& (il)legal euthanasia

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call me bun
May 24, 2022
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That is the legacy you left behind, actions, art, words, media, is not about family, is beyond that, is about leaving behind something that is worth to you and the world, is not about being remembered, but creating a better future with what you had and causing as much fuzz possible before leaving this world behind, live your own life dude is hard, is short, so make it the best to enjoy every moment.
My end goal in life is to leave enough of a positive impact on people that my funeral mass is packed with people attending. It sounds really weird now that I'm typing it out but I genuinely want to be a good enough force for good that people are moved
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Jan 13, 2022
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I went and read through a few threads and things on this website out of morbid curiosity. Aside from the subject nature and the ethics of suicide, what gets me is there are some users who seem to not be suicidal or even depressed or whatever. However these people are all very active and seem to enjoy encouraging others to commit suicide or aiding them with instructions and things. Its just pure evil. If someone takes their life completely of their own volition, it is sad but you know they made that choice 100% on their own. Whereas here it seems some users get a kick out of pushing others who otherwise might not kill themselves just over the breaking point if you know what I mean. Convincing them its for the best and that they won't be able to climb out of whatever hole they've dug themself into. They do it under the guise of it being "ethical" or whatever, but reading some of the posts it just seems like some of them have some kind of like suicide fetish. Creepy stuff.
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Dārio Valyrio Valyriat
Jul 12, 2023
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>pro choice
anyway here's my thoughts for the questions:

no, why is it? it's not any more selfish than breeding.

Yes and I believe everyone deserves the right to end their life they aren't even asked for in the first place with dignity.

social expectations and the fact that people realized they aren't really going anyway with their own lives. Basically a monotonous looping wit occasional consooooom dopamine boost (or in the euphemistic way : "enjoying little things"). It's isn't much different for them between dead by age 80 and just dead by now

nope lol, anything that could potentially be is either run by chat bots, wagies who only do it for the dough, or outright controlled by (((they))) because they don't want you to actually discussing the issue.
Who is (((they)))


Sep 26, 2020
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Makes me think of r9k like you say. I remember being on that forum alot back when I was in my all-time low. I've met people through there who are sadly not here with us anymore so I hope they rest in peace. I'm not really shocked by something like this, and I don't really know what to think about suicide, it is selfish but I understand some people just wanna off themselves, although I highly advise you not to (except when u dont thank the bus driver. fuck u).
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Internet Refugee
Jun 18, 2023
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Very honestly, that site and the freedom of actually discussing it, the feeling of knowing that if I really wanted I could stop all of this, having all the means and thinking very seriously the consequences. Has helped me more to stay here than any other thing that i can think.

The last thing I would like to feel is that I am trapped in a dungeon with no way out.
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Mar 19, 2023
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I think its disgusting that sites like this exist, and very sad. Says a lot about the state of our world.

Since we're talking about suicide generally, I'm not sure if its right to say its selfish necessarily, but I would say its misguided, naïve and lacks perspective. Depression can sometimes put you
with blinders on, and you can't see the forest for the trees. I've had several people in my life that have killed themselves, and not a single one of them had a problem that was unsolvable or a life that couldn't get better. It's interesting that people think killing themselves will solve their problems... how do you know that? I really don't think there's ever a good reason to do it. Ultimately, I don't think it is our call to make.
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Aug 29, 2021
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I think its disgusting that sites like this exist, and very sad. Says a lot about the state of our world.

Since we're talking about suicide generally, I'm not sure if its right to say its selfish necessarily, but I would say its misguided, naïve and lacks perspective. Depression can sometimes put you
with blinders on, and you can't see the forest for the trees. I've had several people in my life that have killed themselves, and not a single one of them had a problem that was unsolvable or a life that couldn't get better. It's interesting that people think killing themselves will solve their problems... how do you know that? I really don't think there's ever a good reason to do it. Ultimately, I don't think it is our call to make.
As a person who three suicide attempts, in which two i ended up in emergency room, and even was clinically dead once, i had to totally agree with this, we often see the situation unsolvable, like there is no way out, that there is no escape and we are doomed to be perpetually in that said condition, the thing i learnt is that, is not like that, is never like that, no matter how trivial or how holy your problems are, there is always a solution, by action, by patience, everything has a solution but death, you can solve anything with dead but it only works once and is perpetual.

