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Feb 28, 2023
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This is a thread in response to h00's "The Rise of the Technocrats and the Fall of Labor Power" thread linked above. It is also the spiritual successor to my thread "How to effectively spread ideas on a college campus" thread from a few months ago. Both threads contain helpful information on what I hope to cover and discuss in this thread, so please read through them if you haven't. I will be diving directly into the methods of resistance so again, if you aren't aware of what a technocrat is please read the above thread before this one.

I should put a disclaimer here, I am an American and have never left America, so I am very ignorant to the rest of the world's conditions beyond what I have read/heard about. I imagine most of what I say is applicable to most of the users on Agora, but if you live outside of the states keep this in mind.

One more thing, all the ideas I mention in this post are just jumping off points for discussion, they are by no means the end all be all of their own categories. I will give my own examples from my life, but please do your own research and find systems that work best for you.


Just like when an airplane is crashing, you need to secure yourself before you can help others. This is a crucial step that cannot be skipped, and it will take a lot of time, so be patient! Also, a lot of this probably seems very rudimentary, but to really make a change you have to start from the bottom up and I just don't think I could start this thread without mentioning some of these topics.

Offline – No Internet Required

Health (Physical)
Your physical health is the baseline for your ability to conduct yourself. If you're not healthy you will not be able to work hard for long periods of time, not to mention people are more receptive to ideas from someone who is physically fit. If you are out of shape I suggest starting with running – it's completely free, you can do it anywhere, you already know how to do it, and it increases your cardiovascular endurance, which is in my opinion the most important physical trait to have. Strength is important, don't get me wrong, but if you have good endurance you can work towards your goals for longer periods of time without needing to sit down/rest. A good starting strategy is to pick both a minimum time limit and a distance goal, for example 3 miles and 30 minutes. That way during your run if you find you can't make it the full 3 miles, at least make yourself run until the 30-minute mark before walking.

Hand in hand with working out is diet. Stop eating processed foods! Meats, fruits, and vegetables can all be obtained affordably and taste far better than the garbage frozen foods that many Americans eat on the regular. I can't offer much depth here as I am still learning myself but something helpful I've found is that grocery stores often have an area with meat at a reduced price that is a bit too old for them to sell. There's nothing actually wrong with the meat, just that it's about to become too old for them to sell so they make it extremely cheap. Buy this meat and freeze it, that way you can use it whenever while also getting a discount at the store.

Health (Spiritual)
I define Spiritual Health as the health of your soul, which is determined by much more than religion. Having a close connection with friends, family, or a lover is extremely important in being motivated and feeling secure. These connections need to be IRL, online friends are great but when push comes to shove you need people who you can bond with in person. If you're someone who lacks these relationships, there's likely someone who you could put more effort into connecting with. An old friend, maybe a family member you haven't seen in a while. If you truly think you don't know anyone like that then try meeting your neighbors or go to a social event and try to meet people there.

Security (Financial)
Financial security is crucial to being an independent person. Being free of debt, spending your money with purpose, and making investments towards your future are all critical in being free. I've rewritten this section many times and I keep seeming to ramble about ways to save money, but that's not what this thread is about. This topic could be a thread in it of itself, but to keep it concise I'll give two words of advice:

1. Always avoid name brand products when possible. Food and clothes especially, the quality of the product is no different between Nike and Old Navy, as long as you look presentable and the clothes are comfortable that's all that matters. Fuck spending more than $60 on new shoes, seriously.

2. Don't treat yourself too often. It's ok to make indulgent purchases, but how often do you really need a new game? How often do you really need new clothes? Try using what you have to its fullest capacity before spending your money elsewhere.

Having financial security will decrease stress and relieve the pressure of needing to work wagie hours to scrape by. Again, it may seem like these topics aren't very related to resisting technocrats but if you are spending your energy dealing with financial struggles you should sort that out first before trying to make a change in the world.

