Personality Tests


Brute of the Lagoon
Nov 1, 2020
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Or perhaps you are actually a closet fascists, nobody knows who or what you are but yourself, you can explain more about yourself and your beliefs if you wish, if i'm honest with my perspective on this (and i hope i don't sound rude at all, because english isn't my native language and it isn't that good to begin with), i preffer instant and quick changes, we suffer now thus sparing our future generations pain, we are making the change, embracing the natural course of progress, and accelerating the fall of imponent gigants, for making a new world for the ones who love, is not about the selfish and self destructive path, but the cooperation for a better self in a society, is not about the I anymore, is about the we, and gladly that society is striving for that way, is just that we decided to accelerate the flow of time, is futile to declare a war on an era, on culture and shifts in society, as you said yourself you could have been seeing as a progressive (i never understood why americans call liberals to people on the progressive side of the political spectrum) in europe, because as such, slavery was abolished, the sexual liberation didn't stopped, and obviously more respect and equality values for thus who needed the most won't stop in our times, call it what you like, but time will give me the reason (20 years at most), that's how things are pal, believe me, in the future we will be debating if human clonation is considered a life or if it is moral to be sexually attracted to androids, or the debate on where does flesh starts and where does metal ends, because at the end, time is even more powerful than god. (like in 100 years none of this will matter, so my pro tip, do not stress, enjoy life, get a beer, be with your love ones, and do something you like the most to do, that is the based ideology. :agpepsi: )
Perhaps I am a closet fascist, if we are going by its original definition, yes. I understand the preference for fast dynamic changes, but in the wake of these new and still unstable changes, I fear we leave too many behind. I consider myself someone who deals well with change, having spent most of my life moving from one place to another, staying a few years, and then repeating this process, but not everyone is able to adapt to change well, especially when they lack the inner mechanisms for dealing with this. These rapid changes cause notable distress on people, even if they don't manifest themselves at first. In society, the rapid acceleration of the past fifty years has caused such growing pains that we are only now really beginning to understand their full extent. Suicides are always climbing, mental illnesses more prevalent, economies falling. People are divided, and becoming more-so every passing year. Before, people could have beer with someone with radically different beliefs to them, and I am sure that this still happens, just a lot less frequently, people are ever more malicious.

Other than that, I agree with much of what you write. The end goal is the betterment of the We, not purely the betterment of the I. The thing is, that I feel like many people jump straight into trying to better the We without having a good foundation for the I, and without a good foundation for the I how could one ever hope to truly better the We? I treat everyone with some base level respect, yet I don't believe that absolutely everyone is worthy of actual true respect, and that is what a lot of my beliefs stem from.

I am also against slavery and objectification of women, yet I don't completely agree with the sexual liberation as being a good thing, and believe that men and women aren't equivalent, nor are the races. Not to say that one is completely superior to the other(s), just that there are differences to make note of, and not simply ignored as has been custom. But before anyone condems me as a racist (which is true in a sense of the word), please understand where I am coming from. Throughout my life, I have lived in multicultural communities, initially in immigrant ghettos, later in slightly better yet still below middle class housing, and then later still in an actual middle class area. Only recently have I been able to return to the land of my parents, and I have never been better. I lived among people from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, China, Egypt, Ghana, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Venezuela, etc.. I had (and still have some, I've eventually lost contact with many of my past relationships) friends from all over the world. Yet, at least to me, they don't easily compare to living among my own; and I wish everyone had the ability to do the same, because to me, there is truly nothing as nice and pleasant as it.

I agree that sticking to the ideologies of bygone is rather unproductive, yet until a better alternative to what I believe (that the test classifies as classical fascism) arises, I will remain among the past. There has been too much Chaos as of late, Ghāwos too unyielding, a balance must be maintained, Order returned. That is, if we want the future to remember the past, there are those who would be alright with abandoning history, to pave the path to this New World with the ashes of past's legacies. I however, do not agree with this. History must be preserved, in one form or another. There has never such cultural tragedy as the almost complete eradication of native South American tribes and their cultures.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Lab-coat Illuminatus
Nov 8, 2021
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Fifty years ago, I would have been considered a liberal (in the European-meaning of the word). This test had a notable bias.
I think you may be misremembering the time-periods associated with various cultural consenses on the meaning of liberalism.

