Opinions on 4chan and chan culture


Well-Known Traveler
Jul 27, 2022
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Only when they achieve counter culture status, or rather, infamy.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkAngvkWVkk&ab_channel=musicforthelulz

The way to such a fate is rooted in casual disruption of their dailys.
Bonus points if the MSM over reacts,
to the hardcore users, a genuinely disruptive attempt is worth far more.

I've seen many altchans come and go,
the only ones that last are the ones that choose infamy

FINALLY! I was looking for this video. Thanks.


Internet Refugee
Nov 17, 2020
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The solution lies somewhere in the middle: finding meaningful threads/posts while having fun. Exactly what IBs used to be up until the mid 2010s.
Yeah you're most likely right.
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I have frequented /r9k/ and /pol/ when I was younger(inb4 "you need to be 18 to post here"). That was more during 2016-2018. With that I fell into a really bad spot. I hated myself and as a hormonal 13 year old, hearing the notion women and jews/racial minorities cause all problems in the world obviously didn't do any good for me. I kinda started becoming a bit of an incel really. I wasn't a bad looking kid, I just had trouble making friends at the time, now it's the complete opposite. I was focused on getting a gf and losing my virginity(as many other boys were at the time) and in the height of anti-sjw culture it just made those feelings... exacerbated? It wasn't something I could share with people. Not to mention I was confused about my sexuality at the time, although I didn't really think and process it until I was 18. I obviously wasn't around for what seems to be regarded as the Chan Golden Age. I hated myself more as I kept browsing. I then quit that shit and did a real hard reset, ushering in more friends and such. Honestly it wasn't all that good. Never really enjoyed it, just got sucked into an echo chamber I found interesting. Still, it was a huge part of my formative years and it helped me with forming my own opinions on things(I am very disconnected from 4chan in my beliefs, I'm more saying that I started exploring outside of the beliefs I knew/was comfortable with and found what really works for me), so it's not something I can forget. I tend to avoid it now, except for the occasional browse of /k/ and /fit/.

In terms of my thoughts about it, the site has just always been shit, but at least it was starting as good shit. I think anti-sjw culture really contributed to it's downfall(not that it had much further to fall, so really it was more of a trip than an actual plunge). The only good thing that has come out of it was the resurgence of Panchiko. The two things I find a bit uncomfortable for now are the more frequent pedo posting on the site(not sure what this will turn into but because 4chins is touching it I'm already insanely uneasy) and the memes/jargon seeping into pop culture. From my understanding, their jargon and pop culture was really separated and now it's coming closer together. Not sure how that will turn out. I think that maybe an internet culture reset will happen in the coming years in that non-popular forums and social medias will be associated with the basement dweller types again and we go back to how things were seen in 2016. Then again, I do firmly believe tinfoil hats are a bold fashion statement. Or perhaps things will be fine and 4chan will find new terms to pull out of their ass to feel different. Who knows.

In terms of other chans, I have only been on 8chan once and that's really it. I can't stand the shit that chans do. I like this forum way better because it feels like I'm actually conversing with well adjusted adults rather than teenage boys who think saying the n-word in public is funny and owns the libs. 8chan is really boring and has too much of a sticky feel to it. New boards every day, no one can agree on what to post so they nuke the board and make a new one. I never really cared much to find more outside of those two. I absolutely agree that 4chan really just degraded in quality with those racebaiting and porn posters, no matter what board it's always a thread with a bunch of horny dudes saying they want to "race mix" and other dudes who are mad about it. Everyone is mad about everything and it's just boring to read the same thing over and over again. It's just pointless whining and jerking off.
You need to be 18 to post here.
Virtual Cafe Awards
Why /r9k/ transformed from wizards/robots/NEETs/geeks hangout into another shithole for addicted coomers, simps, ehoes, predditors, LGBT creeps, normies, /pol/tards etc?
Because it could.
Virtual Cafe Awards
Why /r9k/ transformed from wizards/robots/NEETs/geeks hangout into another shithole for addicted coomers, simps, ehoes, predditors, LGBT creeps, normies, /pol/tards etc?
because wizards/robots/NEETs/geeks are all porn addicted coomers, simps and poltards. Those groups attract e-girls and lgbt creeps.
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Internet degenerate
Jun 7, 2023
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Most boards nowadays are pretty awful on 4chan like said above and for the most part I've stopped going there. Sometimes there are some good threads but definitely not on stuff like /b/. I do still enjoy /a/ and /g/ from time to time
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Internet Refugee
Aug 9, 2023
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IMO the best thing to come out of chan culture is moderator berating. I find this to be a neat idea to counteract the types of power-modding that >redditcostanzayeahrightsmirk is infamous for. If the people in your forum fundamentally do not respect your position, different types of people will seek to hold said positions.


Internet Refugee
Apr 7, 2023
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it was always that
Responding 5 months later lmaosorry, but nah it wasn't. /r9k/ pre deletion was a fun and goofy board focused on OC greentexts and it had a distinct board culture that completely disappeared after it got brought back and tfwnogf started the incel downturned spiral.


Cybernetic Esotericist
Dec 26, 2021
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There's that other forum post here about a conspiracy between the FBI and 4chan. Whenever I remember that I can't post there because of VPN IP addresses being blocked, I lean more and more on that idea. The people who keep being busted for 'in minecraft' threats is proof enough that its not 'anonymous' anymore.
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Pseudoanonymized internet husk
Jul 22, 2023
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It's funny that even as tame as 4channel has become it still has the internet boogieman reputation. It's far from anonymous now and the edgier boards are pretty much honeypots at this point. What's left of "Chan culture" has been filtered, normalized online and pretty much boils down to rightfully making fun of jannies and wojacks.

I think the worst thing about 4channel is just how boring and repetitive it is now, at least the boards I used to frequent. /g/ is full of people who don't even know how to use computers arguing about what tech corpo is better, half of /k/ is budget ukraine/russia war report, half of /v/ is just console wars, /f/ is deader then the format it uses, /s4s/ has degraded completely, /vt/ is eh at best for what it is, /b/ was always bad and /r9k/ wasn't the funny greentext board for years now. Not gonna pretend like it hasn't been like this for a while but lately it has become mind-numbingly boring with barely anything new. At least the wallpaper boards are still alright and a funny meme that doesn't die in 4 days leaks out once in a blue moon.

It's just kinda sad, much of early internet culture came from 4chan and in a way it was a reflection of the early internet which was mostly fun and not all that serious. Modern 4chan is also a reflection of the modern internet: monetized, overly serious and ironically smug, repetitive, stagnant and politically obsessed.
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It ain't Jesus or the devil. It's Jesus or you.
Sep 15, 2021
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