Security (Physical)
This is less important than many of the other topics because it really is a SHTF precaution, but it is a freedom that I believe to be important so I'm going to touch on it. All Americans know of the second amendment, but I will post it in case of any non-Americans unfamiliar:

"A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

You see, most Americans interpret this statement as a fact without a reason – "We should own guns because it is our right to own whatever we want". I disagree, it is our right to own guns because they are necessary to secure a free state. And if you couldn't already tell, we are certainly heading in the direction of a non-free state. I'm not saying you should get a gun in order to revolt against the powers that be, although there is a discussion to be had there, I'm just saying it's a good thing to have to equal out the playing field between you and any adversaries you may have.

If you have never fired a gun before take a class before even touching one, hunter safety classes are a good starting place for general practice. Take shooting lessons at a range before shooting alone, either with someone in your life who knows about guns or pay a professional if you must. I think everyone should at least have a 9mm pistol and know how it works, but I know this is a controversial topic so if you are extremely anti-gun there is also pepper spray which is Johnny Knoxville and Dog The Bounty Hunter approved to be very debilitating. I also recommend getting a knife for every day carry, not only are they good for self defense but they are also extremely useful in a variety of situations.

Freedom in Land Ownership
This is a topic I am passionate about but have no real-world experience, so I wont dwell on it too long. Essentially being able to own land frees you from the mental stress of a crowded city and allows you to connect more with the nature of the world, which is so important. It allows self-sufficiency and the development of life skills that would be necessary in the event of societal collapse. If there are any users who have more experience living on larger plots of land please share ways to go about finding and purchasing the land, as well as how your life is living with self-sufficiency.

OKAY! We got past the basics and now can focus on le epic cyberpunk rebellion! What can you do to stick it to the man?

Educate Yourself
The most important first step of any movement is to know what you are fighting against to a T. Stay up to date on current events in the tech world, research statistics related to social media usage, laws and bills that may undermine your freedoms if passed, etc. "Keep your friends close but your enemies closer". You will need to know everything about what FAANG and the government is up to so that you can react accordingly. For example, the UK is attempting to ban encryption:
As much as we all want to be fully offline, we need to stay aware of what TPTB are up to so that we can react accordingly.

Phone/Service Usage
This is the big one – being able to practice what you preach. It's one thing to talk about the evils of big tech and how they are infringing our rights, but if you still use an iPhone then no one will take you seriously. It's time to unplug, here's some advice from my journey:

- Start with talking to your friends about it. It might seem like a strange place to start, but if your friends understand that they can't contact you on Snapchat/Instagram/Facebook anymore then they won't, and that relieves a big reason why most people stay on social media.

- Once you have comfortably removed yourself from social media for a while, look into either getting a dumbphone or a landline. This way companies who would force you to use an app for something now have to cater to your needs. Check out the dumbphone thread if you're interested in that route.

- Transition to free software. Going from Windows or Mac to Linux is not a very hard process for someone willing to spend a little time learning. They mostly function the same, however you will inevitably need to learn how to update and fix your OS at times using Linux, but it's nothing too hard to learn in my opinion.

- Avoid FAANG applications. Mostly referring to streaming services and amazon here, as social media has already been covered. I don't want to promote anything illegal on this thread, but streaming services should not be a problem seeing as there are many other ways to watch/listen to things. Amazon is trickier because it's so affordable, I struggle with this one because as much as I hate Bezos I also hate wasting money. Still, try to avoid amazon as much as possible, even if it costs you a couple dollars extra if you are buying something from it's source website the people who make it probably get more money that way anyway.

It's worth saying that no one's perfect. I myself still occasionally use Amazon, I still use Discord to talk with friends who have moved away, I still use my Windows laptop because I only have Linux on my Desktop right now. But I'm working towards fixing these problems and that's what counts, so try not to beat yourself up over where you are now, but imagine the destination and develop the tactics to get there.

So now you're the coolest hacker on the block, how are you gonna free the normie sheep from the matrix that is The Technocracy?

Talking with Others
This is where the education from earlier really shines. People love to listen to people who know what they're talking about, especially if you can make the topic understandable to people who have a very limited knowledge of technology. Some important things to remember:

- Don't talk to people who aren't interested. If people aren't receptive to an idea you can't change their mind, they'll have to figure it out on their own. In fact, talking to people who aren't interested could even push them against you, as they will conflate your opinion with feeling annoyed.