To oversimplify: 50 years ago liberal meant economically liberal (anti- economic inequality), with a social preference for reducing cultural boundaries and having a "race-free" type of world (as opposed to modern new-left style liberalism).

100-200 years ago liberal meant social reform, anti-monarchism, expansion of democracy, avoidance of war and foreign alliances, and above all, the free market.

You may be a liberal in the original sense, but certainly not in the way it was used 50 years ago.
Virtual Cafe Awards
Aug 29, 2021
Reaction score
Perhaps I am a closet fascist, if we are going by its original definition, yes. I understand the preference for fast dynamic changes, but in the wake of these new and still unstable changes, I fear we leave too many behind. I consider myself someone who deals well with change, having spent most of my life moving from one place to another, staying a few years, and then repeating this process, but not everyone is able to adapt to change well, especially when they lack the inner mechanisms for dealing with this. These rapid changes cause notable distress on people, even if they don't manifest themselves at first. In society, the rapid acceleration of the past fifty years has caused such growing pains that we are only now really beginning to understand their full extent. Suicides are always climbing, mental illnesses more prevalent, economies falling. People are divided, and becoming more-so every passing year. Before, people could have beer with someone with radically different beliefs to them, and I am sure that this still happens, just a lot less frequently, people are ever more malicious.

Other than that, I agree with much of what you write. The end goal is the betterment of the We, not purely the betterment of the I. The thing is, that I feel like many people jump straight into trying to better the We without having a good foundation for the I, and without a good foundation for the I how could one ever hope to truly better the We? I treat everyone with some base level respect, yet I don't believe that absolutely everyone is worthy of actual true respect, and that is what a lot of my beliefs stem from.

I am also against slavery and objectification of women, yet I don't completely agree with the sexual liberation as being a good thing, and believe that men and women aren't equivalent, nor are the races. Not to say that one is completely superior to the other(s), just that there are differences to make note of, and not simply ignored as has been custom. But before anyone condems me as a racist (which is true in a sense of the word), please understand where I am coming from. Throughout my life, I have lived in multicultural communities, initially in immigrant ghettos, later in slightly better yet still below middle class housing, and then later still in an actual middle class area. Only recently have I been able to return to the land of my parents, and I have never been better. I lived among people from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, China, Egypt, Ghana, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Venezuela, etc.. I had (and still have some, I've eventually lost contact with many of my past relationships) friends from all over the world. Yet, at least to me, they don't easily compare to living among my own; and I wish everyone had the ability to do the same, because to me, there is truly nothing as nice and pleasant as it.