surviving made me realize that there is more in life, that i'm more, i will be even more, and so does everyone, is better off to live, and enjoy every single moment so when you actually have to die, do it knowing that you lived a great life and you impacted (For better) on others life, i don't believe in heaven nor hell, but i do believe that the actions we leave in this world is what makes you eternal, even if you got forgotten eventually, the good actions you left behind is what is gonna make you immortal is not about being remembered, is about just knowing you did something with the short time you had in your hands, live good, live fast, die in peace
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Mar 19, 2023
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As a person who three suicide attempts, in which two i ended up in emergency room, and even was clinically dead once, i had to totally agree with this, we often see the situation unsolvable, like there is no way out, that there is no escape and we are doomed to be perpetually in that said condition, the thing i learnt is that, is not like that, is never like that, no matter how trivial or how holy your problems are, there is always a solution, by action, by patience, everything has a solution but death, you can solve anything with dead but it only works once and is perpetual.

surviving made me realize that there is more in life, that i'm more, i will be even more, and so does everyone, is better off to live, and enjoy every single moment so when you actually have to die, do it knowing that you lived a great life and you impacted (For better) on others life, i don't believe in heaven nor hell, but i do believe that the actions we leave in this world is what makes you eternal, even if you got forgotten eventually, the good actions you left behind is what is gonna make you immortal is not about being remembered, is about just knowing you did something with the short time you had in your hands, live good, live fast, die in peace

This is a very wise post, and I'm glad you're still with us buddy <3
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Aug 29, 2021
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This is a very wise post, and I'm glad you're still with us buddy <3
Thank you very much, but don't worry bro, ain't going anywhere anytime soon, i just learnt that everything is nothing but a mere construct, and stuff is only as important as you see them, it has helped me quite a lot by simply learning that the bad stuff is trivial like "meh, who cares shit happens" and then focusing and giving importance to the good stuff, like going to the gym, spending time with friends and family, playing games i like, stuff like that, at the end learning to enjoy life is a hard class, but we have plenty of time to learn, as long as we keep trying we can all reach that heavenly kingdom on earth kljadsaskjld :ankhadc:
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Professional Loser
Feb 16, 2022
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i dont think suicide is selfish
thats the wrong word for it tbh
i would say that suicide is just desperation
idk its something that ppl fail2realize
ppl dont kill themselves becuz they r only thinking for themselves ,,, theyve gone thru every other possible solution to quell their pain to absolutely no avail
its probably the LAST thing somebody wants to do to try and feel relief
the ppl who attempt suicide understand that their loved ones might view it as selfish or horrible but theyve already weighed it against the positives in their head
once that decision is made its kinda hard 2 go back
i mean i would go as far as to say that some suicide is justified
if you have been diagnosed with a terminal illness, or just generally have no future in life and you are 100% sure of that theres basically no other logical course of action you can take
chances are that ur life hasnt been exactly great leading up to that moment but it probably hasnt been the worst either
so ppl just figure like why worth just continuing 2 go downhill instead of just ending everything b4 it gets that depressingly bad
but those cases are one in a million
i do truly believe that as long as u have control over ur own life theres still a chance
just a matter of time

there honestly isnt rlly any negative in discussing suicide that i could possibly foresee ... if there r moar ppl who know the statistics and facts surrounding suicidal ideation and attempts its likely that those same ppl will b more willing 2 reach out and

get the help that they need

its ultimately a problem with society and the current state of the world rn
there is no evolutionary advantage to suicide, its not a natural normal reaction
its a reaction to circumstances so dire that you would rather cut your life short and destroy those who love you just to escape it
that doesnt come from within, it comes from pressure outside
despite trying not 2 look at the past thru rose tinted glasses, it does feel like the world as a whole is just getting more volatile and unfair every single day
not exactly a very motivating thought lol

the only way 2 actually feel better isnt thru any anonymous community or forum online,, its thru real, close, relationships
its how our brain is wired
obviously talking to some random stranger on the phone isnt going to help , because they dont fucking know u lol

sanctioned suicide is a shithole full of edgelords and manipulative assholes who love toying with peoples emotions ... not worth staying around

simply learning that the bad stuff is trivial like "meh, who cares shit happens" and then focusing and giving importance to the good stuff, like going to the gym, spending time with friends and family, playing games i like, stuff like that, at the end learning to enjoy life is a hard lesson, but we have plenty of time to learn, as long as we keep trying we can all reach that heavenly kingdom on earth kljadsaskjld :ankhadc:
relate 2this alot lulzz
the best mindset is idgaf mindset
u never get disappointed and the good things that happen 2u r unexpected but welcome
its just easier to care less abt other stuff and just focus on what makes u and the ppl u care abt happy
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May 4, 2023
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My end goal in life is to leave enough of a positive impact on people that my funeral mass is packed with people attending. It sounds really weird now that I'm typing it out but I genuinely want to be a good enough force for good that people are moved