- Have alternatives ready. It's one thing to say "Stop doing X" and another thing to say "Stop doing X, instead do Y". If you don't give people an alternate option then they will never stop what they're doing because they feel like they have no choice. For example, "Stop using Netflix" isn't helpful, but "Stop using Netflix, has all those same movies for free." This won't always be an option, since there is no healthy alternative to TikTok for example, but whenever there is a better alternative it's a good idea to promote it.

- Stay levelheaded. Some people you talk with will get defensive, which is completely understandable; after all, many people have invested lots of money and time into their tech gadgets, and telling someone that their Tesla isn't actually helping the environment probably won't sit well with them. So just be ready for very argumentative people and stay calm. They are not bad people, even if they try to insult you or your ideas, just stay chill and argue your ideas fairly and in good faith, if the conversation gets out of control then just agree to disagree.

Most people will not care, most people will not change, but some will. You will have an impact, and the people that you have an impact on will go on to impact others as well. Remember this and stay strong.

Spread the Word Physically
You don't have time to talk to everyone, so it's a good idea to make posters and pamphlets on the dangers of the tech future. Have the poster say something bold yet widely understood "Professors are stealing your money by making you buy textbooks" for a college campus like mine, then put a QR code or domain name that links to a website that you would make about the topic. If you keep the topic basic more people will look into it, and once they are on your site they could stumble upon the other, more important topics naturally. Stickers also work, however be careful not to vandalize anything because that will upset people and potentially turn them against you. Keep it to things like telephone poles or stop signs that already have a bunch of stickers and posters on them.

Direction of This Thread
This might be a bit too controlling of me, but the intended purpose of this thread is to really develop a good resource for people to turn to when it comes to defying the Technocrats and the future they are pedaling, so I wanted to ask if we could stick to informative replies only.

Some welcomed ideas include:

- Resources to help further educate yourself on technocrats and their sins, links, articles, and statistics that would be good to quote in a discussion with a normie on this topic. The lack of sources is the biggest downfall of this post currently because I don't know where to look, this is something that I am trying to get better at.

- Criticisms to my points in this thread. If anything I've said is incorrect or not important please let me know, I have no desire to mislead people or waste anyone's time.

- Ideas that have worked to convince people towards changing their technological habits, or experiences talking to normies that are worth sharing.

- Land ownership, where to get started and what to look out for.

- Any non-American posters shedding light on how to show resistance in their country.

- A more in depth look at working out, dieting, and financial responsibility.

Lastly, I think it would be important to develop a realistic goal in our resistance. I left this out of my post because I think it should be created as a community, feel free to offer some suggestions. While it's not very realistic to set a goal like "Make Amazon obsolete" I think we could certainly all make a difference in our own communities, so something more like "Make it on the local news" or "Change 50 people's minds about social media" would be both attainable and impactful.

Ultimately you can post about whatever you want, but I think it would be invaluable to have an established idea of what we're fighting against and how we should fight it here on Agora.

Also a big thanks to @no_chill, @h00, and @No56 for the informative replies on my other thread, a lot of your ideas bled into this and have been very helpful.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Feb 28, 2023
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gonna bump this for future reference and so others will see. by the way is there a good guide on how to move from Windows to Linux? and where would be a good Linux OS to start?
My experience with Linux is limited, as I only began using it frequently the start of July, but from my experience Linux Mint has been a great starting place. It acts just like windows, is easy to install and has a good forum if you run into any issues, I've gotten helpful advice from there. Otherwise I've heard that Ubuntu might be a good place to start, as well as PopOS. I think the key is to pick one and stick to it. Even if there's issues you should try and solve them, push through it instead of hopping to a new distro. A heads up though, have a backup plan ready. I am fortunate enough to have both a desktop and a laptop, so while I was having Linux issues on my desktop I could fall back on my laptop for things like my internship that I still needed to do. So be sure to have a backup device ready, whether that's a mobile phone or another computer if you own one. If you don't have either there's always public computers too - but I'm making Linux sound too scary. You'll likely have very few issues installing a beginner friendly distro like Mint, just be ready in case something does happen.