I agree that sticking to the ideologies of bygone is rather unproductive, yet until a better alternative to what I believe (that the test classifies as classical fascism) arises, I will remain among the past. There has been too much Chaos as of late, Ghāwos too unyielding, a balance must be maintained, Order returned. That is, if we want the future to remember the past, there are those who would be alright with abandoning history, to pave the path to this New World with the ashes of past's legacies. I however, do not agree with this. History must be preserved, in one form or another. There has never such cultural tragedy as the almost complete eradication of native South American tribes and their cultures.
Then your opinions are related to that specific side of the ideology, the problem with fascism and their variants, is the reactionary mindset, is an ideology not based in the natural progress of society but the fear of it, it is mostly a romantizacition of the past, the glorifications of the concept of a "golden age" which is mostly a cope due to not being adapted to the establishment, leaving things behind is part of the process of maturity and learning, like physical change isn't the same as saying mental change, you can change and adapt to any habitat, yet your psyche will remain yours and only yours, human being is noticeable one if not the most adaptative creature of all, we can adapt to the change easily to any change with enough time, people who can't adapt are not because they can't biologically adapt but mentally adapt to situations, they are scared of the change due to their own conformism, they are afraid of getting out of their comfort zone, they refuse the far cry, they live under the construct, they are scared mostly of opening their mind and try new experiences, the world and time does never wait for the individual, or you adapt or you die, that has been our nature since the neholitic (a small note: when i mean dying is in a metaphorical way, stagnation leads to self destructive attitudes), the fact that suicides climbs and mental illness raise is due to the population growing, making a comparasion from now to what happened 30 years ago is unfair, because there was not many people as there is now, there is also the fact that there is more awareness than it was before, psychology and medicine change and adapt, they update the theory and the praxis because further studies, the scientific method does not really end wit the archive of the thesis and the communication of results, let's just say radiation, people in the 50s tought that radiation was actually helpful due to the lack of full knowledge of it, they produced a lot of products containing radiation as it was the most common thing in the world, it was obviously discovered with time that radiation was actually in fact deadly to human beings, science is not infalible, that's whay there is always a reorganization of mental conditions, for example autism and other neurodivergent conditions, i suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (my fiancé has autism aswell), these conditions even tho were discovered long ago, it wasn't really categorized as mental illness and wasn't total awareness of it more than just theories, psychology is a changing field, as much as medicine and science, that is why we have increasing mental illness reports, not because "society bad" but because of population increase and update scientifical reports, regarding failing economies, dude, there has been failing economies since the dawn of mankind, take a look at the weimar republic, mali after mansa musa, america in the great depression, the asian economic crisis of 1997, USA again since the 2008, the economic failure of the UK post decolonization, the failure of the spanish empire, the list can go on and on, yet the point remains, economic crisis and failures are not a thing of contemporary world, if you notice more economic problems (which is a perspectives thing), is because the usa is dying and most of the world depends on its economy, specially latin america (which is not a new thing, since the 20s we depend on the usa), so if you have to blame someone, do not blame an era, blame a country, this time around is the gabacho states, an era is not an utopia, and we can't change things if we keep reactionary ideas, there are cure and tests for many illness, but the moral concept of the tests makes development a really slow process, but if you want to give you an idea how much we are lucky to be in this era, in the 30s you could have died of polio really easy, or if you survive you'll need an iron lung like fucking roosevelt, we have the average longer lifespan in all our history, and that is to advances in medicine, so really, we have adverted many sickness, but yet we still got sick due to new bacteria popping out, is a change we can't change yet (until we replace our body with metal), is a natural and biological problem that we are always gonna carry, thinking an specific time will be doing miracles it's seeing things in a reductive way, it's not that people is becoming evil, is because evil people is getting more awareness, we are getting a normalization and romanticization of toxic and self destructive behaviour, and with internet, people can be free to express their own opinion even if it is totally bullshit, and those opinion are shared with thousands of anonymous users that agree with disgusting statements, evil people has always been there, the difference is, that we can now see them, instead of them pretending be a good person in real life, regarding political divide, there has always been a division, the worst of all is that the most intense political division is the american one and is by two parties that are esentially in the same spectrum of politics, is just americans likes to do drama about anything, is their chaotic nature in their culture, remember when they wanted to avoid segregation? With Democrats doing rallies to eliminate segration, and republicans doing the same but to promote the status kuo, making up arguments and claims to prove their point even if it was an horrible subject, remember the "race mixing is satanic"? Yeah that sort of stuff, american political division is one of its kind, and they should be treated differently than the rest of the world, and i won't change that statement until the nation become multipartidist.

Is good to see we agreed on that, right wing people is always focused in the "I" the idea of perpetual selfishness and the glorification of egoism, the human being is a social animal, we gathered in tribes to create communities and survive the devastation of an aggressive environment, we can't survive if we don't have cooperation, we build civilizations, monuments, history and culture by helping us eachother, what is a leader without the proletarian? Respect is everything, even the most despicable person deserves respect and understanding, because everything has a reason to be, why does someone is angry, depressed, happy? Our moral duty is helping our brothers specially in times of need, you don't left behind people, even less the ones who are close to you, and that is a value that will never ever change, the idea of selfishness and extreme competititivity and anti-cooperation is an idea the new markets imposed on use "work for your improvement, not your fellow. We can't be complete with someone watchin our backs, hermits die alone, and even if you are a total badass kaczynsky larper, eventually loneliss will struck you like a needle, even anti-social people crave for friends, just take a look at the many copers who try to impress online people following what is trending in that group more than their own values, i'll be honest, happiness is what you make of yourself and the people around you, i still have my parents, friends and my fiancé, i already have all i need in life, and i feel even more happy now then i was as a kid, is simply the way you make your own world dasjklakjsdlasd.

