership trying to steer them. Just as a refresher to what's happening out there.
That's all you need to do. When the warning flare is shot, and boy will you see that one because the regime will turn aggressively anxious, you will know what to do on your own. You will know the most optimal local strategy independent of anyone else. You will see all the others rise up and you will rise up on your own. That's the point of this cell structure.
Here's my tech take on decentralizing a movement, maximizing coordination and minimizing subversion/infiltration.
Basically, a P2P protocol where you're a single cell identified with a self-signed certificate, with a specific geographically defined area of action (think a city, a few cities, a region...), and a ledger of all the activity you did, signed by "vouchers", who attest you indeed participated in an action.
Actions are categorized in "white", "grey" and "black" as in "legally" "white", "grey" or "black".
You can broadcast an action, with a category, and an approximate operation location.
People who can act near that site will be able to read your proposition and will be able to view your reputation, and determine themselves if you're trustworthy, then contact you. You can then determine if they are trustworthy and let them in on more details.
There are two ideas at play here:
- the "whiter" the action, the less reputation is needed to trust the other parties, and the darker, the more reputation is required.
- Reputation is computed from vouchers one knows directly or indirectly (as in, they vouched for one on your past actions, or have been vouched by one of the people you've vouched for), meaning you can't just generate 100 accounts and vouch yourself to boost your rep.
A side effect of that design is that a single physical person can and should bear multiple identities for different grades of actions, and will be able to use their "white" identities to vouch for their darker alts, allowing them to be untraceable.
In other words, instead of a unidirectional centralized chain of trust you have in encrypted protocols like HTTPS, you have a growing decentralized graph of trust.
The result is that at first you will have a bunch of small cells organizing small legal protests, but at the same time establish a growing network with rings of individuals organizing raids in minecraft.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
>10 posts by this ID
you care too much.
THis is merely OPs suggestion of forming small cell militias thats only purpose is to independently push propaganda and other perfectly legal actions.
Everything you are complaining about is covered extensively by the WWII OSS manual I listed, from forming cells to maintaining secure communication methods that cannot be breached, to how meetings can be set up and coded messages can be left in predetermined places with predetermined signals.
All they have to do is not blatantly discuss their ideas and plans with each other over a cellphone but in person instead or handwritten letters left in secretly agreed upon locations.
Once you do that electric glow-in-the-darks are btfo and now the only way they can know what you are up to is HUMINT and based on the structure of the cell they will end up detected by one of the members the moment they show up too often.
again here is a link to that manual
Come visit /lit/ sometime
Remember to avoid all attempts at:
>1) centralization
>2) ecelebs parasitizing as the face of the movement
>3) ideological injection - cells choose their own politics
This is about opposing dictatorial regimes. Clear and simple.
Most useful for our frens in China dealing with Xinjiang Internment camps
Agora Road is Apolitical. Posted here for archival purposes and reading entertainment. Please Enjoy.
Here is some discussion on the validity of this method and if it glows bright or not
Is Operation Preinstall Minecraft a CIA honeypot pysop or a legitimate resistance technique?
So I was traveling with our frens over at /x/ and I see this thread pop up The basic premise is that you create a cell with your friends or family members with a maximum of 5 people and encourage other cells to be created exponentially. The purpose...
Thread Theme music:
>create a "group" with either your family members or closest friends
>group size should be two to five people at most
>promise that you will never disband as long as the dystopia is not decisively defeated
>after assembling your group, do not try to grow vertically but grow horizontally instead - grow the idea itself - promote creation of other groups
>every group becomes both a unit of resistance and also a unit of propaganda on its own, creating a self-replicating structure that covers the entirety of the "democratic" world
>the structure exponentiates and spreads in every single state
>we overwhelm the capacity of any regime to suppress us
>we win
There are two ways that this can develop:
>Option one: we remain as we are right now
This option's outcome is already obvious. People are demoralized. They protest, but then they stop protesting, and 80% of them end up getting vaxxed and the state receives dictatorial powers to suppress the other 20% whom are now hated by everyone else. This has happened in every hypervaxxed state and will keep happening until all of them come together on an international stage and agree to suppress us together as if we're some kind of a new form of terrorism. In fact, such an agreement has ALREADY BEEN PROPOSED.
>Option two: we do something about it
Now there are many ways of doing something about it. We have the direct "just fuck shit up lol" response, which is the best outcome, but there's a little problem: everyone's too demoralized and the people willing to fuck shit up are a minority. It's very easy to herd these dissidents and throw them into FEMA camps at our current manpower. That's already happening in Australia and their government hasn't even shifted into its final form. It's going to get so much worse than that.