In case you want to see other options here's mental outlaw's video on beginner distros


He also has a video on switching from Windows to Linux Mint, that might be helpful to you too

Virtual Cafe Awards


Well-Known Traveler
Nov 20, 2022
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gonna bump this for future reference and so others will see. by the way is there a good guide on how to move from Windows to Linux? and where would be a good Linux OS to start?

Mint and PopOS. Probably don't consider anything else until you're more familiar. The important thing not mentioned in the original post is to make sure to use the full disk encryption that comes with them. That being said, if you're worried about the government raiding you, assume that your device will be compromised by the government one way or another. Also remember that deleted files aren't actually deleted and are easily recoverable.

Also remember that for internet activity the government doesn't need to get your device or subpoena your ISP to see your internet traffic. Nowadays they spend $20 buying your data from brokers to spy on you.

Another tip is to change your default DNS settings on your modem. If you're using the defaults then this is how your ISP spies on you. This is the primary way (or used to be anyway) to get around your ISP knowing you're using torrent sites (especially the well-known ones).

I probably have more of these kinds of tips but I'm spacing.


Feb 28, 2023
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Some research I've done into Apple and their privacy issues as a company -


Apple Inc. is listed as the largest technology company in the United States according to, with it's market cap value sitting at just under 3 trillion USD [1]. Although Apple prides itself on it's privacy features, users have found that Apple is not as private as they may think. Here are some examples of Apple's foul play:

Mysk Tracking Research – November 2022

"Farley v Apple"[2] class action lawsuit, filed 1/13/23.
"Robinson v Apple"[3] class action lawsuit, filed 2/2/23.
"Libman v Apple"[4] class action lawsuit, filed 11/10/22.

Independent researchers at software company Mysk found that when Apple consumers turn off the "Allow Apps to Request to Track" feature in settings, their information is still sent to Apple while using first-party apps. This was also found true in other settings, such as disabling "Share iPad Analytics" on an iPad. The three class action lawsuits above are all based on Mysk's finding, stating that Apple users have the right to privacy, especially when Apple's recent ad campaigns have been bragging about that fact.

Further reading -

Government Cooperation

Apple is transparent about it's cooperation with government officials, and will willingly hand over user data if asked. According to Apple's own website [5], in the last six months of 2021 they received 4,855 device requests ("requests asking for customer data related to device identifiers such as serial numbers or IMEI numbers") and honored 82%, or 3,990 of those said requests.

"ATT" and Apple's Distinction Between First and Third Party Data Gathering

In April of 2022 Apple released a statement regarding their ATT policy on data collection from third party apps. In this statement Apple says that it looks to limit the amount of amount of third party data collection that occurs on Apple devices, while retaining Apples ability to conduct their own data collection. From my gathering it appears that Apple looks to limit third party app tracking while continuing to gather data themselves via their first party apps.

You can read the statement yourself here:

MacOS's Gatekeeper Protection

In order to prevent non-authorized apps from being downloaded on a user's computer, macOS uses a software named Gatekeeper [6], which verifies applications you download. I have had a hard time finding information online about how Gatekeeper actually works, in a Forbes article [7] it states that Gatekeeper functions by contacting an Apple server to verify each downloaded piece of software, however I wasn't able to verify this claim anywhere else, and the Forbes article doesn't cite it's source on how it has that info, so any additional information here would be appreciated. However if this is true, Apple would have full control over what software is and is not installed on a Gatekeeper enabled MacBook.

Virtual Cafe Awards


message is what matters
Apr 15, 2022
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MacOS's Gatekeeper Protection