Sexual liberation was something that was suppose to happen eventually, when you force a construct on a human being is just an eventual thing they will broke that construct eventually, american people and the time youth hated to be forced what older generations told about them, being forced to something that didn't had a reason to be in the first place, just ended up creating a natural response to that act, sexual revolution was something that was destined to happen eventually, equality and differences are not contradictions, we have biological differences, but we are the same race, with women and man is the same case, we are equal not in a biological standpoint, but a sociocultural one, there are society in which the matriarch plays an important role in the culture, like with native americans and jews, in wich the women was he central hub of the home, not as a housewife but as general guide for anyone, the soviet union proved that women are also capable warriors and soldiers, just take a look at the night witches making the luftwaffen eat their own degeneracy, or Lyudmila Pavlichenko, the soviet sniper with 309 german killcount, Remember jeanne d'arc? biological differences does not mean weakness, i have seen women capable of kicking people asses, being leaders Tsai Ing-wen), scientists (Marie curie, Chien-Shung Wu, Rosalind Franklin and the list goes on and on), race, gender, orientation (Alan Turing), religion, ideological affiliation, none of that actually matter really, society and time has proven that the idea of weakness and strenght is mostly a construct made to secure an hegemony in certain group, asia and europe even if they are the same landmass, they were separated by geopolitics and european racism, there is not reason at all to think what we think in our curent society bro, context does not justify racism, i came from a mono-ethnic background (guatemala, in which most of us are from indenous race), but my dad was taiwanese, he told me about the oppresions the government and the authorities used to gave on him for being an inmigrant, people never think about minorities and inmigrants because they do not suffer opression, how you can suffer opression if you are the ruler of the nation? I grew up here, i saw the same people, the same culture, the same way of living, from the rest of my life, and they are not better than an european, an african, an asian, there are ghettos, there are rich condoms, there are inequality, the difference is that you at least can experience change, even a full whie society you have a lot of people who suffers in ghettos, criminality, and inequality, take a look at Rumania, or the balkans, they are as white as you, and some like hungary are mostly mono-ethnic, and yet people suffer crime and social disparity, race is not a factor at all, the people you complain about, is the people who survived a hell in their nations, cultural adaptation takes its time, it is likely your ancestries were inmigrants aswell, many cultures are created by culture and ethnic mixing, some can improved thanks to multiculturalism, for example, the best dishes in UK are thanks to the Indians, netherlands had a lot of cultural influences, even spanish influences (due to being a territory during the golden age of spanish empire) The idea of "one race my race" only gave stagnation in the long run, conformism and eventual death of culture in a nation, as someone who has interacted with his own race the rest of his life, i feel nothing but admiration for the world, and pity for the conformism of my people, no joking man, i'm moving out of this hellhole to netherlands i can't standing spending another year here, your argument is that context is important to understand the views of people on race, and my context is that monoethnic places, are cultural garbage, you should be grateful to be american, you have many people to know, many cultures to understand, a mind to open and to learn about, take your chances man, see the world, see it and experience it with your own eyes and flesh, not by images or sterotypes, go there, know the people, the culture, the ambient, inmerse yourself, that is how you cure nationalism man, the world is a precious thing, you should see it more.

