Outdated Internet Slang

It occurred to me I haven't come across a "rofl" in the wild for quite some time. Along with "ttfn" and "asl". I'm sure I'm missing other older internet slang. I remember lurking AOL chat rooms when I was a kid and it was filled to the brim with slang and abbreviations I didn't understand then and dont understand or remember now.

Post old/outdated/dead internet slang you remember or know.
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"ttyl" is still actively used in techie circles, and it's used interchangeably along with "afk" to indicate that the physical you is not going to monitor your persistent connection for a bit. it's used in cases where there's no online status indicator or the indicator is unreliable.

i think "sockpuppet" is an outdated internet slang, because nobody sockpuppets anymore. the promise of pseudonymity never materialized, because it demands creativity and effort.
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only lingos I know are those that end with in "fag" for every group in the form of a suffix and that's about it. Sorry.
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Internet Trainhopper. Seeker of homes.
Dec 10, 2021
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only lingos I know are those that end with in "fag" for every group in the form of a suffix and that's about it. Sorry.
I remember back in the day when I would play Toribash, people would toss around fag like it was casual language. People have become so soft lol
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luser, e_e, @_@, pl0x, pr0n, soz, rtfm,flamewar & various others that i've seen disappear over time
also, i see noob used way less unironically or for its intended purpose and its variants like n00b or newb have completely disappeared in my view
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Dude I was gonna mention this. Faggot and retard used to such common terminology in Newgrounds days and now people are too scared to say shit.
demographic changes man...
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I remember back in the day when I would play Toribash, people would toss around fag like it was casual language. People have become so soft lol
Dude I was gonna mention this. Faggot and retard used to such common terminology in Newgrounds days and now people are too scared to say shit.

Not that people have become "soft". It's that simply due to computers and internet services becoming cheap so a lot of the general public (AKA: Normalfags as we call them) by 2007 and onwards slowly started to use the internet more and more so it's no so surprisingly they find the lingo at the time to be uncouth and have no business in dealing with people with those mannerism. (Even if it's harmless) So really, I'd argue that today the majority of users today were already soft since day one and weren't expose to communities and other groups prior to 2007 (Thankfully I was young enough by 2007 to be expose to that sorta deal on the internet lol)

Pretty much what @lingo says right here.
demographic changes man...

This is a list from multiple sources that claims these are all the slang. I put a * to ones that I remember seeing and using from 1996 onward.