So what we need is a way to somehow increase our manpower and to put that manpower towards specifically opposing these new regimes and their Great Reset, so that when the new wave of dystopia hits and the governments in the rest of the "democratic" world start turning dictatorial, there is an organized response that can rise up and destroy them out of nowhere.
This is achieved by creating the conflict prior to that and dragging the glow-in-the-darks into OUR territory that we have a preemptive control over and have dug in as deeply as possible.
I'll give you the specifics in the following posts.
Typically, whenever you form a preemptive resistance to a threat that is expected to happen in the future, you do two universal things that are done by every such movement: first you form a structure of the resistance so that it's not just separate individuals, and then you dig in. You can see it throughout all of history - in the peasant rebellions, in the French revolution, in the American revolution, in the Soviet revolution, in the creation of the SA, in the Chinese revolution, in the Vietnam War, in the Taliban - it's a universal characteristic of a resistance. You need a structure of some form, individuals carrying guns around aimlessly does not work and has never worked. So let us address this vital issue of the resistance movements right now: there are ZERO structures in place. We don't have anything and any attempt at creating a structure gets glow-in-the-darked right away.
And how the fuck do we deal with this? Well there is, in fact, a way. One that is completely resistant to glow-in-the-darks yet still forms an underlying structure of resistance. That sounds impossible, but it's not. It's what the US army did with the French resistance, and then did again with the preemptive anti-communist resistance that they called Operation Gladio. It was so successful that even literally-communist glow-in-the-darks could not penetrate it.
It's the creation of a system of decentralized tiny cells, all united by the obvious common cause but also separated well enough that no form of glow-in-the-dark penetration can affect them. If you catch one cell, it is impossible to catch another by interrogating them because they simply do not know of any other cells other than themselves. They all know what to do, they are looking for the same signals, they know what to support and what to oppose because it's all common sense, and at the same time they have little to no communication with each other. It's a structure that is both united and decentralized at the same time.
This type of a resistance structure voids the modern glow-in-the-dark outdated concept.
The NSA, the infiltration tactics of the FBI, Interpol, PATRIOT Act, NATO - all of it is suddenly useless because you have effectively localized the organizational part of the movement down to the very local level, while also using the global internet to coordinate on the macro level like I am using 4chan to post this right now without revealing anything about me. You can catch one, two, ten, a hundred at most, but it is physically impossible to catch the rest of the hundreds of thousands of cells formed in the country. Or the rest of the world. It is a body of cells that has unity, but also separability and individuality.
So how do we do this? How the FUCK do we form "hundreds of thousands of cells"? It's actually very simple.
The cell that I'm describing consists of two to five people, all loyal and preferably family members or long-time friends, who take an oath that they will oppose the regime totally until it's finally gone and that this bond will not be broken individually or before the objective has been accomplished. It doesn't matter whether it's just your brother, or it's the full group of five people, the creation of the cell itself is what's important here. The ceremonial promise to stick together creates a new unit that was not present until then, which now has a sum of its components greater than the components split apart. This is all that you have to do at this point. You do not need a column of twenty thousand men marching together, when even a union as small as just you and your friend changes the role that both of you play in this world dramatically.
The cell has a new emergent property - it can maintain its fitness level by having the other guy(s) keep a check on you and vice versa. It has a second emergent property - there is commitment so you are committed to something and cannot easily bounce back to escaping reality through video games.
But most importantly, and this is the reason to write this in the first place - it's incredibly easy to do. Typically there's a vetting process and it's generally hard to just join a large organization wherein you know no one, which alienates many potential members and specifically alienates blackpilled men who're isolated from society anyway. That's not the approach to the modern world and its issues. It worked in Germany some time ago, but obviously does not work anymore.
So having such an easily-formable cell is a game changer. Suddenly all these demoralized men can actually become active by just grouping together with a single friend. This is the most important characteristic of this. It's easy to produce, but it's also easy to reproduce.
And this is how we will reproduce this cell. You get two to five men together, you start creating plans, you get yourselves in shape, you start studying your surroundings and potential tactics and even future plans for politics if you're into that, and then just stop recruiting. This is counter-intuitive but it will destroy the glow-in-the-dark state. You stop recruiting at just 5 people. Instead of growing your own movement vertically, you grow the general movement horizontally by recruiting MORE CELLS instead of more people into your cell. You incentivize others to form cells and tell them to cap it at two to five, and then they join you and incentivize more cells on their own.
