Late to the party but I discovered 4chan in 2004 as a freshman in college while also discovering the wonders of flash porn. I got addicted (to 4chan) and would check it constantly. It fed the incel in me
Thankfully I pulled away and relaxed out of the internet for awhile in 2007. 4chan was always edgy but in was increasingly so when I left, and it felt like just a bunch of kids trying to out-do each other in how racist they could be.
I distinctly remember in the photography board someone posting "the first thing I do when I use Image Capture in PS is... remove all blacks" and that's when I decided I was done. It was so try-hard edgelord and it seemed to be trending upward.
Similar to >reddit

, 4chan at the time had a monoculture of tongue-in-cheek racism and forever-alone nerds. The question of "anon" being a schizophrenic single hive mind was part of the appeal and fostered a sense of community. However, the tongue started poking
through the cheek and all that was left was racist shitposting.
I don't regret experiencing 4chan because it helped answer the question of "where's the pit of the internet" and "how deep can you go," at least for me at the time. I
do regret the amount of time I spent there, and wish I had spent that time getting rejected by women to my face instead of just assuming.