*A/S/L: Age/Sex/Location
*AFK:Away From Keyboard
*AIM:AOL Instant Messenger
*ASAP: as soon as possible
*ASL:Age / Sex / Location ?
*ATM:At The Moment
BATR: Bouncing Around the Room
BBFCFM: Big Black Furry Creature From Mars
*BBL:Be Back Later
*BBS:Be Back Soon
*BFF: Best Friends Forever
BIC: Bitch Is Crazy
*BRB: be right back
BTGOG: by the grace of God
BTSOOM: beats the shit out of me
BTSOOY: beats the shit out of you
*BTW:By The Way
BYOB: bring your own beer
CTN:Can't Talk Now
CUI:Cracking Up Inside
CUL8R / CULR:See You Later
DFC: dead fucking center
DMB: Dave Matthews Band
DN:Don't Know
ELOL: evil laugh out loud
FEFY: Fast Enough For You
FLW: Four Letter Word
FMU: from my understanding
FTF: face-to-face
FTR: for the record
FTW:For The Win
FUBAR: fucked up beyond all recognition
FWIW: for what it's worth
FWTW: for what that's worth
*FYI: for your information
*G2G:Got to Go
GA: go ahead
*GG:Gotta Go
GIAT: give it a try
GMTA: Great minds think alike
GTBT: Good Times Bad Times
GWOS: goes without saying
HAND: have a nice day
HTH: happy to help
HYHU: Hold Your Head Up
IAC: in any case
IAE: in any event
IANAL: i am not a lawyer
IDC:I Don't Care
*IDK: i didn't know
IFIOS :I found it on
IIH: if it helps
IIWY: if i were you
IMCO: in my considered opinion
IMHBIO: in my humble but informed opinion
*IMHO: in my humble/honest opinion
IMNSHO: in my not so humble opinion
*IMO: in my opinion
IOW: in other words
IRL: in real life (as opposed to online)
ITA: if that's alright
JAS:Just A Second
JIC:Just In Case
JIT:Just In Time
*JK:Just Kidding
JMS:Just Making Sure
JW:Just Wondering
KOTC:Kiss On The Cheek
LAY: laughing at you
*LMAO: Laughing my ass off
*LOL: laugh out loud
LXL: "limb by limb"
LYL:Love You Lots
LYLAB:Love Ya Like A Brother
LYLAS:Love You Like A Sister
MMGAMOIO: My minds got a mind of its own
NBTYRSP: now back to your regularly scheduled program(ming)
NFC:No F**king Clue
NFW: no friggin' (fucking) way
*NM / NVM:Nevermind
*NM:Not Much
*NP:No Problem
NPC: not politically correct
NRN: no reply necessary
NS:No Sh*t
NSTAAFL: no such thing as a free lunch
*OMG: Oh My God
OMT: one more time
OOC: out of control or out of commission
OTC: over the counter
OTN: on the net
OTOH: on the other hand
OTR: on the road (mobile IM)
PITA: pain in the ass PMITE: "punch me in the eye"
*POS: Parent Over Shoulder
*PPL: People
*ROTFL: rolling on the floor laughing
*ROTFLMAO: rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
RSN: real soon now
SFWM: Stop Fucking With Me
SITD: still in the dark
SIYNE: smilies if you need em
SMD: Suck My Dick SOB: Son of a Bitch
SEG: shit-eating grin
*SN:Screen Name
SSIA: subject says it all
*STFU:Shut The F**k Up
STFW:Search The F**king Web
SW:So What?
TIA: thanks in advance
TIC: tongue in cheek
TMI: too much information
TMI:To Much Information
TTFNR:Ta-Ta For Now
TTUL8R:Talk to You Later
TTYL:Talk to You Later
TY:Thank You
WBU:What About You
WMGGW: While My Guitar Gently Weeps
WRUD: What Are You Doing
WSP: Widespread Panic
*WTF: what the fuck
YEM: You Enjoy Myself
YFL: You Fucking Loser
YHBT: you have been trolled
YHL: you have lost
YT:You There
YTB:You're The Best
YYSSW: yeah yeah sure sure whatever
Okay I lie, there's a few words on that list that I still use on a day-to-day basis. Just that said words I didn't consider as outdated due to everyone using them still.
Virtual Cafe Awards
people don't use EZPZ anymore and it hurts me greatly. I think the only slang that sticked lately is based and i quite liked it until it became a meme instead of a normal slang like it was supposed to.
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Nov 7, 2021
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For being fairly recent, KEK? It feels just wrong nowdays. Not even related to politics. It's just. Idk. It feels the same way that saying "boobies" was hilarious as a child but now it leaves you a sour taste in your mouth. Although, "boobies" is so terrible it flips back to being funny again. Can't say that about kek.
Virtual Cafe Awards
For being fairly recent, KEK? It feels just wrong nowdays. Not even related to politics. It's just. Idk. It feels the same way that saying "boobies" was hilarious as a child but now it leaves you a sour taste in your mouth. Although, "boobies" is so terrible it flips back to being funny again. Can't say that about kek.
Truer words never typed on this hallowed forum.
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Just a brain with a body - a quasi stellar object.
Nov 28, 2021
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I can still remember when an elementary school teacher told us that LOL meant 'lots of love'. She meant it too, this was probably in the year 2000 so things weren't cemented yet in my neck of the woods.
Virtual Cafe Awards
only lingos I know are those that end with in "fag" for every group in the form of a suffix and that's about it. Sorry.
Dude I was gonna mention this. Faggot and retard used to such common terminology in Newgrounds days and now people are too scared to say shit.
I still use "fag" and "retard" as a part of my daily vernacular, both online and in real life. Of course, I adjust my speech depending who I'm around with. But I wouldn't want to be friends with anyone that gets anal over me casually using "fag" and "retard".

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yskrelBCD0g
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