AKA Hedgehog dilemma
I'm a left wing nationalist, though the main ideas that are being "appropriated" are regarding economics and social issues. Specifically:
These issues, and many others, have been hijacked and corrupted by people on platforms such as Twitter and reddit. Any reasonable take or suggestion for a problem is often drowned out by those who either don't understand what they're talking about, are just trying to make a platform they can grift people from, or are a troll.
- Social justice
- Economic Inequality
- Housing
The people I talk with who hold similar beliefs don't want anything extreme, mainly that people should be able to express themselves how they want for the most part, give some aid for those who have a job but struggles with bills, and build more apartments/lofts for those who don't want anything fancy and or just want a low cost place to call home. etc.On platforms like Twitter ideas like these have been morphed into unrealistic pipe-dreams that you must fight for and have to always support or else you'll be harassed. The only part of my ideology that isn't appropriated is the nationalism part because many of these same people can't fathom the idea of left wing nationalism, hell I wouldn't be surprised if some of them try to say I'm not left wing because I'm also nationalist. and full thread (underground is fake)
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