In order to prevent non-authorized apps from being downloaded on a user's computer, macOS uses a software named Gatekeeper [6], which verifies applications you download. I have had a hard time finding information online about how Gatekeeper actually works, in a Forbes article [7] it states that Gatekeeper functions by contacting an Apple server to verify each downloaded piece of software, however I wasn't able to verify this claim anywhere else, and the Forbes article doesn't cite it's source on how it has that info, so any additional information here would be appreciated. However if this is true, Apple would have full control over what software is and is not installed on a Gatekeeper enabled MacBook.
It should be noted you can run unverified ware in MacOS by simply right click and "open", it will then ask are you sure and it will always open normally after. The same bypass even in lock-down mode.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Feb 28, 2023
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It should be noted you can run unverified ware in MacOS by simply right click and "open", it will then ask are you sure and it will always open normally after. The same bypass even in lock-down mode.
Good to know, I have never used a Macbook before so that's on me. Do you know if Macbooks come with Gatekeeper enabled by default? And do you need to be connected to the internet for it to work? If both are true then this gives Apple the knowledge what apps are installed and used by everyone who has it enabled, which is probably most people if it's on by default. Otherwise I'd say Gatekeeper isn't really a big deal.
Virtual Cafe Awards


message is what matters
Apr 15, 2022
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Good to know, I have never used a Macbook before so that's on me. Do you know if Macbooks come with Gatekeeper enabled by default? And do you need to be connected to the internet for it to work? If both are true then this gives Apple the knowledge what apps are installed and used by everyone who has it enabled, which is probably most people if it's on by default. Otherwise I'd say Gatekeeper isn't really a big deal.
It is in the same way that Windows will show 'unverified' software as a big yellow Yes/No rather than a cool blue Yes/No. It checks to see if software is signed. For up to date sigs yeah you'll need an internet connection but it's not necessary. You can block any internet calls pretty easily with an application level firewall like Little Snitch or LuLu
Virtual Cafe Awards


Feb 28, 2023
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It is in the same way that Windows will show 'unverified' software as a big yellow Yes/No rather than a cool blue Yes/No. It checks to see if software is signed. For up to date sigs yeah you'll need an internet connection but it's not necessary. You can block any internet calls pretty easily with an application level firewall like Little Snitch or LuLu
Ok interesting, thank you. Seems like nothing to be overly concerned about then.
Virtual Cafe Awards


message is what matters
Apr 15, 2022
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Virtual Cafe Awards
found this goof
they copied our wiki /s

sad some links got shadowbanned/deleted...

"Covid-19 is the catalyst for the Great Reset, in which universal basic income plays a securing role. Universal Basic Income (UBI) is the strategic solution to protect the ruling classes from Molotov cocktails and global civil unrest by those being methodically dispossessed of their occupations, dignity and self-preservation – the working class, much middle class, peasantry, artisans, and those that comprise the informal economy that presides in the Global South. Disclosures on coming "disbanding of existing safety-net programs" are not included in the foundation-funded marketing campaigns."
"When UBI begins to be rolled out globally, one can expect public healthcare to slowly disappear, replaced by privatized services (largely Telehealth). Further, UBI payments will be linked to benefits via blockchain – ensuring full spectrum compliance and servitude of whole societies. Billionaires are supporting/financing UBI marketing campaigns for good reason: it is preferable to pay a pittance to the citizenry than to risk losing the social license that allows for the continued decimation of the Earth, coupled with the continued exploitation of those most oppressed and vulnerable."

idk, but it seems so-so...


i dont want to be that guy, but it makes sense

"The MOTIVE is to default on all government debts and to hide their failure, Schwab is presenting this as you will own nothing and be happy because governments will erase all debt. Pension will be replaced by Guaranteed Basic Income.
So while everyone argues over COVID, vaccines, COVID passports, and lockdowns, the real plot is never discussed. This is what 2032 is all about. It is the end of an era that began with Keynesian Economics and the Great Depression. Part of Schwab's 2030 agenda is to end democracy they call "populism" for we are too stupid to know what is best for us, when it is all about them retaining power."

PlatformizationAs a part of globalisation, platformization is the monopolization of platforms or community structures - often by the same company - (called a business model by its defenders) based on algorithms and disintermediation in a supply chain. It was hailed as preferable to weaken old power structures for the common men. Such as how YouTube gave artists their own "platform" but emerged as cartel with other internet giants.

i, and, we, are fucked...