Fascism is dead man, it will never raise again, is like libertarianism or anarchism, is a political extreme living in fantasies, nobody will ever vote for that, not even in the long run, society has change so much since the 40s, what we see as "contemporary fascism" (which is not by any mean) is nothing but degeneracy to benito mussolini and the fascios, people stuck in their pc's complaining about the world, watching anime all day, living in loneliness and with lack of affections, posting in 4chan all day, and pretending to be something that they really aren't, is degeneracy, and a spit in the face of fascism, is a political ideology that came back as a joke (just as marx said) order and chaos are just a balance of things, you can't have total order or total chaos, is always the middle ground. history is never objective, is always written by the winners, there are many lies in history and we will never knew for sure the reasons why something happens, literally, 95% of history is lost, even nowadays we suffer from the same problem, just look at dead websites, and decaying sites, place we might never knew they existed, and they died out of nowhere, not living a trace, like it never existed in the first place, learning from past mistakes is something different to living from past glories, you can learn but never live in the past man , and what is up with americans and their concept of south american tribes? the whole america has been ridden of native cultures, americans in fact commited an even worse genocide, the difference of native americans in latin america and usa, is that we integrated ourselves in a general cultural, mixing traditions and language with spanish and european one, creating one of our own culture, was a massacre that cannot be forgiven but can be forgotten, still my point remains, time is stronger than history, time is stronger than god, in 100 years this won't matter, in 300 years 50% will be forgotten, and 500% years almost a 100% will be lost into oblivion, in billions of year earth won't even exist at all, is not that is meaningless, is that is not worthy to think about the past, instead that you should live your present with what makes you happy, politics and ideology are just the idea of few forced on the majority, your ideas are not even yours, not even mine, we got our information from another source, which had their information from another source, ideas are what you make of them, and what do you decide to do with your life, at the end of the day, our vision isn't even important on geopolitics, because is a discussion between two individuals in a forum of 3500 people, is not a change, we aren't forcing eachother to change, but is a sharing of experience, knowledge is just a personal victory, and the world is already settled, so i suggest you not to stress about the change, and instead enjoy what you have left in life to live, to love and enjoy, at the end of the day, your memories are the only thing that will always remain.
Virtual Cafe Awards
Aug 29, 2021
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I think you may be misremembering the time-periods associated with various cultural consenses on the meaning of liberalism.

To oversimplify: 50 years ago liberal meant economically liberal (anti- economic inequality), with a social preference for reducing cultural boundaries and having a "race-free" type of world (as opposed to modern new-left style liberalism).

100-200 years ago liberal meant social reform, anti-monarchism, expansion of democracy, avoidance of war and foreign alliances, and above all, the free market.

You may be a liberal in the original sense, but certainly not in the way it was used 50 years ago.
Liberalism in usa is still different from the rest of the world, for example liberalism in my country is a centrist ideology focused on personal liberty and free market, yet with some government intervention and welfare, but is not focused on social issues like in america, for that we have the social democrats (and democratis socialist) social liberals, progressivists and communists.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Lab-coat Illuminatus
Nov 8, 2021
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Liberalism in usa is still different from the rest of the world, for example liberalism in my country is a centrist ideology focused on personal liberty and free market, yet with some government intervention and welfare, but is not focused on social issues like in america, for that we have the social democrats (and democratis socialist) social liberals, progressivists and communists.
Yes modern liberalism has no real meaning, it means whatever the populace thinks. I'm speaking strictly academically, using the English language cultural understandings and definition of historical liberalism. In that sense, my choice of usage is closest to British/ western European politics. That lines up with the post I was responding to hence my choice.
Virtual Cafe Awards
Aug 29, 2021
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Yes modern liberalism has no real meaning, it means whatever the populace thinks. I'm speaking strictly academically, using the English language cultural understandings and definition of historical liberalism. In that sense, my choice of usage is closest to British/ western European politics. That lines up with the post I was responding to hence my choice.
Will sound like a generic opinion, but is a fact, European politics are better organized in that regard.
Virtual Cafe Awards
Aug 29, 2021
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What are your guys's Enneagram types? I always liked those more than MBTI and others. Always seems to match up and resonate more with people's personalities than MBTI in my experience.

Here's two of the first free tests I found, but there are a lot of different ones out there:

I am a 4w5 and have been every time I've taken any Enneagram test

We live in a society sylph.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Lab-coat Illuminatus
Nov 8, 2021
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Mine is pretty balanced between these three: 1w2, 7w8, 3w4.
Not sure what that means or makes me, but personality tests aren't usually effective for me. My MBTI is INTP-A if that helps.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Vapor Number & Data Guy
Jun 18, 2019
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what we see as "contemporary fascism" (which is not by any mean) is nothing but degeneracy to benito mussolini and the fascios, people stuck in their pc's complaining about the world, watching anime all day, living in loneliness and with lack of affections, posting in 4chan all day, and pretending to be something that they really aren't
You should come to Rome and see some Forza Nuova or Casapound rendez-vous. Urban fascism is still real (and for Rome it's a bad thing)
Virtual Cafe Awards


Lab-coat Illuminatus
Nov 8, 2021
Reaction score
I find this site

to have the best descriptions of each of the types and it goes pretty in depth in all of them. The problem with it is that the test it has is that it requires you to pay, but you can read about type 1 and type 7 since you already took a test and see if either of them sound like you.
I match aspects of the three I mentioned, but none of them dominate my personality. Type 1 is often referred to as perfectionist, which is nothing like me. The other aspects fit well in some cases.