> What reasons do you think young people feel like they've failed at life before it's really even began? Societal expectations? Skewed world-view due to internet usage?
The internet poisoned our dopamine wells as well as globalization our parents (they aren't around aren't they). My belief is it that we are missing enough "good" people that show us the way. Not some kind of Idol. A reliable and stable social network, true friends and hardships/fights. Something to grow our character naturally, so it can adopt the current era. (Thick skin, a good mind) Am I wrong?
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Imaginary manifestation of fun
Sep 9, 2021
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- Is suicide selfish?
If it's an action made in service to yourself, then yes. If it's not, then no. It is possible to accidentally suicide. The most common example of this are people who change their mind halfway through the act of suicide and past the point of no return. Taking a lethal dose of medicine, then deciding you don't want to suicide, means you have an accident that's resulted in your suicide. This isn't to be confused with accidental death... i.e. accidental discharge of your gun into your head(idiots looking down barrels). Whether something is selfish or not- while selfish normally associates the meaning of bad as it's often a word for disapproval... I don't think acting in your own interests is bad.

Then there is excessive selfishness which can result in tragedy of the commons-type situations. Suicide of key people, and mass-suicides can do this.
As a suicide survivor, i have to say, i don't think suicide is selfish, i do think in fact, that forcing you to live just because someone is too attached to you and is afraid of suffering a trauma for losing you to be more selfish, because they don't want you alive, they just don't want you to be dead.
The only person forcing you to live, is yourself- no number of mental gymnastics and can put the force on others. Regardless, it's the reason suicide is a difficult decision that requires a lot of strength as it involves you putting that trauma on a lot of people as a result of your action. Additionally, shouldn't the opposite be true? Forcing you to be dead, just because someone isn't attached to you and won't suffer trauma from you, selfish? People killing themselves over unrequited love is a good example of this.
- Should suicide be openly discussed? Should it not be treated as such a taboo? It is indeed your life, should you be able to fully live it / end it how you see fit?
Addressing the last point, ending your life how you see fit, you already cannot as a lot of laws put restrictions on it. You can't end your life honourably in a duel. You can't end your life as a terrorist bomber... unless you choose to discard laws, but discarding these sorts of laws invites a lot of violence into our world. I do not support suicide, but I believe those who are dead set on it will find a way regardless as it's a choice that requires a lot of strength. As for assisted suicide and euthanasia, I vehemently do not support as they involve other people speaking in favour of it, and society providing legislation that acts in favour of suicide. Thus Spake Zarathustra speaks pretty well to this point in its chapter on the preachers of death.

I believe its discussion shouldn't be treated as taboo, but I don't think it should be openly discussed. Matters of suicide are usually private matters, and people deserve their privacy. Discussing legislation, support and help for it can be openly discussed. In a philosophical point, of course it should discussed openly. Some people like Albert Camus think its the only relevant question.
It is indeed your life
I'm just going to point out this question is a loaded question that makes the assumption that you own your life. Do you? As an example that muddies this up, what about a case of conjoined twins where one wants to suicide, and the other does not. If it is their life, then the conjoined suicidal twin, should be able to suicide, killing the other in the process, by this possessiveness. This also discards any discussion of what life is, and whether it can be owned. We certainly own chickens and decide when to kill them for their meat, why not humans? Slave owners certainly did this in terms of owning them for labour, and a fair amount of countries treat citizens as their contractually owned lives, by them being citizens(a good example of this contract being invoked is in jury duty). The question is innocent enough, but the assumption doesn't hold.