Tittytainment was a term coined by Zbigniew Brzezinski, the National Security Advisor of US president Jimmy Carter, essentially to convey the idea that a mixture of "intoxicating entertainment and sufficient nourishment" can "tranquilise the frustrated minds of the globe's population." Martin and Schumann's book describes the expression thus:

The pragmatists in the Fairmont Hotel reduce the future to a pair of numbers and a term: "20 to 80 society" and "tittytainment". 20 percent of the working age population will be enough in the coming century to keep the world economy going. "More workers will not be needed", said magnate Washington SyCip.
A fifth of all jobseekers will be enough to produce all the goods and perform all the top-flight services that the world society can afford.... What about the others? Will 80 percent of those willing to work be without a job? "Certainly"... The question in the future will be "to have lunch or be lunch", to eat or be devoured. ....
The term "tittytainment" makes the rounds... The frustrated population of the world could be kept happy with a mixture of numbing entertainment and adequate food. The managers soberly discuss the possible doses and reflect how the wealthy fifth can employ the superfluous remnant....
The organisers of the three memorable days in the Fairmont imagined themselves underway to a new civilisation. However, the direction envisaged by the assembled experts from the executive floors and science leads directly back into the pre-modern age... The world model of the future follows the formula 20 to 80.
The one-fifth society is brewing in which the excluded will be immobilised with "tittytainment".[5]
As streaming services like Netflix for movies and TV series abound, a coming wave of full Robotization would make this 20/80 society a likely future scenario.[6]

Victim blaming​

Full article: Population control
The word "overpopulation", and a lot of the associated dogma and language conjures a simple frame of scarcity by sharing a fixed amount of things between too many people. To the extent that this overlooks a history and/or present of plunder by colonial powers (i.e. "developed" nation states) it is a form of victim blaming: people here are poor because there are too many of them, not because the country has been looted by foreigners determined to get more resources which they themselves deplete at an unjustifiable high rate.
( and related

Last edited:
Virtual Cafe Awards


Jan 13, 2022
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1. Always avoid name brand products when possible. Food and clothes especially, the quality of the product is no different between Nike and Old Navy, as long as you look presentable and the clothes are comfortable that's all that matters. Fuck spending more than $60 on new shoes, seriously.
Good thread and good post OP. Lots of decent advice in it. However, the above quote the is one thing I disagree with. I think there really is a quality difference between shoe brands. I'm not saying to go buy Jordans or some luxury hype brand or whatever, but invest in quality, especially for boots and sneakers, your feet will thank you later. I spend a ton of time outdoors and I work a manual labor job. Cheap/ low budget shoes are not the way to go. I dropped $150 on Merrell boots like 5-6 years ago and those bad boys were so worth it. I've put countless miles on em from casual wear to hiking in forests and deserts and they've held up. I'd probably have gone through a good few pairs of cheap boots in that same time. Same with sneakers. Doesn't need to be that expensive, but still pay a bit more for quality. Same shit with stuff like jeans. Off brand just doesn't cut it quality and durability wise. Shirts and hoodies though? Yeah just wear whatever the fuck, it doesn't matter.

With food it depends on what we're talking about. Junk food the brand doesn't matter because its bad for you in all the same ways. With stuff like meats, cheeses, produce, breads, etc. Its best to be willing to invest in quality. The cheap foods are all loaded to the brim with chemicals and artificial shit. So its best if you can afford to buy all natural or from a local farmers market or metzgerei, even though it'll cost you a bit more, but you'll be putting less poison in your body.
Virtual Cafe Awards


Feb 28, 2023
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Good thread and good post OP. Lots of decent advice in it. However, the above quote the is one thing I disagree with. I think there really is a quality difference between shoe brands. I'm not saying to go buy Jordans or some luxury hype brand or whatever, but invest in quality, especially for boots and sneakers, your feet will thank you later. I spend a ton of time outdoors and I work a manual labor job. Cheap/ low budget shoes are not the way to go. I dropped $150 on Merrell boots like 5-6 years ago and those bad boys were so worth it. I've put countless miles on em from casual wear to hiking in forests and deserts and they've held up. I'd probably have gone through a good few pairs of cheap boots in that same time. Same with sneakers. Doesn't need to be that expensive, but still pay a bit more for quality. Same shit with stuff like jeans. Off brand just doesn't cut it quality and durability wise. Shirts and hoodies though? Yeah just wear whatever the fuck, it doesn't matter.