Whenever I take personality tests, I can see the way the test is going to interpret each question, and have to decide if I want to answer in the way that would make the test more accurate, or if I should answer honestly and be misinterpreted. Either option leads to inaccurate results ime
Virtual Cafe Awards
Aug 29, 2021
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View attachment 32154
Mine is pretty balanced between these three: 1w2, 7w8, 3w4.
Not sure what that means or makes me, but personality tests aren't usually effective for me. My MBTI is INTP-A if that helps.
We have the same type, based.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Lab-coat Illuminatus
Nov 8, 2021
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Virtual Cafe Awards

Outer Heaven

Stranger in a strange land
Oct 25, 2021
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Then your opinions are related to that specific side of the ideology, the problem with fascism and their variants, is the reactionary mindset, is an ideology not based in the natural progress of society but the fear of it, it is mostly a romantizacition of the past, the glorifications of the concept of a "golden age" which is mostly a cope due to not being adapted to the establishment, leaving things behind is part of the process of maturity and learning, like physical change isn't the same as saying mental change, you can change and adapt to any habitat, yet your psyche will remain yours and only yours, human being is noticeable one if not the most adaptative creature of all, we can adapt to the change easily to any change with enough time, people who can't adapt are not because they can't biologically adapt but mentally adapt to situations, they are scared of the change due to their own conformism, they are afraid of getting out of their comfort zone, they refuse the far cry, they live under the construct, they are scared mostly of opening their mind and try new experiences, the world and time does never wait for the individual, or you adapt or you die, that has been our nature since the neholitic (a small note: when i mean dying is in a metaphorical way, stagnation leads to self destructive attitudes), the fact that suicides climbs and mental illness raise is due to the population growing, making a comparasion from now to what happened 30 years ago is unfair, because there was not many people as there is now, there is also the fact that there is more awareness than it was before, psychology and medicine change and adapt, they update the theory and the praxis because further studies, the scientific method does not really end wit the archive of the thesis and the communication of results, let's just say radiation, people in the 50s tought that radiation was actually helpful due to the lack of full knowledge of it, they produced a lot of products containing radiation as it was the most common thing in the world, it was obviously discovered with time that radiation was actually in fact deadly to human beings, science is not infalible, that's whay there is always a reorganization of mental conditions, for example autism and other neurodivergent conditions, i suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (my fiancé has autism aswell), these conditions even tho were discovered long ago, it wasn't really categorized as mental illness and wasn't total awareness of it more than just theories, psychology is a changing field, as much as medicine and science, that is why we have increasing mental illness reports, not because "society bad" but because of population increase and update scientifical reports, regarding failing economies, dude, there has been failing economies since the dawn of mankind, take a look at the weimar republic, mali after mansa musa, america in the great depression, the asian economic crisis of 1997, USA again since the 2008, the economic failure of the UK post decolonization, the failure of the spanish empire, the list can go on and on, yet the point remains, economic crisis and failures are not a thing of contemporary world, if you notice more economic problems (which is a perspectives thing), is because the usa is dying and most of the world depends on its economy, specially latin america (which is not a new thing, since the 20s we depend on the usa), so if you have to blame someone, do not blame an era, blame a country, this time around is the gabacho states, an era is not an utopia, and we can't change things if we keep reactionary ideas, there are cure and tests for many illness, but the moral concept of the tests makes development a really slow process, but if you want to give you an idea how much we are lucky to be in this era, in the 30s you could have died of polio really easy, or if you survive you'll need an iron lung like fucking roosevelt, we have the average longer lifespan in all our history, and that is to advances in medicine, so really, we have adverted many sickness, but yet we still got sick due to new bacteria popping out, is a change we can't change yet (until we replace our body with metal), is a natural and biological problem that we are always gonna carry, thinking an specific time will be doing miracles it's seeing things in a reductive way, it's not that people is becoming evil, is because evil people is getting more awareness, we are getting a normalization and romanticization of toxic and self destructive behaviour, and with internet, people can be free to express their own opinion even if it is totally bullshit, and those opinion are shared with thousands of anonymous users that agree with disgusting statements, evil people has always been there, the difference is, that we can now see them, instead of them pretending be a good person in real life, regarding political divide, there has always been a division, the worst of all is that the most intense political division is the american one and is by two parties that are esentially in the same spectrum of politics, is just americans likes to do drama about anything, is their chaotic nature in their culture, remember when they wanted to avoid segregation? With Democrats doing rallies to eliminate segration, and republicans doing the same but to promote the status kuo, making up arguments and claims to prove their point even if it was an horrible subject, remember the "race mixing is satanic"? Yeah that sort of stuff, american political division is one of its kind, and they should be treated differently than the rest of the world, and i won't change that statement until the nation become multipartidist.