To be fair, this falls into a linguistic question of what you mean by "your". What grade of possession is it? To quote the Screwtape letters...
We produce this sense of ownership not only by pride but by confusion. We teach them not to notice the different senses of the possessive pronoun — the finely graded differences that run from "my boots" through "my dog", "my servant", "my wife", "my father", "my master" and "my country", to "my God". They can be taught to reduce all these senses to that of "my boots", the "my" of ownership... we have taught men to say "my God" in a sense not really very different from "my boots", meaning "the God on whom I have a claim for my distinguished services..."
- What reasons do you think young people feel like they've failed at life before it's really even began? Societal expectations? Skewed world-view due to internet usage?
They feel that they failed before it began. This means their arguments will be backed by reason that is skewed to justify their emotions... and frankly their emotions are fair. If they have excessive internet usage, they'll see a lot of shock doom and gloom. The internet is an excellent force of psychological and emotional manipulation. Even videos like the one you posted are a force of psychological shock and emotional manipulation and more doom and gloom. As for societal expectations, western society has done a good job of removing a lot of the stricter and more valuable societal expectations that had a biological root, like that to find a mate, raise a family and uphold responsibilities. If you go to SEA, you'll see this isn't so much the case, as traditional family values still exist, and close-knit communities still exist which was quite a shock to me discovering that. I'm aware Asia generally suffers from this, down to Japan, Korea and China all having their issues(moral corrosion, one-child policy, hikikimori etc).

This corrosion of societal expectations in family values, has corroded women by producing feminism, and has given rise to the "sigma male" and equivalent movement for men. There is also a point of infantalisation of both women and men- best expressed by women being shocked they cannot delay childbirth to their late 30s, whoring their bodies for cheap lonely thrills and by what would previously be the good cut of men who would uphold society, being sedated and robbed of what aggressive violent tendencies they had that was explored by almost all generations before Gen Z. This lack of conflict robs men of the violent nature of the world, and the pragmatism and principles needed to oppose it.

As a result, you have a lot of men in a western world in an echochamber that showcases all the worst problems facing that society, providing them nothing in return for their efforts, providing them cheap thrills for their sedation or their whoring and providing them with nothing that biology rewards the greatest, a family, wife and kids, and a good community to contribute to. With all this set up, and western countries having worked on this corrosion for the last 4-5 decades, it's not hard to see why a lot of men see it as over before it even began.

I don't think it's over before it even bag. There's still plenty of opportunities in the world for men and for women. I think wider amounts of suicide like this is just a symptom of the self-cannibalisation of the western world. China has a similar issue with the "Lying flat" movement, and Japan has a far advanced version of it in hikikimori and women paying(also again on the point of cheap thrills) for male hookers, when in the western world it's currently the opposite.
- What communities/places on the internet can would-be incels/an-heros go to get help for suicidal thoughts? Hotlines are no real help for lasting depressions imo.
Most incels are actually volcel, as they can pay a hooker for sex if they wanted. Regardless, the fact they mark themselves as incels probably reflects missing the life milestones of a stable western world of going to school, having a girlfriend, graduating, getting a job, marrying, moving in together... where the having a girlfriend part never happened. The fact these milestones don't work anymore are evidence of an unstable western world. Regarding incels it's commonly about relationships, but I believe a lot of relationships are doomed from the start, especially now as they are romanticised love and not pragmatic love. They don't understand the purpose of a relationship, and expect it to fill in their lives, but this won't happen.

Calling it a community on the internet is indecent towards actual community, as the internet by its nature brings community that are really just marketing audiences. A "gaming" community or a "linux" community, when the values of all people who are a part of this community are so vast and diverse as to be difficult to say they are really communal. They quite often feed into the cheap thrills I mentioned before, and act still as sedatives. You would have better look seeking out a real life community, but this very act of leaving the house is difficult for a lot of them as a lot are striken with all sorts of mental illnesses, poor hygiene, poor social skills and don't look after themselves. Of course if they treat themselves like trash, they'll feel like trash.

Suicide hotlines do help. While they may not be substantially helpful as they are often run by volunteers, they are a hell of a lot better than nothing at all. It's fair enough to be cynical about a lot of charities, they suck up a lot of money that goes into the aether and the cost-value proposition is a valid question. They help with the point they're focused on. Suicide. Not depression, but suicide. Of course they don't offer real help for depression because depression is a separate issue. Suicide does not have to be caused by depression. A Suicide bombing, is caused by ideological extremism for example. Lasting depression is better dealt with psychologically(in therapy or with drugs) or physiologically(with exercise and good diet)- see what I said about people treating themselves like trash, their psyche is in a terrible state, and so is their diet and exercise.

This aligns with the sentiment people have about "the death of third places". They're not really dead, just dormant. Gyms, parks, churches, hobbyist groups, etc all act as these and provide the fertile ground for a community. An in-person local church is probably better than an online one anyway, as you have the locally shared values and virtues of your country and people.
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