As you can see this strategy is an exponential one. It creates a structure, it mobilizes the men within the structure, and it advertises the structure to everyone else anonymously. At one point we pass a threshold where there's hundreds of thousand of mobilized men, all of whom are advertising the same thing as an extremely loud united movement. And that right there is a resistance structure that no state in the world can suppress or has prepared against. Because it's impossible to suppress this.
Communications and community out reach are always central.
You're not recruiting into an organization.
You're recruiting into a mindset.
Precisely. Which is why this is so good. If you have a movement, let's say a new party, and you get ten thousand people in it, you'll still have a single PR wing of a few people doing whatever a few people can do.
The PR wing of this type of a structure is every single individual cell. You get a few people and they become an independent propaganda wing that spreads the word. Another few people, another propaganda wing.
Ten thousand cells with an average of four people in each equals to 2500 independent people posting about it and gluing flyers all over the city. That's 2500 independent cells working to reach out to an audience of millions.
This is why the cap on membership is so important. It's something novel that no state has expected to happen and there are no means to stop something like this.
Yes, more threads and more awareness over other social medias. Emphasis on
>1) cap to five people at most
>2) become an independent propagandist with your cell upon formation
This creates a self-replicating structure that is unstoppable. You can screenshot the posts or paraphrase them in your own words or your own local language if you're out of the anglosphere - whatever, just remember the key points of this structure. There must be a cap, there must be a pact inside that creates a personal investment into it by all members so as to reduce the likeliness of them quitting, and there must be reproduction.
>Anything broadcast online will have a high chance of being hijacked.
that's true, which is why you only use websites such as 4chan and "telegram" and so on to
>1) reproduce the cell
>2) keep up with the rest of the cells anonymously without a central committee or a leadership trying to steer them. Just as a refresher to what's happening out there.
That's all you need to do. When the warning flare is shot, and boy will you see that one because the regime will turn aggressively anxious, you will know what to do on your own. You will know the most optimal local strategy independent of anyone else. You will see all the others rise up and you will rise up on your own. That's the point of this cell structure.
Here's my tech take on decentralizing a movement, maximizing coordination and minimizing subversion/infiltration.
Basically, a P2P protocol where you're a single cell identified with a self-signed certificate, with a specific geographically defined area of action (think a city, a few cities, a region...), and a ledger of all the activity you did, signed by "vouchers", who attest you indeed participated in an action.
Actions are categorized in "white", "grey" and "black" as in "legally" "white", "grey" or "black".
You can broadcast an action, with a category, and an approximate operation location.
People who can act near that site will be able to read your proposition and will be able to view your reputation, and determine themselves if you're trustworthy, then contact you. You can then determine if they are trustworthy and let them in on more details.
There are two ideas at play here:
- the "whiter" the action, the less reputation is needed to trust the other parties, and the darker, the more reputation is required.
- Reputation is computed from vouchers one knows directly or indirectly (as in, they vouched for one on your past actions, or have been vouched by one of the people you've vouched for), meaning you can't just generate 100 accounts and vouch yourself to boost your rep.
A side effect of that design is that a single physical person can and should bear multiple identities for different grades of actions, and will be able to use their "white" identities to vouch for their darker alts, allowing them to be untraceable.
In other words, instead of a unidirectional centralized chain of trust you have in encrypted protocols like HTTPS, you have a growing decentralized graph of trust.
The result is that at first you will have a bunch of small cells organizing small legal protests, but at the same time establish a growing network with rings of individuals organizing raids in minecraft.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
>10 posts by this ID
you care too much.
THis is merely OPs suggestion of forming small cell militias thats only purpose is to independently push propaganda and other perfectly legal actions.
Everything you are complaining about is covered extensively by the WWII OSS manual I listed, from forming cells to maintaining secure communication methods that cannot be breached, to how meetings can be set up and coded messages can be left in predetermined places with predetermined signals.
All they have to do is not blatantly discuss their ideas and plans with each other over a cellphone but in person instead or handwritten letters left in secretly agreed upon locations.
Once you do that electric glow-in-the-darks are btfo and now the only way they can know what you are up to is HUMINT and based on the structure of the cell they will end up detected by one of the members the moment they show up too often.
again here is a link to that manual
Come visit /lit/ sometime
Remember to avoid all attempts at:
>1) centralization
>2) ecelebs parasitizing as the face of the movement
>3) ideological injection - cells choose their own politics
This is about opposing dictatorial regimes. Clear and simple.
Most useful for our frens in China dealing with Xinjiang Internment camps
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