Is good to see we agreed on that, right wing people is always focused in the "I" the idea of perpetual selfishness and the glorification of egoism, the human being is a social animal, we gathered in tribes to create communities and survive the devastation of an aggressive environment, we can't survive if we don't have cooperation, we build civilizations, monuments, history and culture by helping us eachother, what is a leader without the proletarian? Respect is everything, even the most despicable person deserves respect and understanding, because everything has a reason to be, why does someone is angry, depressed, happy? Our moral duty is helping our brothers specially in times of need, you don't left behind people, even less the ones who are close to you, and that is a value that will never ever change, the idea of selfishness and extreme competititivity and anti-cooperation is an idea the new markets imposed on use "work for your improvement, not your fellow. We can't be complete with someone watchin our backs, hermits die alone, and even if you are a total badass kaczynsky larper, eventually loneliss will struck you like a needle, even anti-social people crave for friends, just take a look at the many copers who try to impress online people following what is trending in that group more than their own values, i'll be honest, happiness is what you make of yourself and the people around you, i still have my parents, friends and my fiancé, i already have all i need in life, and i feel even more happy now then i was as a kid, is simply the way you make your own world dasjklakjsdlasd.

Sexual liberation was something that was suppose to happen eventually, when you force a construct on a human being is just an eventual thing they will broke that construct eventually, american people and the time youth hated to be forced what older generations told about them, being forced to something that didn't had a reason to be in the first place, just ended up creating a natural response to that act, sexual revolution was something that was destined to happen eventually, equality and differences are not contradictions, we have biological differences, but we are the same race, with women and man is the same case, we are equal not in a biological standpoint, but a sociocultural one, there are society in which the matriarch plays an important role in the culture, like with native americans and jews, in wich the women was he central hub of the home, not as a housewife but as general guide for anyone, the soviet union proved that women are also capable warriors and soldiers, just take a look at the night witches making the luftwaffen eat their own degeneracy, or Lyudmila Pavlichenko, the soviet sniper with 309 german killcount, Remember jeanne d'arc? biological differences does not mean weakness, i have seen women capable of kicking people asses, being leaders Tsai Ing-wen), scientists (Marie curie, Chien-Shung Wu, Rosalind Franklin and the list goes on and on), race, gender, orientation (Alan Turing), religion, ideological affiliation, none of that actually matter really, society and time has proven that the idea of weakness and strenght is mostly a construct made to secure an hegemony in certain group, asia and europe even if they are the same landmass, they were separated by geopolitics and european racism, there is not reason at all to think what we think in our curent society bro, context does not justify racism, i came from a mono-ethnic background (guatemala, in which most of us are from indenous race), but my dad was taiwanese, he told me about the oppresions the government and the authorities used to gave on him for being an inmigrant, people never think about minorities and inmigrants because they do not suffer opression, how you can suffer opression if you are the ruler of the nation? I grew up here, i saw the same people, the same culture, the same way of living, from the rest of my life, and they are not better than an european, an african, an asian, there are ghettos, there are rich condoms, there are inequality, the difference is that you at least can experience change, even a full whie society you have a lot of people who suffers in ghettos, criminality, and inequality, take a look at Rumania, or the balkans, they are as white as you, and some like hungary are mostly mono-ethnic, and yet people suffer crime and social disparity, race is not a factor at all, the people you complain about, is the people who survived a hell in their nations, cultural adaptation takes its time, it is likely your ancestries were inmigrants aswell, many cultures are created by culture and ethnic mixing, some can improved thanks to multiculturalism, for example, the best dishes in UK are thanks to the Indians, netherlands had a lot of cultural influences, even spanish influences (due to being a territory during the golden age of spanish empire) The idea of "one race my race" only gave stagnation in the long run, conformism and eventual death of culture in a nation, as someone who has interacted with his own race the rest of his life, i feel nothing but admiration for the world, and pity for the conformism of my people, no joking man, i'm moving out of this hellhole to netherlands i can't standing spending another year here, your argument is that context is important to understand the views of people on race, and my context is that monoethnic places, are cultural garbage, you should be grateful to be american, you have many people to know, many cultures to understand, a mind to open and to learn about, take your chances man, see the world, see it and experience it with your own eyes and flesh, not by images or sterotypes, go there, know the people, the culture, the ambient, inmerse yourself, that is how you cure nationalism man, the world is a precious thing, you should see it more.