With food it depends on what we're talking about. Junk food the brand doesn't matter because its bad for you in all the same ways. With stuff like meats, cheeses, produce, breads, etc. Its best to be willing to invest in quality. The cheap foods are all loaded to the brim with chemicals and artificial shit. So its best if you can afford to buy all natural or from a local farmers market or metzgerei, even though it'll cost you a bit more, but you'll be putting less poison in your body.
That's a very good point, I definitely agree with you. Buying high quality products is an investment in yourself and I think that's always a good way to spend your money. I think it's just up to the person to determine what purchases are and are not worth the quality. For me, I really only need one casual pair of shoes and one athletic pair of shoes, neither of which need to be fancy. But you're right, if you do lot of work outdoors like you mentioned then I agree get something that will last because that is a better financial choice than crappy boots that won't. I guess what I should've said in my post was that name brand doesn't necessarily mean high quality, so have a solid understanding of what you're buying so that you know whether it's worth it to you to spend more/less money on a product.
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named it
Virtual Cafe Awards


Feb 28, 2023
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call me bun
May 24, 2022
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Once you have comfortably removed yourself from social media for a while, look into either getting a dumbphone or a landline. This way companies who would force you to use an app for something now have to cater to your needs.
I think I mentioned this in the dumbphone thread but I had a dumbphone until 2022 where I eventually got an android due to 4G slowly being eliminated in my area and I was about to go on a business trip alone and I wanted a better map system than my current one (memorizing directions lol). From my experience if a company wants you to use an app for something, they are not going to cater to you they will just look at you weird and then ignore you bc you are not worth the time to them. There are pros and cons to both smartphones and dumb phones, especially if you have self control with your smartphone.

Other than that point I like the message! I would caution and say that be careful not to try to do too many things at once but it seems like you realize that. I think the two goals I'm working on the most right now is the financial security one and the land owning one. I am fairly financially stable but it seems like there is always something that keeps me from fully being where I want to be. Working on getting to 3 months worth of savings and then heavily investing the rest in my personal retirement fund, which I have a financial advisor to help me with.

On land owning, that's more of a problem for a couple years from now for me as my wife and I are fine with renting for the moment and buying land is pretty much always a financial investment that will involve decades of your life to fully pay off and as such is a decision that you don't want to make too early in your financial goals. But the plan that we're going to pursue (and unfortunately this is not a plan that can really be used as advice) goes like this. There are a group of people and families in our community that we know very well who bought a historic site in the area that was the land of one of the founders of the city. It's about 5 acres and there are multiple buildings that they live in on the property. Essentially the couple people who funded the purchase run an LLC and then rent out the housing to the rest of the people living there. Recently though, this group is planning on making a sort of 2.0 version of this where the LLC will buy a much bigger plot of land which people in the community can then buy lots of and build houses on. The plan is for it to be a village format with a focus on farming and animal husbandry and just general community. My wife and I really like the idea of this so once there's more concrete details we want to live there. And what's cool about this too is that it kind of ties into some other points in this thread. Being able to grow/butcher half of your food lessens the cost you have to pay financially and it's a lot better for you. I also like the idea because it will allow me to let my future kids have some amount of autonomy around the property which is essential for children's growth. Having a community I think is something that should be on this list if it isn't already. Ultimately the best way to fight against technocrats is to simply just not play their game as much as possible and being semi-self-sufficient with a community like this is a good way to do so.
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message is what matters
Apr 15, 2022
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Recently though, this group is planning on making a sort of 2.0 version of this where the LLC will buy a much bigger plot of land which people in the community can then buy lots of and build houses on. The plan is for it to be a village format with a focus on farming and animal husbandry and just general community.
This is the way. We should make an Agora LLC and make an Agora Village and decorate the real Agora Road.
Ultimately the best way to fight against technocrats is to simply just not play their game as much as possible and being semi-self-sufficient with a community like this is a good way to do so.
huge agree
Virtual Cafe Awards
This is the way. We should make an Agora LLC and make an Agora Village and decorate the real Agora Road.

huge agree
where is @CahCaw when people needs him
spill beans man ;) ykyk
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