Agree about not marrying a western liberal woman who will most likely divorce you when the feeling fades. There are good women in the west still, but its important to find a partner that sees marriage more as just a piece of paper, imo.
Might be a controversial take, but I think a lot of the problems between men and women today exist because of the ease of accessing porn. Men don't need to work hard at all to "see" women in that way which may decrease the urge to improve oneself, and watching highly exaggerated and unrealistic sex/body parts leads to underlying feelings of inadequacy. That and the massive dopamine being dumped into the brain can lead to increased social anxiety, depression, etc. I think a lot of lonely guys (not all, obviously) actually have chances with women, but their standards are totally unrealistic/ they are being overly superficial from a distorted perspective of women. The lonliness may be what leads to the porn and makes it worse or vice versa. I think if a lot of people stopped watching that shit, they would be more successful in dating.