Fascism is dead man, it will never raise again, is like libertarianism or anarchism, is a political extreme living in fantasies, nobody will ever vote for that, not even in the long run, society has change so much since the 40s, what we see as "contemporary fascism" (which is not by any mean) is nothing but degeneracy to benito mussolini and the fascios, people stuck in their pc's complaining about the world, watching anime all day, living in loneliness and with lack of affections, posting in 4chan all day, and pretending to be something that they really aren't, is degeneracy, and a spit in the face of fascism, is a political ideology that came back as a joke (just as marx said) order and chaos are just a balance of things, you can't have total order or total chaos, is always the middle ground. history is never objective, is always written by the winners, there are many lies in history and we will never knew for sure the reasons why something happens, literally, 95% of history is lost, even nowadays we suffer from the same problem, just look at dead websites, and decaying sites, place we might never knew they existed, and they died out of nowhere, not living a trace, like it never existed in the first place, learning from past mistakes is something different to living from past glories, you can learn but never live in the past man , and what is up with americans and their concept of south american tribes? the whole america has been ridden of native cultures, americans in fact commited an even worse genocide, the difference of native americans in latin america and usa, is that we integrated ourselves in a general cultural, mixing traditions and language with spanish and european one, creating one of our own culture, was a massacre that cannot be forgiven but can be forgotten, still my point remains, time is stronger than history, time is stronger than god, in 100 years this won't matter, in 300 years 50% will be forgotten, and 500% years almost a 100% will be lost into oblivion, in billions of year earth won't even exist at all, is not that is meaningless, is that is not worthy to think about the past, instead that you should live your present with what makes you happy, politics and ideology are just the idea of few forced on the majority, your ideas are not even yours, not even mine, we got our information from another source, which had their information from another source, ideas are what you make of them, and what do you decide to do with your life, at the end of the day, our vision isn't even important on geopolitics, because is a discussion between two individuals in a forum of 3500 people, is not a change, we aren't forcing eachother to change, but is a sharing of experience, knowledge is just a personal victory, and the world is already settled, so i suggest you not to stress about the change, and instead enjoy what you have left in life to live, to love and enjoy, at the end of the day, your memories are the only thing that will always remain.
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Virtual Cafe Awards

Outer Heaven

Stranger in a strange land
Oct 25, 2021
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What are your guys's Enneagram types? I always liked those more than MBTI and others. Always seems to match up and resonate more with people's personalities than MBTI in my experience.

Here's two of the first free tests I found, but there are a lot of different ones out there:

I am a 4w5 and have been every time I've taken any Enneagram test

Virtual Cafe Awards


Webcomics! Banzai!
Jan 20, 2022
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Better version of the personality disorder test.
Edit: my results.
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